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Vanilla Sky

Vanilla Sky

List Price: $9.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Opinions are expected.
Review: Shrouded by the initial revelation that Tom Cruise and Penelope Cruz were seeing each other at the time of the film's release, the matter of whether the film was any good or not became a moot point. It's a travesty then that such a blinding piece of work has more crept out under the radar (despite the A list names attached) rather than explode into public consciousness as it rightfully should have.

Simply put, if there was ever a reason for the word 'unique' to be applied to a film, than Vanilla Sky is it. Reuniting Cameron Crowe (the most romantic director in Hollywood this side of Baz Lurhman) and Tom Cruise for the first time since Jerry Maguire, the two come together to forge a magical, hynoptic, elegant, polished film about redemption, hope, status and above all else, love. From the opening montage in an eerily vacant Times Square where the camera literally bombards you with image after image, the tone is set, representing David (Cruise) Aames' emotional and mental state as well as remaining a statement about advertising as a whole. It's scarily effective film making from a director not renowned for his use of avante guarde imagery. Tom Cruise himself has never been better than he is here, creating a character that is uncompromisingly self assured and yet frighteningly vulnerable at the same time, stirring feelings of confusion as to whether we are actually supposed to love such a successful and highflying character.

The earth shattering event that quite figuratively destroys his life, brings him down from so high above the rest of us to bury him at a status that renders him emotionally distraught and Cruise portrays this with heart wrenching honesty and intensity. Sterling supporting roles are delivered by Kurt Russell, playing against type as the 'father figure' psychotherapist, Penelope Cruz, embodying the perfect antidote to Aames' overly comfortable and therefore boring lifestyle, and Jason Lee, who now finally is receiving the roles he was destined to play. It's a second crime that an actor as acomplished as Lee has not been offered roles as important as this sooner.

As the film spins it's twisted tale, things take a decidely dark turn as, along with the audience, Aames' begins to suspect he may have lost the plot somewhere along the line. A masterful move on Crowe's part as the audience feels almost exactly as the 'hero' of the piece, thereby providing an 'emotional anchor' for the remaining events that play out. The beautifully orchestrated chaos of the last two hours is finally explained in a tour de force of editing and deft handedly paced flash back scenarios/montage, culminating in one of the emotionally resounding endings to a Hollywood blockbuster/drama seen in recent years.

The final message in Vanilla Sky is one of pure hope that strikes a powerful chord with anyone that has felt, at some point in their life, they were not in control of the events that spiral around them. With Vanilla Sky, Cameron Crowe has fashioned a film that is timeless in it's sensitivity, first class in it's use of music to compliment, if not actually tell, the story itself (special praise must be handed to Crowe's wife and the film's composer Nancy Wilson for crafting such a haunting and mature score) and renders every other romantic Hollywood film cold and heartless.

Open your eyes and experience the 'uniqueness' of Vanilla Sky and wonder why you waited so long to see it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Vanilla Sky is not for Everyone...
Review: Tom Cruise is a great actor because he isn't afraid to take chances. Vanilla Sky is not for the average person. Individuals with creative minds and imaginations will see the vision of this movie..it's great..believe me, you will be on a roller-coaster. Movies have become boring and too predictable for me..Vanilla Sky got my money twice at the movies because it gave me room to think...that's what a real movie suppose to make you do...

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Close'em & take a nap!
Review: Tom Cruise is completely out of his element in this film. As a remake of Abres los ojos it carries nothing of the impact the original has. Penelope Cruz is a shell of the actress she is in the original here, and Cameron Diaz does not belong in drama (or in much else). While I found the original intoxicating, this version just annoyed the hell out of me.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Open All Borders of Imagination & Tune In
Review: I watched this movie anticipating it to be a drama and comedy and whole heartedly knew I was going into it with so-so reviews and realising it was being lauded as bizarre, twisting and thought provoking.

If you're going to watch this, let all your mental logic go away and just enjoy the fantastic trip that we call our unconsious. Don't go into it thinking, "That's Impossible??" Well, so was a house landing in a place where little munchkins surrounded you when you woke up. Enjoy the scenes and try to get as much out of them as you can, and let the movie keep you guessing.. as it still keeps me guessing..

