Rating:  Summary: One of the best Holocaust films ever! Review: I purchased this film because of the reviews I'd read, along with the fact that I have an interest in war films of that era that are Holocaust centered. Shindler's List and The Hiding Place are personal favorites.It took me two evenings to view the the first 1/2 or so of Anne Frank because it seemed to move ever so slowly. What I didn't realize at the time was that the film producers were apparently making sure that the characters were solidly etched in my mind because their later interactions would be critical to fully understanding and appreciating this film. From the time Anne and her family were finally discovered in their hide-out by the Nazis, the movie was not to be left unfinished again! This later part of the film, which I would estimate at 90-minutes, was probably the best 90-minutes of film I'd ever seen. Hannah Taylor Gordon's (Anne) and Ben Kingsley's (Anne's father, Otto) acting abilities, along with the great movie sets, make this film so realistic, gut-wrenching, and believable. Bottom line, one of the best films on the Holocaust you'll ever see. Easily stacks-up to Shindler's List. Also, for a simulation of life at a Nazi concentration camp, the Anne Frank film is #1.
Rating:  Summary: A very moving tribute to Anne Frank Review: I have been fortunate enough to be able to see this movie through SKY Moviemax tv in the United Kingdom.I have seen many versions of the story of Anne Frank,but none that hit me so hard as this one.I was moved to tears,espescially during the final scenes in Bergen Belsen concentration camp when Anne is desperately trying to keep Margot alive,although the situation is absoloutly hopeless.For me the saddest thing is that Anne believed that her father was dead,if only she could have known that he was still alive then she might have found more strength to survive until the liberation which ,unfortunately came too late to save her.My father went into Bergen-Belsen as a Britsh Royal Army Medical Corp just a few weeks after the liberation and he was able to confirm some of the horrors that were found in that camp.For me,this movie provides a very moving tribute to Anne Frank and it is one which nobody should miss.The characters all gave superb,realistic portrayals,espescially Hannah Gordon-Taylor ,who is a very talented young actress and Ben Kingsly was very convincing as Otto Frank.Just one question,will the video be released in The UK?
Rating:  Summary: no words strong enough to describe it... Review: Here is me, opinionated wildcat7110 again. This movie is beyond the words of the English language. I watched it when it first aired on television, and the tears that I shed were falling of their own accord. Correct me...I was sobbing. There was no words to describe the agony that Otto Frank must have felt when he realized Anne and Margot were not coming back, the agony, when he read Annes diary and storues, and his feelings re-kindled to the wonderful daughter he had lost, but loved so much. Ben Kingsley is an amazing actor, I'd like to meet him to tell him what an amazing job he did on his protrayal. I don't know words to descrobe the horrible conditions of those Concentration Camps, the feeling of alway sbeing cold, hungry always knowing that you were itching because Lice and Fleas infested your whole body, and knowing that you can do nothing about it. I kow no words good enough to feel what Anne must have been feeling when she knew that her older sister, Margot, was dead, and that she would not see her living once again. I live my own older sister tremendously, I feel that Margot was to Anne like Tara is to me. I don't know what it is like to starve, to have no decent clothing, to stand for hours from the crack of dawn to, sometimes, the late evening, while they count you over and over, to dig endlessly, to know that you were being sent to the gas chambers, to know that you would have to go into hiding, leaving your family, friends, and everything that you had ever known and held dear, to know that you were going to die, of hunger, disease, cold... All I know is that if movies such as this can always be made to remind us of the Jews sacrifice, and undying courage and bravery during the Holocaust, that we will live our lives a little differently from that day forward. I know I will...
Rating:  Summary: Anne Frank Review: I loved the Anne Frank mini-series.Hannah Taylor Gordon played her part very well.Jessica Manley as Margot did well too.I think Nicholas Audsley (Peter) deserves more credit.Nick played his part wonderfully. He captured Peters shyness and akwardness extremly well.He also played in the Cazalets.All the actors and actresses played there parts very well.If you liked this movie,check out The Hiding Place.See ya.
Rating:  Summary: Anne Frank as alive as ever Review: I am a big fan of Anne Frank, I've read her diary and the biography this movie was based on and countless other books about her and I think this movie is better then all the others. Hannah Taylor Gordon is amazing as Anne and it is shocking who much she and other characters resemble the characters the play. In the end I almost cried. Because of the events surronding the last parts of Anne's life this movie is not good for children under ten but I think every Adult and Teen that has read the book should see this movie!
