Rating:  Summary: New edition of Amadeus = new rating from MPAA Review: Due to Constanza Mozart briefly baring her breasts while Salieri blackmailed her, the MPAA in its infinite and irrational wisdom changed the original rating of Amadeus from PG to "R".This action makes absolutely no sense for in the treatment of this wonderful acted film. This re-rating makes it off limits for high schools to present to students. Yet crude movies with lewd dialogue like "Goldmember" rejoices in its PG-13 universal access. This doesn't make any sense!!!! "American Pie" had brief nudity and a lot more objectionable verbage along with a lot of other movies aimed at teenagers and even young children. I just don't get this at all. Would a representative from MPAA please step up and explain your "logic"???? It would be greatly appreciated.
Rating:  Summary: Sparkling with jewlels of captured talent~ Review: Everyone here has said their piece, and with the exception of a few, I believe for me to add anything about how fabulous it is would seem, well, superfulous! This movie is one of the best EVER made, a true artistic masterpiece! It captures Mozart's legacy, while also providing a look at the more harrowing aspects of being a composer. Whether true to history or not, this is a MUST SEE film for all Mozart, classical music, opera, Tom Hulce, and just everyday fans! Mozart forever!~
Rating:  Summary: A masterpiece Review: This movie is absolutely fabulous. A historical movie is very difficult to make, but this one was masterfully done. Never mind that it's probably not totally correct. This film will should go down in the annals as one of the most fitting tributes ever made. Obviously, this movie tells the story of Mozart, but it has a very unique approach--it tells it through the eyes of a man named Salieri, a contemporary of Mozart's. Sometimes jealous, sometimes awestruck, Salieri recounts the story of Mozart's life with a splendid display of raw emotion. The whole narrative is wonderfully infused with Mozart's own music, which adds greatly to the impact and emotion of the film. The acting in this film was great, and the costumes extraordinary. This movie definitely deserved all the awards it received. This is a wonderful movie that was rated PG, but now has a director's cut that has given it an R rating. Either way, it is very intriguing story about a musical genius. This film is perhaps as entertaining and brilliant as Mozart himself was.
Rating:  Summary: Great movie! WRONG MPAA RATING!! Review: "Amadeus" is not rated R, it's rated PG. Don't believe me? Check elsewhere. Why in the world would you put R? There is very little adult situations, little violence, and little language. Believe me movie fnas. It's rated PG. The following is an edition to this review. Now, I understand why the rating change came to be. The Director's Cut has 20 minutes of new footage which contains nudity. Why did Milos Forman decide to put a deleted dirty scene back into a great picture. Because of that the whole MPAA rating changed. If you love this movie, and you are unhappy with the new director's cut, buy the original theatrical release. I own that one and not the director's cut(Thank God). For a minute there I got scared and thought they just changed the rating for the fun of it. You'll be happier with the original. I predict a plunge in the sales of the director's cut.
Rating:  Summary: for the dvd not the movie Review: this movie is great. the dvd thats another story. no special features , second side doesnt work in my dvd player. geeze was i wrong to put this on my christmas list. well buy the tape. not the dvd.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best movies yet to made Review: Amadeus is a perfect movie,you see how Mozart tried to show his fantastic music to Viana people.Unfortnately the time when he is in Viana,the king is a music lover who doesn`t understand true music.There is also a sneaky enemy Salieri trying to stop Mozart succes but envious about his fantastic.Trying to convince MOzart that he is helping him.He is the one of the few people who understands Mozart`s music`s charm. You`ll be thrilled by the complos and Mozart somber fate. Remember:"Everything you hear is true."
