Rating:  Summary: Very good for those who have not read the book Review: This movie was wonderful. It was full of drama, suspense and most of all, a very difficult question. The movie deals with the question of justifiable homicide. When is it "ok" to kill someone? On one hand, the viewer cannot feel sorry for the victims, on the other hand, Carl Lee Hailey (Samuel L. Jackson)acted in definate cold-blood. The result of the conflict comes to a massive demonstration on both sides effectively polarizing the town. The movie was done well and was truly enjoyable. However, for those of you who have read the book you may be disappointed. It strays GREATLY from the book. Essentially it keeps only the basic storyline but the actual events are much different. It is worth a watch though and hopefully you will enjoy it.
Rating:  Summary: A good film but not as good as what it could be Review: Comment to Matthew Stelly, you need to calm down, its just a film. Its obvious you have differnt views about the movie. It is ok to be a critic, but you are criticizing the film for the wrong reasons. This movie is race related yes I can see that, but you are making it out to be an excuse for whites coming to the rescue to an African American. You make it sound like this movie is a cover up to slavery. You need to stop dwelling upon the past and get your head straight. Yes racism still exist today, but it exist on both sides of the fence. The days of slavery are over. God created every man equal. People make mistakes, but dont punish the people who are here now that cant do anything about what their ancestors did. That is wrong and very narrow minded. I hope you get your head straight. As far as the film goes it could have been better.
Rating:  Summary: Time to Kill - This Kind of Mythology! Review: As a black history professor I was appalled at this movie's distortion of social and pscychological reality in the AMerican Deep South. Drawing on every possible racial stereotype, from "white man to the rescue" and "white man can resist Sandra Bullock because he's married" to "we'll defend the poor nigra though he can't pay" and "a town of whites patiently watches a trial," it is no wonder this movie received an average rating of 4.5, because white people were probably doing the reviewing. Oh sure, it makes them feel good to see the blond McConaughey come in and help his "black friend." It makes them feel good to see Sandra Bullock drive down from the North to help defend this black man. And it does their need for mythology good to believe that a black man can shoot a white man's leg off, then be tried in a white courtroom and not one riot breaks out. Not one! And the fact that a white man was tried for the rape of a 10 year old black girl is an even BIGGER distortion of reality: no white man has EVER been given the death penalty for the rape of a BLACK WOMAN in the south. Likewise, white boys raping young black girls was not viewed as "perversion" on the part of most white folks. They sat back, just as they did the lynchings, and engaged in "benign neglect." This movie should be shown in all Black Studies classes around the nation as to what DIDN'T take place in race relations. Grisham's mind is as warped as George Lucas' in terms of myths. Lucas created Jar Jar Binx, a futuristic Stephin Fetchit, then lied and claimed he made it up. Grisham comes up with a fairy tale that teaches that for every bad white man in the South there was a good one. If that was really the case, slavery would have lasted about 3 minutes and 42 seconds. Shame on John Grisham and shame on those viewers -- black and white -- who believe in this drivel.
Rating:  Summary: Manipulative, illogical claptrap Review: If you are looking for a complex application of justice to difficult questions, DO NOT get this mawkish embarrassment. However, if you are ruled by simplistic, emotional responses--logic be damned--then you might LOVE this mess. Even if your legal knowledge just comes from Matlock you will reject this preposturous drama. There are so many ludicrous events that I can't list them all here, but I love how the defense attorney goes on a drinking binge the night before closing, and then presents his sole defense argument to the jury: close your eyes and imagine the girl was white! What are we, in the 2nd grade? Of course, such "logic" is compelling in Hollywood, and for many others as well, I guess. If you want a terrific courtroom drama, check out The Verdict, with a lawyer that actually busts his behind to get evidence.
Rating:  Summary: Time to Kill is both emotional and cerebral Review: It is refreshing to find a move that uses some cognitive skill in the viewer. There are no giant aliens or disasters of earthly proportion. There are great characters that are realistic and very good acting on the part of virtually every actor. Having grown up in the south, this is worse than what it was like where I grew up in Oklahoma, but probably not worse than it was in many places. I loved it when McConaughey said, "I AM a liberal, but I believe in justice." There is something profound in that line, especially the conjunction "but". My only complaint is that you have to flip the DVD midway during the movie. It is great entertainment and could serve well for the younger generation to have a taste of the kind of prejudice that we should no longer tolerate anywhere in the country. Larry D. Ellis Denver CO
Rating:  Summary: The best courtroom drama I have ever seen! Review: This is the best courtroom drama I have ever seen! Even though I did not see A TIME TO KILL theatrically, one night, it was October 30, 1999, it happened to be on ABC, so, I decided to watch it. After watching it then, I decided I liked it and wanted to own it. This smashing courtroom drama REALLY made me feel good, and the more I watch it, the more I like it. If you ask me, Carl Lee (Samuel L. Jackson) gave Billy Ray (Nicky Katt) and Pete (Doug Hutchison) what they deserved. I thought that Ellen (Sandra Bullock) looked especially beautiful in the black dress coat and skirt, white blouse, and black high heels. I have quite a bit of the dialogue memorized. Having said all that, I give A TIME TO KILL three out of four stars.
Rating:  Summary: Movie is 5 Star DVD is a Flipper! Review: Movie is awesome but having to get up and turn the disc over to finish watching is a total bummer. Wait until it is rereleased with proper encoding.
Rating:  Summary: Movie didn't spoil the story Review: This is one of the best adaptations (from a book) that I have seen. Samuel L. Jackson does a superb job of portraying the father of a rape victim. His portrayal is just a gripping as ready Grishams words. Matthew does an excellent job of portraying the defense attorney. Every character from the angry father to the shady attorneys were very well cast.
Rating:  Summary: An Emotional Rollercoaster Review: A Time to Kill is an emotional rollercoaster taking us on a journey from utter contempt to grief and back again in just 143 mind blowing minutes.
Rating:  Summary: perfect movie! Review: This movie is so good in so many ways. The plot is intriguing, and there's terrific chemistry between Sandra B. and Mathew McConaughey. There's Oliver Platt, as Mathew's friend and partner, who definitely adds to the movie. Ofcourse, there's the horrific legal case which the story is centered on. Very real, very harsh drama, but a fabolous story of human character is what the movie is really all about. Ashley Judd also appears as Mathew's wife who leaves him temporarily during the course of the plot. Samuel L. Jackson is the defendant, whose daughter was brutally raped, and now seeks justice.