Rating:  Summary: GREAT MOVIE! Hope The Oscar Brings It More Attention! Review: "Almost Famous" is one of a VERY few movies I bought without seeing it first and I'm so glad I did. The cast is enchanting, especially Patrick Fugit, as William Miller in his film debut, and the charming Kate Hudson as Penny Lane, the first "band-aid." Billy Crudup was perfect in his portrayal of a "rock star" with an ego, as was Jason Lee as lead singer of "Stillwater."Since I'm a music journalist myself, I can vouch that just about everything in the film is pretty much how things go. From your name missing from the list, to your photo pass being confiscated by the venue at the last minute, to the interviews with the "egos," to the interviews with the guys that have so much talent they aren't on an ego trip, and ALWAYS a deadline staring you down. I've seen it all and I really empathized with the William Miller character and his constant trials to get his interview with Russel Hammond (Cruddup), while trying to placate the head honchos "Rolling Stone." This film was just so REAL! I know it's based on Cameron Crowe's years with "Rolling Stone," but as a journalist I still remember how thrilled I was with ALL ACCESS passes, interviews with stars I never in my wildest dreams thought I'd meet, the tour buses I visited and many other things. I think any music lover wants to be in those shoes! Being out of the country back in the '70s, I wasn't aware of the "band-aids not groupies thing," but their part in the story is critical to William's growth as both a journalist and a man - especially Kate Hudson's character Penny Lane. Frances McDormand turns in a stellar performance as well as William's mother. Hudson and McDormand indeed deserved their Oscar Nominations. The music in this movie is also outstanding, if a bit nostalgic. The DVD may not have as many "Special Features" as others I've seen, but I really enjoyed Cameron Crowe's narration of how things were accomplished (Peter Frampton taught the Actors in the band to play for real!), the numerous pictures of Cameron with Rock Legends insterspersed with scenes from the film and the actual articles he wrote for Rolling Stone. Most of the rest of the Special Features are bios and photos of cast members and the actual movie makers, but they were still interesting to read. I'm not used to reading most of the Special Features on a DVD, but none of the "extras" on the DVD version were a disappointment, although the "Jerry McGuire" moments seemed a bit out of place to me. But, the movie itself is what this is all about. Forget the quantity and quality of the exra stuff and buy this for the great movie it is!!
Rating:  Summary: If I could give it 6 stars I would... Review: Easily my choice for the best movie of 2000, it's a shame it was a shame that AF was overlooked for a Best Picture nomination. At least the Academy did right by it by giving it the screenplay Oscar. The DVD is wonderful. I especially enjoyed the 'making of' with the interviews and the addition of the actual Rolling Stone articles by Cameron Crowe. The day I received it, all I wanted to do was finish work so I could go home and relive the great experience that this movie is. The acting is superb and fresh. From the naive yet worldly Penny Lane as played by Kate Hudson to the star struck William (Patrick Fugit) right on through the entire cast, there are no insignificant roles in this picture. We even get the bonus of watching Phillip Seymore Hoffman and Frances McDormand in action, however briefly. But with them it's quality not quantity. Everyone contributes something worthwhile. Stillwater, the fictional band that everyone wishes were real, has that classic rock presence that today's real bands could learn from. In a time before we were forced to endure Brittney and the boy bands, this is what music was like. I was only 5 in 1973 but seeing Almost Famous is the one (and only) thing that makes me wish I was older. When I saw this film for the first time, I remembered why it is I loved movies and couldn't wait to go and see it again. Already a fan of Cameron Crowe from the days of Say Anything, Jerry Maguire, and Fast Times at Ridgemont High, from here on out I will follow him anywhere. If you haven't seen this yet...what are you waiting for?
Rating:  Summary: Classic Review: I really liked this movie. I actually went to see it twice in the theater which I never do. This movie was so incredible I just had to go back. Philip Seymour Hoffman, Frances McDormand, and especially Kate Hudson all did fantastic jobs. Anybody who says this movie isn't good apparently has all their taste in their mouth. If you are interested in classic rock or good movies, you ought to get this one. It's definitely worth it.
