Rating:  Summary: Best Father-Son movie ever Review: I have always been a Tim Burton fan but i never expected to be so moved by his latest film so much, i had no idea what this movie was about when i bought the dvd, i just knew that it was directed by Tim Burton, to my surprise by the end of the movie i had gone through a full box of tissue, i had not cried during a movie since the Lion King back when i was a child but this movie did the trick, it has since become my favorite Tim Burton movie
Rating:  Summary: Good heartwarming movie Review: _Big Fish_ has a lot to offer: humor, romance, whimsy, drama... something for everyone. The movie itself is like looking into a story book, or a mythology text. The stories are so fascinating, so unbelievable that the viewer is immediately sucked in.Tim Burton did a superb job directing the film, creating a nostalgic, almost other-wordly look at the life story of Edward Bloom. The acting was spectacular as well. Ewan McGregor captured the young charasmatic Edward, and Albert Finney (although he spends the majority of time in a hospital bed) portrayed a very convincing older Edward. Billy Crudup gave a good performance as Will, Edward's son. Unfortunately Jessica Lange, a wonderful actress, was relegated to a small role in the film, and did not get as much face time as she deserved. Her younger self, played by Alison Lohman, received more screen time, and she proved herself to be a strong young actor with a bright future. Another note on the casting: there were many notable smaller roles played by well-known actors. Steve Buscemi, Danny DeVito, and Helena Bonham Carter added great depth in their small, yet very important roles. The beauty of _Big Fish_ is how it portrays love and family relationships. Edward Bloom lays dying, while Will and his wife are preparing to become parents themselves. The movie is beautiful, poignant, and heart-warming.
Rating:  Summary: Angry Tim Burton Fan!!!!! Review: I'm a BIG fan of ALL Tim Burton's films. I was horrified when I saw this movie in the big screen. A horrible screenplay and a horrorifying idea. And when I saw that it was realeased in DVD I was schocked. How come!!! Tim Burton's worst movie "BIG fISH" released AND Tim's Masterpiece "Ed Wood" rejected by the distributors. How possible? I cannot understand why Burton decided to stop making good films, and started making CRAP!! If anyone agrees with me, please vote at amazon, for the Ed Wood's realease.And the ban of Big Fish! See you.
Rating:  Summary: Lovely tear-jerker--with a mild bit of wisdom, too. Review: There's a dreamlike quality to Big Fish, a kind of luminous, otherworldly tone that befits a story that skips from the incredible to the mundane like a flickering candle. In the end, it is a surreal, touching story--a darn good tear puller--that left me feeling a bit happier, and even a bit wiser. Nicely done. I must admit that I'd held off seeing this movie because I'd lost hope for Tim Burton. His downright awful remake of one of my favorite films, Planet of the Apes, had turned me cynical and suspicious. Was he, as it appeared, just a poseur--with dirty mop of unkempt hair and fat-framed glasses fancied by eighty-year-olds? Had his successes been a scam perpetrated by a guy who'd fooled a lot of dim-brained Hollywood numbskulls? Big Fish, if it truly is Burton's child (after the Apes fiasco, I must admit that I've not entirely disabused myself of the idea that Burton just put his name on this--but I digress), redeems him. It isn't soaringly great, but it is truly well-done and enjoyable. There are a few minor problems which I should point out. Billy Crudup, who plays a son in search of his real father, is a very weak actor, and whether it's him or the role he plays, or both, he comes across as just plain unlikeable. It's really too bad, since his role could have provided for an added bit of depth and resonance to the film. Thankfully, his screen time is very limited--perhaps Burton, himself, judged that Crudup was too weak to merit a central place on the screen. But for all of Crudup's weakness, Albert Finney and Ewan McGregor give outstanding performances. McGregor, who plays Crudup's father character as young man, shines with likeability and energy, the kind of person you meet rarely in life and who pulls you in with his joy and indefagitable innocence. Finney is splended as a sputtering, kind-hearted yarn-spinner. Jessica Lange is fine in her small role, and the young actress who plays her character as a young woman (Alison Lohman) is almost too beautiful to be believed--which adds, of course, to the ghostly, dreamlike quality of the film. I really liked this film, clumsy fish metaphor aside! It's gentle and provocative entertainment that is well worth seeing with the whole family.
Rating:  Summary: Touching, Moving, engrossing. Review: This was the best movie I saw in 2003 and really made my all time list. I cried at the theater and I cannot recall the last film that affected me so. I felt like it lasted a half hour - I didn't want it to end. Casting was terrific, effects just right, not ove the top as they could have been. A truly unique story. Symbolic/metaphoric but my 11, 12 y/o kids liked it too. ..... oh, I liked it, did I mention that?
Rating:  Summary: Big Fish - Forrest Gump... What's the Difference? Review: I was completely let down by this movie. The only thing good about it was the trailer advertizing it, and that was wickedly deceptive. I am a huge fan of fantasy and fairy tales, which drew me to this film. Sadly, I was disappointed. Big Fish was like a pathetic parody of Forest Gump (which I also hated). I grew up in Alabama, so cheap imitations of Alabama accents insult me personally. The fantasy failed on every level. I was so thoroughly unimpressed that the money spent on renting it is quite possibly the worst spent money in my life. Back to Forest Gump analogy. The vignette-type movie is nearly impossible to pull off. Both movies lived up to that idea. They didn't pull it off. The whole coming-to-grips-with-my-horrible-past-by-looking-back-on-it mentality makes for a depressing movie. The problem is that in both of these movies, this depressing setting is juxtaposed with a comedic mentality which accomplishes nothing. The greatest common element in the two movies: they were both about two hours too long.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing Review: I saw this movie, and was deeply moved. It was visually stunning and brilliant. Easily one of the best films I have seen in a long time.
Rating:  Summary: A must see!!!!! Review: By far one of the best movies I have seen in a while! I would recommend owning this one.
Rating:  Summary: Not what I expected and really not that good Review: Tim Burton is a great director and from the previews "Big Fish" looked really great. But after seeing it I wished that I had rented the DVD and not bought it. "Big Fish" is not really a film that I would think that Tim Burton would make. It more of a story about the relationship between a father and son that have not spoken in many years. The visual are good, but they don't allow Tim Burton to show the viewer what he can do. And he is great director. "Big Fish" is an okay, but Tim Burton was allow to show his best work.
Rating:  Summary: AMAZING!!!!! Review: One of the most brilliant as well as funny movies i have seen in at least the last one year!I'm not a Tim Burton's fan but Big fish is one of my favourite movies of all times from now on.The story is great,the end is even better,the music is marvellous and the actors performings can not be put into words.Thanks everyone!