Rating:  Summary: Final Destination Review: I think Final Destination is a great movie.It starts off with a plane flight where Alex(devon sawa)has a premoniction on the plane blowing up.Seven of his friends get forced off the plane with him and are anrgy that they have missed there trip to Paris,they think he is crazy until the plane really blows up.The seven survivors then get killed by the grim reaper for they have cheated death. A exellent horror/thriller.Devon Sawa was great in it, a 5/5 must see movie
Rating:  Summary: Creepy, suspenseful, way above average Review: There is a huge pile of movies that makes up the ones aimed at teen audiences. Mainly, it is a junk pile. Let's face it. The teen market is self-limiting for two reasons. One is that by the age of 16 or 17, one's life experience is limited, which makes it pointless to pursue a lot of subjects. This greatly reduces the number of stories that can be told. The other reason is a sad one. Because people between the ages of 14 and 24 now have such an enormous amount of money to spend, they are approached as if they were a vast a herd of sheep to be shorn by vast corporate entities. Since these giant companies are not by nature experimental or innovative, the products tend to imitate each others, and movies are no exception. They seem to get away with this simply because a new croup of young victims comes along every two or three years. Occasionally, a movie aimed at teens is much better made than its rivals, probably because some production boss wisely loosened the reigns a bit. Final Destination is one of these movies. The story is not anymore realistic than most Doomed Teenagers movies. It suffers from a problem many writers have. They come up with a great and often original premise which they are not either clever enough or imaginative enough to build upon to an equally innovative conclusion. So, the climax of Final Destination is lame. But, boy! What a wild ride it is up until that ending! A group of high school students is about to fly to Paris for their senior trip. As the movie opens, we see them arrive full of energy and excitement at a New York City airport. Aboard the plane, all seems fine until something odd happens to Alex Browning [Devon Sawa]. We share with him a truly horrific experience in which he sees the plane start coming apart in midair. It turns out that he has fallen asleep and dreamed it all. When he wakes up and sees thing occur that he saw in the dream's beginning, he demands to be let off the plane. In the ensuing chaos, several students and two teachers are escorted off. One teacher is allowed to return so he can chaparone the rest of the students. The others are forced to stay behind. They are naturally furious with Alex, but can only watch helplessly at the plane takes off. Then, suddenly, it explodes just after takeoff. No one abroad survives. Later, Alex faces all sorts of problems. The FBI is watching him day and night because, as yet, the cause of the explosion is not know. His peers think he is dangerous and very strange and want nothing to do with him. Along with the others who missed the flight, he is racked with guilt. These are just the start of his woes. He knows something is very wrong about the whole experience. Why did he have the vision? Why does he feel an unearthly presence around him? Why is he so worried about himself and the other survivors? He comes to believe that this little group somehow cheated death and that each of their numbers will soon be up. It isn't long before he is proved right. From Alex's first vision up to that all too predictable ending, the terror and suspense never let up. Director James Wong wisely keeps the pace of the movie fast and furious, so that the audience has no time for a reality check. He gives us no breathers, so we have no chance to think about how silly this all is and then to start laughing at the characters. Anyone who's attention might be wandering will be instantly brought back by the bus scene, which may be the most shocking and surprising five=second scene in all of 2000. Wong's efforts result in a triumph of style over substance. Isn't this often what good movie making is all about? The cast is sharp and attractive. Devon Sawa's Alex must go from well adjusted kid to one who is on the brink of going mad. He makes the character believable. Ali Lartner makes Clear Rivers, the only student who believes in Alex, seem both beautiful and haunted. As Carter, Kerr Smith has a fine time as the hotheaded hunk who'd rather let his fists do the talking. The director is an executive producer on The X Files, and I suspect he will become an icon of the thriller genre in the next few years.
Rating:  Summary: The thinking man's slasher. Review: Bored of the slasher revival? Ever thought the average slasher was too silly for you? Congratulations, you are an intelligent person. And if you also enjoyed the suspense filled chapters of "The X-files" you may also want to check this movie. Glenn Morgan and James Wong worked on the above mentioned Mulder & Scully adventures, and it shows. "Final destination" has the wit, the apealling suspense and the intriging storylines that made "The X-files" famous, and also skillful and tense suspense scenes, while the plot follows the adventures of set of characters who have escaped death recently. But what if they destiny was to have died? Bodycount follows as death itself tries to finish the job, and the main characters start panicking. If you are not into the slasher genre, please don't be cheated by the headline of this review. "Final destination" is much, much more intelligent and stilish than a slasher, although its plot pays a kind of a homage to the genre (main characters are students, for instance). If you enjoyed "The X-files" and you are into intelligent horror, this movie is a MUST SEE. Seriously.