Rating:  Summary: A Crowd Pleaser! Review: "Almost Famous" is one of those tiny gems that doesn't see huge box-office numbers and is hardly noticed. For once, thank god for the Oscars! With it's Oscar win, this movie will finally get the attention it deserves. It is a simple film for the most part. A young boy finding himself, a worried mother letting go, a rock star realizing life isn't life, and a "band-aid" living her life. It is a fantastic movie! The script is one of the best of the year 2000 and the film is an over all joy.
Rating:  Summary: Work of Art Review: I saw this film twice, both times on long inter-continental plane rides. Maybe it was fated that I watch this show when I had alot of time to do nothing but think, because this is one movie that seems light-weight at first, but before you know it, you are rivetted to the screen and completely absorbed. And my mind was reeling after the show ended. I could not help but relate it somehow to my own experience of youth, the idealism of youth and what you re doing now with your life. If you are one who has had music play a significant part of your growing up life, and have spent hours infront of a turntable with headphones or the modern-day equivalent, you will likely enjoy and appreciate this film. The actors are superb and a completely original storyline (funny to say that for a film based on the 70s.) but it is nothing like other films depicting that era. This one will surely stand the test of time. Go see it!
Rating:  Summary: Wow! I Really Had No IDEA! Review: When this movie first came out in the theaters I really didn't have a huge desire to see it. I knew that it was getting great reviews, especially acting wise, but I passed on it. How stupid was I? After seeing Kate Hudson win several awards, including the Golden Globe, and then get a nomination got me interested. I love Goldie Hawn, and Kate is a whole new version of her. How great to have another Goldie(but make no mistake Kate is her own woman) around. So Friday I decided to rent it, and put off watchigni t until about ten P.M. thinking I'd be bored and fall asleep. Wow! I had no idea. I was hooked right from the begining. Laughing outlouad as Frances McDormand hit the screen in a fabulous performance worthy of the nomination for Best Supt. Actress she got. Not long after came Kate Hudson, making the character of Penny Lane her own right from the start. Immediately I loved this character, and completely forgot she was Goldie Hawn's daughter. She was sweet, loving, and probably the most loved character in the show. The boy was great, and Billy Crudup was wow! Where did he come from. Yet, whenever Ms. Penny Lane wasn't on I was longing for her to show up, and so excited when she did. She rocked throughout. She showcased this great person, yet when she gets her heartbroken which almost ends in tragedy, I felt myself litterally praying for this character. Cameron Crowe has created one of the best films ever. As soon as this movie hits a more reasonalbe price, well, I'm adding it as fast as I can to the collection. Furthermore, Kate has gained herself a new fan, and this is because of her acting skills and her exceptional performance, not because she is Goldie's daughter. I truly believe Kate was robbed for Best. Suppt. Actress and was shouting at the screen. She deserved so badly. But then I thought, look at it this way, this is technically her fourth film in which she is a lead, and in only four films she gets that kind of recognition, and in only two years. I have a big feeling that soon Kate will be back at the Academy Awards sooner rather than later, and I predict she'll walk away with one of those Oscars in the very near future, just like her Proud Mamma, who has every right to proud.
