Rating:  Summary: A Single Mother with Determination Review: Erin Brckovich, Directed by Steven Soderbergh was an outstanding movie in my view. This movie was about a single mother who was determined to make ends meet for her three children and herself. Erin Brockovich's had to struggle to get her job by being turned down, and everything in her life was being challenged by car accident,undependable babysitters and a house with cockroaches crawling on your food. Erin was so determined to make a name for herself that she didn't take no for an answer with a law firm who tried to turn her down for a job. As Erin persued her career with this law firm she still was encoountered by challenges with the employee's at the firm as she was not very well liked by fellow workers. This just seemed to make her want to even work harder to prove to this firm she was well worth her weight. Julia Roberts definetly played this role perfect as she was able to be a single mom but,also a very educated woman who had the will,and determination to make things happen for this law firm. In my view I feel this is one of the best movies Julia Roberts played as an actress who made her way to the top in this movie. She had so many obstacles in the way which made her give it all she had to succeed. This is a must see movie!!!!
Rating:  Summary: A Strong Character Study Review: Although highly overrated, this movie is far from being great, as it is distant to Z-grade filmmaking. Overall, "Erin Brockovich" is an above average Hollywood flick that suceeds due to two relevant elements: the director Steven Soderbergh and the lead actress Julia Ruberts. Frankly, I have never been a big fan of any of them, but I`ll admit that they make this movie work. Roberts gives a solid and convincing performance, probably her best ever, and proves that she can do better than formulaic romantic comedies. Soderbergh creates a film that is somewhat like many predictable TV-movies, yet he manages to present a couple of details which turn this effort into a peculiar and distinct one (professional and appealing direction, competent character development, a familar story told in an absorbing and gripping perspective). Despite the typical Hollywood ending that certainly won`t surprise anyone, "Erin Brockovich" is an interesting cinematic experience that doesn`t need to rely on high action, multiple twists or shock-value scenes to offer enough dramatic tension. This is a subtle and well-crafted effort, not the great film ever but not a disappointment either (however, the huge hype that it received may work against it). A compelling mainstream product.
Rating:  Summary: a very serious movie with a comic touch Review: I loved this movie. I have watched it several times and enjoy it every time. It is a movie about a very serious and true event that adds enough humor and comic touches throughout it to keep it interesting and entertaining. A down and out, twice divorced, single mother desperately looking for a job finally bullies her way into a job in a law office using the excuse that since her lawyer lost her injury case that he said she would win that he owed her. She ends up looking into some real estate files that have medical records attached to them and is confused. As she delves deeper, she is shocked and horrified at finding that a major energy company has been dumping toxic chromium waste knowing that it is getting into the water system and making people sick, etc. She convinces her boss to help the people by taking the matter to court. Absolutely fascinating! Her choice of clothes is not the demure business type but more on the floozy side. The cast of characters are absolutely outstanding and work perfectly together. I highly recommend the movie! Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: Zowie! Review: It's my sister who's the REAL fan, and while staying at her house for 3 days last summer, I 'got' to watch this movie 5 times, so I think I can speak from some experience when saying I enjoyed it anew each time. Plus: I've seen it twice on cross-country plane trips, once in the local theater, and once on home video. Lordy! Anyway... This fact-based movie earned Julia Roberts an Oscar, deservedly. It captured her ability for slapstick, pathos, drama, etc. Twice-divorced and flat broke Brokovich forces her way into a job in the office of a lawyer who failed to win her a big award in a traffic accident injury case, then goes on to make herself indispensible in the investigation of toxic chromium contamination of the groundwater of little no-place, no-count Hinkley, California, where locals have suffered a plague of pain, death and disease. With her common-folk ways, she succeeds in winning the confidence of 100% of the distrustful and jaded populance - and a huge award in a personal injury case against big business. 5 stars for the movie, 5 stars for Brokovich and J. Roberts, 5 stars for the little guys of the world who triumph against the big bucks of corporate arrogance.
