Rating:  Summary: A great movie. I think it should be famous! Review: I saw an advanced screening of "Almost Famous" with a friend. When I auditioned for the part of Young William Miller I expected this character to be exactly as I thought it should be when I saw it: interested and strange. It was cool seeing the character I almost was set to get. As you probably think, I was Almost Famous! Anyway, see this movie because it is totally worth seeing!
Rating:  Summary: A love letter to music. Review: "Almost Famous" (2000)You may not know it, but Cameron Crowe - Almost Famous's director - is in love with music. Almost Famous is based on his experience with Led Zeppelin back in the 1970's, and it is a startling and amazing film that intrigued me with its developed characters and viewpoints of live in its set decade. Cameron Crowe is really getting on my good side. I loved Jerry Maguire, and thought it was one of the best films of 1996. Almost Famous is very different to Jerry Maguire, and I am thoroughly enjoying the way Crowe is changing his styles. He's done teen movies, romantic comedies and now Almost Famous is his tribute to music, that has a bit of everything - drama, funny and comical scenes and a mysterious romance. Crowe comes off as a natural in his directing department and his writing skills are even better. Crowe also wrote the film, and he shows true talent for bringing his stories to the screen. The acting in the movie is outstanding. It is headlined by a marvellous cast, including Billy Crudup, Kate Hudson, Jason Lee, Frances McDormand, Anna Paquin, Fairuza Balk and newcomer Patrick Fugit. Crudup and Lee are horribly underrated as actors. They gives a very realistic performance of band members struggling on the hard side of rock 'n roll and still managing to party on and have a good time. McDormand is now one of my favourite actresses. She just has amazing on-screen presence. Fargo won her Oscar, this one gave her a nomination and in Wonder Boys her underwritten performance was very enjoyable. I strongly recommend seeing how this woman works. Fugit, the newcomer of the actors, is very human and sweet, however hard his character tries to be "the enemy", Fugit comes off as just a cutie on the edge of stardom. Hudson will be huge! Also starring in Gossip in 2000, Hudson pulls off a performance like no other actress this year. Her character is mischievous and mysterious, and Hudson is truly a perfectionist in her role. I couldn't imagine seeing anyone play Penny Lane better. Balk and Paquin are pretty much there just to look at, but they have some good scenes, especially Balk, who has a hilarious telephone conversation with William's (Fugit) mother. "Is this Mary-Anne with the pot?" The chemistry between Fugit and Hudson is very believable. These two don't come across as 2 people who are meant to be together or anything on the outside, because one is a rock 'n roll groupie and the other is a 15 year-old journalist, but because the script really allows you to go deep in Penny and William's souls, you see really these 2 would be hopeless lovers in real life. I'd love to see them do more work together. The Oscar nominated editing in the film is also a highpoint. The sequences in which the band perform use many techniques and extras to bring the concerts off as believable and exciting. The editing was used particularly in these scenes, but there are also little things you might notice too. To fully appreciate Almost Famous you have to at least like music a little, and I like music a lot. This movie worked for me on many levels, it had the power to engage me, I had lots of people to care about, and overall I just had a heck of a fun time. Cameron Crowe - welcome to fully official stardom. MY GRADE: A+
Rating:  Summary: Rock and Roll Fantasy Review: although a based on a true story, Almost Famous plays like every 16 year olds rock and roll fantasy. i love this movie. i cant vouch for its authenticity but you want to believe its all true...who wouldnt want to run away with a rock band..live among the stars and fall in love with Penny Lane..even for a short time..the movie shows the ups and downs of a touring band trying to make it big..in the still some-what innocent times of the 1970's. humor, tears, and hey even a happy ending..just a great movie for anyone who loves music..the dvd has great extras too the deleted scene with "air-drumming" to stairway to heaven is absolutely hysterical.
Rating:  Summary: "I AM A GOLDEN GOD!" -Russel (Billy Crudup) Review: I loved this movie. Really, that's all that needs to be said. It is one of those films where you know there are flaws here and there, but it is so utterly engrossing and the tone is so perfect you forget that there are moments when there should have been more drama, but it was toned down for inexplicable reasons. This is one of my shorter reviews, but really, there isn't much you can say except: -Kate Hudson was mysteriously intoxicating. You believed every guy wanted her. -Frances McDromand made you feel sorry for her despite some unnecessary strictness. And she was hilarious. -If you find rock awesome (like I do), you'll appreciate this portrait of the genre, the bands and the fans, and what drives it all. -The writing was often clever and involving, if a little on the lighter side (sometimes, not for the best). So I recommend this film to fans of entertaining, breath-takingly sweet (but not over-the-top), unbelievably "cool" movies, and to fans of classic rock. There's nothing left to say except: have fun.