Rating:  Summary: So good! Review: This movie is so good it hurts. I can't stop thinking about it and the amazing characters it produced. Maybe this movie isn't for everyone though, if you're not into the music scene of the late 60's early 70's or would rather be playin football than listenin to a zeppelin record, you may find this a movie a little bit slow. as for me...it's perfect. it's what i have been waiting a life time to see, the character of William Miller and i have a lot in common, from the same interests in music and the same bands, to a similar physical appeareance (or maybe it's just the hair). anyway, the acting is flawless! I swear i couldn't pick anyone better to play any of the characters. Of course there is my favorite actor, Jason Lee, who was born to be a rock star, (not a mallrat!) Patrick Fugit is just great for the character he plays, Billy Crudup is fantastic, and needless to say Kate Hudson is astonishing. I dare any guy not to fall in love with her after the scene where she and Fugit 'discuss' their ages. She's so alive throughout the whole movie, and is just...amazing. The "Tiny Dancer" scene is so good that it makes me cry. Finally it seems somebody (Cameron Crowe) realizes the power of rock and roll and how it can mend anything, no matter how big or small. I think Crowe and I would have been good friends if i had known him in highschool. Of course, the soundtrack is fantastic, i bought it right away. In closing: For me, this is, and will always be, my favorite movie of all time, but maybe that's just because I can relate so much to it...I love it
Rating:  Summary: great movie i had low expectations for Review: when i decided to rent this on a day off from school i was like what the heck lets rent it even though i had low expectations for it. the previews made it look good though. this ended up living much above my expectations. its a great movie and frances mc dormand and kate hudson make it better than 5 stars. it foccusses on a rock band from the 1970s named stilwater and a boy that wants to interview them for rollingstone magazine and he falls in love with kate hudsons charector. also great performan by fairuza balk aka vicki mallencourt from the waterboy. watch this for the superb acting and the soundtrack.
Rating:  Summary: Cameron Crowe's tribute to music and family Review: This film is a must for anyone who loves music, I mean really loves music, people with 400, 500+ CDs in their collection, people who follow the emergence of new artists and bands, who know who the rock journalists are even if not always agreeing with their opinions. However, other people will also find this film fascinating for its depiction of close family bonds and teenage crushes, and sticking to one's ideals. There are many scenes that remain in my head - William Miller's older sister saying "One day you will be cool...", the conversations with Lester Bangs (wonderfully portrayed by Phillip Seymour Hoffman), William Miller's mother attending his graduation (the one he misses) and the turbulent airplane scene. This film hits all the right notes. Don't miss it!
Rating:  Summary: ONE WIN and TWO LOSES makes a new RISING STAR! Review: Oscar nomminations don't come often for most rising stars. Seldom do most stars continue excellent careers after there Oscar success. This film has Oscar on it for best Screen Play and a nomminations for actresses Kate Hudson and Frances McDormand. The film follows the journey of an ambitious and budding teen boy who was given the assignment to write an article . . . for Rolling Stones. He was to write about his journey in following a band. Though the movie is centered around this boy, you see more of Kate Hudson and Frances McDormand. Kate stars as the young and smart charater named Penny Layne. The character is a band groupie, or as Penny Layne perfers, "Band-Aid." Fances plays the boys mother who is worried about and knows of the way off following a band. The characters bring most attention to themselves because you can laugh, cry and feel every emotion. The characters they portray is shown in one light yet give a glimpse into what the "real" charater is about. Not often do we find that the male Actor in a film is not the one who stands out but the women who support him. The women in the film actually paved the way for it's success only because they allow you to see what these rock stars and boy would be like with or without them. Though Oscars where given last night, and Kate Hudson and Frances McDormand lost Best Actress in a Supporting Role to Marcia Gay Harden (She portrays the role of Ed Pollock's wife in "Pollock"), they both have a career gain. McDormand who is no stranger to Oscar after winning Best Actress for her charater in Fargo really did not need this award, it simply added anpother notch to the belt. Kate Hudson, who everyone thought was a sure in for the Oscar, did not need this award niether. The nomination was perfect for the role she did. Now we can see her work up the ladder to winning Best Actress in a Motion Picture. She is only starting and has a lifetime of career ahead of her. Though one win of three Oscars the film was nominatted for, Almost Famous is my pic of the week. P.S. It is better that Kate or Frances did not win. There is a jinkes to Best Supporting. Most women who win the award never have career success status again (Mira Sorvino {Mighty Aphroditie}, Marissa Tomay {My Cousin Vinnie}, Patty Duke{Miracle Worker})