Rating:  Summary: Perfect movie Review: William Miller, a 15 year old aspiring rock journalist of the 70's, lies about his age and goes on tour with the upcoming band of the moment Stillwater to do an interview for Rolling Stone magazine. Along the way he finds out about true friendship (and not so true), falls in love, and loses his virginity - all while trying to break free of his over-protective and worried sick mother. Kate Hudson plays Penny Lane, the gorgeous wild-child "Band-Aid" who steals the heart of William but has her own stolen by the self-centered guitarist of the band. This is a great movie - definitely one of my favorites of all time. Some say that it is losely based on the life of Cameron Crowe, who wrote the script and directed the movie. This director's edition bootleg cut is great to own - you get 2 discs (disc one is the movie with never before seen footage, an interview with Lester Bangs, behind the scenes footage, Cameron Crowe's top 10 albums of '73, and a music video; disc two is the special features disc which comes with Stillwaters Cleveland Concert, Deleted scenes with directors commentary, Oscar winning screenplay, theatrical trailer, production notes, cast & crew info & more) and it also comes with a Stillwater CD - songs of the band that you can take with you in the car! The movie also has a great soundtrack that was put together by Crowe's wife, Nancy Wilson (guitarist from the 70's/80's band Heart) Great movie, highly recommended!!!
Rating:  Summary: A Triumph! Immensely Entertaining! 6 Stars Out Of 5!! Review: I had the awful feeling that I was going to hate this movie when I popped in this DVD for my inaugural look at the film. But my initial apprehension toward the picture vaporized almost instantly upon watching the film's first scene.I couldn't believe how much I liked this movie. In my view, Director/Producer/Writer Cameron Crowe has done the near-impossible with this motion picture. That being: He's taken a group of people that could have been so easily looked down upon and intensely disliked, and instead turned this assorted band of musicians, groupies, mothers, sisters, and rock-n-roll managers into some of the most interesting and fun-to-watch individuals ever to share a movie set together. Add to this mix one very likeable-right-off-the-bat young 15-year-old would-be music journalist (played to perfection by Patrick Fugit), and what you have in your midst is a highly-entertaining movie about ambition, music, a devoted mother's love, soul-searching, friendships, and chasing dreams. Every scene in this film is a memorable one. The whole movie feels "real", in this writer's opinion. Nothing seems faked, or phonied, or Hollywoodized. A reason for this, of course, is in large part due to the fact that the film is a great deal auto-biographical, with Fugit portraying Crowe when Cameron was a teenaged writer for Rolling Stone Magazine. And while it's rated "R" (for language and drug content), the film never once bogs itself down with the cliched rock band negativity of drugs, sex, and booze. Sure, these elements are shown through Mr. Crowe's camera lens; but it's never displayed in such a way as to be a turnoff. If this film were in the form of a book, it would indeed be described as a real "page turner". The viewer anxiously awaits the next "page" (scene). There are two scenes in this film that are true "set pieces" in my mind (and after just seeing the movie one time). One such piece occurs as the fictional band with which our talented young "Rolling Stone" journalist (William Miller) is travelling encounters severe turbulence on a plane flight taking the group to its next concert date. As the severe thunderstorm batters the plane to the point where all aboard are nearly convinced they'll soon be meeting an untimely demise, one by one the passengers begin to confess their inner-most secrets and indiscretions. This fabulous scene is at the same time comical, bittersweet, and poignant. As the aircraft finally breaks free of the turbulent air, much to the delight of the exuberant pilots, our band of passengers is too mentally drained from the confessions they've just offered up to each other to join in the celebration of the fact that they are, in fact, going to survive the ordeal. The scene concludes comically with a member of the group, who has just informed everyone of a dark secret concerning sexual orientation, slamming the cockpit door closed to silence the cheers of the pilots. Great, great scene! Another highly-memorable portion of the film takes place on the band's tour bus. Elton John can be heard on the bus radio, singing "Tiny Dancer". Gradually, the vehicle is filled with singing, as everyone begins joining Elton in belting out the tune. This scene is one to play over and over again, as the feeling of togetherness and harmony fills the bus at that moment. The DVD presentation here is as flawless as the film contained on the disc. Picture quality is exceptional via the nice 1.85:1 Widescreen Anamorphic transfer. And the Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround soundtrack is definitely robust enough to give those speakers a nice workout, especially during the many musical numbers heard throughout the movie. There's an adequate Making-Of featurette included as well, which contains several photos of a young Cameron Crowe "on the road" as a Rolling Stone scribe. For anyone who hasn't seen this picture who might be thinking (as I did before viewing it) that this is a movie filled with loud, obnoxious, cocaine-snorting booze-heads and the less-than-desirable environs that people of that ilk generally inhabit, let me assure you that "Almost Famous" will pleasantly surprise you. These characters are well-written, never "over the top", and totally engaging from the first chapter of this DVD until the last. It immediately has zoomed into my Top 25 of all-time favorite flicks! I still can't believe how truly good this movie is. It's one that could easily be viewed time and again, and enjoyed just as much with each successive screening.
