Rating:  Summary: Incredibly funny and inspiring! Review: The movie and actions of Erin Brockovitch best exemplify Margaret Mead's quote, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world, indeed it is the only thing that ever has." Based on a true story of a disasterous act on part of Pacific Gas & Electric, in not fixing or making efforts to fix the leak of contaminated water to family homes, Erin Brockovitch shows how an ordinary citizen can make a difference within the system.If Julia Roberts does not get the Academy Award, or even a nomination, it will be considered a travesty on part of the Association of Motion Pictures. It would be nearly impossible for Roberts not to secure the award or nomination, because this is most definately her best film. Portraying Brockovitch, the single mother of three, Roberts uses her wit, stubborness and physical appearances to land a job with the law office and then to take on the investigation of this case. While this was a legal film, it was such a wonderful balance of drama and comedy. The director, producer and screen writers all did a fabulous job with this film. For all movie viewers who want to be inspired by the notion of one person making a difference in the lives of many others, and how a small group of people can truly change the system, you should undoubtedly watch Erin Brockovitch.
Rating:  Summary: Asking for movies/DVDs for the whole family Review: It is such a waste! That's the first thing that came to mind after watching this DVD. Why? Because for a movie with such a good story line, it was fouled by Julia Robert's cursings, swearings etc. You may call me a prude, that's alright. But definitely to purchase a DVD for keeps and where the whole family can watch, this DVD is definitely out for me. In this day and age of the DVD, and not just movie theaters alone, it would be real nice for producers, directors, script writers etc. to realize that the money is to be made too through the sale of DVDs where the whole family can watch.
Rating:  Summary: Hmmm... Review: Julia Roberts is winsome and not at all cloying in this *Silkwood* meets *Love Canal* meets *Marie* meets *Pretty Woman* extravaganza. In fact, I'd almost admit I'm beginning to like her, now that I've gotten past all the years of oppressive hype. But it's not her fault. She seems like a genuinely nice woman who is growing up to be a competent actress. And *Erin Brockovich* supplies her with just the kind of role that the world like's to see her in - beleaguered but with spunk (an often repellant combination). She plays the real-life whistle-blower of the title (the real Erin has a role as a waitress in the movie), and proves she's a real actress by following the time-honored path beaten by Hollywood actresses since time immemorial - playing white trash. But, of course, she's white trash with a heart of gold, who cares only about taking care of her three children, and finding justice in the world. With her bra showing most of the time, and her New Jersey-deluxe hair, she actually does a credible job of it, and that's where it's possible to develop compassion for her character. And thank God for that - for without her, there's little else memorable about this movie that makes it any different than the kind of movies made for the Lifetime channel. Finney is excellent as her boss, and the handsome Latham is wasted as the boyfriend when the love story just kind of fizzles out. Many say it's the best work Roberts has done. I wouldn't know. But, I'm always a sucker for seeing the little guy win against the behemoth powers-that-be, and even though it's been done over and over again (*A Civil Action* ring any bells? *Norma Rae*?)
Rating:  Summary: It's not only Julia Roberts to take care of Review: I think there are two aspects that are present all along the film. One of them is, of course, Julia Roberts. Her acting could be somewhat annoying as she is in almost every scene: her bad-temperament, her mini-clothes and lots of her clichés are present in the more than two hour length of the film.
The second aspect is the horrible hot and yellowish tone of all scenes, even when at night. When the movie finished I thought I have been watching some documental in the desert or the African savannah!
Well, the movie is well oriented. It is easy to have a real testimony to make your film and watching the extras (which alone would be rated 5) you find the film is a lovely story of struggle and desperation with a more-than-happy ending. If the story was not true, it was almost impossible to believe attorney Ed Masry had a great heart and a good eye to keep with Erin Brockovich.
Albert Finney is rescued from the past. It's more than 40 years he made a success with Tom Jones and in the last few years had only made several TV film appearances. Good job and great similarity to the real Masry!
Roberts makes a good acting but the movie is worth to watch for the story itself.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie and Excellent DVD Review: I was surprised to discover how good this DVD is, including story and production of the movie itself, most of the acting - not all but most - is good, the DVD quality is excellent, and the extras on the DVD are interesting. It is not a great epic movie but it does the job of telling the story of the contaminated water, the impact on the victims, and the struggle - all in an entertaing fashion and with a human touch - to get a legal judgement of $400 million against PG&E.
