Rating:  Summary: Mess of a Remake Review: Even if I didn't stumble across "Charade" a few weeks before I watched this waste of film, I would have rated it 1 star. Mark Wahlburg shows the same level of talent acting as he did singing in his alter-ego of Marky Mark - none. Add to his casting mistake the addition of a rag-tag group of "bad guys" and a totally unbelievable "heroine" played by Thandie Newton, and you have a total train wreck. Newton is robotic at best in her portrayal of Lampert. Her character is not believable, nor does she get the audience to empathize with her. Tim Robbins shows why he hasn't made a descent movie since "Shawshank Redemption." His portrayal of Bartholomew/Dyle was horrendous. You always knew he was up to something sinister. There was no surprise at the end as there was with Walter Matthau in "Charade." The plot "twists" completely weigh down this movie and contort logic so much, that the film becomes confusing. The "creative liberties" taken by Demme, not only take away any tension and suspense, but also completely turn the plot into a bog. This movie was so bad that I had to turn it off about half way through. Not only does Hollywood show that there is no such thing as an original idea, it also shows that it can't remake an old movie without destroying it. The only reason to buy this waste of a disc, is to get the original movie, "Charade."
Rating:  Summary: Johnathan, what were you thinking? Review: I really wanted to like this movie. Johnathan Demme is one of my favorite film makers and I thought if anyone could remake one of my favorite movies of all time, Demme could. Demme couldn't.Newton and Robbins are ok, Wahlberg doesn't work at all, and the other "evil" characters who were so memorable in Charade come across as interchangeable cyphers. I usually like Demme's music selection, but here there didn't seem to be any sort of unifying theme behind his music. And, it certainly wasn't Mancini's wonderful score. But the biggest Truth about Charlie is that Demme's rewrite is simply awful. In the original, Charlie is a nobody and so he doesn't get in the way of all the other characters. Here he has a face and is, apparently, the big villain, so we have to be treated to a slew of foggy flashbacks that halt the flow of the story. Newton and Wahlberg lip-lock so early, there's absolutely none of the playful sexual tension of the original. And, instead of Grant's cocky, end-of-the-film surprise, we get a bathetic Wahlberg begging Newton to forgive him. Bleacch. The reworking of the story that sets everything in motion is so muddled I'm still not sure just exactly what was happening and why. And the final big thing missing is the element of wonderful surprise Donen crafted so well. In the original Grant's multiple characters are peeled back with delicious surprise at each new revelation ending with the final, perfect surprise at the end of the film. And the moment when the original film reveals the big secret is still thrilling, even after watching it a dozen times. In Charlie, the big secret becomes a tiny flicker of something in Newton's eyes and when it is finally revealed, it's a moment that the word "anticlimax" was designed for. It's such a shame that Demme made such a muddle of something that originally was so clean and clearly presented. As so many others have done, I strongly recommend you skip this one and just go back to the original.
Rating:  Summary: See CHARADE (1963) first on the other side of the disc. Review: Charade (1963)--Mrs. Lambert (Audrey Hepburn) is at a ski resort where she meets Cary Grant. She plans to divorce her husband. She is told terrible news later that her husband has died. Was he a Secret Agent? At the funeral, she admits that she didn't really know her husband that well. Cary Grant had paid her a surprise visit to give condolences. At the funeral, unknown people show up to pay their last respects, James Coburn and George Kennedy. Later she sees Walter Matthau who tells her that her husband was wanted by the agency. They want the money that her husband Charles had. It was the agency's money and they want it back. So now they want Audrey Hepburn to find this money. Cute film. Remade as THE TRUTH ABOUT CHARLIE (2002). The Truth About Charlie (2002)--This film is based on the film CHARADE (1963) that starred Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn with George Kennedy, James Coburn and Walter Matthau. In fact, this offers a bonus to you. A double feature. The CHARADE (1963) film is on the back of the DVD disc and you may want to watch it first before you watch THE TRUTH ABOUT CHARLIE (2002). Mrs. Lambert is played by Thandie Newton (BELOVED [1998], MISSION IMPOSSIBLE II [2000]) in the Audrey Hepburn role. Mark Wahlberg is in the Cary Grant role. Tim Robbins is in the Walter Matthau role. Also in the Bonus Materials is a feature commentary with Director Jonathan Demme, a featurette "The Making Of The Truth About Charlie", and deleted scenes. Perhaps this is why they added CHARADE (1963) as a bonus. If you see this 1963 film first, you might understand what on earth is going on in The Truth About Charlie (2002).
Rating:  Summary: horrific...waste of money and time Review: First of all, I have never seen the original so I had no comparison to make. And even without the original to compare with, I need to write that this was one of the worst movies I have ever seen...in my lifetime! I had to actually turn off the television, eject the dvd, and return it to the store! Mark Wahlberg is the pastiest, dullest actor to hit the big screen. He was horrific. Horrifying facial expressions, and absolutely no charisma with Thandie Newton (who was actually quite good). However decent Newton's acting, the tricky camera work, and completely stale ideas for bringing "artistry" to the screen made for a boring film. Tim Robbins was absolutely abysmal. Dull City. Not even the scenery was eye-catching. I almost believe they just filmed in Hollywood and kept shooting the same hotel exterior every time they were "in" France. Wahlberg is no Pia Zadora (snicker, snicker). Do NOT waste your money.