Rating:  Summary: utterly beautiful, my favorite movie of all time Review: I fell in love with Cameron Crowe after seeing this film. No one has ever put into words, song, and action the *precise* effect that music has had on my life, and I feel indebted toward him for expressing that love in ways that I can't. Which is why I swooned throughout the entire movie the very first time I saw it, falling in love with each of the characters (Penny Lane especially, for her motherly concern for the well being of others, her fragile facade of iron will while being so obviously soft, and her unbelievably real sweetness). Penny Lane is a falling leaf in this film, beautiful and fragile and adrift on the changing winds of other's emotions. Yet, behind this exquisite frailty lies a masked strength of character and an almost regretful understanding of "when and where the real world occurs." I found it only fitting, then, that the movie ended on my favorite song -- Zeppelin's underrated "Rain Song." I feel this is perfectly appropriate for the scene, for its underappreciated beauty and time-capsule capture of that one fleeting sense of drifting away from innocence and daydreams, wanting to hold on, yet understanding and saying goodbye anyway... and trying to understand you were better for the experience. Now, when I hear this song, I envision the scene of the weary kiss blown from the fingers a tired fan as she watches the tour bus drive away into the morning, Penny Lane skirting the desolate and littered post-concert grounds with a rose and a smile, spinning on a napkin, and the innocent, unabashed brown love gaze of William Miller through the colored scarves of the band-aides. I can watch this movie a million times and I would give it as many stars if I could. One of the best quotes: "The only currency in this bankrupt world are the things we share with each other when we're uncool." Superb movie. Perfect casting. Perfect soundtrack. Heart-wrenching cinemetography and acting. There's nothing else to say.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best movies ever made.. Period! Review: I mean it, this is truly one of the best movies ever made. It has lies, and decet, drugs, and most importantly music. It is a story of a somewhat small town boy with a mother who wount cut the umbilical cord, and a sister who left because of the mom. He gets all his sisters albums when she leaves and decides he waqnts to be a writer for a music magazine, he gets an awesome assignment to go on tour with this 'Allman Brothers/Aerosmith' sounding band and writes this amazing artical for Rolling Stone, and has all of his hopes and dreams crushed to the ground before him in a matter of seconds. This is truly one of the better movies you will ever own so buy it now!!!!!! And get the soundtrack while your at it as well cause it is amazing like the film!
Rating:  Summary: Ode to Motherhood Review: This is a perfect film. However, to review it and add nothing. . .adds nothing. So, let me say that amidst all of the rightfully glowing praise this movie has received, let me add this: this film is the greatest depiction of mother-son love ever displayed in cinema. The bond between young William and his "wise" sage of a mother is the true heart and soul of this story. It is interesting that Cameron Crowe is such a fan of "To Kill a Mockingbird." That film is the best father-son (and daughter) film ever. Both stories spring (ultimately) from the realization that a parent has to let their child experience life--as painful and exacting as that realization is to the parent. Both stories demonstrate the deep admiration we all have (or should have) to parents standing up to the conventions of the times (racism or consumerism). William is "allowed" to enter into his journey by a mother forever providing advice ("Don't use drugs!") and "meaning well." The ensuing phone calls from the road and scenes with the glorious Frances McDormand are priceless. The scene where McDormand sees her son after his "trip" is Oscar worthy--look at her love and relief that he's. . . HOME. Further, her dressing down of Billy Crudup's character is one of the funniest scenes in any film ("ye-yes, ma'am.") There are so many wonderful scenes in this film and the acting is superb. The ensemble is as good as any I've seen. Phillip Seymour Hoffman as the lonely, uncool mentor is perfect. Jason Lee as the egomaniacal (but ultimately vapid) lead singer is pulled off with aplomb. Billy Crudup as the "soul" of rock and roll is the best. This guy will win an Oscar someday though "his looks are becoming a problem!" But ultimately, it comes back again and again to me as this: watch this film and bear witness to the most difficult thing any of us have to do in our lives as a matter of course--watch our children grow up and become independent of us, their parents. Almost Famous is beautiful, loving ode to motherhood (parenthood). Kudos to Cameron Crowe and his mother Alice.
