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If These Walls Could Talk

If These Walls Could Talk

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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Bold? Sure. Biased? Most definitely!
Review: My husband and I were flipping through the endless sea of channels the other night and found this movie on HBO. We sat and watched the entire thing and boy was I amazed at how obviously pro-choice biased it was.

First off, all of the pro-life individuals are seen as heartless, hateful people who are uneducated and unconcerned. The final scene is the kicker for me. FYI, a trained counselor won't be holding your hand during the procedure. Sorry! FYI, a crazed gun man has NEVER attacked and killed an abortion provider at a clinic. FYI, 90% of abortion providers don't have professional counselors counseling you...you will be good to get a 25 year old feminist who has to rush you because she has 19 more patients to see before lunch. I very much enjoyed the suttle bulletproof glass (havent seen that one before) and the abortion provider wearing a bulletproof vest. I also enjoyed the commentary between the clinic nurse and the pro-life woman about the "12 year old girl who was pregnant in there last week...should she have had the baby"... they failed to mention that 12 year olds account for less than 1% of all abortions done. Way to pull at the heartstrings there, HBO.

If you are looking for giggles I highly suggest this film. I laughed in amazement at this skewed piece of work. If you are more of a realist I suggest you look for realism elsewhere because you aren't about to find it here!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Excellent!
Review: Rented this over the weekend and was stunned! The first part, with Demi Moore, was the best, I think. Thank goodness abortion is now legal ... it *must* stay that way. This movie should be mandatory viewing for all teens, male and female.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The cast alone is worth the look-see
Review: The performers in this movie are so great; divas like Cher and Demi Moore manage to make you forget that they are stars and convince you that the characters are real. I especially liked the way each different story took place in a different generation, to show how things have changed, and also how they haven't. So many people get abortions, but nobody talks about it. I think a movie like this is good,because if nobody talks about it, at least a movie like this can make people think about it.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: A Biased Film ??
Review: They have taken 3 stories and put the women in a worst case scenario. I felt like this film was really trying to push "Pro-Abortion" down my throat, and not very subtley. They are using high drama and emotions to try to influence those who question allowing abortions as a "convenience" for a woman. Very few women have abortions due to life threatening situations. In reality, most abortions are a matter of convenience. Period. Why not be honest about it ??? I wouldn't recommend this film, but if you are really pro-abortion, you would probably like it. This film is biased, but if you realize that up front, then it's okay.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Magnificent
Review: This film is a must see for everybody who minimizes the importance of reproductive rights. There is nothing inherently pro-life or pro-child about forcing a single nurse to take forced retirement or undergo an illegal and fatal procedure in a futile attempt to take care of herself. The last scene in segment one say it all.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great film from HBO...
Review: This film will make you think. I, for one, am against the whole idea of abortion, and I saw this movie as a cautionary tale on the subject. The sentence that I just wrote there will probably cause many of you to hit that little "NO, THAT REVIEW WASN'T HELPFUL" vote button afterwards, but I don't really care. Everyone has their own opinion.

Now that I have all of that aside, read on. The first and last segments were the best. They both had punch, got the message out, and were extremely powerful. They both showed how abortion really gets you nowhere, which is how I took it. The segment starring Sissy Spacek was the weakest, although there were great performances all around. Demi Moore, Diana Scarwid, and Cher were perfect. If you want to see Sissy do her best, see this years "In the Bedroom".

All in all, an emotionally draining, yet powerful film that everyone should see, no matter what your thoughts are on abortion. It will most definitly make you think. Recommended.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: ALL WOMEN MUST SEE THIS MOVIE* 20 stars*or more*!
Review: This is a movie for everyone... no matter what you beleive in!*
It shows "everyone's side"... for the good & - or bad. (You can decide which is what for you alone.)
Excellent movie, great acting, & many message's all in one.
If I had a daughter, I would make sure to watch this with her. It gives us information... & that's the key to an informed decision. "Women should hold their life in their own hands", & "Let no one control our heart, & our destiny!"
Thanks to the actresses also, for a job well done, & for caring enough about other women to do this movie for us all.*

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A picture is worth a thousand words...
Review: This is an incredibly powerful film, and I agree with other reviewers that it solidly argues the pro-choice stance on abortion. Not only are the stories of women who choose abortions portrayed, but the story of a woman (Sissy Spacek) who decides that she could only live with herself if she keeps her baby is also featured. Part of me wants to recommend that only grown women with strong stomachs view this film (cold steel and substantial blood loss make me cringe) and part of me wants to beg every mother to watch this movie with her daughter and talk about what choice and freedom really mean. Before Roe vs. Wade, women died for the mistakes they made. Today they don't have to. This movie wasn't easy to watch. It had a powerful message to deliver, and I think that all the people who helped make this film must have believed very strongly in what they were doing.

Concerning the actual acting and direction, it was superb. Cher's acting has never been better, and Demi Moore was also phenomenal. The structure of the film, which is divided into three sections (one in the 50s, one in the 70s, and one in the 90s) was really engaging. One house is the setting for most of the movie. As the times change and tenants move, different women who live in the house become the focus of the movie. This movie was entertaining and it even taught me something. If you are interested in learning more about abortions before the Roe vs. Wade decision, I recommend the novel The Cider House Rules.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Tells the Truth About Abortion!
Review: This movie goes beyond a woman's right to do what she wants with her body, birth control and convenience. It shows what actually happens when an abortion is performed. How the women feel before and after the act is done. Especially when they realize they have stopped a defenseless beating heart. Good acting & Great story!

Rating: 5 stars
Review: This movie is about unwanted pregnancies and the issue of abortion. One in the 1950s, 1970s and 1990s. All affect people that live in the same house. Demi Moore in the 1950's is a young widow, Sissy Spacek is an older mother in the 1970's and Anne Heche is a young college student in the 1990's.

The story covers 3 women, who clearly have different reasons for not wanting to be pregnant. All three women would find it difficult or near impossible to give up a child to adoption as well. Only one was involved in a stable relationship. Also, these are clearly not people who consider abortion or pregnancy lightly. One clearly had strong feelings on the issue prior to becoming pregnant.

In the 1950's there was none. In the 1970s, information was still sparse. However, even 30 years later in the 1990's, there still is a divided line. It is clear this right is divided across religious or philosophical lines. What concerns me, it that it is predominantly religious and our rights really should be clear in that direction.

Without spouting my own beliefs (too much), I feel this movie shows the issues fairly. There are times when a pregnancy, is through no fault of the woman, truly unwanted. Birth control methods fail. It is not like the woman can just go on with their lives as normal, as can be seen in all of the episodes. This is a life altering situation for each woman, for any woman. Even if adoption were considered, there is still the 9 months and the uncertaintly as well as the stigma of giving up a child. We've all heard of adoption horror stories.
Also, the illusion of "support" after birth by the Right to life movement is a "temporary" solution for a long term commitment.

WHAT I FOUND TO BE INTERESTING AND DOES NOT SET RIGHT WITH ME, was some of the Right to Life protestor's tactics. This is also pertinent to this story as well. Right to life should mean just that right to life for all parties. Lets first start with those that are fully realized human beings. I cannot understand how these Right to life enthusiasts can consider the "rights" of an unborn child and consider harming others in the same breath. The logic escapes me. This is not fiction in this sense, it happened 50 miles from where I live. There is no justification if they truly believe in their philosophy. Otherwise they are merely posers trying to control other's lives with their religious dogma.

This is a religious issue and our country provides for a separation of church and state. Your right's end where mine begin...End of story.

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