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Clearly a Masterpiece!
Review: Vanilla Sky is clearly a landmark in cinematic entertainment, and if the average movie buff is searching for something fresh, intelligent, and simply moving, this movie is for you. However, do not expect the conventional movie experience, and aboslutely forget everything you thought the trailer has told you. Its misleading, and quite frankly, if the movie turned out to be what the trailer eludes too, it would have been a mediocre film. Thankfully, it provides the audience with an experience that is a mind blowing collage of images, emotions, and mysteries that will keep any intelligent person interested, and at times intense. (I sat on the edge of my seat this entire film, though that is not to say that this is some sort of fast paced, sensationlized thriller) If you think that you may be speculative going into this, understand that it is intense based on the way it is put together, because if your looking for action sequences, stunts and eye candy, go see XXX. The fact of the matter is, is that this film simply rocks. Tom Cruise delivers one of his best performances, and is superbly backed up by energetic and believable roles played by Penelope Cruz, Kurt Russel, and Cameron Diaz. The only problem I really found is that about 20 min. of footage could be deleted, and the movie would be just as good. However, unlike what most people say, the editing should not come NEAR the ending. The last 15-10 min. of the film is what makes this movie such a masterpiece. Its smart, beautiful, and moving. If you want something different, give this a rent, open up your mind just a tad, (and yes I tend to be a very close minded person sometimes!) and experience it. I promise that it will be an experience that will stick, even if you are not satisfied.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Vanilla is an apt description....
Review: This is not a film that posesses the ability to rise your interest above that of vanilla.

While a cinematographer's dream, the story of a self-indulgent man facing the reprecussions of his choices, just kind of lies there. The casting was promising, but the story kills any of their efforts. It just didn't seem to have the 'punch' one would expect, given the premise and the setting. Also, the trailors really set you up for a greater expectation than you come close to getting.

The end also seems to be one of those story-telling devices in the category of 'Oh no! We need to tie this all together and we've got 5 minutes to do it.' I felt strongly that the ending was just thrown together and not actually a strong part of any part of the story.

If you're a Tom Cruise fan, you get plenty of Tom. But if you're a fan of good storytelling...I suggest steering clear of this.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Open Your Eyes
Review: This movie truly struck a cord with me upon my initial viewing..and I grew more and more moved by it with each subsequent viewing. The themes of loss, family, true love, acceptance, and realizing your own mortality..I believe they all ring true to what's important in life, not taking the people you love, or your own life for granted. It's true the movie is long, and it has serious plot twists (which I think is what turns most people who don't like it off)..but this is one movie that truly takes you on a journey from start to finish, and you truly care the for the protagonist by the end. A movie to be viewed again and again, and one you will appreciate more in time as well. A great plus is that Cameron Crowe is a huge music lover, and the soundtrack really complements the movie..as well as the two short films included on the DVD.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: changed my way of thinking about life and time
Review: I just saw it last night. This movie has taken me to a wider prospective of life and death. today I found out that my brother-in-law was in an accident and hopfeully, he's alright but the whole movie just played itself right in front of my mind. I have to admit that the ending scene moved me. Couldn't find any thriller/romance movie like this one in the past couple of years. Cruz,Diaz,Cruise,Lee...thanks for your excellent performance.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Terrible movie
Review: I am mad about a couple of things regarding this movie. First of all, I'm mad I paid $$$ for the DVD rental. Secondly, I'm mad that I sat through the movie only to be extremely disappointed by a movie that goes back and forth between fantasy and real life. This movie did not intrigue me in the least bit. The ending helps you make since of it all, but it still wasn't enough to save this movie for me. I thought the movie spent too much time trying to keep me guessing rather than delivering a good story. I thought the plot was spotty and the climax was really a low point. Tom Cruise does deliver a pretty good performance. This movie was still one of the worst movies I have ever seen though. It's not worth the price of admission. I know that our technology is pretty advanced and science can do many things, but why would you want to stretch a movie with this type of storyline into a 2+ hour flick. I would rent this first before buying it. That way if you don't like it, you only paid four bucks for it. This movie was so bad I didn't even want to rate it. I will give it an F, because of the storyline and because Penelope Cruz's role was less than stellar.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: BEASTLY BEAUTY.....
Review: Jean Cocteau would have loved this movie! Along the lines of 'Orpheus seeking Orpheua' - Great work by Tom Cruise in a risky role as the 'poor little rich boy' with re-occuring girl-friends ..... thanks to Cameron Diaz [also a star turn] and the delightful, Penelope Cruz [Audrey Hepburn?] as the enigmatic Sofia ......

DVD presentation has all of the required 'behind the scene' extras - great sound design!

BUT see this one more than once ...... it's that kind of movie!

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