Rating:  Summary: My vote for best actress and director this year Review: If not necessarily Best Picture. First I have to state that there is probably no one who is less of a Julia Roberts fan than I. Her acting talents to me have always seemed pretty run of the mill. And she can occasionally appear to be stunningly beautiful at most times she appears remarkably average. So i've never understood the hype We are treated here to an extraordinary performance. She brings genuine honesty to the role. I would highly recommend that you read the review of 'RESOLUTE' which I found to be particularly poignant and accurate. To RESOLUTE: I wish that you would include your email and that you would write more reviews because you really seem to know your stuff ie: Independence Day What I enjoyed most about this film is that the story and the performances carried the day rather than production tricks and hype. In short the movie is very low key. It's understated in it's visuals and drama. The viewer is not forced to like or dislike (the character) Erin Brockavich although she is certainly a sympathetic presence as are Albert Finney and the victims of the dumping. In short I did not expect to like this film and viewed it with reluctance but was treated to a real gem of a film and all involved are to be commended. It's got all of the elements a great story, well acted, enough laughs and plenty of drama plus ultimately vindication. Bravo!
Rating:  Summary: excellent work from a gorgeous star Review: I had seen many of the movies of Julia Roberts but this has really topped my list of must have it. I have never seen Julia in such down to earth, beautiful and no mess around attitude like acting before. "My Best Friends Wedding" was sweet but this movie will remain in people's heart and mind for a long time. She has put all her looks aside and created a masterpiece of the chracter. I think the real Erin Brokovich will be over the tops seeing this autobiography played all over the world. Hope it nominates for an Oscar.
Rating:  Summary: Don't drink the water Review: I avoided Erin for a long time but was pleasantly surprised when I finally broke down and watched it. Normally, I equate Julia Roberts with fluffy no-brain movies and I was so happy that a serious movie with a good plot was actually produced from her. This story really grabs you and you truly feel for those poor people. Roberts and Albert Finney give terrific performances.
Rating:  Summary: Good Acting Make For A Good Movie Review: There is something about true stories that make for better films. Add in a good cast and good acting, and you have a decent movie. Julia Roberts plays Erin Brockovich, a broke, out-of-work single mother who pushes herself into a clerical job at a law firm that previously lost her "can't lose" automobile accident court case. While there, she discovers a power company that poisons the water making several citizens in the surrounding town fatally ill. Roberts and her boss, played by Albert Finney, set off to take down this power company, and bring justice and a large settlement to the citizens of Hinkley, California. The acting was superb in the film. Roberts did a wonderful job in the title role, and her timing in the dialogue was pretty dead-on perfect. Albert Finney was also quite masterful in his role, and his straight-man attitude was the best complement to Roberts. Aaron Eckhart added in a stellar performance as the motorcycle-driving neighbor, George, who eventually falls in love with Erin. The movie flowed along quite nicely, and the storyline was well-drawn out. All of the character-development was done well also, allowing the audience to relate to the people on screen. This film was nicely done, and is sure not to let you down. It is a worthy effort.
Rating:  Summary: Julia is the only one of her kind! Review: This is simply one of the best films I've ever seen!!! And I know what I'm talking about, 'cause I've seen A LOT (!!) because I have a great knowledge about films and I'm a huge fanatic of everything that has to with it! When I see a movie a consider acting, screenplay, directing, music, editing, cast and the basic plot! Ant when it comes to this movie - EVERYTHING WAS PERFECT!! "Everyday is winding road" is a perfect title song for this movie as well as Thomas Newman's music!! Julia Roberts...she has done it again! She acts so originally and so well that I'm amazed EVERY TIME I see her!! This role was made for her, because I don't think any other actress would have done this so well performed as Julia did! There are different meanings about this film, and I can understand that because of the language and that it is based on a true story. But why can't you just admit that there are good and fantastic films even don't YOU like them...! "Erin Brockovich" is one of them: it's a FANTASTIC film with one BRILLIANT cast and an EXCLUSIVE screenplay, and not to mention the director Steven Soderbergh who does the incredible!! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!
