Rating:  Summary: One of the 90's best Review: A heart-warming prison drama set in the late 40's (but is in the 60's by the time it finishes), The Shawshank Redemption tells the story of a bank accountant sent to the Shawshank prison convicted of murdering his wife, wherein he meets Ellis Redding, a long time prison server whom he evetually strikes up a close friendship with. The film also briefly follows the experiences of other prisoners, representing the unfair treatment some recieve whilst in prison, cleverly allowing the film to expand on other issues apart from friendship.Although the film unfolds at a slow pace, we are justly rewarded for our patience near the end when the film throws up one of the greatest twists in film history (don't worry I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it!) which makes the film worth watching for this part alone. The Shawshank Redemption is successful (like so many other films and stories) because it focuses so well on the theme of friendship. When watching the film you long for yourself to have a friendship as strong and trusting as Andy and Ellis' to the point where one could say that you yourself would like to be in that prison (but do not be mistaken to think that the whole film glamourises prison, it can sometimes quite the opposite as some of the brtual and shocking scenes show). However, and contrary to what many people say, the Shawshank Redemption is not an all-out masterpiece. It lacks that extra something, that extra bite that deprives it from being a complete masterpiece (but don't get me wrong, it's still head and shoulders above most of the nonsence released on the screens nowadays) but is an excellent film nonetheless.
Rating:  Summary: This should've been best picture Review: Don't get me wrong, Forrest Gump is a decent move, but it in no way compares to The Shawshank Redemption. There really isn't much you can say except that it is awesome.
Rating:  Summary: One of the Best Ever Review: Any time I ask someone what their favorite movie is, Shawshank Redemption always comes up in their top five. This movie is nothing short of brilliant. Every single role is perfectly portrayed by each actor, from the leads, with Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins, all the way down to the smallest supporting roles. This is NOT your simple everyday prison drama. It reaches for greater heights of filmaking and even larger themes, such as patience(a theme rarely touched upon in cinema), hope, perseverence, sacrifice, true friendship, and resolve(get busy living or get busy dying). That's a long list and there's probably more. Anyway, the basic jist of the story is an accountant(Tim Robbins) gets thrown in prison for murdering his wife and her lover(we don't know whether or not he did it, the camera cuts away as we see him loading his gun). When he gets to prison, people start realizing that there is something different about him. The danger and reality of his situation doesn't seem to affect him, it's as if he is separated from his surroundings and has his own island of calm and steady resolve. Interestingly, the film is narrated by a long time inmate(Morgan Freeman) who soon befriends Robbins. This subtle touch helps add to the mystique of Robbins' character because we never really know who he is, or how he finds the quiet strength and hope deep down inside to keep him mentally apart from the horrifying prison life. The story spans about 20-30 years, and we are submitted to a variety of plot turns, colorful characters, and most of all, the inescapable duration of time. This film teaches not only the characters but the audience about patience. It is long, but it has to be. It shows us that every painful and seemingly hopeless turn of events only makes the moments of love and bonding sweeter, truly proving that we have to learn pain before we can appreciate pleasure. The movie is filmed with that in mind: lowpoints and pitfalls followed by small, temporary redemptions. But on the grand scale, it is all simply setting the scene for one of the greatest endings EVER put on film. I won't even give a hint as to what happens, but the last twenty minutes of this film are so good, you'll simply sit there in awe as the credits roll. It is truly that good. Keep in mind that the ending would never be as sweet had so much pain not been endured before hand. But oh that last shot, I'll probably never forget it, and neither will you. Buy this movie now. (NOTE: In terms of DVD extras, I think this is pretty thin, basically just the movie...so if you've got it on VHS, you might want to wait for the special edition. But if you don't have this movie, what are you waiting for? Order it as soon as possible.)
Rating:  Summary: Don't Miss This One Review: The basic plot of this movie has been done many times, but never so well. Shawshank Redemption is the story of a quiet accountant named Andy Dufrane who is convicted and sentenced to life in prison for the murder of his wife and her lover. The story takes place in Shawshank prison, where Andy must learn to defend himself from violent guards, and prisoners who take a more-than-friendly interest in him. However, these are only minor points in the plot, which focuses on the development of a unique friendship between Andy and a fellow prisoner named Red. Red is the prison bookie, but he also specializes in bringing in goods from the outside "for a small fee". The two first meet when Andy requests an uncommon item: a rock hammer, used to shape precious stones. Some say this movie is long and slowly-paced. I can't say I noticed. Perhaps this movie is slow compared to the average prison movie (which usually involves many murders and large-scale prison riots), but a faster pace would destroy the emotional context of the film. One of the major themes of Shawshank Redemption is "A man will do almost anything to keep his mind occupied in prison." That point wouldn't come across in a fast-paced movie. To me, everything about this film is great. It's brilliantly cast, has wonderful characters, and comes with a beautiful score to set the mood. The plot is interesting and realistic, and the dialogue is fascinating. It also has plenty of humor to offset the sad/depressing events. I wouldn't recommend it to an adrenaline junkie, but for everyone else it's a must-see movie.
Rating:  Summary: Wish I could give 10 stars Review: After reading other reviews, I find it amusing that only a few people found this movie less then at least 4 stars. My guess is those users favorite movie is something like The Cable Guy or Scary Movie. That or they just don't get it. In any case, this is my favorite movie. Shawshank if perfectly acted and directed. I find myself mumbling and laughing to myself, drawing attention from others, while watching this movie. I'm usually saying "This is my favorite part." The beer scene and ending are my "real" favorites though. If you haven't seen the movie yet, please do yourself a favor and get the movie, you won't regret it.
