Rating:  Summary: Love ..... What is love! Review: This movie was great.... it starts out as 2 kids on an airplane ... they get seated together and the girl was trying to start a conversation when everything went wrong.. and they started agrueing like kids do . example ... your dumb .... your ugly...... then it skips a few years and it was homecoming night for that girls school and it just so happened that they was playing Freddie Prinze Jr's school .... he was the boy that was on the plane and Claire Forlani was the girl.. after the football game they meet again and u know it they start agrueing like kids again.... well it skips a few months and guess what they run into each other at college.. they agrue for a while then somethings happens and they start being really really good friends.... then one night they started argueing yet again and they just break off the whole friendship thing.... then aventually they kinda work things out and they was eating dinner and Clair just jumped up and started a speach that imbareesed her so she ran out... like a gentleman freddy took off after her and one thing led to another and u know what happened next... but things didn't turn out like u would expect ..... u better watch the movie to find out what happened next
Rating:  Summary: I wasn't that impressed Review: This film was not that great. It was way too predictable and everything you thought that was going to happen, did. This movie just lacked a certain something, and it surely didn't live up to its broad expectations. It was just a sterotypical teen movie that didn't have much to do with anything. I got bored of it quite quickly, as I'm sure many of you reading this did as well. I would not recommend that you buy this movie unless you seriously need to expand your "teenage, college-based" movie library. Again, they could have done much better, especially since Freddie and Claire are both extremely talented actors. If you want something good with them in it get "She's All That" or "Meet Joe Black." They're much better films to spend your money on.
Rating:  Summary: Definitely Disappointing Review: This movie was a really disappointing venture with little wit or wisdom to recomend it. I personally think it should be retitled "When Harry Met Sally And Finally Realized She's All That". It is When Harry Met Sally for teenagers, but it lacks all the wit, humor and warmth that made When Harry Met Sally such a success. I was bored with the plot (I hate you I hate you, wait--I LOVE you!) and the script. The characters were two-dimensional cardboard cut outs of hip teenagers who were impossible to relate to on virtually any level. Trust me, rent When Harry met Sally, it is a far better way to spend two hours of your life.
Rating:  Summary: Not exactly perfect. Review: Okay, so "Boys & Girls" is not a must-see movie. I have to agree on that point with every movie reviewer. This is not the worst movie ever, though. (Leave that to John Travolta's "Battlefield Earth) Freddie Prinze, Jr. says his lines perfectly as did Claire Forlani. The story is a near-perfect play on this seen-so-many-times-before-story. If you didn't like "When Harry Met Sally," don't see this. Otherwise, this is a great date movie. Don't expect it to be the next "American Pie" as the commercials wanted you to think. It really isn't. This is an all-out chick flick, except for the clip that runs during the credits (with the hilarious Jason Biggs). Anyway, for a chick flick, this is pretty good.
Rating:  Summary: Not great, but fun... Review: I'm still not quite sure what to make of this (which makes Claire Forlani look gorgeous). Not as good as "She's all the That", but far superior to the ... "Down to You" this is a decent romance. All the cliches are there, but it manages to be charming to an extent. If you don't expect too much, you could end your evening with a smile as I did. I don't have review the plot here. Jason Biggs, Freddie Prinze Jr, and the amazing Forlani make the material watchable. What astounded me about this movie, and something no film reviews I read in the real world, and very few on here, are the amazing similarities to when Harry Met Sally. While there is a breakfast club/16 candles scene, I think WHMS is the inspiration here. ... However, Forlani plays Crystal and Meg Ryan (which is Prinze's name and he later dates a Megan...but I digress) is more Freddie P. We have the one night stand, the crying before hand, the awkward silence, the phone calls...etc. The meeting and hating each other before becoming friend. Biggs' character is Bruno Kirby like and forlani's roomate is a lot like Carrie Fisher. I already talked about the names...it is like a teen version of WHMS, but punched up. What can I say. Maybe I didn't like it, but I sorta did. The movie was fun and the WHMS connections fascinated me. And Claire Forlani is beguiling.Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: Not exactly perfect. Review: Okay, so "Boys & Girls" is not a must-see movie. I have to agree on that point with every movie reviewer. This is not the worst movie ever, though. (Leave that to John Travolta's "Battlefield Earth) Freddie Prinze, Jr. says his lines perfectly as did Claire Forlani. The story is a near-perfect play on this seen-so-many-times-before-story. If you didn't like "When Harry Met Sally," don't see this. Otherwise, this is a great date movie. Don't expect it to be the next "American Pie" as the commercials wanted you to think. It really isn't. This is an all-out chick flick, except for the clip that runs during the credits (with the hilarious Jason Biggs). Anyway, for a chick flick, this is pretty good.
