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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Beautiful illustration of God's simple message
Review: For me, this is one of the most wonderfully contemporary presentations of God's very simple message. It's one word...love. Love for all people, all races, all religious beliefs, all ages, everyone. I recognize that the ending may give some people the impression there was something "special" about the Catholic representation in this film, but I disagree. I think it was simply another illustration of God's all loving way of spreading his message. It began with Joshua beginning to "tear down" the broken Baptist Church so that it could "be built up again". It moved across the community bringing Baptists, Catholics, Jews, and Christians alike together to help rebuild that church. It made them a community. Joshua did not seek out the papal invitation, but when it came he went and asked the Pope to help him, which is just what he had been asking of all the people in the community he had just left. All he was saying to the Pope, I think, is to help him. How is left up to the Pope, just as it was left up to each person he touched. Yet the message, simply put, is just that love is all there is. The Catholic priest merely represented those clergy who are "afraid to love", to just open up and let God's love in so that you can reflect it back out into the world, rather than remaining steadfastly shackled to the old and rigid ways. I also heartily disagree that the priest-in-training was depicted as a buffoon. He was a lovable, open-hearted man who wanted to help his parish see that God's message was more than something "to be feared", but that it was, as Joshua put it, "a love letter". I loved this movie.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Most Uplifting Movie
Review: The Movie Joshua was the most uplifting movie I've seen,it taught about the comandment that most of today's Christian's forgetabout,LOVE.
Some people were mad and even angered at this movie because they say it didn't stick to Bible teachings.Well I have a stong opinion on that, I believe if we as Christians taught about Love as much as we did about rules,i think there would be a larger number of Christians in the World today.Maybe that is why some people are afraid to serve the Lord because they think its all rules and regulations,but there is more to christianity then that.
In my christian experience I got taught about rules,but i also got taught about the Love and forgivness of God.Now i have grown as a christian,and yes i follow the rules or teachings of the Bible,but not because i have to,it's because the love of God has affected me so much,that i no longer want to live in sin and do those things....SO ITS NOT BECAUSE I HAVE TO,BUT BECAUSE I WANT TOO.
Also to those people who say it's for certain religions and that it includes Rome,which is teaching false gospel and/or teachings.I think its for all religions and althogh Rome may be teaching false gospels,we still have to love them and pray for them. although some of u dont agree with other religions,remember for the most part we are all going and trying to make it to the same place.ALL PEOPLE HAS A RELIGION,BUT NOT EVERYONE HAS SALVATION.
Now that i got that out of the way Joshua is a good family movie,and I reccommend it to everyone,It will lift up ur spirts and make u love again.It has a great message to it,and i believe it truly is God Inspired....Remember the greatest commandment is Love.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: ahem...
Review: First off, I applaud the makers of the movie for trying to produce a Christian film that attempts to follow an interesting premise ("What if Jesus showed up in a little town today?"). From that perspective, I enjoyed the storyline and the characters. But...as I type this, I am staring at the recommendation from Christian Answers that says, "Remember--please base your comments on a biblical, Christian worldview." So... from that request, this movie made me physically ill. Not only did the "Jesus" character, while playing pool with a local priest, say "You suck at pool", but he actually affirms that the false Gospel taught by Roman Catholicism is "on track". Evangelicals who place their faith in Jesus Christ alone will be disgusted that the Jesus character travels to Rome and basically tells the Pope, "You are doing a good job, keep it up, and keep the message simple". The only way this movie could have been worse, is if the Jesus character had traveled to Salt Lake City and affirmed that the Mormon church also teaches the true Gospel. If you want to see how dim the light has gotten with preserving the True Gospel and how bright the ecumenical "gathering all faiths together" Gospel has gotten--then this film is for you. I am a Sunday School teacher, and even though I just taught about the False Gospels--I couldn't recommend this film to my class. Bottom line: if you agree with Roman Catholicism, then you will love this movie--otherwise, if you recognize Rome spreads a false gospel, then this movie will deeply sadden your heart.

