Rating:  Summary: I expected nothing less. Review: Hmmm...Tom Hanks and Stephen King. Is it any wonder I enjoyed this movie to the utmost possibility? King has the uncanny ability, be he writing horror or not, to create characters like a pro and give them brilliant things to say. His plot is fantastic. As for the movie itself, it is a true piece of art. Very nice special effects for what can effectively be called a "prison drama." Tom Hanks leads an incredible cast, and Michael Clarke Duncan was born for this role. Continue on, Frank Darabont, continue on...
Rating:  Summary: CHECK IT OUT! Review: One of the most powerful movies I have ever seen! As good as the book, definitely worth a look-see! You'll laugh, cry and be on the edge of your seat as the mysterious crime stories unfold. I reccommend taking your kids when they get older! Don't pass this one up!
Rating:  Summary: We found each other in the dark... Review: This is one of the best dramas I have seen in a long time. I realize that it is hard not to find comparisons to "Shawshank", but this movie is wonderful in its own right. It is very cathartic, but in a more bittersweet manner than "Shawshank". It is so true that this movie will make a grown man cry! The cast is excellent...for the first time in a while, Tom Hanks' performance is rivaled by the supporting actors (i.e. Michael Clarke Duncan, David Morse) and therefore does not stand out quite as much. Also, it is hard to summarize the movie's plot in one direct sentence. It is based on a Stephen King serial novel and contains several subplots. The story is beautiful and shows us how fragile life is and that doing the right thing often has no reward and can bring pain and loneliness, unfortunately. I promise, you will need to have some Kleenex ready during the movie! I highly recommend it, and I admire that the movie makes us look at our own lives, and how we all walk our own individual Green Miles. Kudos to Stephen King and Frank Darabont...yet another classic!
Rating:  Summary: wow! Unbelievable...ever thought I'd ever cry at the cinema! Review: This film is fantastic, it is directed extremely well with a great intro into the storyline, which keeps you gripped right until the end credits have rolled. The atmosphere, the emotion and drama is unbeatable. Tom Hanks and Michael Duncan were superb..along with David Morse and all the cast. I can honestly say that I have never shed a tear in a cinema before, I've come close, but this time I was sobbing my heart out in the back row. I was so moved. I can also truthfully say I do not know of another film that has had me gripped the whole way through before, I reccommend this for everyone wanting to see it. I just can't wait for its DVD release, as it will be the perfect addition to my collection. I will definately be going back to the cinema to watch this again. Truly a masterpiece. Definately deserves all the oscars its been nominated for
Rating:  Summary: Who'd have thought I'd shed tears at a Stephen King flick? Review: When I heard that "The Green Mile" would be turned into a Tom Hanks movie, I groaned outloud and silently cursed the movie industry. Yeesh, all the luck that man has been carrying around in the movies for the last eight years just grates at my nerves. The fact that "The Green Mile" is, in my opinion, the best novel written by King since "Different Seasons," made me all the more antsy but at the same time drew at my curiosity. So I went. Sitting in a dark, crowded theater watching Hanks drawl in a semi-decent Alambama accent for three hours seemed like a smiggen of hell waiting to happen. Honestly, the most I expected was to maybe appreciate the film; I didn't expect to walk out of the theater crying and quietly applauding all the people that worked in and on it. Safe to say, I ate my words.I have to say, "The Green Mile" is possibly one of the most brilliant films made in 1999/2000 from start to finish. The direction is brilliant, the entire cast give memorable performances all around, and the imagery is so eerily like that mentioned in the novel that it's at times creepy but nothing short of satisfying. What pleased me the most about this movie was it's unexpected faithfulness to the novel itself; no other adaption of a King novel has ever been this close to the book, with the possible exceptions of "Delores Claiborne" and "The Shawshank Redemption." There are several stand-out performances throughout, such as those by Micheal Jeter (as lovable prisoner Delacroix), Doug Hutchison (as jail guard from hell Percy Wetmore), and a chillingly sinister turn by Sam Rockwell (as resident bad guy Billy the Kid). But the movie itself belongs to Michael Clarke Duncan, who managed to upstage Hanks in his role as the gentle giant John Coffey. Playing simple-minded Coffey, you'd have thought Duncan stepped straight out of the pages of the novel itself. From the moment he steps onscreen, he gains the curiosity and affection of the audience, garnering an ocassional snicker and many tears. Another thing that surprised me was the magic that surrounded the film. A sequence in which Coffey is in the prison theater watching Fred Astaire and Ginger Rodgers dancing to "Cheek to Cheek" in the classic Top Hat is among the films sweetest moments. Maybe what makes scenes like that so terrific is that they're not obvious; they're seamless. The expression on Coffey's face as he watched the dancing duo glide across the screen *alone*, beats any 2-hour special effects extraveganza. Before you see this film, be aware that this isn't King's usual all-out frightfest. Though it does have it's share of violence (including a particularly gruesome electrocution scene), it's sure to make you laugh, cry (A LOT), and cheer on non-stop for Edgecomb and Coffey. A beautifully done picture by Frank Darabont, who managed to surpass his sucess on The Shawshank Redemption. A lovely film, and one of my favorites for years coming. I can only hope The Academy gives this jewel the recognization it deserves.
