Rating:  Summary: mislead Review: Once again the previews mislead the audience. I like most people I talked to thought it was a ghost story. No such luck. Dennis Quaid is great, Sharon Stone can't act her way out of a wet paper bag. I knew that going in but thought I'd suffer through her because it looked like a good movie. The movie was ok, just ok. As I said it's not a ghost story, but just another thriller. Don't get me wrong thrillers are great but this one was very slow to get going. Once it got going it was ok. I've heard of developing the characters but this took so long the movie was over. I should have saved my money. I could have watched this on TV when I had nothing else to do and nothing else on.
Rating:  Summary: Cold Creek Manure Review: Is there such a thing as a "straight to radio" movie? This isn't even good enough for "straight to video"! A predictable dud with as many twists and turns as a ruler. A couple moves into a creepy mansion, the previous owner is an obvious psycho, and they hire him to fix the place up. You do the math. The real mystery here is how Sharon Stone, Dennis Quaid and Captain Von Trapp were duped into filming this slow-moving, half-dead snooze-fest.
Rating:  Summary: Lousy movie, lousy music, and scream track??? Review: Just like in "Signs," I guessed the entire plot of this movie as soon as the "plot thickens" point came, 30 minutes into the movie. As the movie went on, I noticed that the direction was bad, and I also noticed that the music was lousy. During the credits I was surprised to see that the music was composed by the director. One of few good things in this movie was Dennis Quaid's face. I enjoyed the snakes not because I thought it was good movie making, but because it had my wife squirming in her seat. I give the movie a point for that, but other than that the snakes thing was weak. Like ok, the snakes got into the house but they were all discovered simultaneously??? I'll admit that I haven't scene many slasher movies, but could this be the first or one of few movies that has a scream track? I was amazed and horrified to hear a scream track, and very obvious too, with some screams even misplaced where there was not a corresponding orchestra hit and the movie was not that startling. Most of the scare value of this movie is in spook-house style startles, which I personally find distasteful. For example, "Alien," an excellent and classic movie, only uses one startle where they find Mr. Jones, just for comic effect. Other than that Ridley Scott relies on skillful suspense to carry "Alien" to great effect. Worse, in "Cold Creek Manor" I even predicted several of the startles. I only got surprised when in a certain situation I expected a startle-oops surprise, there was not one there but in a few minutes a different character was in that situation and boom, there it was. The biggest jump I got was because there was a defect in the film that I was watching and it made some light come that looked like lightning bolts, and I jumped. Sadly, it was just a celluloid dropout. Some threads did not go anywhere. For example the thread of the nude pictures went nowhere. The thread of the sheriff being the sister went nowhere, even the major thread of the girlfriend went nowhere. I did enjoy Christopher Plummer's performance even if his dialogue was ludicrous, though it was quite funny. The production values on this movie, other than the plot, music, and direction were good, but the film borders on the "so bad it's funny."
Rating:  Summary: Intelligent thriller hits home Review: I liked "Cold Creek Manor" because it does not look or feel like your "normal" Hollywood movie. It plays on the fears and pressures of modern family life. How does a guy protect his family from danger, while also keeping his marriage intact and defending his manhood? The performances from Dennis Quaid, Sharon Stone and Stephen Dorff are great - they feel like real people, not manufactured "movie people". The kids are particularly fun to watch, played by Kristen Stewart (who was in "Panic Room" with Jodie Foster) and Ryan Wilson. The movie has a nice moody feeling and plenty of scares.
Rating:  Summary: Sharon Stone is about as interesting as... Review: ...a rock. One-note, shrill acting. Poor Dennis Quaid, stuck in this house...and this movie...with terrible lines, lame plot, and....Sharon (Yaaaawwwwwn) Stone. The couple is stupid and makes dumb moves left and right. Plot is so predictable, I could have had my preschool son write it. But even my 4-year-old would have made a better acting splash than Stone. Ick. Stay AWAY!
Rating:  Summary: Cliche' Galore!! Review: I was bored with it. Went to a free advance showing without knowing the plot and thinking that it was a ghost story. It's just another"Family-moves-into-a-house-and-is-stalked-by-a-madman" movie with all the cliches included. Quaid and Stone's characters have got to be the dumbest couple on earth! Would you invite a creepy guy who broke into your home to dinner? Believe me, you will be rolling your eyes at a number of dumb things they do. If you have something better to do with your time than to see this movie, by all means, do it.
Rating:  Summary: A Masterpiece! Review: If you are a cinema afficianado, you must possess this film (I see there are a lot of used copies available at low price). Why? Because we know how hard it is for movie buffs to come to any consensus on the top 5 or even top 10 films of the past quarter century. But you can be an instant celebrity when talk gets around to the WORST films of the past quarter century. This may indeed be Number One! And you don't even need to cut fine hairs, i.e. "most over-hyped bad film" - "Blair Witch Project", etc. Here you can go for the whole baloney and hold your head high. I won't go into why this film is so bad. Words fail me. It has to be seen. I will say one thing: one can argue that even most very bad films had some kind of an "idea" at the outset, something for the story boards. Here: zilch (oh, I guess I'm exagerating - here's the preproduction story line: "city slickers buy a haunted house in the rural burbs and bad things happen to them." Now, that's originality for you. Other than that, everything is MARVELOUSLY TERRIBLE: the acting, the special effects, the logic, the beginning the middle and the ending. And not even a cheap thrill in the way of some hot sex or (partial) nudity. Wait a minute...a correction. I said at the outset of this "review" that every serious film buff should own this film. I take it back: I wouldn't want those connected with this turkey to either reap financial benefit or worse yet thing that DVD sales prove the film has some merit. So maybe one or two of you can buy used copies and circulate them widely. Finally a VIEWER ALERT: this film has found its way onto pay per view in some places (it was on my local Comcast).
Rating:  Summary: Great Unintentional Comedy Review: Not too many thrills in this thriller, but as an unintentional comedy it's aces. Fans of bad movies will love this DVD to death, particularly the deleted scenes which include Dennis Quaid as pool shark humiliating the Massey character. Stephen Dorff flares his nostrils menacingly while strutting around shirtless, oiled up, and chewing the scenery like a starving man. Several laugh-out-loud moments throughout this film. Indeed the only thing missing is Joel and the 'bots in the lower right-hand corner of the screen.
Rating:  Summary: Give it a chance, Don't listen to hearsay Review: Cold Creek Manor I thought was a fairly decent movie. Don't read some of these other people's reviews and make a decision based on their opinions. Truth is maybe it was a little slow paced but there was a good story behind it. I think you should watch this movie and see what you think. Afterall no one's opinion matters except yours. As long as you like it who cares what others think.
Rating:  Summary: Cold Boring Manor Review: On the mark, get set and be stupifyed as Dennis Quaid (Flight Of The Phenoix, In Good Company) and his wife Sharon Stone (Catwoman, Basic Instinct) bring their two kids, the daughter is played by Kristen Stewart (Catch That Kid, Panic Room), as they move into Cold Creek Manor which was onced owned by trailer trash/ex-convict Stephen Dorff and after they move in they are subjects of Dorff's wild ticks. Not much fun with Quaid and Stone rendered boring and Dorff being a bad boy....when isnt he a bad boy in movies? Juliette Lewis (Natural Born Killers, Cape Fear) plays Dorff's sleazy girlfriend or whatever she was...judging from that sex scene between them two she was a trailer quickie. The suspenseful music is retarded and supposed thrilling sequences arent that good and its too much predictable and obvious. Also starring Christopher Plummer (National Treasure, Dracula 2000).