Rating:  Summary: This DVD rocks! Review: In "Almost Famous" Cameron Crowe has put together a great film which captures the heart of what great rock music is all about. The autobiographical account of his experience as a teenage music writer touring with rock bands comes to life on the screen. He skillfully harnesses the essence of the tour experience and the love of music that brings this unusual cadre of people together- a struggling rock band, a group of music-loving ladies affectionately known as "band aids," as well as Cameron's character William, and the supporting cast of managers, roadies and others. The Director's Cut Bootleg DVD is INCREDIBLE! Crowe has reassembled the film with all the original scenes that were later edited out and called it simply 'untitled' or if you prefer, you can watch the theatrical release. He has also included a great director's commentary, a monologue describing his favorite albums of the era; plus rare screen tests; a concert of the band Stillwater and plenty of other really cool stuff! Don't miss this one- the Director's Cut 'bootleg edition' is well worth ponying up the extra couple of bucks- it is a real thrill ride! And remember- it's all happening!
Rating:  Summary: Totally blown away by this! Review: Cameron Crowe's latest, "Almost Famous" is hands-down the best picture of 2000. It is a funny, dramatic, romantic, and stunning auto-biographical love letter to 70s rock. The acting is immpecable, with Billy Crudup, Jason Lee and Kate Hudson giving the strongest performances of their careers. Newcomer Patrick Fugit holds his own in high company with a performance that ties together every aspect of the film, and Philip Seymour Hoffman steals his scenes in slight subtlety. The direction, the acting, the cinematography, the script, the soundtrack - they are all masterfully executed and combined by Cameron Crowe, who with every picture gets better and better. I wasn't alive in the 70s, nor do I have an especially strong affinity for the music of the period, but anybody who loves character and story-driven movies will love this. Mr. Crowe and I share a favorite director, Mr. Billy Wilder, and I must say that with every picture he gets closer and closer to attaining a diverse and consistently brilliant filmography to rival that of the master Wilder's. And, if you're a Wilder fan, look for a slightly twisted homage to the stomach pump scene from "The Apartment" in "Almost Famous". I strongly recommend that everyone who enjoys movies of a deep and profoundly entertaining nature see this. With "Almost Famous", nobody can honestly say that contemporary cinema produces nothing of value, because Cameron Crowe and co. have. I saw this just a few hours ago and I still feel it. I think it will be on of those films that sticks inside for a long time.
Rating:  Summary: Absolute perfection Review: I originally saw this film in the theatre, and after having bought this particular package, I have to say it's a much better movie with the extra footage.
If you watch the both versions back to back, the omissions are glaring in the theatrical cut. The film would likely have garnered more Oscars than nominations had this footage been in the theatrical release.
No matter, for those of us who have a love-hate relationship with the DVD industry, this is one director's cut that justifies the format in every single way. Oh, did I mention the performances?
From top to bottom, everything about this movie is perfect. From the casting to the editing, from the music selection to the writing, there isn't a weak link in the chain. Cameron Crowe seemingly goes from strength to strength, and this film represents the pinnacle of his life as a filmmaker.
Although I grew up with a big crush on Drew Barrymore, I have to say that Kate Hudson (at least in this role) was MADE for the big screen. Hopefully she'll get more dramatic parts, but I have a feeling this will be the crowning gem in her career. She's absolutely luminous, and has you alternately saddened and infatuated at various times throughout the movie.
Frances McDormand is also stellar in her supporting role; she gets the biggest laughs. Just when I thought Crowe wouldn't be able to top "Say Anything", he pulls this one out of thin air. Stunning.
Rating:  Summary: Cameron Crowes best work yet Review:
I'll be straight forward. You will only enjoy watching this movie if you appreciate the art of journalism and history and the formation of Rock And Roll. The movie takes place in the sixties and seventies when rock was starting to lose the effect on fans it once had. I dont think there could have been a better era to base this movie on. Rock was more innocent and more wild all at the same time! The music was soothing-- the kind you listen to while burning an incent and thinking deep within yourself. Then music was based on becoming famous and getting big only in hopes of being exposed to women, parties, s e x and d r u g s. Absorbing this all in your fifteen minutes of fame.
This movie is genuinely produced to satisfy all themes of what movies are typically based on. It is ingenuis!!! Almost Famous reflects the heartbreakes, true love, self -discovery, failure, finding your dreams and the truth behind music. Most movies are set on one particular subject. Cameron Crowe features life lessons all throughout this movie that immediately grabs, the viewer by the horns because of the intensity of each scene!
