Rating:  Summary: I love this movie Review: I first saw this movie when I was around 16ish. I rented it because Christian Bale was in it. Anyhow I loved this movie sooo much. It was sad and the music in it was amazing. It inspired me to pick up swing dancing. The soundtrack is excellent too. I own it and if you don't have it you should really really buy it.
Rating:  Summary: Incredible film Review: This movie is by far one of my favorites. It's fun, thrilling, and dramatic. I was on the edge of my seat with excitment. The music is great, I have the soundtrack and listen to it all the time. It is a great story about kids who loved to listen to swing music, but were forbidden by law, who would secretly go behind the officials backs just to enjoy their music. If you want a good drama that provokes anger, excitment, as well as tears then I strongly recommend this film. When it's over you will just want to replay it over and over. A great film and definately worth the purchase.
Rating:  Summary: Swing Kids Review Review: I thought this movie was quite good because it really gave the point of view of Germans during WW2. I had been wondering for so long what normal German people did during the war, because usually all you can find are movies about Jews and people hiding Jews. For this reason, the movie was really interesting. The swing music was awesome and energetic, and I loved it and was inspired by it. The movie accurately portrayed Hitler's effect on the Germans; their friendships, etc. It showed how easily one could be swallowed up in the propaganda. Another thing i really liked was the way the boys were portrayed. I mean, they acted like normal teenagers, and that's something you can't find in a lot of movies of this content. All of the violence and such was stuff I didn't quite like, but I appreciated it because it added to the reality of the movie; everything in it was neccesary to add to the reality. Still, I found a lot of funny parts, although there is a much deeper meaning, and it really hit home. An all-around historically awesome and, at the same time, entertaining movie.
Rating:  Summary: Great movie Review: This movies great, i especially loved the music. Swing. You can totally tell that these kids can't swing, but it's funny seeing them try. Christian bale was hot and sexy as usual. i won't spoil the movie for the rest of you, but the movie is very sad. Total tear jerker. Tears just started streaming down my face. I recommend everyone to watch this great movie.
Rating:  Summary: wow Review: I have to admit, I was just flipping channels when I came across this movie, so I haven't seen the whole thing. I was amazed that I hadn't heard of it before: the cast features a surprising number of familiar faces. I was especially happy to see that the movie tackled the Nazis from a German perspective: how refreshing! I've always found it easy to understand the way that the jews felt during world war II. While it's nice to have their stories immortalized in countless films, I can't tell you how many times I've wondered how the Germans dealt with that period: to simply write them all off as stupid/evil/beyond our understanding is silly. To finally find a film that attempts to understand them was really gratifying. I found myself absolutely tied up in knots, sobbing at the end. The film, from what I could gather, is heart-wrenching.
Rating:  Summary: cool movie Review: Katherine Quick 6-14-02 English 5th SWING KIDS MOVIE REVIEW Swing Kids is a story of propaganda. But the kids who didn't believe in the propaganda of Hitler becoming a superior power are known as swing kids. After two characters, Thomas and Peter, try to steal a radio for a friend, Peter gets caught and has to join the HJ's (Hitler's Judgeds). Then Thomas joins to stick by his friend. Their friendship begins to fall apart. The reason, believing and not believing in the propaganda. The part in the clubs where the music was playing and kids were dancing was the best part in my point of view. I really that. It's amazing the way that they move, in the dances. Another great part was the fighting in the clubs, between the Nazis and the swing kids. I hate Nazis so I really liked it when the Swing Kids beat some of the up. It's hard to think of some dislikes because I really like the movie. I didn't like it when Thomas turned his back on Peter because they were supposed to be best friends. But NO the stupid HJs' screwed with Thomas's brain and made him believe that the Jews were bad! Why would you turn around and hurt a true friend like that? Swing Kids and Anne Frank are similar in that they are both talking about Jews and Nazis. Swing Kids is in the Nazis point of view and Anne Frank is in the Jews point of view, during the Holocaust. They both have teenagers as the main charecter.
Rating:  Summary: Cool Movie Review: Chelsea Donovan Swing Kids is a great movie to watch if you can handle the violence, truth, and betrayal. Although there is violence in this movie it fits, because it shows you how Jewish people, and Germans who didn't support Hitler were treated. The truth in Swing Kids is unbelievable. For people to actually beat other people for being who they are, I couldn't even imagine. Betrayal also plays a part in this movie. Peter, Thomas, and Arvid were all friends who loved to go swing dancing, and didn't agree with the Nazi way. All of that changed when Peter had to join the Hitler Jugend. Which is a place where you were trained to be a German soldier. Thomas then joined to be with Peter, who both still believed in swing. All that changed when Thomas started believing in the Nazi way of life. Betrayal comes in when Thomas and the rest of the German soldiers bust in a swing club and start beating everyone, including Peter. What I liked best about this movie is the friendship that takes place at the beginning. At first Thomas, Peter, and Arvid all get along even though they each have different aspects on life. Thomas used to except Arvid for who he was and not because he was crippled. Peter always was the one who tried to look at things through his own point of view. Arvid was the one who loved music; he also loved to play the guitar. These special things are what lured me into the movie. Dislikes in this movie also play a part in my view. Basically I strongly dislike how the Nazi treated the other people. My strongest dislike in this movie was the fact that Thomas' and Peter's friendship changed at the end. When Thomas started beating Peter up I just cried my eyes out. Those two things were my dislikes. Swing Kids and the Diary of Anne Frank shares a couple of similarities. The biggest similarity is the treatment of Jews. Both went into detail about how mean the Nazi were. Differences between them are, one is taken from a Jewish person's point of view, The Diary of Anne Frank, the other from a German's point of view, Swing Kids. Another difference would be Anne happened to be a girl telling her story, and Peter was a boy who told his. The message in both of these was basically the same, the treatment by the Nazi.
