Rating:  Summary: Shawshank Redemption gets two thumbs up Review: This is great but... AMC had killed it by playing it all the time. Its gotten to the point where I know almost every line. Surprisingly I wouldn't recommend buying it because they play it every night.This movie is about two convicts in a jail that is run by a crooked warden and many views on life through the eyes of two convicts. It looks at life many different ways, it talks about life, death, hope and friends. And about Jailtime of course. This movie deserved the awards it got because it is soooo good, if you like this movie watch: Antwone Fisher Girl Interrupted One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Rating:  Summary: Gettin' ready to live or to die? Review: Based on a Stephen King novella and directed by Frank Darabont, this film covers a 20-year period during which Andy Defresne (Robbins), a former banker convicted of murder, somehow preserves his dignity while surviving the brutalities he endures in a state prison in Maine. There are many reasons why this film retains its appeal to me during the eight years since I first saw it. Here are three. First, the evolving friendship between Defresne and "Red" Redding (Freeman) enables both actors to play off each other while developing their respective, quite different characters. (Color of skin is among the least significant of those differences.) Also, the unhurried pace of the film seems appropriate to the pace of life within a state prison. While seeing this film once again recently, although familiar with all plot details, I found myself relaxing and "going with the flow" the way many inmates presumably do. Darabont's skillful control of the pace givens sudden, unexpected plot developments even greater dramatic force. Finally, I admire Bob Gunton's portrayal of Warden Samuel Norton, a clever but corrupt and (when he deems it necessary) brutal public official. His fate is obviously not the "redemption" he has in mind for himself. FYI, cinematographer Roger Deakins was later hired by the Brothers Cohen to provide his services to the filming of Fargo. The Shawshank Redemption now has and certainly deserves a high level of esteem which it did not (but should) have when first released in 1994.
Rating:  Summary: A View Inside Prison Review: When Andy Dufrain (Tim Robbins?) finds his wife cheating on him he finds himself drunk and ready to kill her and her lover. But his last bit of common sense stops him and he throws the gun in a river. Unfortunately for him on that same night, the murder he intended was commited by someone else. Andy is the prime suspect and is sentenced to two life terms, back to back in Shawshank Prison. Andy finds himself in a cold hard world with nothing but time. Red (Morgan Freeman) is the man that can get you things. Cigarettes, posters, whatever you want he can smuggle it in. Andy approaches Red in search of a rock hammer, the two become friends instantly. Because of Andy's innocence he is restless in prison, being a smart man he always tries to find a way to make his life better. The Shawshank Redemption shows the life of a prison and what the prisoners do to pass time. This is a powerfull film showing the dependence that some people show ti Shawshank, and the defiance of others.
Rating:  Summary: The Achile's Heel for This Production... Review: Great story, nigh great acting, and all the rest of great words you read about this movie are by and large true.... Yet, I take one (big) exception with this movie and interrupt the series of great qualifiers by asking: How could the hair style and physiognomy of the main two characters stay the same over 20 years of prison time? Had Frank Darabont (the film director) run out of make-up professionals at the time? I found this flaw distracting enough to make me withhold one star for this otherwise excellent production.
Rating:  Summary: Delicious DVD transfer (Australian DVD also has features) Review: Shawshank Redemption is a film so worthy of your attention. Exceptional performances from the entire cast, plus a storyline so engaging that you will find it hard to walk off. Many have commented on its length (over 140 minutes), but you don't really notice it. I strongly recommend true fans of the films purchase the Australian DVD for it's pristine transfer, plus the 'making of' documentary which is not avaiable on the American DVD. I still can't believe this film was so overlooked on it's theatrical run. The Quiet Achiever.
Rating:  Summary: It's a real movie, one of the best in recent years. Review: It;s easy to see why this film came and went at theaters. It was not appeciated by the regular going movie audience, but more by those who really love and watch movies because they are great movies. Because they do have substance and tell stories about friendship and life and death and hope and faith. Few film makers really are able to tap into this, but when they do, these films are generally remembered and talked about in a good way, long after many are largely forgotten. This was the case with the Shawshank Redemption. Everything about this movie works and falls into place. Screenplay, casting, Production design, cimeatography, editing. They were all used most effectively in this movie. The picture might be long but the climax is both emotionally and visually satisfying. Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman should be proud of their performances here. I think only now is the movie really been looked at and admired.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing movie Review: The Shawshank Redemption is on television all the time and there are streaks of it being on several times in a weekend. When ever I'm flipping around and find it's on, I'll watch it. One of my friends just got the DVD for christmas and told me it was the best movie he had ever seen. If you havn't seen it, just go see it as soon as you can. I don't understand how people can give it a bad rating, even 4 stars at that
Rating:  Summary: the best Review: this is by far my favorite movie of all time (yes, i said of all time). never have i seen a movie that developed characters so well and MADE you care about them. this is also probably the only movie i can watch over and over again and never get tired of it. if you have never seen it, you're missing cinematic genius.
Rating:  Summary: Greatest Movie of All-Time, Hands Down Review: It's a rarity in the movie world that a movie can take you on the emotional rollercoaster that "The Shawshank Redemption" takes you on. It's unquestionably the greatest movie of all time, for a variety of reasons. Great storyline. A man who has been stripped of his dignity by his cheating wife is pushed even further down when he is convicted of murdering his cheating wife. In prison, he's raped and beaten daily for several years, put in "the hole" for a month, and tortured in inhuman ways. Despite the hardships, Andy keeps his head on straight enough to devise a master plan to escape from the prison that no one could ever escape from. Great acting. Morgan Freeman as Red stole the show, and Tim Robbins as Andy was equally impressive. Bob Gunton as the Warden gave a steller performance, as he truly made you hate his guts in convincing fashion. Great setting and screenplay. At the Shawshank, it always looked dark, dreary, and cold. It was almost as if the Shawshank had control of the weather patterns and the climate. It wouldn't have had the same effect if they showed the inmates basking in the sunshine, and getting tans while out in the yard. It boggles my mind that anyone could give this movie a negative review, but it just goes to show that even when you're close to perfection, you still can't please everyone. This movie is as close to perfection as Hollywood has ever come.
Rating:  Summary: 'Shawshank' a movie to cheer for Review: This movie is a classic and will be recorded as one of the best movies ever(by professional critics and us reviewers). This movie is depressing at times, but it shows that the true human spirit can get you through rough times. This movie has you cheering(or shocked with happiness) at the end. I hesitated to watch this movie after my friend 'made me borrow it' but when I sat down to watch it I was in awe and went to buy my own copy within days of seeing it.