Rating:  Summary: One of the Most Original Horror Flicks Ever! Review: When the movie first came out, I stayed away. The commercials and trailers didn't seem that exciting, and those stupid marketing ploy commercials showing actualy audience fright was just dumb. Boy was I stupid to skip it. This movie rocks! About a group of high-schoolers who escape death, but death doesn't take no for an answer! The DVD also rocks. This movie relies heavily on sound for a good scare effect, so if you have a Dolby 5.1 decoder, you are in for a treat. The movie is presented widescreen, and has a very sharp picture. The DVD also has some nice extras. Two feature-length audio commentaries, 2 very insightful documentaries, delted scenes, an isolated musical score with commentary, a trailer, two cool games, and some DVD-ROM content. For those of you who are sick of slasher flicks, check this one out today!
Rating:  Summary: This Movie Is the best! Review: I would like to express my deepest amazements at this movie and the quality of the acting, screenplay and the conceps are just WICKED! It is up next to the matrix and armaggedon in my rating! these movies are my three faves and I just wanted to say how great Devon Sawa was, (cute or what!) And Kerr Smith is just an amazing actor. Dawsons creek was great and he plays so well as Jack in it! Great movie! hope theres a second one!TRINITY ANDERSON.
Rating:  Summary: A refreshingly different thriller! Review: While most will complain about the teenage mentality behind the plot of the movie "Final Destination," I find it very refreshing that the movie has an entirely new story that has never been used before, and it is executed well. Sure, the characters in the movie may all be teenagers, but at least the ones in this movie are smart enough to figure out what is happening to them and not running around screaming to give themselves away to a killer. Not many movies actually have Death as a character in them. People die, but you never think about Death being the one who is doing the killing. It's always a slasher/stalker, or some deranged psycho who feels he is owed something from the person he intends to kill. That is what makes this movie very inventive and unique, and watchable. Alex Browning and all of his senior class are going to Paris, and all is good. But once on the plane, Alex has a dream about the plane taking off and exploding in flight, killing everyone on board. He wakes up and begins thrashing and screaming that they are all going to die, which begins a fight that takes six people off the flight, five students and a teacher. As they continue arguing in the terminal, they become witness to the horrific explosion of the plane just seconds after it lifts off. Alex is terrified, while the others don't know what to make of the entire situation. Once out of the airport, they are questioned by police as to the nature of the incidents before the disaster, and the detectives begin to suspect Alex of foul play. Soon after, one by one the people who departed from the plane are being killed in mysterious ways, and when it looks like Alex is going to be charged for murder, he runs into hiding and tries to figure out a way to cheat the plan that Death has for them. The movie does have a credible amount of suspense, but ultimately will fall short in the end. One must question why so many horror/thriller movies have bad endings; it seems to be that way with a lot of movies these days. I personally don't know why they did not just leave the ending out completely and leave it at the part where they finally cheat the pattern. It would make a lot more sense. Nonetheless, the movie does deliver on the basis of original plot, acting and intensity, which is pleasant enough. Actors have been selected very nicely, and it's more than refreshing not to have to see teen horror moguls Sarah Michelle Gellar or Neve Campbell pop up here. Instead, the casting director chose to use somewhat new talents like Devon Sawa, Kerr Smith and Ali Larter, who is always a joy to watch onscreen. This method of casting gives the film a much needed breath of fresh air. Despite its flaws, "Final Destination" is a terrific and intense suspense thriller that delivers a unique story and a finely tuned execution of it.
Rating:  Summary: GREAT MOVIE! Review: Final Destination captivates you with an interesting storyline, haunting visuals, and incredible displays of the domino effect. The characters, though, in my opinion, are crafted to fit the story line. For those of you that have seen the movie, the puzzles that arise are very original and together form quite an interesting concept. The best scenes, though, are the first and last encounters with Death. And, dealing with the, let's admit it, far-fetched subject matter, the movie is surprisingly realistic in the death scenes. Example: when someone is strangled (i.e. first dude;bathroom), his eyes are found bloodshot, with all the veins visible. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is because the brain is getting no oxygen. This was considered in the film, a thoughtful little part that gave me a somewhat more enhanced appreciation of the film and the hard work put into the story. All in all, it's an interesting, conceptive, artform of the conventional horror film, bringing it to a new level: physcological supernatural thriller. SEE IT!
Rating:  Summary: do not buy this movie, ever! Review: This movie is by far and away the most horrific piece of garbage I have ever had the misfortune of being subjected to. I was forced to watch this turd on a bus trip where I was unable to avoid watching it. If an entire busload of complete strangers unanimously agree that this was a terrible movie, I can not possibly see how this movie ever made a buck. It has been said that this movie was an attempt at humor. If people actually find this humorous, then god help us all. Friends don't let friends see this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Soundtrack help! Review: Hi, I thought this was a great movie with an interesting storyline. I am also dying to find out what the song is that is playing during the memorial scene where the statue is unveiled. If you can help me with this, please e-mail me at EricaSummerell@verycoolmail.com Thanks!