Rating:  Summary: Very powerful Review: I saw this film on Sky Movies, although then it was separated in two parts, and had to get it - simply because it was just so powerful. Being a true story makes it even more powerful. It is as powerful as Schindlers List, if not more so. I'm not sure why it hasn't been released in the UK yet on video or DVD, hence I had to get the NTSC format. There are really no words to describe this film without making it sound less powerful than it is. I haven't yet read the diary of Anne Frank yet, just own this dvd. I've just finished watching it for a second time and it was still just as emotional. You cannot take away any emotions from a period in time that existed when such atrocities were committed against fellow human beings, whatever background or religion. As far as I'm concerned we are all equals, only language and oceans separate us. All I can say really, is buy this film. If you have a multi-region dvd or video recorder than can play NTSC films, this is a must.
Rating:  Summary: Very Realistic Review: I really believe this film gives the story of Anne Frank justice. During my last semester in college I wrote my senior thesis on Anne Frank. I used the same book that this film is based on as one of my sources. This is a very realistic account of what really happened to the millions of Jews during World War II. Again, a Spectacular film, if anyone wants to learn about Anne Frank, then pick up this video.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Thing Ever Review: I watched this movie last spring when I was 13 and cried 3 days after it. It touches you and makes you realize how good you have it. Anne was an amazing girl who found the good in things and believed that people were still good deep down. This movie shows what a true hero is.
Rating:  Summary: Anne Frank - a film to remember. Review: I loved the film, ANNE FRANK - THE WHOLE STORY so much! I saw it when it aired on ABC and thought it was one of the most beautiful, heartwarming pieces of filmmaking in movie history. This story was about a real girl - Anne Frank - who was a Jewish girl growing up during the Holocaust, one of the most terrible, unthinkable tragedies in history. It was very accurate, considering the fact that I read Melissa Miller's novel right after viewing the film. This is a film Disney and ABC should be proud of! Everyone must see this film...it will change your life and way of thinking forever! The DVD or VHS must be on the shelf in every family's house. The acting performances are absolutely superb and some of the best I've ever seen. Hannah Taylor-Gordon is inspirational and gives an Oscar-winning performance, forget the Emmy Award! If only this had been shown in the theaters. Taylor-Gordon is exactly how I'd picture Anne Frank to be on screen. She is a true teen idol for teenage girls out there - forget those teen "Pop princesses"...they don't even come close to Hannah Taylor-Gordon! Ben Kingsley is in his best performance yet. And Lili Taylor...what more can I say about her? She is one of those rare, extremely talented actresses, but so underrated. She also deserves an Emmy! The whole cast is superb, like I said before. Oh, and also, to that reviewer who was wondering who played Peter van Pels, it's Nick Audsley. Another truly amazing actor. And I also agree that his chemistry with Hannah Taylor-Gordon in the film was perfect! This is a film of horrifying reality. It is also one of those rare films that made me cry at the ending. I cannot wait to be able to buy this DVD. If I could give ANNE FRANK more than 5 stars, I definitely would. This film may be too tense for very young viewers, so I suggest to parents that they the be cautious of the warnings before letting their children watch the film. If you are over the age of twelve, then I strongly recommend you see ANNK FRANK - THE WHOLE STORY...it goes beyond the treasured, best-selling novel we all know of and is absolutely a beautiful film!
Rating:  Summary: A Film That Needs to Be Seen Review: This is a film that needed to be made. Based on Melissa Muller's biography, it covers Anne's life from the beginning of the war in Europe (1939) through her death in 1945. Many people are familiar with the contents of the diary but don't have a sense of Anne's life as a whole. This is a sad shortcoming which is helped by viewing this movie. There are some things that potential viewers should keep in mind, however. This is a very long film--a little over three hours. Additionally, as permission was not given for the film makers to use the content of Anne's diary, the scenes in the secret annex don't have the flavor that a person very familiar with the diary might expect. Lastly, the cinematography sometimes leaves things to be desired. Particularly outdoor scenes often have a tinge of unreality about them--as if it actually is a movie set. On the other hand, there are some very powerful performances here. Ben Kingsley bears a striking resemblance to Otto Frank and plays the character very well. He is a fine actor whose skills are well in evidence here. Ultimately, however, it is Hannah Taylor Gordon as Anne who must make or break this film and she carries the weight of this story beautifully. It is a performance that people should see. A final thought: as a high school teacher, I overheard some girls discussing the film after they had seen it. One of them commented that she liked the film though she felt it was unrealistic. She mentioned, in particular, the scene in Bergen-Belsen where one of her friends throws Anne food over the fence as being unlikely to have happened; and yet, this is a well-documented event told by survivors. So many things about the Holocaust seem impossible. This films reminds us of some of the truths and takes us into the depths of those four simple words that end many editions of the diary-- "Anne's diary ends here."