Rating:  Summary: BEAUTIFUL FILM Review: This movie has zero innovation - it does nothing new or flashy. However, it will make a grown man cry. Michael Clarke Duncan's performance is sublime. It's a beautiful story beautifully told.
Rating:  Summary: Another Fine Stephen King Adaptation by Frank Darabont Review: Many are the weary Stephen King fans when it comes to movies made from his work. Until Frank Darabont came along and brought us The Shawshank Redemption making us believe in the possibility of a good movie stemming from a good book. The Green Mile is no exception. This is the fascinating serial novel brought to living, breathing, vivid life. Spectacular performances by every member of the cast. (Please take note of Michael Clarke Duncan's performance as John Coffey) A note to those who have read my reviews here on Amazon, in my review of The Green Mile: The Complete Serial Novel I mistakenly call the character John Coffey; Paul Coffey(who happens to be an excellent hockey player). The mistake was noted after the review was posted and please understand I was embarassed by that. But life goes on. Back to the movie. The Green Mile is quite lengthy(which will deter some potential viewers) but its length is necessary to tell the story. And what a story it is. A large black man, a little slow upstairs but kind to the soul, is accused and convicted of murdering two little girls. The setting is Florida during the Depression, a time and place brimming with injustices. The story and the movie deal with this with heartwarming sincerity, coming close to being a tearjerker. Being a Stephen King movie the supernatural can't be far behind and John Coffey, who wouldn't hurt a fly, is just full of surprises. A real treat for Stephen King fans and moviegoers in general and one of the best movies to come along in recent years.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Movie! Review: I read the book (or should I say series of short stories?) first. I am an avid fan of Stephen King and have usually been disappointed when his books are made into movies. It's mainly due to King's creative imagination and deep characters that are too hard to portray on screen. When I read the Green Mile, I thought it would be an awesome movie and was stoked to see that come true. I was worried as to how the movie could depict such deep character portrayal, and I must say the movie did a good job to create the characters (the book is still better at that). I thought the movie could have followed Edgecombs search for the truth a little bit more rather than just the one scene with Gary Senice (sp?). Overall I was very pleased with the closeness this movie followed to a great King novel and I would say this is one of the best movies I have ever seen. I recommend that you read the book and see the movie to get the full effect, but if you only choose one, it is still a good choice.
Rating:  Summary: Life under fire Review: The "Green Mile" has to be the only film I have ever seen in 40 years that can make you use every emotion of our lives. Michael Duncan (John Coffey) I wanted to just give the biggest hug I could make. Tom Hanks is great at a dramatic role as ever before. This picture AND the book really moved me. I believe in watching the movie first and then read the book. I want to see a movie raw and not be spoiled by the book. Especially this one. This movie is true to the book most of the time. I believe that this is Tom Hamks most moving film since "Philladelphia". Bring tissue for that one too. The "Green Mile" deserves 10 stars. See it more that once.
Rating:  Summary: A View of Eternity Review: As a critic want-to-be I can't find enough stars to rate such an awsome movie and series of books. I, who is not a good reader, found that I stay awake at night for hours reliving all that Paul Edgecombe endured at E-Block. I saw the movie first (as it should be) which, reading the books, make the characters come alive. I cry the tears, I feel the pain, feel the hate, feel the heat and I feel the remorse. It gives me a mind to reconsider Capital Punishment. This is definately a go all the way to the Oscars movie. I have seen it twice and will see it again and again. Bring a box of tissue both men and women. Even if you read the 5 series books. Enjoy