Rating:  Summary: Is This A Comedy? Review: The problem for numerous "so-called" comedies are that they are not as funny as they are supposed to be and thus do no warrant being worthy to be put in this genre. "Boys and Girls" is one of these movies. It just seems like the movie stocked up on using more romance for this film than any comedy. Although Jason Biggs was cast as Prinze's roommate for laughter purposes, it makes him mirror the antics of his roommates in his other film "Loser." The situations of laughter just do not pan. As for the romance, Prinze and Forlani's scenes seem to be filled with tension about when they finally end up together. And somehow I can't see Forlani being cast as a college student. The scenes with Alyson Hannigan (Willow from Buffy) and Heather Donahue all seemed to be too short. As was the small cameo by singer Monica. Why were they put in this movie for bit parts? Overall, I found this movie had too many things against it to warrant a good review. If you want romantic comedy, try "She's All That."
Rating:  Summary: Claire Forlani Will Steal Your Heart Review: If Claire Forlani didn't make your heart skip a beat with her subtle turn in "Meet Joe Black," or her barely there cameo in "The Rock," she will definitely melt your maker here. She stars alongside Freddie Prinze, Jr (a.k.a. "The Staple of Teen Romance") as two life long pals who journey through every major high and low in the game called love. You know how the story goes. First they're friends...then they're better friends. They start hanging out. They fall in love. They are frightened by their newfound feelings. They distance themselves from each other. At long last, they make up, yada yada yada. Of course, there is everything in between, including numerous attempts at romance with all the wrong people (For Prinze, Jr, this includes "Buffy's" Alison Hannigan and "Blair Witch's" Heather Donahue). There is even a show stopping dance number set to the snappy tune "Stop the Rock" from Apollo Four Forty. Actually, the soundtrack is one of the strongest elements of the film as is this jaw dropping dance sequence that proves Ms. Forlani is a multi-talented young lady. So, "Boys and Girls" isn't great. It isn't the smartest or the funniest romance of the year. But, it is hip and clever and sweet at the core. A feel good movie? Definitely.
Rating:  Summary: When Harry Met Sally for teens Review: Misery loves company. I became addicted to this quirky, somewhat surreal romantic comedy when a long term relationship of mine ended. To watch Freddie Prinze Jr. and Claire Forlani as long-time friends navigate through the minefield of failed relationships and teen angst only to eventually consider getting together themselves seemed like the perfect anecdotal medecine to relieve what I was going through at that time. Yes, it's ultimately a funny and touching drama that taps into that need for comfortable feel good stories to put the sparkle back into life. Really, it bears more than a striking resemblance to WHEN HARRY MET SALLY in both structure and themes. (Is it a surprise they are both favorites of mine).
Ultimately my favorite part of the movie is the first half. The movie starts with a young Ryan and Jennifer meeting for the first time on a plane from New York to Los Anegeles. Theier encounter remains so memorable that five years later Ryan recognizes Jennifer during a football game. As luck would have it the two also eventually end up both in college at Berkeley and bump into each other in a series of When-Harry-Met-Sally-esque encounters over a number of years.
Prinze definitely plays against type here, he doesn't play a hotshot high school football star but instead Ryan is a difficult, unsure teen attempting to make his way through an engineering degree and Forlani is the confident, assured college girl who has no trouble getting dates, but is unable to maintain any long-term commitment.
Providing possibly his funniest performance is Jason Biggs (of American Pie fame) who plays Ryans college roommate Hunter (well that's not his real name but he feels it sounds better when picking up girls). From his introduction - getting stuck in a storage case to his eventual success in the girl department - his all too rare screen moments provide some great humor and lend a certain charm to the movie giving it an edge that the adult movie that so clearly inspired it.
I've seen this movie numerous times, its one of my guilty pleasures that speaks to me on so many levels.
Incidently if you have seen this movie on television the chances are that you have not seen it all. I have seen "Boys and Girls" shredded to bits on network tv.
Rating:  Summary: Boys and Girls Review: this is the gold of any freddie prinze, jr. collection...its totally a need to buy item...