Rating:  Summary: A 4.9 DVD on a scale of 1 to 5-Still Makes Me Cry Review: The Way We Were still makes me cry nearly 30 years after seeing it for the first time. The movie basically explores the cliche "opposites attract" as Golden Boy Hubble (Redford) and Communist Sympathizer Katie (Streisand) fall deeply in love and marry. But can their passion survive their differences? Ah, that's the story... The movie takes place in the 40's and 50's with beautiful sets and wonderful costumes. If you have never seen The Way We Were and you enjoy romance, melodrama, and/or historical drama, then you should buy or rent it. (The weepiness may make this a tough sell for some men and women who dislike this genre.) If you have seen The Way We Were, then you should still rent or buy the DVD. The extra features are outstanding. Sydney Pollack's (the director) commentary is insightful and informative. He talks about everything from camera angles to Redford's hesitance about doing the part. The documentary is also beautiful and a "must see" for The Way We Were groupies.
Rating:  Summary: Babs is a great actress Review: These scenes are so well written - credit to the genius of arthur laurents - that any one of them could be taken out of context and make a great scene for an acting student. The movie is shot beautifully and the score is a classic. (If a little repetitive at times) The main reason to see this movie is for the great acting of Streisand and Redford. They are incredible. Barbara has so many great moments in this - probably the "phone scene" is her best but so hard to choose. She is just great in this movie. Redford is perfect - saying much more when he is silent than any actor does with dialogue. The ending scene is a classic of american cinema - so sad and perfect. The most classic goodbye scene since CASABLANCA. The documentary on this DVD is awesome. The interviews with Barbra, Pollack, the Bergmans, Hamlisch are great. The only disapointment is no Redford. The deleted scenes in this documentary are great and worth seeing. I highly recommend this DVD.
Rating:  Summary: For such a great film, the dvd should have been much more! Review: I, like many thousands of others love this movie and could watch it over and over again. What should have been a 25th Aniversary spectacular is a very lack luster. My major complaint is with the 60 minute documentary. 1.Great, we get to see some scenes that were cut that really SHOULD have been put in the film in the first place. How about the rest of the cut scenes? Legend has it that there is much more. 2.Barbara's commentary is good but I really think she could have added a lot more. What about the screen play she supposedly was interested in that was, in essence, a part two of this movie entitled "the way we are"? 3.Redford is absent on the disc because of "scheduling" problems? Or so I have heard....Gee, nobody could have waited even to get 3-4 minutes of commentary from him? Something isnt right. I also dont think the transfer of this movie came out too well. Not exactly great quality for such an icon.
Rating:  Summary: "Katie, it was never uncomplicated." Review: As stated many times before, THE WAY WE WERE is one of only a handful of romantic blockbusters to actually feature an intelligent script and complex characters. Writer Arthur Luarents' based his screenplay (and subsequent novel) on girl he knew in college, who fought for liberal (and sometimes communist) causes. The film was a surprise box office smash when originally released, and became the fifth-highest grossing film of 1973 and an instant classic. Katie Morosky is a character that Barbra Streisand born play, and she delivers on all accounts. Fierce and determined, yet vulnerable and self-conscious, Katie is a tricky character and Streisand inhabits her so deeply that she seems nothing less than completely believable. Justifiably nominated for a Best Actress Oscar, she was unfortunately robbed of the award. Redford, who actually turned down the role twice before director and friend Sydney Pollack talked him into taking the part, displays some of the best reflective acting ever seen on the big screen and definitely deserved a nomination as well (he was, however, nominated for Best Actor that year for his light comedic performance in THE STING). The film's enduring popular success with the mass audience is due to the magnetic chemistry between Streisand and Redford and the gorgeous visuals and strong directorial hand supplied by Pollack, however it is the complexity of the romance with politics and the strong characterizations by both leads that continues to make THE WAY WE WERE the best love story for adults. About the DVD: The picture quality is beautiful, quite possibly the best the film has ever looked. The sound quality is also vastly improved. Pollack's commentary track is interesting, but the 60-minute documentary is the best extra on the disc. Featuring insightful interviews from Pollack, Streisand, and Laurents (as well as composer Marvin Hamlisch and lyricists Alan and Marilyn Bergman) the documentary is well-produced and entertaining, and it was great to finally see those much-debated deleted scenes.
Rating:  Summary: DVD is Well Done - Looks & Sounds Better Than Ever Review: Finally! THE WAY WE WERE in widescreen! I think it really makes a difference. I've only seen pan and scan versions on video. It is especially noticeable in the opening credits where names/credits appear on one side of the screen and action takes place on the other side. For the first time we get to see Katie at her typewriter and Katie talking to her teacher. The rest of the dvd is done just as well. The picture and sound are pristine. The menu screens are classy and easy to use. The bonus trailers from FOR PETE'S SAKE and Streisand's later films are fun to see. The hour-long documentary featuring interviews with Sydney Pollack and Streisand is very revealing. Pollack seems humble and grateful about the film. Streisand is relaxed and beautiful - again, reflective and humble about the experience as Pollack is. There is even a segment with Marvin Hamlisch on piano playing the different versions of THE WAY WE WERE theme. And Alan & Marilyn Bergman are a hilarious couple! Sydney Pollack's comments on the extra audio channel are interesting as well. I haven't gotten through the whole movie yet, but so far so good! The dvd is definitely a must-have for Streisand fans. But even fans of this classic romance will find much to like about the dvd as well.