Rating:  Summary: Good, but certainly flawed Review: A group of teens are kicked off a flight when one of them (Devon Sawa) has a vision of the plane exploding in mid-air. The vision comes true, and death itself begins to hunt down the survivors. One of the smartest and most entertaining of post-Scream thrillers, this one moves at a brisk pace with an intriguing premise and a lot of surprisingly involving dialogue. A bit too silly and contradictory at times, but the death scenes are gruesome and imaginative, and yes, the final scene is a scream. Good performances from Devon Sawa and Ali Larter and Seann William Scott is hilarious as the sympathetic loser. *** 1/2 out of *****
Rating:  Summary: Holds you from start to finish Review: I admit the opening scene in Scream scared the [heck] out of me the first time I saw it but opening scene for this movie scared me so much that my legs were still shaking 15 minutes after it happend. Devon Sawyer stars as Alex who is surpose to take a school trip to Paris but before the plane takes off he has a haunting vision of it blowing up and gets kicked off the plane for yelling that the plane is gonna blow up ,6 others get kicked off as well. Keer Smith plays the marcho bully that's [mad] at Alex because he caused him a trip to Paris until all of a sudden the plane does blow up. Death gets [mad] when people cheat death so now the seven survivors are being stalked by death in the order they would of died on the plane. The result is a nail biting edge of your seat thrill ride that never lets up until the closing credits.
Rating:  Summary: final destination Review: Final Destination is an awesome movie it's right up there with Scream in the horror movies category. And it's right up there with Idle Hands in the Devon Sawa (Wild America) category. The plot is that Devon Sawa can see deadly accidents before they happen. Anyway it's really good you should buy right after you get done reading this review. Bye.
Rating:  Summary: final destination Review: Final Destination is awesome movie it's right up there with Scream in the horror movies category. And it's right up there with Idle Hands in the Deven Sawa (Wild America) category. The plot is that Deven Sawa can see deadly accidents before they happen. Anyway it's really good you should buy right after you get done reading this review. Bye.
Rating:  Summary: Trick-or-treat is an airplane Review: Here is a movie that maintains captivating drama and suspense, despite a premise as bizarre and absurd as thinking Trick-or-treat is an airplane. A high school kid getting ready to fly to Paris on a field trip has premonitions that the plane will crash. He and several others get thrown off as a result. When they survive as a result when the plane does crash, death comes back with a vengeance to stalk these victims it missed, and it seems their odds are grim. Perhaps the best reason to see this is to see impressive and then seemingly promising young actress Ali Larter at the zenith so far of her career. We might hope that her career will rise again, but it has some recovering to do. Before this she was wasted in the lame slashfest HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL, and after this she went on to be almost as wasted as the murder defendant in the turgid misfire, LEGALLY BLOND. After that the best thing to her name is her role in JAY AND SILENT BOB STRIKE BACK. That movie has offbeat charm and her role is not without its bizarre merits, but let's face it: It ain't a role with "positive career move" written all over it. So, here we have Ali at the once and possibly always zenith of her career, in the present movie as the bizarre-named character Clear Rivers. Watch and enjoy this suprisingly watchable flick. It's well worth suspending disbelief of its premise!
Rating:  Summary: Awesomely Different Review: I liked this movie. It's one of those movies that gives total magic in the dark. It wasn't a slasher really. It was more a ghost story I guess. The train scene was unbelievably suspenseful. This movie is dark and creepy in an entertaining, lighthearted way. The death scenes are incredible and the special fx are great. The teacher scene really made you feel her and the bus will make you gasp. You'll love it.
Rating:  Summary: Meet the real Joe Black Review: Don't know why they needed so many script writers to lift the plot of 'The Dead Zone'. This is a puerile film and I'm embarrassed to admit I loved almost every minute of it. It really gives you the heebie geebies. You'll scream. You'll laugh. You'll be nervous taking the rental back to the shop. You'll buy the DVD so as to avoid having to take the rental back to the shop. You'll still be nervous taking it out of the DVD. Superbly directed by James Wong, the garage bit at the end is over the top though. Bit like saying the Pope's Catholic, I suppose. Also, the John Denver reference was tasteless, he does have relatives, you know. This film has a vibe that can really drive you nuts and the fact that there's a dead link that takes you nowhere when you press the 'see all editorial reviews' below doesn't help. Is it a sign? <Tremble>