Rating:  Summary: A remarkable film Review: I hate sugary films that only want to make the viewer feel good about himself under the most superficial pretenses. I hate films that are abnormally long - movies that try and convince the viewer of its greatness just because of its length. I hate prison movies - they are melodramatic, unrealistic, and a cliche. The Shawshank Redemption, however, is nothing less than remarkable, and in the end, deserving of its finale.
Rating:  Summary: Triumphant celebration of the human spirit Review: First off, this reviewer regularly rates this movie as his personal favourite of all time. Why only four stars then? Because we are asked to rate the DVD, not the movie, and the criminal lack of DVD extras for one of the best films ever made is shameful. So, film five stars, DVD three - averaging out at 4. Maths lesson over, on with the review. Based on the Stephen King novella ' Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption ' this really has become a modern day classic. Other films have grossed more, and may have a more immediate following, but Shawshank will endure for years, and become another 'Casablanca ' loved by generations to come. The film tells the story of Andy Dufresne, sent to the maximum security prison of Shawshank for the murder of his wife and her lover. Played with an under-stated intelligence by Tim Robbins in a career defining turn, and supported by sterling performances from Morgan Freeman, Bob Gunton, William Sadler, Clancy Brown, and veteran James Whitmore. Morgan Freeman's work is particularly notable, not just for his performance ( let's face it, the man doesn't know how to give a bad one! ) but also for the fact that his is the voice of the film. His chocolate-rich tones were director Frank Darabont's choice for the voice-over of the film, as if his character Red is talking to us, and explaining the sub-text of the film. Voice overs often dont work ( Blade Runner being a prime example ) but this one does, perfectly. Beginning at a slow pace, the film begins with the brutal de-humanising regime meted out to the 'Fresh Fish' as they begin their incarcaration in Shawshank. I remember suggesting my wife watch the film after I'd seen it, and she, being of a considerably more sensitive nature than me, found the early scenes difficult. If you too find the opening 45 minutes a tad heavy going, stick with it - the reward is worth it. Eventually as we progress through the film, we see how Red's initial suspicion of Andy becomes a deep respect, and eventually a deep friendship, indeed it would be true to say that these two men love each other like brothers by the end. There are a few key scenes that really stick in the memory - the rooftop scene, the opera aria scene, the exam result scene - all of which enable us to begin to like these men, men we probably wouldn't have wanted in our homes before the film, but who we'd happily sit down to dinner with after. The film's true emotional impact of course comes in the final third as we learn the truth about Andy's guilt or otherwise. True to many of King's works, there is a twist in the end which leaves us all stunned, and with a big stupid grin on our faces. The total and utter defeat of the dark forces in the film is accomplished with such applomb that you find yourself rooting for the bad guys - the prisoners, a bunch of murderers and misfits that two hours earlier you were deeply suspicious of. Indeed the last section of the film plays almost totally without our hero, and remains almost my favourite portion of it. By this time we are crying out for the final fulfilment of our hopes for the characters. It is to Frank Darabont's eternal credit that he accomplishes this in a scene without dialogue, and a sweeping panoramic withdrawl from the characters, leaving us with not a dry eye in the house, and a feel-good glow that lasts for days. ... while in [a local store] I noticed this man and wife trying to decide which DVD they would buy to view that evening. I pointed to Shawshank. "Ever seen this one?" "No" "Trust me" I said, "It's the best movie you've never seen." He bought it, and I like to think I made that man and wife cry, laugh and smile that evening. To conclude, Warner Bros and Castle Rock - SHAME ON YOU! This movie deserves better. The Region 2 version rocks, so get busy, re-package, and give us fans the extras this classic deserves!
Rating:  Summary: Stephen King Novel = Excellent Movie? Review: How does a Stephen King novel come to be one of the best films of recent time , if not one of the best five of all time . I have seen this film inumerable times and am still completely blown away by it each time I see it, I used to think it was the source novel that made it the film that it was though on numerous viewings I can now say that it is one of those rare occassions that the sum of the parts far excels the core components. Tim Robbins as Andy Dufresne is one of those seminal acts of Hollywood casting that in years to come will be discovered to be probably fourth or fifth on the list behind the Hollywood big guns but which will be later be shown as the saving grace for the film ( much like a young carpenter named Harrison Ford in Star Wars) This is his moment and why he didn't win an Oscar for this role will be lamented in years to come. If you are looking for a film that inspires ,then this is for you but it goes so much further than just inspiring . To me it is a sign that when Hollywood wants to it can make a near three hour movie that has substance , the greatest acting seen in a complete cast for some time and a great story that hooks you in and makes you feel for the characters in a way that harks back to the great times of Movie making and it shows up all the inadequacies that are evident in modern film making. It is no Die Hard third installment, no X-men , no no brainer but a deeply engaging movie that for once makes you care what happens to those people on the screen
Rating:  Summary: Gee--Can I give this ten stars:) Review: I absolutely love this movie and I am not a prison movie fan by nature, but this one is riveting. The acting is suberb. Morgan Freeman is the best. And what can I say---You go Tim:0) Tim Robbins as usual was awesome. There is not much he can't do. If you have not seen this Walk--no run to your video store.
Rating:  Summary: Exceptional!! Can't get enough! Review: What can I say! This movie is purely one of the best I have ever seen. Put it this way, it if wasn't for Forrest Gump, this movie would have easily won the Oscar for Best Motion Picture(they both came out the same year). Plain and simple a must see movie with a fantastic storyline and life learning lessons that will stick with you forever. I have seen it over 10 times and plan on seeing it some more.