As most people know the plot is based on a real story and there is a close resemblance between Roberts (in the movie) and Brokovitch in real life. The plot is excellent and it is fascinating to see the way the story unfolds and the interaction with her boss - played by Finney - through the legal proceedings. Finney's character builds slowly through the movie and in the end he is sharing the spotlight with the energetic Roberts.
The DVD is excellent. The extras include the normal collection of deleted scenes and production shots as we see in other movies, but also we see a special section with an interview of Erin herself, and she repeats her story. That seems to add a lot to the DVD after one views the movie.
All in all a surprisingly good movie and DVD. Highly recommend.
Rating:  Summary: A secret look into big business... Review: A neat film about how a rather ordinary person without direction decides to "do something with her life" and take on a huge corporation for environmental injustice. People are sick and dieing by drinking and using water with a toxic form of chromium in their water wells. How did it get there? It got there by PG&E's thoughtless use of the toxin in their plants. It all started before 1966 - the corporate office knew, but didn't do anything about it. It's a classic case of turning a blind eye to a huge environmental problem to save the bottom line. It's an example of a big, faceless, powerful economic force not caring for the little guy - just as long these same little guys pay their bills and add to the profit margin of the company. The film is an eye-opener in illustrating how big business does all it can to make a buck at the expense of humankind and the environment. A movie I recommend to the environmentally conscious.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent! Review: This movie made me like Julia Roberts and decide that she is a talented actress. Most of her other movies are not worth watching. Great story. Great acting. The real Erin is an amazing woman.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty Effective Legal Drama Review: Erin Brockovich (Julia Roberts) is an employed single mother who can't get work. Injured in a car accident, her attorney, Ed Masry, fails to obtain any damages for her but allows her to bully him into hiring her as a filing clerk. She quickly alienates her fellow workers with what they see as her verbal and sartorial vulgarity but she is soon spending less and less time in the office anyway as she gets a bee in her bonnet about what at first seems a minor pro bone real estate case that she soon discovers is a monster tort case involving chromium 6 poisoning in the vicinity of Hinkley, Ca., emanating from the local compressor station of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company.
I say it grudgingly but this is quite a good film, a engaging and nicely constructed legal drama. Grudgingly because I am a pretty determined Julia Roberts anti-fan. Hard to say what is so very annoying about her. Partly, as with Richard Gere, it's just got to be the fact that `Pretty Woman' is one of those movies that are so poisonously awful that nobody involved can ever be forgiven. But in fact she's quite good in this as the sassy and exasperating but ultimately admirable and engaging Brockovich. And besides we also get the great Albert Finney putting in an excellent performance as Masry. Not, to be sure, one of the great legal dramas but quite a good one.
Rating:  Summary: Perfect night's entertainment Review: You would think it'd be heavy handed, but it's very funny and absolutely believable. This is the kind of movie that does it all, entertaining on every level, and I can't give it less than 5 stars, except for the foul language.
Rating:  Summary: Julia Roberts vs. Ellen Burstyn ... Review: If you've read any other of my movie reviews you'll know that I'm obssessed with the Academy Awards, especially the Best Actress category.
Basically my boyfriend at the time and I saw Erin Brockovich at the movies not long after it first came out. We both loved it and got many people we knew to go and see it.
Then a few years after that (the boyfriend was history) I educated myself about the Oscars, and decided to see (buy, actually) all the movies that featured a Best Actress Oscar nominee for 2000.
Well, the one that caught my emotions the most wasn't Julia at all, but Ellen Burstyn of Requiem for a Dream. At first I decided immediately that Ellen was robbed and the Academy was full of crap for giving Julia, the former queen-of-the-romantic-comedy, an Oscar.
But the other day I watched Erin Brockovich again, and decided that maybe they had it right after all. Julia was, of course, the queen-of-the-romantic-comedy, and here she gave us a very emotional, heartfelt, dramatic performance for a change, quite against type considering what movies of hers came before.
So I've decided that yes, Julia IS DESERVING of her Oscar after all. But does she actually DESERVE it? You be the judge. ;) Enjoy.