Rating:  Summary: Deeply Disappointed Review: I am a lifelong fan of the highly under-appreciated Ed Harris, and I have admired Cuba Gooding Jr. in at least two of his roles. It was painful to watch the talents of these two actors, struggling with the burden of carrying a bad film, so woefully wasted. The script is trite and predictable. Supporting actors are expected to make dreadfully sterotyped characters believable and, with few exceptions, they fail. I have to agree with the reviewers who thought the film an insult to the handicapped "star" of this true story. What a disappointment!
Rating:  Summary: Radio is More Than Just OKAY Review: Cuba does a good job of acting here...again and finally. Ed is at his best since "The Rock". A true story than pulls itself together at the VERY end. Buy it! Enjoy it!
Rating:  Summary: Disgrace Review: This review refers to the Theater version of the movie and not the DVD version. It must be that we here in the Bahamas got an unedited first cut of the movie, because in almost every scene microphones were literally hanging visibly over the actors' heads. Cuba was very unconvincing and I am surprised that no one else seems to think so. The only other movie that he was in that was worse than this was Boat Trip. I do not think he can recover from performances like these... BAD MOVIE
Rating:  Summary: Sweet Movie!! Review: Fans of "feel-good" movies like "Frequency" and "October Sky" will adore this movie of a mentally underdeveloped young man who wanders the street. He walks by a high school everyday and watches the football team practice. The coach notices him and befriends "Radio," the name he receives because of his obsession with radios. The story line that follows shows that not only does Radio need the friends he makes, but the town and high school really need Radio as well. This is based on a true story. You will need tissues. I went to bed that night feeling a warmth I'll never forget. When I know a movie like this really happened, it means all the more to me.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie ! Definetely Worth Seeing Review: Im not into drama much, but I must say this movie was just awesome. Maybe one of the best I have seen in a while. A Great cast with a terriffic plot. Cuba Gooding Jr was fantastic and Ed Harris plays a great obsessed football coach with a passion for winning, yet finds out in the end, football is not everything. These two make a great team in the movie and the film will touch everybody somehow. Definetely a good movie!
Rating:  Summary: Melt Review: I won't recap the storyline but simply agree this movie will soften the hardest heart. Incredible acting by Cuba Gooding Jr. and Ed Harris. This is a must-see film in a cynical world.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Movie Review: This movie was wonderful. I cried the whole time almost, but it was happy at the ending. Wonderful casting, they all did super jobs in their rolls. I rented it, but went out and bought it the next day! Great movie, i recomend it to anyone.
Rating:  Summary: This is my family's average score. Review: Personally I would have given the movie only 3 stars because it plays a little heavy on the emotions and is a little slow on the action. These kind of heart warming movies work better as TV specials than on the big screen.HOWEVER, I only had one vote. My wife and daughter got sort of misty through the movie and gave it enough stars to bring my review up. My daughter told me it was a "chic flick" and my wife is a special ed teacher who specializes in autism. I didn't have a chance at not being outvoted.
Rating:  Summary: Lack of plot kills this one Review: This movie is exactly the "disabled man" formula you would expect: Take a character with issues or a disorder of some kind, present his sorry case, beat him up, then make him loved by all at the end. And all the people that stood in ridicule to this character now stand in support of him. I fail to see what makes this so interesting. The movie takes its wire-thin plot much too seriously, and aims to be "funny" and "heartwarming" but in the end is not either of these. The melodrama is overblown and the melancholy scenes are too predictable and sappy to be moving. I will admit that Cuba Gooding Jr.'s portrayal of Radio is good, but he is no Rain Man. In this case, it is not him that's the problem. It's the actors and plot surrounding him. The movie fails spectacularly at creating supporting characters that are even remotely likeable. They were so bland I can't even remember their names, so I will refer to them by their jobs. The football coach is one of the stiffest, most two-dimensional characters I have ever seen and his daughter might as well be sleeping through her role. The writing of the script isn't bad, but their delivery is. There is a scene where the coach is trying to explain to his daughter his passion about helping Radio, but for all the emotion he displays they might as well have hired a marble statue. The character of Radio's mom is by far the worst in the picture. When the football coach drops by Radio's house to ask his mother about his past, she gives us the most predictable lines imaginable with the, "My son is just like everyone else, he's just slow" speech. It was literally painful to watch this woman degrade herself with that godawful scene. I honestly was glad when her character died. And inexplicably, the mother always looks angry when somebody brings up her son, especially during that speech, as if she's angry she ever had the dude, like the mere mention of his name is enough to invoke anger and shame. I thought this was supposed to be a movie that was against the ridicule of mentally challenged people. But apparently not, since the regular people never really treat Radio like a human being, more like some kind of stupid dog or gerbil that they all consider a pet. Whenever Radio does something nice for them, for example giving them a portable radio as a present, they seem to pat him on the head condescendingly. Like an adult accepting a terrible macaroni picture from a three-year-old, they all simply shake their heads at each other and put on fake smiles as if to say, "Awwwww, look at the wittle wetarded man! He's sooo cute when he tries to act normal!" In the end, the irritating lack of any coherent story or plot makes the movie feel like an excuse to preach saccharine life philosophy that the mentally challenged are people too. But if the movie really believes that is true, then it should practice what it preaches.
Rating:  Summary: A PASSABLE FEEL-GOOD FILM Review: When you see the real "Radio" during the closing credits, you see that Cuba Gooding does a passable job of capturing his nuances. The expressions are good, but not amazing. The moving story is based on an actual ongoing friendship in South Carolina between a white football coach and a mentally disabled black man. While the theme itself is very touching, has great lessons for us all, and all that, it really should have remained as the 4-page article in Sports Illustrated. It's too drawn out and simplistic to make into a movie. Little surprise then that the film is sappy, overtly "look I am so moving", and overwrought. Plus, it is paced very very slowly. It is good to see Debra Winger again, but not in the role of the coach's homey wife. She gets about 10 minutes of screen time in all. Cuba Gooding is better in this than in "Fighting Temptations" or "Boat Trip", but that is faint praise. Ed Harris does well in these quiet, patient roles ("Monster's Ball," for e.g.) so he is adequate. A passable feel-good flick, good to watch with kids perhaps. Hard to give it more brownie points than that.