Rating:  Summary: Worthwhile, entertaining and honest Review: When Erin Brockovich originally came out, I was suspicious. It seemed like a calculated move by Julia Roberts, Inc., to buy into the character market, the Norma Rae/Silkwood real estate. I thought it would be a star turn. Roberts and the film are much better than that. The filmmakers made some excellent choices in rendering the true story of a California legal office clerk who uncovers a ulitity's cover-up of an environmental disaster that has caused widespread health problems in a small town. They have opted for realism, and have chosen to emphasize the entertaining ironies in Brockovich's character. Roberts wears the role well and has let go of some trademark mannerisms. Albert Finney, playing the lawyer for whom Brockovich works, is remarkable and deserves more attention than he's gotten. The director wisely abandons the hand-held camera early enough, before it becomes annoying. The film slyly comments on legal culture when it puts Finney and Roberts' roll-up-the-sleeves characters in a room with the stiffly attired and mannered upscale corporate lawyers. I suppose some people should be warned that the dialogue makes frequent use of those words that can't be broadcast on network television; but people I know who are usually offended by such liked this film because it has a humor and charm that pick it up off the ground.
Rating:  Summary: Good but not Oscar Worthy Review: "Erin Brockovich" is one of the three films nominated for Oscars that i have seen, and I don't see this one taking home the statue. Okay, so it was a true story, that doesn't make it a great film. I guess my expectations were too high as I had heard that it was a great film. Julia Roberts was good as the title character, but I had no sympathy for her. It seemed as if as soon as Erin had a real job and was out trying to get PG&E, her family seemed to not matter much to her. This is just what I got from what I saw on film. I am just very surprised at the academy this year, for including this film in it's nominations. In my own personal opinion, I don't think it is deservant of it. Nor does Julia Roberts deserve a Best Actress Nod. There was nothing stunning or awesome about her performance. It was decent. The movie is worth a rental fee, but i wouldn't buy it.
Rating:  Summary: Good, but Julia wasn't that great Review: I wasn't expecting alot from this movie, even though it is nominated for Best Picture. I was pleasently suprised. When I rent movies, I tend to watch them while I am doing something else. This movie held my attention the whole time. Of course, I do enjoy real-life dramas. I found this one to be very well done. Stephen Soderbergh is amazing. I found Out of Sight and Traffic to be better, but I was really impressed with this movie. I'll admit Julia Roberts was good, but not great. I prefer actors who make me forget the actor and believe in the character they are playing. I couldn't forget that it was Julia Roberts. So, she played somewhat out of character. But, all she really did was show some skin and swear. Yes, she was good, but Oscar worthy? I don't think so. Good movie and I would definitely recommend it to friends.
Rating:  Summary: Julia Roberts' best performance Review: This movie may have changed my opinion of Julia Roberts. I have never like her acting, and the media's portrayal of her as some sort of beauty queen in the 80's (and she has never been a very attractive woman) only made it worse. But she did an excellent job in this story, seemingly portraying the real Erin Brockovich with perfection. Great story, maybe a little hard to believe though if you didn't know it was true. But everything was very well done. All the characters were good. One bad thing is that they seem to have cut some scenes out to speed it up? Some of the scene transitions were downright bizarre and there was no logic behind. But other than that, no real complaints. One thing I'd like to point out to people before they watch this is that Erin Brockovich is not a very likable person. She's profane, crude, obnoxious, rude, and treats everyone around her, especially those who are better educated, like garbage. She always had trouble finding and keeping a job and she always blamed it on her lack of education and experience. That wasn't it. It was her attitude.
Rating:  Summary: Julia Roberts Shines!!!!! Top 3 Of 2000 Review: In her dozen or so years in show business, Julia Roberts has played many roles. A hooker, a movie star, a step mom, and Tinkerbell are among a handful of Roberts' roles in the past decade. And in that time Julia Roberts has become "America's Darling" and one of the most recognizable (and highest paid) actresses in the history of cinema. Yet, she has never clutched an Oscar in all those years. So, to say that her Oscar-nominated performance in Erin Brockovich is well deserved would be a tragic understatement. Roberts takes on the roll of a double divorcee-single mother of three struggling to earn enough money to get by. Playing Brockovich is easily the most challenging role of Roberts' illustrious career. But it was also, in turn, the greatest performance of her career. What makes this a standout role for Roberts is the fact that she has built up that "squeaky-clean" image over the course of her career. She almost always played the role of the vixen, or the damsel in her most memorable movies. But now, she plays a foul-mouthed, and cunning ex-beauty queen... a far cry from Tinkerbell indeed. And Julia Roberts stood and delivered the entire length of the movie. However, Roberts is not the only one to make the movie as great as it is. Steven Soderbergh's directing job is flawless in this film. He helped create a movie based on a true story that is, in fact, very believable, humorous, witty, clever, and moving all at the same time. Erin Brockovich could very well be the best film of the year. It is certainly well rounded in terms of production. Great casting. Great direction. Great Acting. Great Writing. Great Film. And so on Oscar night... Julia Roberts may finally get the recognition she deserves.