Rating:  Summary: Barely passable remake Review: I loved the original movie with Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn. So I was very biased when I heard about this remake. I avoided it at the movie theater. It seems, so did everyone else. The Hollywood honchos may have thought the original was all but forgotten, but guess what? The Audrey version still lives! The tone of this film is uneven and confusing. What is it trying to be? A hip french film? A euro version of Married to the Mob? A comedy? A romance? A chilling thriller? It just seems to sputter around all of these concepts. The original was never confused about what it was: a sendup of Hitchcock thrillers and the Waspy/Euro Trashy jetset that inhabit them. Donen allowed the charming Hepburn to be as insensitive a spoiled brat and snob as she wanted to be but in a good way. This contrasted nicely with social climber Grant and working class goofy Matthau. Demme has jettisoned the class tension elements of the original in his new version. Everyone just gets along, no racial or class tensions in this film. But this version does have its moments. The photography looks beautiful and Paris looks very old but with a futuristic Blade Runner vibe. Thandie Newton is a joy to watch. She manages to find a good tone for her Regina that pays homage to Hepburn's original. It is too bad that the film does not match her performance. I would have loved to see the snobby side that she hints at. If Demme wanted to change everything, why not have this Regina be a baddie. He had his chance at the end of the film but just throws it away. Another reason to check out this remake is Christine Boisson. She takes a small role and fills it with mystery. She generates more sexual chemistry with Newton in one scene than Wahlberg does with Newton in the whole movie. Wahlberg is just lost in this movie. He is not as suave, ambitious or ruthless as Cary. He is just a goody two shoes. The Beret was just an awful mistake. I've been to Paris and NOONE wears these hats. Not the French nor the Tourists. There were a lot of Gap Cargo pants though. I suppose Demme was trying to emphasize a fish out of water element but Wahlberg just looks Forrest Gumpish. Anyway, the film is what it is. While not an outright disaster, it just shows a lot of untapped potential. Stick to the original or see this version with a grain of salt.
Rating:  Summary: Get Over Review: "The Truth About Charlie" is a good movie. It is not a classic, but big deal. If seeing a movie is about enjoying yourself and being entertained, then "The Truth About Charlie" works. If you're looking to see a classic, move on. Mark Wahlberg and Thandie Newton are well cast... The fact is, is that "The Truth About Charlie" is a sleek 21st century movie with a great look, good acting, very good directing, and a soundtrack that has a little bit of everything. My Advice...check it out.
Rating:  Summary: This movie made me want to vomit... Review: The only sort of alright thing about this movie was Thandie Newton. But even she didn't do justice to Audrey Hepburn's Regina. And Mark Wahlberg just doesn't have the charm, poise, or presence that Cary Grant brings to the screen. Most of the best, witty, and funny dialogue between Audrey Hepburn and Cary Grant was cut from this remake. The Truth About Charlie just doesn't have the heart or pacing that Charade had. I couldn't even watch the entire movie. If you want to see a funny and witty mystery movie that keeps you on your toes see Charade. Skip The Truth about Charlie, its a waste of time!!
Rating:  Summary: Marky Mark is no Cary Grant Review: The only good thing about this DVD is that it comes with Charade. Hollywood is too intellectually bankrupt to create anything original and too pathetic to do a worthwhile remake. Marky Mark can't act. This movie has no class. A total waste.
Rating:  Summary: Grant over Wahlberg but Thandie surpasses hepburn Review: when i first saw this film, a remake of charade, I gave it 2 and a half stars based on thandie newton's performance alone. yet watching it repeatedly I become more fond of it up to 4 stars plus.where cary grant had screen presence and charm superior to wahlberg, thandie newton holds her own and is far more beautiful than audrey hepburn.when you watch this film you must see it as a type of foreign film for it's production techniques, appreciate the scenery and outstanding soundtrack. it is more of a suspense thriller than the original, which was a suspense comedy if that's possible. the french actress who plays the commandant is outstanding as well as the cameos by aznavoir and anna karina.tim robbins is acceptable as the mysterious man who offers assistance to our heroine. director demme cast thandie newton in the hepburn role for he felt her beauty was equal to the task. Well, he's wrong! thandie newton is far more beautiful than miss hepburn and it is her beauty that makes me watch the film over and over! she is the movie see it for her and you'll truly enjoy it!
Rating:  Summary: The Truth About Charlie Review: Here's a quiz: Take the movie Charade. Remove the witty dialogue, charismatic stars and all of the humor, then add in plot twists that make absolutely no sense and annoying camera tricks and what do you get? Answer: The Truth About Charlie. I was hesitant to see this film because I thought a remake would be blasphemous. Then I head that Peter Stone, who wrote the original, had a hand in writing the remake so I decided to give it a shot. What a mess! I think Audrey Hepburn, Cary Grant and Walter Matthau had turned over in their graves; if they were still alive, this movie would have killed them. Mark Wahlberg and Thandie Newton have no chemistry. I won't compare them to Hepburn and Grant simply because no one will ever replace either one of them. The plot twists make no sense and what was the deal with her being friendly with the people wanting the money?! Exactly how am I supposed to believe that she is in danger if they are all hanging out and going dancing together. There were characters added that weren't necessary and Jonathan Demme used the camera like a kid who'd just gotten his first one for Christmas. It was annoying. Am I the only one who got dizzy? While I hear that this does come with a copy of Charade that is far better than most of the lower priced copies ( including the one that I bought,) I don't want a copy of The Truth About Charlie anywhere in my home!