Rating:  Summary: Fabulous Review: The Director's Edition: Boot Leg of Almost Famous is my favorite DVD. The directors commentary with Cameron Crowe and his mom is fabulous and leaves me craving his next movie. Cameron's love of music and film really shines in Almost Famous. And the cast is just perfect!! This film has a special place in my heart and this edition makes me love it even more. Please check out the audio of "Small Time Blues" with Pete Droge and Elaine Summers, its a little tribute to Gram Parson and Emmylou Harris and it is just beautiful....
Rating:  Summary: I smiled throughout the entire movie. Review: I really couldn't stop smiling. It brought back such marvelous memories. It's about the music, about growing up, about first loves, about all those marvelous insecurities and confusions we encounter when we are young that compel us to do those things we do. This movie encapsulates all of this in such a gentle, though never superficial, way as to bring it all back. There are just so many little touches to this movie in its dialogue and setting as to make it watchable over and over again. I can't speak highly enough of it. All of the characters are perfect and the dialogue and actions are touching and funny at the same time. The bootleg cut is a bit pricey but if you're going to own it, this is the one you want. The deleted Stairway to Heaven scene is priceless. It's a fun movie, one that will bring those memories flooding back. I laughed, I was moved and I really felt like I was there. Kudos Cameron!
Rating:  Summary: Pretty Good Review: A well made movie. I experienced a little frustration and impatience during parts, but the story and characters were good enough to keep me watching. There isn't much to say about it- Almost Famous is one of those films where you know if you want to watch it after reading a plot description and where the movie itself delivers at least everything in the description and, at most, just a little more. I think four stars might be myself overating it, but it was enjoyable for me, so I added one to what could be called relatively objective three stars. Certainly worth a rental, the new Bootleg Cut dvd is one of the better dvds i've played.
Rating:  Summary: Jennifer's Almost Famous Review Review: The film "Almost Famous" is a Cameron Crowe and Dream Works Home Entertainment movie. Cameron Crowe has won an Oscar for best screenplay for this movie and he has been nominated for an Oscar for "Jerry Maguire". This movie was released in 2001 and is approximately one hour and eighty-five minutes in length. This is a drama about a 15-year-old boy named William Miller (Patrick Fugit) who wants to be a journalist for Rolling Stone Magazine. Miller meets with a "Band-aid" named Penny Lane (Kate Hudson) who introduces him to the band Stillwater. While writing an article about the band, Miller befriends the guitarist Russell (Billy Crudup). Both Russell and Miller fall in love with Penny Lane and it hurts their friendship. Now Miller has to write an article for Rolling Stone without letting his feelings get in the way. I would recommend this movie to anyone who appreciates Rock 'n Roll. I thought that Kate Hudson did a great acting job as Penny Lane. She was both believable and fun to watch. The story line was good as well. It showed a back stage glimpse at the lives of rock stars in the early to mid 70's. The soundtrack to this movie is important as well because it compliments certain scenes such as in the bus when they are listening to Elton John after they were all in a big fight. I would give this film 4 and a half stars
Rating:  Summary: Cameron Crowe - genius? Review: Is Cameron Crowe a genius or what? Not only has he brought us the likes of 'Singles' and 'Jerry Maguire' (I'm forgiving him 'Vanilla Sky'), and now 'Almost Famous'. I have had this movie on VHS for a couple years and had been wanting to buy it on DVD when I saw that this 'Bootleg' version had been released. I now own it and must say it is well worth the price (if you like the movie, that is). I thoroughly enjoyed watching the 'Director's Cut' of the movie...I couldn't believe how much stuff was added - you definitely get a lot more insight into some of the characters. The cast is great - Kate Hudson and Frances McDormand are brilliant - I also really like Jason Lee's character, he's good for a lot of the movie's laughs. Not to mention the soundtrack to this movie is great, although I know a lot of the movie's best songs are not on the soundtrack CD (the one that stood out for me was Elton John's 'Mona Lisas & Mad Hatters' - not on the CD). With the bootleg version of this DVD you get both versions of the movies (theatrical release and director's cut), a Stillwater CD with 5 or 6 previously unreleased songs on it and lots of bonus features, including an interview with the real Lester Bangs (portrayed by Philip Seymour Hoffman, who is excellent). If you like this movie you would love the insight that this DVD brings! GET IT!