Rating:  Summary: 'Destined' for the Bargain Bin... Review: Quick, high-concept synopsis: The grim reaper is out to kill off a half-dozen teens who were supposed to die in a plane crash, but survived by getting kicked off the plane. Writers lurking out there in Amazonland, take heed: if you see only one bad movie this year, make it this one. This has everything for your "things that should not be in my script/novel" list. See, I like teen movies a lot. I loved the first Scream movie... I think Rushmore and Election are the most touching and well-executed films of the last decade. So, I was vaguely holding out hope that the reason this film had done so poorly at the box office was that it was a good film that didn't just shoot for the lowest common denominator, like oh-so-many teen films (Urban Legend, the 'Last Summer' films, Freddie Prinze Jr.'s oeuvre...). This ... thing is full of characters that are lower than one-note, cliches that were tired years ago (the mysterious guy with the deep voice who seems to, for some reason, know everything about death and what happens to the main character... the spooky girl with the weird home life who, for no recognisable reason, falls head-over-heels in love with the male lead). Something that, to me, seems like a given in a good horror film... Scream pulled this off masterfully... is to have deep, funny, warm characters that you can get attached to... so that, when they inevitably get knocked off, you are affected by it. In Final Destination, however, not even the other characters seem to care all that much when someone dies gruesomely. There's another good, clever teen thriller with fully-realised characters out there somewhere... it just ain't here. But, I'll admit, it is worth seeing for the unintentionally hilarious 'bus scene'. I didn't laugh so hard at all of 'There's Something About Mary'.
Rating:  Summary: A less than entertaining horror flick... Review: A few weeks ago I rented Final Destination, expecting more than I probably should have... The plot is about a goofy high school kid going on a trip to paris, who through a mystical vision escapes certain death and saves a few friends. The problem is that death follows him back home. Devon Sawa is ridiculously undertalented. He has been a shame in other movies such as "Idle Hands" and "SLC Punk", and his terrible acting did not halt for this movie. The attraction of a star like Sawa is his Eminem-esque looks and acting, and his ablity to look like a baboon when being pursued by a stalking death. With a more talented main actor this movie would score a strong 4. The plot to this movie is a simple horror, but the way it evolves from an avoided plane crash to an unseen stalker flick is a little too great of a jump to let the story flow. Unneeded gore and violent deaths proved it's horror end, but was overdone. I think that this is a great movie to rent for a night, perhaps to watch in a dark room with your girl, but not a movie to shell out $15 or more for.
Rating:  Summary: See it on DVD. Watch the alternate ending. Review: I was actually surprised, this is a 4 star story line which is only brought down to an average of 3 because of the weak cast. Worth watching though, if you don't mind recasting the movie in your head after, it may be one of the best plots for a movie in a long time. The producers had it right keeping the ending as it plays in the movie. The additional material shows an alternate ending well worth watching, along with test screening footage. You'll realize that the movie was worth the price because of this. I have it in my collection for the great special effects in the beginning. This movie is predictable in an unpredictable way. There are a couple of scenes where you may grab your lover. If you want to induce fear of flying in a friend, show it before their next trip (use slow motion to scare the hell out of them). Great sound and visual quality. DVD features make it worth owning even if your not into sci-fi.
Rating:  Summary: The Final Verdict... Review: Well, at least it's nowhere near as mindless as the Scream trilogy with respect to story or plot... Imagine discovering death's pattern before it claims your life or your friends. The Grim Reaper never had it so good with job security. Even the Reaper is given a challenge when Alex Browning suddenly has a supernatural sense for throwing a monkey wrench into it's path. Now Death is major pissed and is coming back with a wrathful vengeance ! Can Alex and his surviving friends keep steps ahead of death or avoid it's early arrival for long ?... There were some scenes that (shame on some viewers) did tickle the funny bone when they were meant to do anything but (the scene with the ditzy high school blonde and the bus)...After seeing the dvd version and it's wonderful inside scoop on public test screenings it's refreshing to know that if certain films are indeed bad (to be considered at least by some critics) it's because of the public(albeit a certain age demographic) and not necessarily the writers,directors, or actors.The most hilarious part in the screening extra featurette was hearing director James Wong read one anonymous screen questionnaire as to why he did not rate the film to be excellent ! The acting is credulous on the part of Devon Sawa.Many of us have seen people have panick or anxiety attacks;His attack looked real ! Actress Ali Larter likewise did a commendable job as the independent highschool waif who is also tuned into Alex's "keen sense"... At face value this is an entertainer. There is nothing philosophical or cerebral here.It's to be taken as a creepy thriller with plenty of moments of comedic relief involving highschool teenage angst issues...