Rating:  Summary: Tedious Review: If you watch this film more than once, you find yourself sitting back, and letting it wash over you. This isn't one of my favourite Julia Roberts movies, but it's an OK one. OK, sure, some people talk about her big mouth, and she works it out quite a bit. But we have to give a big hand to Wonderbra - they worked wonders on Julia! This film gets bogged down by a lot of jargon about the world that Julia's character works in. Not enough attention is paid to her attention of her kids, or their father(s). Some will say the highligh of the movie is Julia prancing around in a low cut top, belts, and sky scraping heels. True. But put that aside and you've got a potentially good movie on your hands. It could have been cut, and been much more interesting. I wouldn't have given Julia an Oscar for it though.
Rating:  Summary: poorly scripted and poorly performed movie w/mucho hypes Review: this is one of the worst movies ever made and definitely an insult and joke to oscar award. the role that julia roberts played in this movie was simply the worst performance she ever did, yet she got the best actress oscar. what a joke. i'd rather give her an oscar for her role as the 'pretty woman', and she was absolutely great in that movie and had won my heart and soul completely. but not this pathetic ideologically focused bad and bore-to-death movie.
Rating:  Summary: How do you rate entaining lies? Review: First off, "Erin Brokovich" is an entertaining movie. How then does one rate a movie that, while entertaining, is promoted as a true story, but is in fact entirely half-truths, distortions and outright lies? I thought it deserved 3 stars as entertainment but since it is promoted as "based on a true story" then it's entire premise is undermined. The first giveaway in any Hollywood production is simply the phrase "based on a true story". This usually signals major departures from reality. "EB" conveniently leaves out crucial facts. For example no mention is made of the fact that the lawyer Albert Finney portrays was in real life a convicted felon. No mention is made of the fact that two high powered law firms were called in to actually handle the litigation. No mention is made of the fact that the settlement was paid out to plaintiffs in an arbitrary fashion with friends of Brockovich gettting larger shares, some got none. (In fact people with identical maladies got differing settlements. Some have yet to get anything. Attempts to contact Brockovich and her firm by these plaintiffs are ignored.) Natually no mention is made of the fact that the toxin in question is proven to not be the cause of the ailments described. The plaintiffs themselves called the movies "lies". No mention is made of the fact that the winning law firms hired a cruise ship for a celebration party at a cost of $350,000. Three of the judges on the arbitration panel that gave the $333 million judgement were at that party. No mention is made of the fact that the lawyers took 40% of the settlement. Pretty good pay for "fighting evil corporations" isn't it? In fact there are few corporations more vicious and capitalist than movie companies. Julia Roberts herself get over 20 million per flick. Maybe these hollywood hyporcites should pay the plaintiff's legal bills. The settlement in actuality is passed on to the ratepayers of the State. If you live in California YOU are paying this money, not the "evil corporation". So if you think this is a victory for the little guy you are fooling yourself. There are true stories of local heroes who take on the criminal acts of corporations and governments and win. Why the shakedown artists in "EB" were picked to be lionized is a true mystery. So while this flick is entertaining it is in reality a promotional piece for a gang of shakedown artists, the leading one being Erin Brockovich. Are the Director and screenwriters idiots or are they willing accomplices of this shakedown? This movie is the worst sort of pandering.
Rating:  Summary: I have no skills, no education, how I do that Whew I'm tired Review: I LOVED Julia in this. Excellent story. The real Erin Brockavich must be a pistol!!! The scene when she claimed to have gotten all the signatures via oral sex was funny. But the whole movie was terrific. I hated that she didn't end up with Chris, the biker with a heart, at the end. We always love it when good triumphs over evil and especially so when that good is a passionate crusader against all odds. AND this one is in heels, bustiers, and carrying a toddler on her hip and attitude to spare. What's NOT to love?
Rating:  Summary: Not her best Review: But certainly a good message, and excellent acting. Roberts has always been better at the romantic-comedy, but she does well in the role of Erin. Yet the acting is overtaken by the plot; one gets more involved with the story than with the actors (which can be good) and is good in this case. Not a family film, but certainly inspirational. DVD is good, movie is great. Well deserved A.A. and long overdue.
Rating:  Summary: Outstanding. Review: Ordinary folks triumph in this quite pleasing look at big corporate greed and how the quest for the almighty dollar puts human life in the back seat. Stellar performances from Roberts and the rest of the cast make this an affecting piece. Very highly recommended!