Rating:  Summary: come on Review: This movie was just disgusting, not scary. The plot was weak and predictable, and most of the cast was unintelligent. The acting wasn't too bad, but it certainly wasn't top-notch. I hate how most of these teen slasher movies are all basically the same argo most if not all cast members die at a certain point and the main character is sitting down and drinking champange at the end and of course he doesn't die because then there wouldn't be a movie. Well, if you enjoy watching people die/and or you like the sight of blood and lots of it, then this movie is for you.
Rating:  Summary: Part 2 is even better! Review: Having seen part 2 before i'd seen this one, i have to say, that the seaqull was much better IMO! If you wanna see a refreshign new way to present a horror film? then get both these flicks! Its not that same old boring slasher WHOS next to be killed kind of movie...its HOW are they going to be killed?When whatshisface has a premonition that the plane is about to explode. He retreats taking a few others with him. And of coarse, the plane does explode! But death has a plan, and there not out of the clear. Death is stalking them anyway it can to kill them, and there on the run from a mysterious force! I strongly recomend you get this with part 2 aswell! The seaqull was even better! The bonus features are pretty cool, theres some insights to the movie, and a documentry on phychic ability that might intrest those intrested in that stuff? This is a breath of fresh air for horror movies, as it doesnt evolve around the same old ,done to death type of slayings!
Rating:  Summary: movie Review: This was a very good film with a unique cast and original plot.
Rating:  Summary: Laugh out loud funny! Review: I try to have faith in people but when a movie like this is praised as intelligent... The movie stars a lame cast of teens that missed there flight to france, then the jet blows up. apparently because these kids missed the doomed flight it set Death behind his yearly death quota. A series of mouse trap inspired death traps follow to reach the death quota (apparantly death is tired of bloodclots) in the end most of the kids die some of them live. Hey fellow teens if you want to see intelligent movies go to stanley kubrick and orson wells not this trash.
Rating:  Summary: I'm Impressed! Review: This is a very good show, it is packed full of action and scary moments. It could've easily recieved 5 stars but the music is horrible, the acting isn't exactly 5 star material either.
Rating:  Summary: Til Death Do Us Part Review: This suspenseful cult movie is one of the few horror flicks of the last years that actually has an intriguing idea and a decent execution. Alex Browning (Devon Sawa) is a teen student that is about to enter a plane in order to go to Paris with his classmates. Before he enters it, he starts seeing visions, premonitions and strange allucinations that force him to believe that something is terribly wrong. That feeling is enhanced when he enters the plane, and suddently feels that it is about o explode. So, Alex goes hysterical and leaves the plane along with six people, and afterwars it (surprise!) explodes. This is just the beginning of the process, as Alex soon discovers that death will be back to take the lives of those who escaped the explosion. The concept is interesting and, although most of the movie`s strenght relies in its more nightmarish/ paranoid first twenty minutes, director James Wong ("X-Files", "Milennium") still knows how to keep things going in a surprising way. The death scenes are not only creative and thrilling, but also darkly comic. The atmosphere is gloomy with some appropriate blue tones, the score efficient and the acting satisfying. The character development could be better, but it`s still decent, and the timing and suspense are good. This, like "Scream", is an edgy, clever picture, that also goes for the tongue-in-cheek approach (especially in the second half) and a fine horror movie about Generation X (it even has a dark, unsettling, mysterious mood). A good one.
Rating:  Summary: You can't beat a good bit of cabbage! Review: There I was, summer of 2001, the night before I left home to start a new life at Grad School in the States and I get together with my high-school buddies to kill one last keg and watch one last movie, and some smart-arse has to choose...Final Destination! I swear, the plane rides I had the next day were pure skin-crawling, bowel-loosening terror. Final Destination has an interesting enough premise - can you escape destiny? After a premonition and a messy, graphic, boy-am-I-glad-I'm-not-flying-tomorrow plane crash, 7 kids find themselves in this exact situation - They've cheated death, but for how long? Well, about 98 minutes should do it... The film was made by the Morgan/Wong partnership who were responsible for a lot of the early X-files episodes, you know, the good ones. You can see that influence seeping through into this film, with a malevolent, unstoppable, anonymous killer and a brilliant sense of timing, suspense and action help raise this above standard teen horror fare. Not that far above mind you, but the plot inconsistencies are swept away by the drama and the slightly daft premise is obscured by the rising tension. Final Destination isn't going to set the world on fire, but there are far worse ways to spend an evening... As they say in the movie, you can't beat a good bit of cabbage!
Rating:  Summary: Good Horror Movie: Lousy Language Review: What really made me rate this movie lower was the continual use of the F word. That is not at all necissary in making the movie work. It was a good movie, though. The type that keeps you on your feet. It is nice to see movies that don't rely on anything sexual in their plot.
Rating:  Summary: Scary only Through Gore Review: Final Destination did scare me but not through actual building suspense more through gore and violent images. The idea of this movie is that fourty students are going on a trip to France and on the trip on student Alex (Devon Sawa) has a dream that the plane is going to blow up he and five other people get off the plane and moments later the plane does blow up. Then one by one each of them begin to die Alex is now trying to find the pattern that death is using so that no one else has to die. I would recommend this movie to people ages 14 to 18 if you are any older than that than the gore will just sicken you not scare you if you are younger than that than the gore could scar you for life. I hope that this review was helpful to you!
Rating:  Summary: Far better than I had expected Review: I didn't have great hopes for this film but I was mildly, and pleasantly surprised. I had expected the first movie, repeated. Admittedly, on the face of it, that is what you get. But FD2 takes things a step further by showing that the events of the second film take place because of the events of the first film. They are connected far more deeply than simply being "another batch of people that escape death". The effects are well done and striking, as in the first movie, this time focusing on a road accident rather than an air crash. And, of course, death's efforts to "put things right" by offing those that escaped the road accident are the usual level of weird and seemingly impossible twists of chance that we grew used to in the first movie. Although I welcomed the plot development, linking this movie to the first one, the whole movie was never scary, as such. It's plenty gruesome enough (see the barbed wire scene, for example), but not very frightening. After some thought, I think this is in part due to the fact that I have recently been watching the series "Dead Like Me". Every time in the movie that things seemed to take on a life of their own, I was imagining Gravelings prodding and tinkering. It kind of ruined any suspense that might have been in the moment. However, the movie is a worthy sequel to the first. Not necessarily better, just worthy of the name. Again this is mostly due to the fact that it progressed the story a little, rather than simply cashing in on the first's success. If you liked the first movie, this one won't disappoint.