Rating:  Summary: best movie ever!! by a 15 year old movie buff Review: brilliant! an absolute masterpiece!, baz has outdone himself this time, if youve seen romeo and juliet and strictly ballroom, then you'll know what i am talking about, moulin rouge has brilliant costume design, angus strathie and catherine martin really deserved their oscars, this movie should have won the oscar for best film, there will never be anything this breathtaking or the WOW! factor, never in a lifetime have i been so taken aback by the story, the music is so clever, and come what may always makes me cry, nicole kidman and ewan mcgregor were the cutest couple, who agrees with me that if they really did get together, they would have the most good looking kids of all time? i am nicole's biggest fan, and she should have won the oscar, i feel sorry for poor ewan, not even an oscar mention! poor baz! not an oscar mention either? hello? anyhoo, ill finish by saying it is the perfect movie, and anyone who doesn't think it is a masterpiece, obviously doesn't know much about films.
Rating:  Summary: Just loved it :) Review: This movie is one of two movies that I bought without even seeing it before, and I fell in love with it. Since it came out in the theaters, most of my friends told me that I need to see it. It went out of the theaters before I had a chance to see it. Then one day, I found it on DVD, watched it and then I knew what all of my friends were talking about.The movie takes place in late 19th century and in a place called the Moulin Rouge. Other than that, there is nothing "period" about it. The whole thing is Baz Luhrman's vision. It is a fast pace rollar coaster through the story with music being the car that you ride in. This is one of the most unique movies that I have seen in a long time. It was refreshing to see something that was not your typical Hollywood film. Some people didn't like the fact that modern music was being used, but I feel that this aspect brought the feeling of the 19th century into the 21st. It connected me to the movie in a what that could not have been done if music from the time was used. I still find myself singing or humming the songs. Visually, the movie was beautiful. The costumes were done wonderfully and nothing in that department felt out of place with me. I will admit, this is not a movie for everyone, but it is one that I will always love and enjoy
Rating:  Summary: The best movie, ever! Review: If you like movies at all then you have to see Moulin Rouge or else your viewing experience will not be complete. The beautiful imagery mixed with the wonderful sound makes it a delight to watch. The way they combine modern songs with a timeless theme makes is wonderful to watch. This movie has comedy, drama, saddness, action, singing, dancing and the best costumes. Nicole Kidman is gorgeous and Ewan McGregor is timeless. This is a great movie.
Rating:  Summary: Give Moulin Rouge a chance! Review: I have read some of the Moulin Rouge reviews, and they are definitely mixed. But I would encourage you to watch this movie. However, you need to watch it more than once. The first time I watched it, I wasn't sure if I liked it. Right after the movie ended, I was just sitting their with my mind spinning. It took me about a week to realize that I wanted to see it again. The second time I watched it, I fell in love with it. You will catch so many things that you missed the first time. You will also appreciate the elaborate sets and costumes. The acting in this movie was great- Baz Luhrmann really did a great casting job. Even the singing was impressive- both Nicole and Ewan. This is just a personal opinion, but Ewan's voice really left me amazed. His talent is shown especially in "Your Song," a remake of an old Elton John song. After watching Moulin Rouge I became a new Ewan fan. :) I know many people didn't like the movie because of the music, but this is a way in which the movie tries to be different. With all of the similar movies coming out recently, Moulin Rouge tries to go out on a limb. The songs in the movie were chosen to give 19th century Paris a modern spin, to make the movie different than normal expectations predicted it would be. Some of the scenes are quite fast-paced and dizzying, but I liked the alternation of fast and slow sequences. It keeps you interested. Probably one of my favorite scenes in the movie is the tango scene towards the end of the movie. So many things are happening at once, and the camara switches from one to the other, but it is done in a genius way. If you turned Moulin Rouge off in the middle or watched it only once and hated it, try watching it again. Most likely you will have an entirely different perspective on the entire thing. I am very very very glad I gave it a second chance. Now I can't watch it enough, and I notice something new each time!
