Rating:  Summary: Excellent movie Review: this movie is a great example of reality being acurately portrayed on screen. all of the performances were breathtaking and left me with tears in my eyes
Rating:  Summary: Very Moving Review: This movie is an awesome example of what children who get picked on actually go through. Ben Foster,trevor,plays a teen who gets picked on. He's very suicidal, and wants to harm the rest of the school as well. I can totally relate to everything he was going through. It touched my heart because i understood. To anyone out there who is planning on getting this movie, to understand it you HAVE compare to it. Most of you people are going to think it's about "school violence" and "messed up kids", but it's so much more deeper than that. Well i hope you enjoyed my review.
Rating:  Summary: Bang, Bang, You're Dead Review: This movie should be shown to every high school student in the country. Often times kids do not realize that teasing, degrading, and just down-right meaness really can and does affect other peers, often to the point of having a very low self esteem which can and does often lead to suicide, and in this case, shootings. This movie is a true wake-up call for everyone. When I first read the title, I thought that it was probably another one of those " high school kid " movies about gangs, etc.. and I wasn't planning on watching it; however,I did watch it with my daughter. Actually, it is about gangs in the sense that is all too real in our schools. Watch it. It is well worth the time. My daughter also agreed that it was a real eye-opener.
Rating:  Summary: So great Review: This movie was so realistic. I think every teenager should see this, or should be watched in a classroom. People dont realize what a problem teasing and harassment can be, but this shows you how fast a kid can fall. If you didnt realize what was going on in American schools, this film with show you. This straight A student who gets pushed around, his grades fall, he befriends kids who shoot things for fun, and suddenly a plot emerges to show the kids in school who they should say sorry to. This is happening while the main character is rehearsing for the play "Bang Bang You're Dead" and other problems occur with the production.
Rating:  Summary: The Greatest Movie Review: This was the best movie. It had so much reality, there should be a sequal.
Rating:  Summary: The darndest movie ever Review: This was the most fabulous movie i have ever seen. there was so much compassion and reality. i loved it more than my wife.
Rating:  Summary: Could have been me! Review: To be honest, this could have been me. I grew up in a small town where you were either in a 'click' or you were a nobody. This film is a good thing for people to watch, whether people feel it is in their schools or not. Many students put on a front, acting like everything is perfect, when inside they may be a time-bomb waiting to explode. This movie makes you stop and think, am I the one causing problems or on the other end, will I explode? After watching this movie I started to think, what if I would have exploded or taken my own life. To look back it doesn't seem to be as important, but at the time I too was at the point of wondering, what's my point in life and why am I here? We watched this movie in my college speech communications course, and after leaving the room I was walking campus and thinking, how many other students have felt this way or have been in the same situation? No one thinks this type of thing would hit home, but it does. Whether you are in a large city or in rural America, it could/can happen. What if she hadn't called Trevor, would he have taken his life? What if the parents had cared more for their son, not what others thought? We can all do our part if we don't just sit back and watch, but we observe and try to help. Just think, what if you can save a kid that has been bullied all his/her life, or on the other side, what if you can save those who he/she might take it out on!!!! I highly recommend this movie. JP
Rating:  Summary: WAKE UP. Review: Until The schools, parents and teachers who have placed their collective ostrich heads in the sands for so long, remove them and take a good hard look at whats wrong, the scenario will be played out over and over again. This movie should be, Nay, NEEDS to be shown to every school class, every year, required, without fail. I am an idealist, but i do understand that you cannot eradicate "bullying", but damn, we need to start doing something instead of just saying "What A Shame". This Movie nails the feelings of pain, guilt, frustration, terror, hopelessness, depression. A very Accurate portrayal of bullying, and the scars it leaves behind forever. Where was this movie when I was in school? It wasn't until the credits rolled and showed the actual play footage that i cried. The movie brought back all those emotions so clear, so fresh it was like i was in school again. Please, watch this movie, then lend it out. This could be you're kid, your sibling, your friend. Or maybe it was you.
Rating:  Summary: Very good Review: Very brief: this movie was informative and hit people. I hope it was an eye opener.
Rating:  Summary: it happens everyday Review: when i was growing up i got beat up at school, trash canned, pinned up against bathroom walls, and tossed around like a rag doll. everytime i fought back i was the one in the principals office because the school saw me as anti social where the people messing with me were popular. then one day after i had graduated i heard from someone that one of the guys that use to beat me up at school and pick on me had shot himself at his house and he was dead. i became overjoyed because i saw his death no more of a loss than a serial killer being executed. he was a bully, plain and simple and never felt grief for making everyone elses life hellish. hes been dead for years and im all grown up now and still i think the world is better off without him. maybe this movie will make people realise that some scars dont go away before its too late for them. maybe because this movie was made some bully will go atleast appoligize to some kid they made fear school or better yet maybe it will make someone think once or twice before putting someones head in a toilet. i dont know why this film has gone out of print. personally i think it should be a required film to show at schools though i have heard that the play is being played in certain areas. bang bang your dead is one of those slap you in the face movies. it makes you remember, whichever side you were on. shooting is no right. to kill anyone is not a right. also the movie shows how innocent people get killed too. i think schools are messed up in how they punish the people being picked on and not the people leading it on but thats the way it is in school. maybe this film will start some conversation and change that. maybe it will make people realise that if they kept a closer eye on the bullys instead of the bullied this wouldnt happen.