I started loving this movie as a teenager. Probably because Almost Famous explores the rebelliousness of teenagers and purpose of a childhood. Patrick Fugit's (Williams) mother, like many, was a rainstorm on his sunny summer day. He was robbed of adolescence. The day William realized his destiny was the day his sister left behind rock records with a note " Listen to Tommy with a candle burning and it will set you free." Music is an influence to us and we dont even know how much it impacts our lives! Music places angelic choirs in our head that molds us. This movie hits closer to home to younger generations than anyone else. For example, my grandmother saw this movie and had no interest whatsoever.
The point of view of this movie is that of a teenage boy getting the real life story on rock band Still Water from the side of the stage. He dramatically transforms from a sheltered kid under his mothers wing to a roadie of a famous rock band. This movie really opened many doors for me. Fugit's character proved to me that living an adventurous life leads to the wildest things you could ever imagine and the stories you can tell to people. From getting intoxicated with Band-aids, rooming with Americas favorite band or rising every day to the flamboyant orange and yellow sunrise, not expecting what will happen today. This movie is a rollecoaster! It takes the viewer to highs and lows-- which really keeps your eyes glued on the TV screen. It ranges from Still Waters successes on making the cover on Rolling Stone to a life threatening airplane ride.
Almost Famous is a movie that must be seen more than one or two times. I have seen it twelve times and still learn something new every time! Fugit's character inspires us to get out in the world and meet new people. Those who help you acheive your dreams and learn lifes most valuable lessons. Let go of moms hand and see for yourself a world full of the most wonderful places! The movie inspired me to not let anyone or anything be an obstacle on my journey through life. After all, you only live once. I strongly suggest seeing this wonderful movie. It will make you feel like a child all over again!
Rating:  Summary: almost perfect Review: Almost Famous is a rare sort of immaculate film that immediately invalidates the quality of films that have hitherto seemed acceptable in its absence. Technical flaws don't seem to exist in the film, and it is affecting much like a dream as it morphs the experience of the characters into the experience of the audience. It is therefore very deeply personally affecting, and the fact that it is well-made is almost an afterthought to its direct emotional power and ability to accurately depict the positive atmosphere emanating from music as culture.
Excusably sentimental, and somehow immune to judgments of indulgence, the film is an autobiographical dramatization of the life of its filmmaker Cameron Crowe. As William/Cameron, the excellent Patrick Fugit is able to realize his journalistic dreams as he is commissioned by Rolling Stone to tour with and write about Stillwater/The Allman Brothers Band. Along the way, he endures the expected yet endearing overprotection of his Mother, the inspiring and offbeat guidance of Lester Bangs, and the charismatic charm of the indescribably enigmatic Penny Lane.
The most significant and glaring positive aspect of the film aside from impeccable writing and truly wonderful acting from all involved is cinematography by John Toll. Capturing images clear yet whimsical, he is able to create a mood that truly does seem like the vivid yet whimsical memory as it is written. His work stands out as truly inspired as the eyes of Patrick are used as mirrors in the deflowering sequence, with the amazing lens flare as Jeff is left behind, and the dance of Penny Lane.
Almost Famous manages to capture a certain harmlessly naïve nostalgia, making memory eternal, savory, and universally significant. With an impeccable soundtrack [and absolutely inspired Stairway to Heaven sequence on this dvd], Crowe makes a case for the true wonder that is a true, deep, and profound love for music. By lovingly recreating a culture surrounding it, the film makes one wonder why one would ever want to be involved with anything else.
Rating:  Summary: "Craaaaazy" Review: This movie will not make you cry, or even laugh very much, but in terms of impeccable story-telling this movie is matched only by the few greats such as Forrest Gump or American Beauty. Cameron Crowe goes above and beyond here to show that the old adage is true, the best stories in life are the ones that actually happened. The film is a semi-fictional account of Crowe's life as a teenager when he was given the opportunity to begin writing for the cream of the crop of music journalism, Rolling Stone Magazine. The pace of the movie flows much like many of the classic rock songs that play almost non-stop throughout the movie. It starts off a little slow, then goes into the first build and you get an idea that something special is about to happen, slowing down again at points to give the viewer a moment to reflect on what the characters are feeling and then it ends with a predictable yet unquestionably satisfying conclusion. Everyone is perfectly cast here, with Billy Crudup proving he is worthy of a leading role and this movie MADE Kate Hudson the leading actress she is today. While an unknown for the moment, Patrick Fugit more or less carried the movie on his shoulders, which was necessary because most of the film is told through his eyes. With the exception of one scene that drags on just a little too long (Plane Turbulence), the rest of the movie is generally flawless and I've yet to meet anyone who doesn't like this movie.