Rating:  Summary: Made Robert Redford my fave actor(not lying!) Review: Honest to God,the first time I saw this movie, I cried...I loved it then and I love it now.i know lines by heart and always keep kleenex with me while watching it. Robert Redford does an excellent job... Barbra Streisand is spectacular ... ...A profound movie with references to the McCarthy Era and the time of leaders: Hitler, Roosevelt, etc. What makes this movie so unforgettable? First of all the theme song, sung by Barbra Streisand. "the way we were" Second, the actors ability to become the characters. Makes me think that Barb and Robert had a little something going on....! Third, the brilliance of the director to blend a love story and include the politics. makes the movie seem much more real Fourth, I have a personal reason for this. I loved it when i first saw it(about 3 years back.* it's just one of those movies that women will love and maybe even men. Men can learn how to treat a woman and what not to do.... I think. This movie made me a Robert Redford fan. I've seen all his movies and love to read about him and stuff. talk about a hardcore fan. if you love Love Story, then please please see this movie. you will love it. The way Hubbell and Katie stare into each other's eyes.... some parts made me yell, "Why!!!!!???!!!" of course I was crying at the exact same time I was yelling. ain't that funny? the end scene is a classic. very memorable. WATCH IT! PEACE & LOVE
Rating:  Summary: Barbra and Robert with roles made for them Review: "The Way We Were" is about two people who cannot surrender their respective way of looking at the world and is about America in the mid-20th century. Either story is captivating and makes for fine viewing. Seeing "The Way We Were" for the theme song alone is worth it. Streisand plays a Jewish woman with deep convictions, who is ridiculed by many for these convictions. Whatever she believes in, she believes in it deeply and fights for it. She will not hold back in speaking her mind. Redford plays the All-American boy. He believes in having fun and is a bit of a cynic in his beliefs about the individual being able to change the big picture. Regardless of their differences, the two fall in love in New York, but will fight for their particular ideologies. The love story between the two is well done. The audience sees that they care for each other, but that their differences will never let them find true happiness. The view of Americana starts from their college days before WWII and carries until well after the war. The most in depth view comes from the McCarthy hearings, and more specifically, we see the fight for the Hollywood Ten. This is an interesting piece of history. I would recommend seeing this movie.
Rating:  Summary: A classic! A tearjerker! Two treats in one! Review: I've seen this movie many, many times. I can be brought to tears by watching JUST the last scene. This movie is a true visceral experience. Characters that could have been stereotyped are incredibly complex and true. And that's a big part of the story. We go through life and label people, yet we just don't know what might truly lie beneath. Katie and Hubble see what lies beneath. How we don't know. Two soul mates who come into each other's lives but cannot stay. I know all of this sounds sentimental but this is a truly sentimental favorite. Watch this movie!!
Rating:  Summary: Amazing acting- though a bit of a shaky plot! Review: I have seen aq lot of Barbra Streisand"s movies, and I can clearly say, this is one of the most touching. I can't believe she didn't win an oscar on this one because no scene has ever touched me as much as the tewlephone scene in this movie. The chemistry between her and Robert Redford is electrifying, and their acting and the music are both flawlewss. However, this movie gets four stars for three reasons: 1. IT SEEMS AS THOUGH THE WRITERS CONCENTRATED MORE ON THE DIALOGUE AND CHARACTERS RATHER THAN THE ACTUAL PLOT. I MEAN, WE DON'T SEE THAT THEY GET MARRIED UNTIL SHE TELLS HIM,. IT DOES GET A LITTLE AWKWARD IN THE MIDDLE 2. IF YOU DO WATCH THE GREAT DOCUMENTARY YOU WILL SEE THERE ARE TWO SCENES WERE EDITTED OUT. ONE OF THOSE HAS KATIE DRIVE BY A SCHOOL AND SEE A GIRL LIKE SHE USED TO BE. IF THAT SCENE HAD NOT BEEN CUT OUT, IT WOULD HAVE MADE MUCH MORE SENSE, AND THE MOVIE WOULD HAVE GONE SMOOTHER 3. THE POLITICAL PART OF THE PLOT IS VERY VAGUE, I PERSONALLY COULD NOT FOLLOW IT AT ALL. IF THEY HAD JUST PUT IN ONE OR TWO MORE SCENES EXPLAINING WHY KATIE WAS THE WAY SHE WAS IT WOULD HAVE BEEN CLEARER AND SMOOTHER. In general, an almost perfect movie, with a few small flaws that although a bit important do not mask the great movie that is The Way We Were
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant film Review: It was a brilliant film I couldnt stop watching it I think Barbra Streisand and Robert Redford are wonderful I am a very big star of Babra Streisand and all my friends make fun of that but I don't care. My favourite part in the film is when Hubbel finaly realises he really likes Katy. And when Katy and Hubbel say goodbye for the last time at the end it made me feel like crying.