Rating:  Summary: Up there with the top 10 movie musicals Review: This is a great performance from a professional kid actors! The accents are authentic enough. A great watch. You'll be singing for days...and not just in the shower!!!
Rating:  Summary: Just about anyone would love this movie! Review: The movie "Newsies" is something, as I said in the title, everyone would fall in love with. Of course, the girls who watch this would fall in love with the movie AND the actors/characters as well. I've got to admit that I'm one of those girls. (GO RACETRACK! GO SPOT! Ahem.) With a great touch of humor, spectacular dancing, and, ~sigh~, amazingly cute and handsome actors, this film is one of my favorites and I'm sure in countless others' favorites, as well!This story is an actual event that happened in 1899. (I didn't know the year but I got it from Kristin Silverman's wonderful review. Thank you!) The newsies were a group of newsboys who lived all around New York, buying newspapers and selling them. The newspapers cost 50 cents for a hundred 'papes' and the newsies are quite poor and can barely make a living. Then, two extremely wealthy men called Pulitzer and Hurst who own newspaper companies decide to raise the price to 60 cents a hundred. The newsboys are not in the least happy and Jack Kelly or Cowboy becomes a leader of a strike. Well, that's about what the story's about, it's about a newsboys strike and the trouble (and fun) that was included. The songs are just great and very catchy. Composed by Alan Menken, who wrote music for "Beauty and the Beast" and other Disney faves, the songs are really fun, good, and 'hum-able,' if you see what I mean. My personal favorites are "The World Will Know", with wonderful harmony and great dancing, also "King of New York", a very fun song, and again, great dancing, (Not to mention that Racetrack gets to sing alot!), and lastly, "Carryin' the Banner", the first song in the movie and I love the singing. Racetrack gets to sing first in the whole movie! "Seize the Day", "Seize the Day (Chorale)", "Newsies Medley", "High Times, Hard Times", and alot more are great songs as well, but "The World..." and "King of..." are my faves. Now, onto the 'raving' part of the review! Racetrack (Max Casella) is charming, funny, cute, and, well, I can go on for hours, so I'll stop. His character, a small gambler who smokes, is very lovable and he's my favorite newsie in this movie. Haha, I just love the way he hits people. Spot Conlon (Gabriel Damon) comes in as the second fav. newsie, actually, he was tied with Race, but when I watched the film again, I placed him for second. Anyway, Spot, the-most-feared-newsies-in-New York, is a very cool character. With his golden cane, mysterious key, never failing slingshot, and charming smile, who wouldn't love him? As for my third fave newsie, Jack Kelly (Christian Bale) is so handsome in this and he's not that bad at singing for an un-proffesional singer. His dancing is definitely good and of course, his acting. He smiles a little strangely, though, but that's forgiven. After him comes Kid Blink (Trey Parker), the newsie with the eye-patch and the animated and ever happy newsie. The list goes on. I had tons of quotes I just love and I have to list a few of them here. They are all Racetrack's, I don't know why...? **** "Oh, he was here. But he put an egg in his shoe and...beat it." - Racetrack. (When evil Warden comes to the Lodging House where all the Newsies live, looking for Jack.) "Dear me! What is that unpleasant aroma? I fear that the sewers might have backed up during the night." - Racetrack. (When the jerk-o Delancy 'brudders' comes out.) "Glum and dumb!" - Racetrack. (When Skittery is skeptical at why being in the papers is so great.) **** This DVD's Behind-the-Scenes are very fun and funny as well. The boys are just fooling around and I guarantee that it'll get a laugh, or at least a smile, out of you. Well, maybe not...but it is quite interesting amd I enjoyed watching it alot. All in all, this movie was great. I watched this movie all through, like quite a lot of times, and my favorite parts more. I definitely, tremendously, and totally recommend watching or getting this film.
Rating:  Summary: we got a ton of rotten fruit and perfect aim Review: Aah, Newsies! Hooray! What more can I say? This movie is my favorite movie. And that's saying something if you're me. Christian Bale is just perfect as Jack. Really truly great. I don't know very many people who have watched this movie besides my dear friend who introduced it to me, and I truly feel like they've missed something in life. That thing they've missed, you know, is Newsies. If you don't see this movie, you're really stunting your growth of movie love. The songs--oh, the songs! They're all great. Really great. Buy the soundtrack. All catchy, some touching, all completely ear-pleasing. Plus, it's got what's-his-name from "While You Were Sleeping" as my man Denton. And he's a neat dude. The characters are all loveable, there's quite a bit of humor... and all I can say is this is one of the best movies I've had the pleasure to come across. It's great for all ages, full of adventure, and has heaps of delightful lines that you've just gotta love saying out of the blue to nobody in particular. Do buy it--you'll be so happy you did.
Rating:  Summary: Extra! Extra! Newsies Rocks! Review: Newsies is the great story of the newsboys strike of 1899, and although there are fictional charcters are added in a great majority on them are based on one or more people from that time period. (i.e.:jack kelly: morris cohen, and racetrack, kid blink, crutchy, all real people) the dance routines are upbeat and addictive and the cast is a brilliant set of new faces.
