Rating:  Summary: Another David vs. Goliath Review: Based on a true story, Erin Brockovich, a single mother of three takes on PG&E to prove that they are poisoning the town's water supply. She manages to get a job with a law firm run by Ed Masry (Albert Finney)just in time to break open the biggest direct action corporate lawsuit in american history. After a lot of hard work, no family life, and insulting everyone in her path, she wins the victims $330 million dollars and herself a hefty two million dollar bonus. The movie is not as much about the courtroom battle with PG&E as it is with the battles that Erin was facing in everyday life, a single uneducated working class mother raising three kids on her own in a very uncooperative world.
Rating:  Summary: Gritty, Gutsy, Heartfelt...Julia Roberts Best Work Review: What a great movie Erin Brockovich is. I usually don't write reviews on DVD's/Movies unless they are typical guy movies, war movies, etc. However, I had to make an exception for this wonderful, outstanding acted movie.Julia Roberts portrays true life Erin Brockovich. A lady who came from a not so glamerous background who with the help of the law firm she worked for took on big and powerful Pacific Gas And Electric (PG&E) and won a huge settlement for the townspeople of Hinckly, California. This is a true life case where PG&E used Hazardous Chemicals in their electric turbines and took the waste from the turbines (Chronium) and instead of safely containing them in lined waste ponds, decided not to make the ponds safe and thus the Chronium seaped into the ground soil and contaminating the town's water supply. Erin Brockovich (Roberts Character), needed a job desperately and was able to work for a law firm who had the case "pro bono". THANK Goodness for the law firm and Hinckly that Brockovich worked for the lawyers (even though she isn't a lawyer). Overcoming a tremendous burden (single mom, low paying salary), Brockovich researched the cases, got to know the townspeople, gathered evidence, and to make a long story short, won for the "little people", over 300 Million Dollars!! This is a movie that everyone would enjoy. Roberts rightfully won the Oscar for Best Actress from this movie. All actors/actresses in this movie did an excellent job. The plot is true life captivating, intelligent, and will keep the viewers interest from the very first scene. Highly Recommended!!
Rating:  Summary: Inspiring and blunt Review: "Erin Brockovich" proves that you don't need a college degree to make a difference in the world. This true story was wonderfully written and directed By Stephen Soderborgh. He has his unique styles in displicting certain important scenes so the audience can understand the deeper atmosphere that these characters are in. Julia Roberts was well-deserving of her Oscar for Best Actress for the portrayal of this feisty, strong-willed woman. Her emotional and financial struggles prove that there is always hope for a brighter future. The real-life Brockovich isn't a bad actress as performed in her small role as a waitress. The screenplay has many creative words giving it a broader emotional edge. Some are funny. This will force the audience to listen closer to what every character says, especially Brockovich. I've owned this movie for two years, and I still find new and better reasons to love it everytime I watch it. I'm sure you'll think the same.
Rating:  Summary: Julia's Best Work Review: Julia Roberts plays Erin Brockovich, a struggling mother from Los Angeles trying to find a better life for her and her children It just so happens that when a dumb guy hit her car with his Jag, She gets a job in a lawyer's firm. In Hinkley, CA, a family, the Jansens are really sick. It was a poison in their water. Chromium 6. that, well...kills you. So, since all of the symptoms that these people have is because of the chromium. So, Erin takes matters into her own hands. An intristing story and sharp dialouge and acted brilliantly. A Must-see for anyone.
Rating:  Summary: "I hate lawyers. I only work for them." Review: The 2000 film "Erin Brockovich" is named for the woman whom this true-life story is about. Erin Brockovich (Julia Roberts) was an unemployed, poorly educated, single, twice-divorced mother of 3 young children trying to find work to make ends meet. Following a car accident, her attorney, Ed Masry (Albert Finney), was unable to win her lawsuit against the other driver in part due to Erin's irascible and antagonistic demeanor. Frustrated, Erin storms into Ed's office following the trial and demands a job from him. He reluctantly hires her and sets her to work on a seemingly simple real-estate deal, but the deal is anything but simple as medical records of the involved homeowners are included in the file. As Erin investigates, she meets the homeowners, Pete and Donna Jensen (Michael Harney and Marg Helgenberger respectively), who have been repeatedly sick for a long time, as well as their children. The potential buyer is not an individual, but a major corporation that has an industrial plant very close to the couple's home. Erin's investigation leads her to some potentially damaging information about the corporation's doings near the Jensen's home that has also affected many more people within the immediate area. Though the story about sick homeowners and corporate doings is powerful and thought provoking, the time in the film devoted to Erin's homelife is far less compelling in part because of Julia Roberts' acting. Julia Roberts earned the Oscar for Best Actress for her role as Erin Brockovich, but that was probably due more to the politics surrounding the film rather than the quality of actual acting. The film was also nominated for four other Oscars including Best Supporting Actor (Albert Finney), Best Director (Steven Soderbergh), Best Picture and Best Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen. Other notable actors in the film include Aaron Eckhart as Erin's unemployed biker boyfriend George and the real Erin Brockovich doing a cameo as a waitress. Overall, for its engaging story about sickened residents in a small community but less than stellar acting, I rate "Erin Brockovich" with 4 out of 5 stars. If you have never seen the film, I highly recommend seeing it at least once.