Rating:  Summary: really irritating, really boring, really terrible, Review: I saw Amadeus at the Cambridge Film festival. I was told it was the story of Mozart's life, was critically acclaimed and the pinnacle of the festival. How much was I disappointed, often irritated and by the end I felt thoroughly used and exploited by what I can only describe as a terrible, terrible film. But why? Well I was quite excited by the thought of a film about one of the greatest composers and musicians of all time, the potential to create really powerful film with some emotional and awe inspiring scenes accompanied by his most famous and rousing music was tremendous and, seemingly, obvious. Instead Amadeus chose to focus on how irritating Mozart the man was, and featured a few uninspiring scenes demonstrating his genius in composition. Good Will Hunting managed to make maths exciting, but Amadeus was given the most moving medium of all, Music, by one of the most incredible musicians who ever lived, and they made it more boring than dry paint that's been dry for a very long time. For such a critically acclaimed film I was expecting certain things. First was good music, but this was a taken. It was about Mozart, of course the music was good, it was Mozart. All they needed was Mozart's greatest hits playing in the background to be good! So I give it 0 points for the score, you want good classical music then buy the CD. I would say that Fahrid Murray Abraham was very good as the narrator and main character, putting in solid performance. As far as the other acting is concerned the mixture of accents from Shakespearean English to Italian, German and inevitably American never related to the actual nationality of the character was enough for me to hate every performance, if I hear Elizabeth Berridge say Volfey in a German\American accent once more I consider suing for mental aggravation. You want good classical music with a complex story and impressive cinematography then watch 2001 A Space Odyssey. If you want the story of a flawed but fantastic composer then get Shine out on video, you wont be disappointed. If you prefer your musical period drama documentaries full of irritating actors, pretty costumes, tedious storylines and bits of opera then do watch this, and if you would prefer to while away your time for three mind numbingly boring hours then check out the directors cut. Amadeus, you owe me £5 and three hours of my life, I wont forgive you until I get them back.
Rating:  Summary: Profound disappointment Review: When I bought this DVD I thought I was buying the whole movie of Amadeus as I remember it from 1984. Instead the original movie was cut drastically, and many scenes I remember, including sample scenes from Mozart's operas, especially Don Giovanni, were missing, and only the bare bones of Salieri's "plot" was depicted. Please tell me, what happened to the rest of the movie? Or did I miss something? I tried the various options on the opening menu and could find no evidence that any more footage from the original, other than what I saw, was on the DVD. If I am wrong I would gladly keep the DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Rubbish Review: I think we live in an age where truth doesn't matter. The film 'Amadeaus' is a prime example of how a completely fabricated story can pass off as something genuine. The film has created a bogus story for the sake of drama and sensationalism. It makes Mozart look like some God who had everything easy and then goes on to say his father's death had something to do with his death. Hollywood will anyting to create mystery out of nothing. Most embarassing of all, Mozart's wife calls him "Wolfy". Boy, I'm sure people in the 1700's talked like that!!
Rating:  Summary: It ain't a documentary - understand this, and you'll love it Review: The bit a lot of people miss about Amadeus is not so much that it's a fiction (this really shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone: it purports to be the recounted story of a person in a madhouse, after all), but that it's an adaptation of a play. Like most playwrights, Peter Shaffer (he of Equus) was not interested in historical accuracy to documentary standard - and nor is this picture. In fact, it's much cleverer than that - what we get here is a beautifully scripted essay on Envy, God and your Just Deserts (and why you don't always get them), played out between light and dark in the beautiful setting of Prague. As befits a theatrical adaptation, the symbolism is stark - Mozart's white (even manifesting itself in a dove at one point, for heaven's sake) plays the establishment's black. For the most part, you can judge the sympathies of a given character at a point in time by the colour of his or her wig. Salieri, the great tormentor (and tormentee) is finally rendered head to toe in snowy white, being wheeled down the corridors of the madhouse, himself absolved and offering absolution to his fellow in-patients. And Mozart disappears, in a hessian sack, into a cloud of quicklime of the purest white. I suppose the American accents shouldn't have grated - historically they're no less accurate than English ones, or the speaking of English at all, for that matter. Still, a pity that Simon Callow traded his English accent for a silly American one. Good tip (especially for those stuffy types who don't dig Tom Hulce's hyena impersonation): watch the film with the alternative music only soundtrack. Sir Neville Marriner and the Academy of St Martins in the Fields playing Mozart to the accompaniment of pretty Czech snowscapes is about as it good as it gets.