Rating:  Summary: An Intense, Smart Steamy Hollywood Trashy Thriller Review: It's alone just worth seeing this if you are a fan of either Michael Douglas or Sharon Stone since they are quality actors with such charisma. You can't seriously think of anyone who would have been more ideal to play their roles in a picture such as "Basic Instint." In this movie, Nick,(Michael Douglas)the investigator, cant stop himself from playing into her game. I wont tell you what the game is for. Shes such a sophisticated, accomplished bombshell who can lure any guy, ummmm (or certain girls, heehee!) Surely she wouldnt be bold enough to kill the man in the exact way like she wrote in her book just because she used him. She voluntarily takes a lie detector test, no problem. Is she the real murduress? Obsessive Nick will do anything and everything to uncover this case no matter what. "Basic Instinct" is a very smart, steamy exciting thriller that keeps you wondering. You'll be wanting to watch it soon again just to pick up on some things. I own this standard edition DVD & it gives you the option of seeing the movie in either full or wide screen which is really nice. Unfortunately, I have yet to see the collector's edition which has not been out very long.
Rating:  Summary: Sex, sex, sex, sex and more sex. Nothing more, nothing less. Review: It's hilarious how worked up people got when this movie came out. The PC crowd decried the fact that a lesbian was the killer and, therefore, must have been the villan. The right wing crowd then immediately accused the PC crowd of being too hysterical about the alleged prejudice against homosexuals. Basic Instinct, they contended, was bad because it was a dirty movie. The producers, of course, loved all this publicity because EVERYONE went running to see the move and, in the words of Liberace, cried all the way to the bank. Telling audiences to not see a film because of homosexual activity and graphic sex scenes is like trying to scare ants away from a picnic by pouring sugar on the ground. First of all, Sharon Stone's Catherine Trammell who is the killer lesbian (actually bisexual) in question, IS THE MOST SYMPATHETIC character in the whole film! EVERYONE is a slimebag! From Michael Douglas' hot tempered, tourist killing, chain smoking, cocaine snorting, oversexed police detective to Jeanne Tripplehorn's neurotic, kinky police psychiastrist who is more messed up than any of her patients to the rest of the morally compromised sleazes who pass for cops who laugh at murder victims and have the compassion and sensitivity of storm troopers, EVERY single character in this movie is a cesspool of a person! The way I see it, Sharon Stone is the most sympathetic person in the entire film -- at least she makes no bones about being sleazy. If you take the position that lesbians should be offended by their negative portrayal in Basic Instinct, then you could say the same for psychiatrists, cops (especially members of the SFPD), mystery writers, drug addicts, San Franciscans, smokers, country/western fans, chilli eaters, Mustang drivers and basically all human beings in general. Of course, the right wing is just as clueless when it comes to Basic Instinct. I went to see Basic Instinct BECAUSE of all the sex in the movie! Anyone who tells you that they saw Basic Instinct for any reason other than to see loads of nudity and sex is so full of it, they should be slapped! I went to see Sharon Stone's nether regions in the police interrogation scene. I went to see the sex scene between Douglas and Stone that seems to go on for about half the movie (although I had to wait until the home video release to see ALL of the sex scene -- what a rip-off!). I went to see Sharon Stone display the wares she only hinted at having in Total Recall. I WANTED TO SEE SEX AND NUDITY AND, BY GOD, THAT'S WHY I WENT TO SEE BASIC INSTINCT!!! So many hypocritical prudes tsk tsk at all of the sex in movies today. Get a clue! This movie is like a huge bug zapper: drawing us in with loads of sex and nudity even though we're going to get zapped when we realize what a piece of sleazy trash we're watching (Joe Ezsterhaus must read tons of pornography in order to form his views of women). But please don't get me wrong, this is INSPIRED sleaze that I am wholeheartedly recommending you at least rent, if not purchase. It may be sleaze, but it's really, really enjoyable sleaze which will have you "standing at attention" for a long, long time afterward (even after you see not one, but two, gratuitous shots of Michael Douglas' butt). And for those of you who have moral objections to Basic Instinct, please, go out and get a life!
Rating:  Summary: Revisionist revenge chick flick rubbish Review: On first viewing it's check out the architecture and guess the killer. On second viewing it's check out the clothes and guess the killer. On the third viewing it's the dawning realization that this is a revisionist feminist revenge chick flick (whatever that means) with few redeeming features made for the tackiest of Hollywood reasons - let's give the suckers what they want - sex, ice picks wielded by braless women under forty, and lots of expensive clothes and fast cars. The greatest suspense comes from the awful overacting Mr Douglas who is trying to give up smoking - will he? Won't he? Ms Stone iks embarrassingly bad. It is redeemed somewhat by Mr Dzundza and the elegant Ms Tripplehorn. And yes, I am a slow learner as this film made squillionsof dollars and I thought thousands of paying customers could not be wrong so I looked at it three times. And yes I am a sucker.
Rating:  Summary: Too good to be at 2.5 Review: Only two previous reviews, but I was shocked to see an average rating of 2.5 stars. Douglas and Stone are both powerful in this movie. Their attaction explodes off the screen. With the many twists and turns, and quality filmmaking, it will keep you involved and guessing through to the end.
Rating:  Summary: Schlock remembered for a crotch Review: The crotch shot is the only bit of this heavy-handed erotic thriller that has remained in the popular imagination, and rightfully so. Sharon Stone's sexiness falls far short of the level of enthrallment Douglas accords it, and the bisexual psychologist is the only real sexy character (including, I'd say, Douglas). The action scenes are about average, and the plot becomes more convoluted than is justified by the payoff. Just because this raised the level of production values for erotic thrillers more commonly found on late-night Cinemax doesn't mean that it's truly escaped its tawdry roots.
Rating:  Summary: Basic Badness Review: The fact that the selling point for this movie is Stone's sex scenes, says it all. Good thing she is attractive, because she can't act. Then again, who could act with a script this predictable and at times hysterical. Dialogue is so bad here you won't believe it. And Micahel Douglas phones in his usual angry-white-guy preformance - really he has to be one of the most limited actors out there. Anyways, this movie is a dog and watch some Ginger Lynn lingere videos if you want to see some steamy scenes. Stay away, far far away.
Rating:  Summary: Writer that has back is killer Review: This isn't an intelligent film, even for American standards. The police are so dumb they couldn't find a giraffe in a field of wildebeasts. Even the US army would be able to find the killer in this movie. Having said that, this movie did make me quite hot. I walked down to the well and jumped in. Here in Africa most people don't wear clothes anyway so nudity alone isn't enough to satisfy me.