Rating:  Summary: moulim rouge Review: I think the movie is wonderful nicole got me actually realize that I do have a soul let even after my tragic loss of my fience who was killed a year ago this past april. I was holding all of that anger and hurt and frustration from his motorcycle accident I used to just beat myself up inside and i just thought I should just except the fact that it was his time to go I guess. This movie was an awsome movie and If I could shake nicole kidman hand I would let her know that I could see that she was showing alot of her love for tom was put into this movie and nicole don't give up on tom you two remind me alot of me and my fience and I wish you the best keep your head up. If give nicole an emmy I would she gets a 10 in my book.
Rating:  Summary: I'd give it 0 if I had thee choice Review: Kidman and McGregor do all they can to save this cinematic garbage, but to no avail. This is a low-point in films where glitter and style (like MTV) over-power the fact that the movie has a total lack of any interesting content. I pity the actors!
Rating:  Summary: Occasionally Brilliant filmmaking! Review: ...I was VERY reluctant to see this, and did so on DVD only after weeks of prodding by a well-meaning friend. I'm about as jaded a movie fan as there is, so you can imagine how low my expectations were... WOW! It must have taken a brave soul to bring this film to fruition. Director/writer Baz Luhrmann has crafted a very unique looking (and sounding) piece of work. The contemporary songs set in century-ago Paris can be rather off-putting at first, but soon you can't help but be [brought] into the romance, the glamour, the lavish production design, the frenetic energy, and the unfolding love triangle. Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor aren't professional-caliber singers by any stretch, but they still perform remarkably well. Australian actor Richard Roxburgh plays The Duke, the spoiler in the would-be pairing of the young lovers, and he is an absolute hoot -- simultaneously creepy, evil, conniving, and funny. One of the songs repeated throughout the film is "Nature Boy", a jazz standard and perhaps the least-recognizable song to contemporary audiences. It is from the lyrics to this song that the main theme of the movie is taken -- "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return." Sounds a bit corny, right? Yes, it does. But as McGregor rightly points out in the DVD supplementary material, music touches us on a different level than the spoken word. Words and poetry that sound silly or cheesy when spoken can be beautiful, poignant, and emotionally powerful when delivered in song. That concept is demonstrated masterfully in "Moulin Rouge". Even if you don't like the idea of contemporary tunes in a period musical, you will still probably be enchanted by the orchestral score weaved between them. So many things could have gone wrong with this movie to make it simply unwatchable. The cast would have to be totally committed to the idea of it all to sell it onscreen. They are, and they do. Luhrmann has created, with a singularly unique vision, what may well be the last great movie musical. The movie musical is a near-dead genre, and it takes a remarkable one to breathe respectability and life back into it. "MR" succeeds at that (as much as I hate to admit it - I really didn't want to like this film, but I do). "Moulin Rouge" certainly has a few moments in it that you will find a bit too silly. But they are compensated for by other moments of absolute brilliance, beauty, and breathtaking imagination and creativity. Thanks ... for insisting that I watch this movie against my better judgement. I owe you one.
Rating:  Summary: I'm mighty confused here.... Review: Everybody and All the critics seemed to absolutly love this movie- I found it so incredibly stupid from the first minute that it was all I could do to turn it off! I really don't know how I survived the whole thing- If you loved this movie, I'm not critisizing you- I'm simply saying that this movie is either your favorite film of all time or the dumbed movie you've ever seen. What drove me most crazy was the little cartoon sound effects that never stopped. Some of the songs were utterly aweful to see in the film. It's hard not to like Ewan McGregor, and I thought his character was good- Some of the origional music was also well done, but the whole movie was so over the top I couldn't possibly have liked it.
Rating:  Summary: MIGRANE ROUGE? MORON ROUGE? Review: Call it what you will MOULIN ROUGE is a complete waste of time and only suceeds in giving the viewer a splitting headache (have some asprin on standby, you'll need 'em). How this film was a multiple Oscar nominee with Best Actress and Best Picture among them I'll never know. Nicole Kidman overacts frenetically, as does the rest of the cast, though she has a good singing voice and she does look gorgeous throughout the movie. However MOULIN ROUGE rates 8/10 on the vidiot's "Cringe Meter". By the time you hear the rendition of Madonna's LIKE A VIRGIN you'll be ready to break your TV set.