Rating:  Summary: An Obsessive Family Hit Review: Newsies is one of the best movies I have ever seen. It is so sad that barely anyone has ever heard of it. Everyone in my family loves this movie (well, mostly all the girls). The acting is great, but for most in my large Italian family, the only reason why we keep pulling it out again is to catch a glimps at Christian Bale or Max Casella. Truthfully, this musical is not for teenaged boys, ie my teenaged brothers hate it. I would buy it for a girl of all ages, because it is kind of a chick-flik with all the hot guys and the half way "love story" that wraps up in the end. And make sure to note that if you have any teenaged girls in your family, be prepared to see "I Love Christian Bale" or "I love Max Casella" written anywhere. I even had to get my sister a shirt that says "NEWSIES" for Christmas, she was that obsessed.
Rating:  Summary: The best movie ever! Review: If you have never seen this movie - watch it! I previously watched the VHS version and even though I loved it, the DVD is AWESOME! The only drawback of the DVD is that is doesn't have any deleted scenes. Anyway, this movie stars an awesome cast: Christian Bale (Jack Kelly), David Moscow (David Jacobs), Max Cassela (Racetrack), my personal favorite Trey Parker (Kid Blink) and many many other talented actors, singers, and dancers. This movie, even though its based on actually events is not 100% correct (but that's Disney for ya!). I absoulutly love this movie. So, go get it now! You'll be glad you did. And also, get the soundtrack!
Rating:  Summary: Adults steer clear, but anyone under 16 will love it Review: The problem with "Newsies" is that it was made and released at possibly the worst time ever. 1992 was right in the middle of the death of movie musicals. Luckily, the musical is being reborn with "Chicago". But, anyway, "Newsies" was the definitive box-office dud. It made almost no money, sabatoged by terrible reviews and an audience that just didn't care to see Bill Pullman singing alongside teenage boys. The movie deserves a much closer look, however. The story focuses on "Jack Kelly," a newsie who is leading the other newsies on a strike against the greedy newspaper giant, Joesph Pulitzer. Though the plot is unoriginal and painfully predictable, the movie's other elements make it a fantastic acheivment. The score, composed by "The Little Mermaid"'s Alan Menken consists of songs that are so catchy and fun that they will stay in your head for weeks, even months. The songs do seem to repeat the same kind of tune, but who cares. They make you want to get up and dance along with the newsies. the score is helped by the fantastic choreography by director Kenny Ortega (Dirty Dancing). The dancing is proably the most enjoyable thing about this movie. The kids who play the newsies are exceptionaly good. Christian Bale shines as Jack Kelly, despite his awkward accent. The newsies who surround the principals, especially "Racetrack", steal the show. The only newsie who seemed ill cast was David Moscow, who never seems to find his character and fumbles through the choreography. Bill Pullman and Ann-Margaret are exceptional, despite their limited screen time. Robert Duval overacts the part of Pulitzer,in his worst performance to date, but that does not steal the magic of this wondeful event. Granted, this is NOT a movie for adults, particuraly grown men, unless you know your stuff and enjoy musicals to action-adventure (in which case, good job, you know what is good), but if you are like the majority of men, you will think that this is the silliest thing ever. Howvever, kids, especially girls, will be mesmerized by the spell of Newsies. The "rewatchability"factor is high, and it makes a great gift. Although it died at the box-office, Newsies has found an afterlife on video, gaining a cult-like following that is growing each week. Don't come expecting a movie like "The Sound of Music", "West Side Story," or "Fiddler on the Roof", but nevertheless, Newsies is an enchanting movie that your family will love.
Rating:  Summary: Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Review: "Newsies" is one of the greatest Disney movies! If you haven't seen it or haven't bought it for your children you need to go run out and get it NOW!!! This movie is not only entertaining, but it teaches them numerous values and not to mention history. The cast is amazeing, lead man Christian Bale does an amazeing job. The songs are fun and funky along with the dance moves that really express what the news boys are feeling. "ALL it takes is one voice to make a diffrence unless that voice is silenced" is one of the strong heart-felt qoutes in this great movie...I hope my voice has made a diffrence in your opinion of this movie! Go get it!!! ;)~
Rating:  Summary: Musical Bomb Review: No wonder the HOllywood musical has been in the doldrums until the recent rebirth of "Chicago" and "Moulin Rouge." This dismal, embarassing mess set the musical back ten years. The mob of "newsies" all look like California surfin' dudes who were called in to jump and leap around and do Kenny Ortega's trademark Flashdance routines. All the news boys are fresh faced, clean and neat. Even though they live in a flophouse, they act like they've never missed a meal. And then the great Ann-Margaret is brought in for a brief cameo before promptly vanishing from sight. Most embarassing is the movie's attempt to be multicultural by placing a young black kid smack in the middle of all the scenes featuring the historically all-white news boys at the turn of the century. It'd be interesting if this was remade by a real musical talent with some real talented youngsters. And at least make the scenery look like it wasn't just thrown up and freshly painted moments before the scene was shot.
Rating:  Summary: Extra,Extra Review: Newsies was awesome...its the best movie...i loved it and glad my friend told me about i watch it all the time whenever possible and get told "your watching that again" lol but i would suggest everyone buying it and watching it! its a great musical i'd put it right behind "sound of music" The best newsies are Racetrack (Max Casella) and Spot (Gabriel Damon) even though Gabe does nothing but looking cute and tough..lol