Rating:  Summary: Good, but not great Review: Erin Brockovich (Julia Roberts), a hard-working single mother, manages to get hired as a lawyer's assistant and ends up spearheading a multi-million-dollar civil suit against PG&E. Though not in the same league as a great film like the similarly-themed "Silkwood," I found this to be an entertaining and satisfying tale of the little guy triumphing against the system. Roberts is very good as a tough, tired, disappointed woman who flaunts what she sees as her only asset--her physical beauty. Albert Finney fleshes out the underwritten role of Brockovich's boss, Ed Masry. The character of George, however, is a misstep. He is some kind of working woman's fantasy man--a tough, good-looking biker who is also sensitive, domestic, and good with kids. He comes across as a blatant plot device--a convenient way to show that Brockovich's kids are being cared for while she works overtime as well as provide a love interest whose only real purpose is to be neglected so we can see the impact of her job on her personal life. Aaron Eckhardt never really figures out what to do with the part. Nevertheless, it's an entertaining film.
Rating:  Summary: A Woman On A mission Review: Thiis was a good movie with solid performances.I'm not a big Julia Roberts fan butshe did a great job. The story and pacing were great. Some of the facts were embellished (but that's Hollywood!
Rating:  Summary: The Value of an Academy Award...Sell Now! Review: I didn't have much of an opinion after watching this movie. It followed a cookie cutter formula of good v. bad and of good going through tough times but triumphing. ...that is until Roberts got the Academy Award. I've developed an unsophisticated,unscientific and frankly childish opinion: This movie ... Again, I am rating this against the background of extradinorary elite recipients of oscars. Giving Roberts a best actress award is akin to a booger on your Picasso. Perhaps its just been a long winter here, and I'm in a mean mood. To be a bit fair, this flick will do as a snowy/rainy day afternoon.
Rating:  Summary: Julia Robert's All-time high. Review: Julia Roberts has proven to be a very successful actress in many of her previous movies. Now in this one, Erin Brockovich, she proves she is one of Hollywood's best actresses. The movie is based on a true story also. The movie starts out with Erin (Roberts) applying for a job and doesn't get it. She has been divorced twice and has to three kids to feed. So she gets into a car accident and sues the man who hit her. She loses. No money there. So she ends up working at her lawyer's firm. She comes across some old documents one day about a deadly disease in Southern California that spread through a small town was caused by the PG&E water company. Now she investigates this even more and brings them to court. This won't be easy. The people that have gotten diseases want to be in court when the trial goes on and that will take forever if there is a jury. Now Erin must visit everyone (624) and get them to sign a document that agrees them to having a no jury. Now here comes the trial. Watch Erin come from being a sexy Miss Witchita to a successful attorney assistant. Will she and her attorney Ed win?
Rating:  Summary: Well-done, but a bit slow. Review: Summary: Erin Brockovich (Julia Roberts) is an ex-beauty queen with three children, two ex-husbands, no job, and no job skills. The movie begins with Erin flubbing a job interview and getting in an accident. She hires Ed Masry (Albert Finney) to sue the other driver. When Ed loses the case Erin demands he give her a job. He does and when she takes a personal interest in a pro bono case that turns out to be a major civil suite, Ed and Erin push it through to victory landing a multi-million dollar settlement against Pacific Gas and Electric. Though Erin isn't a legal expert, she is a people person and it's through her efforts that the case is really won. My Comments: The movie isn't particularly quick, suspenseful, or exciting, but it is remarkably well-produced. The cinematography is great; some of the scenes are even shot in Hinkley, CA, giving the movie a very authentic feel. Ed, Erin, and George (Aaron Eckhart) - the three main actors - are great and well-portrayed. I felt like I was left not knowing what turns out with George, Erin's boyfriend, and there is only one scene of Erin informing people of the court's decision. Too much time was spent on Erin collecting plaintiffs in Hinkley and not enough on her relationship with George and her kids, unless, of course, she really was incredibly neglectful of her family and friends. I'm doing my best to not comment on the story itself, because it is a true story, but I couldn't help but see Erin as an annoying pain. Perhaps that means Julia Roberts did a good job, nevertheless, I wouldn't mind avoiding someone as caustic as Erin was portrayed in my personal life. Overall, the movie is entertaining and well done with just a few flaws. If you like Julia Roberts or legal films, you'll probably enjoy this film. Otherwise, you might find it a bit boring.