Rating:  Summary: Cool Movie Review: Chelsea Donovan June 12, 2002 p. 5th Swing Kids is a great movie to watch if you can handle the violence, truth, and betrayal. Although there is violence in this movie it fits, because it shows you how Jewish people, and Germans who didn't support Hitler were treated. The truth in Swing Kids is unbelievable. For people to actually beat other people for being who they are, I couldn't even imagine. Betrayal also plays a part in this movie. Peter, Thomas, and Arvid were all friends who loved to go swing dancing, and didn't agree with the Nazi way. All of that changed when Peter had to join the Hitler Jugend. Which is a place where you were trained to be a German soldier. Thomas then joined to be with Peter, who both still believed in swing. All that changed when Thomas started believing in the Nazi way of life. Betrayal comes in when Thomas and the rest of the German soldiers bust in a swing club and start beating everyone, including Peter. What I liked best about this movie is the friendship that takes place at the beginning. At first Thomas, Peter, and Arvid all get along even though they each have different aspects on life. Thomas used to except Arvid for who he was and not because he was crippled. Peter always was the one who tried to look at things through his own point of view. Arvid was the one who loved music; he also loved to play the guitar. These special things are what lured me into the movie. Dislikes in this movie also play a part in my view. Basically I strongly dislike how the Nazi treated the other people. My strongest dislike in this movie was the fact that Thomas' and Peter's friendship changed at the end. When Thomas started beating Peter up I just cried my eyes out. Those two things were my dislikes. Swing Kids and the Diary of Anne Frank shares a couple of similarities. The biggest similarity is the treatment of Jews. Both went into detail about how mean the Nazi were. Differences between them are, one is taken from a Jewish person's point of view, The Diary of Anne Frank, the other from a German's point of view, Swing Kids. Another difference would be Anne happened to be a girl telling her story, and Peter was a boy who told his. The message in both of these was basically the same, the treatment by the Nazi.
Rating:  Summary: this is the coolest (ha) Review: 6-12-02 The move Swing Kids was about 7 people who disliked the Nazi power and listened to swing music, which the Nazis hated. Through the movie a few of the boys that did not believe in the Nazis powers started to change. As the group got smaller there was only one person left (Peter) though he had been forced to join the H.J. (Hitler Jugend) he still believed in swing. What I liked about the movie was the kinds of music that these people enjoyed and how they could easily memorize the name of the musician as it was being played. I also liked the way they were able to dance to that kind of music and how people even though it may have looked strange to us now it was entertainment to them. What I disliked about the movie was that the Nazi's had too much power. They could just easily walk into someone's house and take the family away. I also disliked how they could make other people like only what they like and that they weren't allowed to enjoy what they liked. The connections between The Diary of Anne Frank and Swing Kids is that the Franks had to hide from the Nazis So they had to live in fear and anxiety in a little attic so as not to be Found out and sent to a Concentration Camp. In Swing Kids even though they were German and had no part in the Jewish religion they still had to fear being sent to the H.J. (Hitler Jugend) were they would be trained to fight under the Nazis power which they intended you to do.
Rating:  Summary: Swing Kids Review: Swing Kids, which I just watched on June 2002 happens to be a great movie and an even better example of how the Germans and Jews lived during the beginning of the Holocaust. This story took place in Hamburg, Germany in the late 1930's. The plot and events in this story were extravagant especially with the two main characters Peter and Thomas playing the roles of two German boys trying to make the right decisions during this wartime. During this movie things began to change, slowly but surely. Instead of swing parties and playing Jewish music the H.J. started arresting people, sending them to work camps and so forth. People were starting to be taken advantage of and hurt. Peter and Thomas joined the Gestapo for their country even though they didn't want to have anything to do with it. Later on friendships went sour; love for another drowned, and compassion in ones self was gone. Peter keeps his mind in frame and saves a few while doing so. This truly was a great movie! In this movie I specifically liked when Arvid wouldn't take the Germans money and wouldn't play their song either. He said "If we do these little things for them now, it just makes it easier for them later'" He proved a strong point. Also I liked the swing parties when teens and young adults gathered and listened, played, and danced to lively music. These swing celebrations truly did give Germany some of its flavor! A few things in this movie did bother me though, like when the H.Js pushed people around and treated them unfairly. One example of this was at one of the swing parties when they started beating the people for no reason and sending them off to work camps. Also when Thomas started making fun of Arvid and calling him crippled; this bothered me because they were supposed to of been friends through this. Thomas gave into the Gestapo and left his friends hanging. By seeing Swing Kids and reading The Diary of Anne Frank , I have been able to see both Germans point of view and the Jew's point of view about this whole controversy. Anne Frank was a Jew and had to go into hiding over this time period; Peter and Thomas off of the Swing Kids had to put up with changes in society throughout this time frame. Both stories were good, both were difficult to understand though, hard to figure out how anybody would want to do this to anybody else... I feel like some Germans were just as helpless as the Jews' By: Whitney Slate`