Rating:  Summary: What the heck happened to Tom Dicillo? Review: I can't totally pan a film that features a nude scene from Liz Hurley (no matter how brief), but overall, this thing stinks. In no way does it measure up to anything DiCillo's done previous to this. I like all of the actors here, but they're given basically nothing to work with here, short of some really anemic Tarantinoisms. Avoid.
Rating:  Summary: There's a good reason why this wasn't released theatrically. Review: I recall reading an interview with director Tom Dicillo where he expressed frustration with Lions Gate's handling of this film. The film sat in limbo for quite a while only to be denied a theatrical release in the US. After one actually watches this limp, half-baked mess of a film it's easy to understand why it went straight to video.After high profile bombs like Bedazzled and Serving Sara, it looks like Liz Hurley isn't having any better of a time in the wonderful world of "too hip to have anything resembling a plot" Indie films. Hopefully this means we won't be seeing her again any time soon. Eventually Dicillo will stop pouting and get back to making films as enjoyable as Johnny Suede and Living In Oblivion.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing film that could have been much better Review: I'll admit it--I rented this DVD simply because Steve Buscemi was in it. "Double Whammy" is a confused film--it concerns a burned-out policeman with a bad back, Detective Ray Pluto (played by Denis Leary) who is teamed with Jerry Cubbins (Steve Buscemi). They stop for lunch one day, and Pluto fails to foil a shooting at a fast-food restaurant--however, an 8-year-old manages to save the day, and this causes Pluto a lot of professional embarressment. The film degenerates and has several sub-plots--some of which add to the film and some which don't. First we have the hot little romance between Pluto and his chiropractor Dr. Ann Beamer (played by Elizabeth Hurley)--sorry, ducky, but one really doesn't indulge in plunging neck-lines while bending over patients. Then there's Pluto's building supervisor, Juan Benitez and his tattoo-obsessed teenage daughter whose obsession leads her to cheap, violent little street killers. And then there are a couple of would-be script writers who are trying to write a million dollar script. And don't forget the crisis Cubbins is having. There are some wonderful moments in this film--for example, my favourite scene was a lonely Leary watching the exercise video. This film is full of quirky characters, and there was a good story here, BUT it would have been a much more enjoyable film if at some point SOMEONE involved with this film had asked the crucial question: "excuse me, but what's this film ABOUT?"
Rating:  Summary: Mr. Hiassen Take Control of Your Movie Scripts! Review: It is amazing that the previous reviwers seem not to realise that this movie is about as far from Mr. Hiassen's novel as Pluto is from Earth. Please read the book and skip the movie. The book is an hilarious, hysterical send -up of the bass fishing industry and all the(in the book) eccentric and dangerous people who inhabit it. In the VHS the closest we get to fishing is looking into the water; furthermore, Hiassen can never be faifthfully translated to the screen; there is too much complexity, irony, and subtletyto bring it off. One reviewer mentioned the screenplayhad recieved n award. Only in Hollywood, as the cliche goes. I wonder what Hiassen thought when he heard that this "screenplay" which is technically a screenplay detached from the book completely, and therefore to be correct should not have used the titleof the book at all. Two more extremely aggravating points in this movie. The two guys dreaming up a screenplay was funny at first, but it really got tedious after the third vignette. Mr. North, the sartorially splindid detective makes a good point at the end, a very intriguing point, which I will not divulge, which indicates more than meets the eye in the killing of two creeps, emphasized by worried looks from the young lady. This was left handging; very unsatisfactory. Perhaps Mr. North could not let a last homage to Law and Order pass without this horrid movie ending.
Rating:  Summary: Funny and pleasing in every way Review: talk about a film that really made me laugh, i picked up a used copy since the price was pretty cheap, Not even hearing of the movie beforehand . I took the dvd home and watched it and lemme just say this film is hilarious. There are quite a few things goin on at once , but they go well together that build up to some funny parts. Even during some so called serious scenes i couldnt help but laugh.. i enjoyed this movie and would reccomend it to anybody, DIcallo is so original with this film it doesnt come close to feeling like any film i saw before, he truly added his own flair to it, definately up there as one of my favorite comedies
Rating:  Summary: False advertising, good product Review: The dvd cover art, the images of the known actors, the name of the film----they all convey some sort of comedic romp. What we have is a failure to communicate....but, you end up with some funny moments thrown in with truly grotesque violence. The story of good cop gone stale, Dennis Leary, and the recurring themes of his wife and child in flashbacks do not mesh well with the current dystopia/humor/despair that Leary finds himself in. Buscemi is hilarious, the plot is amusing, in the end, even if some of the elements of the love affair with Liz seem forced. A sort of a fairy tale-in-the-city with some blood and death in the middle scenes. It is definitely worth seeing for the high points, and I will add it to my collection.
Rating:  Summary: A modern day film noir... Review: This is an interesting film, with a lot of very artistic shots. For instance one scene a killer falls down dead, and lands face to face with someone tied up on the floor, which makes for some eerie and yet comical artistic filmography. And how about that Melonie Diaz, WOW!!! Melonie is one hot little babe, prancing around in her catholic schoolgirl pleated short skirt, owning the film is worth it, just to watch her, what eye candy, and what legs!!! Anyhow the leading man is our comical hero, and this film is almost a comedy, a humorous look at crime. A future classic, and should appeal to those who do not like commercial films, and like art, jazz, and the finer things in life...
Rating:  Summary: A modern day film noir... Review: This is an interesting film, with a lot of very artistic shots. For instance one scene a killer falls down dead, and lands face to face with someone tied up on the floor, which makes for some eerie and yet comical artistic filmography. And how about that Melonie Diaz, WOW!!! Melonie is one hot little babe, prancing around in her catholic schoolgirl pleated short skirt, owning the film is worth it, just to watch her, what eye candy, and what legs!!! Anyhow the leading man is our comical hero, and this film is almost a comedy, a humorous look at crime. A future classic, and should appeal to those who do not like commercial films, and like art, jazz, and the finer things in life...
Rating:  Summary: One confused movie Review: This movie does not know what it wants to be. A comedy? Love story? Crime drama? It has multiple storylines that we expect to somehow come together (and they do), but they are so different, it simply does not work. The beginning is very funny and entertaining, so you expect to be in for 90 minutes of great movie fun, but right there, the sad urban drama line kicks in and ruins the whole thing. In the end, the sad and the funny parts cancel each other out, bringing the whole experience to NEUTRAL. The only positives are charming Liz Hurley and the cuddly New York setting. But even that is not worth paying for in this case.
Rating:  Summary: FANTASTIC and very TOUCHING...2 Thumbs up! Review: This movie has a fantastic human element to it. I found it to be profound, yet keeping a true since of humor. A must have for DVD collectors looking for some depth and humor to their collection.