I was very into this movie until about half way through when the symbolism became evident to the life of Christ. I'm not sure what the film was trying to do. If it was just trying to entertain than it did its job (like an episode of Highway to Heaven). If it was trying to get a higher message across I think it was extremely misleading. Everything was great until the main character started to talk as he was "the One" and until another character called him "Lord". This could be very confusing for a non-believer. The bible Prophesies the Second Coming of Christ and this is not how it goes down. In my book this guy would be a false prophet that the Bible warns us about. Maybe the old Catholic Priest in the movie was right, until he was mislead also.

There are 2 issues that concern me 1. While the movie does not contain any curse words, there is a scene where Joshua says, "That sucks". I asked myself, "Would Jesus say this?" 2. Regarding the character "Maggie" - her breasts 'tell us her body temperature' (that she is cold) in the majority of her scenes. These scenes were very uncomfortable for me as well as my 2 girlfriends. This comment was made by one of them, "If I were that actress, I would have to have taken a lot of re-shoots". In my opinion a Christian movie should be above reproach. In these 2 situations mentioned above - they could have been avoided... Yes, this movie is 'clean' by today's standards, yes, these are 'small' issues by today's standards, but is it clean according to Jesus' standard?

And on top of all this, I can't shake the image of the main actor when he was in the movie GHOST as the bad guy who dies a horrible death!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: What would it be like if Jesus lived in your town?
Review: "Joshua" was a wonderful movie that made you stop and think about how people today would react if Jesus, in the form of man, came into their every day lives. The movie concentrated on God's love for mankind and not on His judgment. As a Christian, I was very moved by the message. It was refreshing to see a clean movie with wonderful music. Third Day was great! I would highly recommend this movie to watch as a family and talk about how God meets us each at our point of need when we reach out to Him.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: WARNING!
Review: We turned the movie off near the end when it became outright apparent that Joshua was supposed to be Jesus incarnate. As Christians, we were offended by this sacrilegious production. It was very distasteful. You may want to watch this before you let your children watch this, it will only confuse them. Joshua could have been cast as just an ordinary person who served and helped others; he did not have to be portrayed as Jesus in the flesh. Good message, terrible delivery.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Teens loved it
Review: I ordered this for our teen bible class and they loved it and realized it would probably, certainly happen like this now.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Almost There!
Review: Joshua is based on the novel written by Joseph F. Girzone. This is just another story to add to the list that the movies messed up. I read the book before I saw the movie and I could not wait to see the movie.

I must say though I was very dissapointed when I saw the movie because it just did not go along with what I pictured and did not really even line up with the book.

But it really has good morals to it. And I did grow on it. The score (written by Michael W. Smith!) was excellent. I also have the soundtrack and I love it.

I cannot really say what the movie is about though because it would ruin the suprise that you get at the end (if you get it at all). But it is a very interesting movie none-the-less.

All in all I recommend the book and not the movie. Or watch the movie only after you've read the book. I don't think you will be very dissapointed.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: amazing
Review: I bought 12 copies and passed them around, everyone responded with AWE...it's a "MUST SEE"

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Just a nice, nice movie
Review: I've never been religious in any conventional, church-going sense, but I got improbable warm fuzzies watching this movie. Tony Goldwyn aces every project he does, so I'm sure that's part of the appeal. Appropriately, the supporting cast is well-rounded and their roles don't seem any less important than that of the title character. If I have one complaint, it is that the last 15 or 20 minutes lack any attempt at subtlety; the message would have been more effective - and UNIVERSAL - if some things had been left to the imagination...or at the very least, unsaid.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: A Sacreligious film
Review: In a world filled with such confusion, it was horrifying to see a "Christian" film so distort the message of Christ. All Jesus did was to glorify His Father, and in the movie, "Joshua" never once mentions anything having to do with Biblical truths. A feel-good movie? Not if you're looking for truth. And even if you, as I, can see past the distortions to the 'nice' part, it isn't worth it. As Christians, we need to promote the message of Christ, and this film does anything but. I highly encourage you all to NOT watch the film, and instead read the Bible, to see the Christ's real message of love. It's worth it.

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