Rating:  Summary: Good Story and Good Acting Review: This is a solidly entertaining and good movie. Very much worth seeing. Good story line, well developed with good acting. A rare combination. If you didn't like this movie, then you probably are better suited to the quality of Dumb and Dumber type movies, or worse yet, watching Perfect Storm.
Rating:  Summary: Julia Roberts At Her Best! Review: Julia Roberts delivers the most intense character of her movie career! Julia have played mother roles in the past but here, it's dealt with a realistic, in-depth approach to life. The script's really interesting too based on a true to life incident. Julia indeed, deserves a Best Actress nomination in Erin just like in Preety Woman during the 90's. Vulgar languages are evident in some scenes, Brockovich being an unconventional character, eventually, it's all done in good taste.
Rating:  Summary: I agree...dull and boring Review: The story was of course predictable, the heroine was unlikable, and the story jumped from A to Z without filling you in on what happened in between. I saw the scenes that were edited out and they were totally key scenes. Without them the movie just did not flow well. And again, what an unlikable character despite the good cause she was involved in.
Rating:  Summary: Go Erin! Review: This was a great film. It had good lines, a tough and likeable heroine, Roberts was the best I've seen her, it wasn't sickeningly moralistic and the courtroom stuff didn't drag. It's amazing that it's a true story, though I would like to know how true to life it is.
Rating:  Summary: Dull and predictable Review: Judging from box office sales, I am one of the few that disliked this film. However, I found it boring and predictable and far too long. While a noble tale, I felt as far as entertainment goes, it was lacking. Roberts was her usual loud, obnoxious self, even though I found her acting better than usual. This film could have been engaging if it weren't for so many needless scenes which shamelessly detailed and emphasized Brockovich's struggles to maintain the family, the bills, the boyfriend, and the job (why did we need to watch her over and over again rooting thru the files at the water plant?). I was very disappointed in this film.
Rating:  Summary: A heartful story everyone will benefit from! Buy the Video Review: This is one true story that everyone should see a many times as they can. Julie Roberts is terrific in her protrayal of a divorced single mom that will not sit still until the scales are balanced between a multi-billion dollar firm and a group of people that have suffered from the company's on-going pollution. Working only as a paralegal, she convinces her attorney boss to hang in there until these polluters are brought to justice. Her determination is unmatched! She succeeds where most others would have failed, and her reward is so great at the end that it will leave you stunned! Julie Robert's stars in this movie from beginning to end and you'll never take your eyes off her. I know I didn't! This is a movie everyone needs to watch! In our society, people are afraid to stand up for what is right! After you see it, the moral of the story is so convincing, you'll never forget it!! Joe
Rating:  Summary: Great performance by Julia Roberts Review: Erin Brokovich has only one goal at the beginning of this movie--to support her three children and herself. She hires an attorney to help her win a settlement in a car wreck, and loses the case. In her desperation, she manipulates her attorney into giving her a job. While she is filing some papers in a case, she discovers that a large gas and oil company has polluted the water in a nearby community, causing untold numbers of cancer cases and deaths. She persuades her boss to let her pursue her investigation, and turns up evidence that the company was willfully negligent. Trying to balance the investigation, her job and a relationship with the Harley-rider-next-door, Erin comes into her own and out-investigates some so-called experts. She is saucy, irreverant, and profane, yet comes across as a totally likeable protagonist. This is one of the best acting jobs yet from Julia Roberts and is a very satisfying movie.
Rating:  Summary: I loved it! Review: I loved this movie so much, when my mother-in-law came over I watched it a second time, although I'd just watched it the night before! I recognized Albert Finney right away as good ol' Daddy Warbucks. It was great seeing him again. I think it is wonderful that they made a story about Erin Brokovich's courage to help all those people. Sharing those stories with others might motivate them to do what they can to help out when they see something that isn't right. Julia did an excellent job and the writers did an excellent job making this movie both dramatic and comedic. I highly recommend this movie to everyone! It is just too good to not see.
Rating:  Summary: An amazing story Review: Erin Brockovich is an amazing person. She has the confidence to wear what she wants and say what she wants without caring what anyone else thinks. She never lets anyone push her around but cares a lot for people. So when she gets a job at a law office and finds something suspecious happening with a major company. She pounces on the case. When she finds out that PG&E is causing people cancer and even death she's willing to put her whole life on hold to stop it. But will she survive. THis was an amazing movie about a strong woman who dosen't let just anyone push her around. I liked a Civil action and I think this was even better. I would really like to meet the real Erin Brockovich, I consider her to be a real positive role model (minus the swearing of course).
Rating:  Summary: This was a great movie Review: As a Julia Roberts fan, first I'm biased. However, there was a good story here and though I think Julia Roberts was great for the part, another equally skilled actress could have done as well. The acting was wonderful by all, including that by Albert Finney that played her bumbling lawyer boss; Ed Masry. The character he played was a smart man, but was not skilled in speaking. A scary thought for an attorney. As with many others, I did find Julia Roberts outfits overly provocative, but if they were in character, then they were appropriate. However, what I did fault with is the endless variety and quality of these outfits. If she was single mom with two kids and struggling to eat, her wardrobe never reflected it. All of her clothes appeared expensive and worn once. The wardrobe person should be faulted here and the director for not adhering to reality. The story is one of this woman's brashness in resolving her and others problems. Erin Brockovich, went to Ed Masry to obtain a settlement for an injury obtained in a car accident. He assured her of their success. Unfortunately, through his bumbling and her appearance and attitude which did not endear her to the judge, she lost the case. She approached this attorney shortly after winning the case, for a job, since he had done her no favors in the courtroom and he grudgingly gave her one much to the consternation of the rest of his staff. Later on she noted some oddities in one of his files and asked to pursue the lead. He absentmindedly told her it was okay. However, after a week of absence due to researching this, he fired her. His staff was openly pleased and she left in a huff. Later, when calls started to come in that her research initiated, her former boss came to her for more information. Recognizing a golden opportunity she negotiated for her job back at a better rate with benefits! Shortly after returning to work she met her next door neighbor that was soon to become her babysitter and eventually her love interest. This resulted in some bedroom scenes were she gave some of her background and you could understand some of what drives her. George her boyfriend/babysitter played back fiddle to her job through most of the movie and winds up leaving because of this. You can really see the pull of both. As time went on she pieced together the whole sordid story of what went on. Once the corporate bigwigs got hold of this she received some threats and leads started to dry up. As a small law firm, they struggled with the manpower to support and try such a large case. They opt to get a partner with more experience to help them. Here Erin feels really pushed out. She struggles against the bias over both her lack of education besides her trashy dress. In the end they triumphed. This isn't quite so simple there are a lot of twists and turns and details, all well done. Not knowing the personality of the real Erin Brockovich, I don't know if Julia Roberts portrayed her accurately or not. However there is a lesson learned here as well. If you choose a path you know to have biases, dressing trashy, working in a field that you have no qualifications for, you wind up aways fighting to prove you can do the job. Human nature is that it wants homogeneity. You have to fit, otherwise your differences are something you have to add to that hill you have to climb over every day. Erin Brockovich chose that battle and triumphed. I'm not sure the battles (the trashy dress) were worth the fight, but it's not my life. The other message here that in today's age, education is merely a more formal doorway for various jobs. If employers limit themselves to only candidates with the right educational background despite a job candidate's obvious ability, they may be shorting themselves. So much of many jobs are on the job knowledge and drive. Erin Brockovich is a good example of that.