Rating:  Summary: Goooo Britney! Review: I think Crossroads was an awesome movie.Britney did great in it.She blew me away with her crying scenes.She did great and I highly recomend Crossroads!So go see it!
Rating:  Summary: EW! Review: Crossroads is quite possibly the most pathetic movie I've ever seen. I am only reviewing this in an attempt to bring the average number of stars down. I don't know how anyone can like this movie! I mean Britney Spears's inability to stay in character throughout the whole movie was really obvious and annoying. I don't know how anyone can think that this movie teaches morals. I mean, it's not at all realistic that a girl can go off and get in a car with a strange man without being taken advantage of or killed. And that whole premaritial sex thing... But it isn't only the immorality of the movie, but the annoyingly predictable plot that made it so awful. It was the stupidest movie I've ever seen.Oh, and that part when Britney reads her insightful poetry and it's her song lyrics was so stupid that I couldn't help but laughing out loud.
Rating:  Summary: I don't like Britney much but her movie was good Review: Now, I'm not one of those Britney fans who loves the Backstreet Bots and N'Synk and stuff, but I did enjoy her movie. I didn't think her character stayed consistent but Taryn Manning and her other friend made the movie good. Britney was a surprise, she was better than I thought but I did think her frieds were much better than her. Ok, bye.
Rating:  Summary: the great road trip Review: crossroads was a well written screenplay.i thought it would be a very ditsy movie,but it wasn't.i hope i'll get the movie on video.me and my friend love the songs i love rock and roll and not a girl not yet a woman.thanks alot.katie and jewelia
Rating:  Summary: Britney Acting ... Predictable Review: Everyone knew it would happen.Britney Spears is an actress , or at least tries to be.Mariah Carrey,Lance Bass,Joey Fatone, and Mandy Moore have all done it and failed.With the exception of the wonderful and talented Mandy Moore.Leave it Brit to play a goody-two shoes then lose her virginity to an ex-con.Does she know how old her fans are? My sister is 6!!! I thought A Walk To Remember was much better and Mandy Moore is a better singer and actress than Britney Spears .The only reason Brit sells more CD's is that she shows off her chest and stomach.
Rating:  Summary: A Bland movie that will not entertain you..but will bore you Review: It really was not that good, but I was really looking forward to it!! And when I saw it, all I could do is try to like it...and as you can see, it didn't help much. But Anson Mount and Tamra Davis's performance was great, true actors and actresses, but Britney Spears!! ... Her crying scene was hideous, looked like a 4 year old trying to cry. What a [dumb] storyline too....
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely dreadful. Review: This movie really insults the intelligence of young women. It's bad enough that it has no direction, no script, and no purpose other then to show us Spears in every scene and it highlight her non-acting ability (as well as her non-singing ability). It's commercialism at it's worst. At least when Jennifer Lopez makes a movie, at least she tries to perform to the best ofher ability, Not so with Spears.
Rating:  Summary: It is a fun feel- good movie for moms and daughters. Review: Britney shows that she has talent as an actress in this movie. She is good and very entertaining. I think she portrays the person she is. I would love to see her do more acting. I enjoyed the movie more than my 5 year old who kept wondering why they called her Lucy rather than Britney! And I can't forget to mention Anson Mount (Britney's boyfriend in the movie), what a HUNK! I think she should trade Justin for him.
Rating:  Summary: it is always smart to focus on what you do best Review: Britney is a great singer. I only hope she'd keep to her singing, and not dabble into something that can only detract from her brilliant career. This movie is a waste of precious time. The story is a flop, and the acting is way too predictable. If you don't have better things to do with both your time and money, or if you are a die-hard fan of Britney's, you may not mind this tripe called a movie. For the rest of us however, we'll have to look elsewhere.
Rating:  Summary: Britney Spears has only ONE talent, and it's not acting Review: Now I don't wanna get off on a rant here but... I read some of the reviews before beginning mine, and I got too say that have all the teens of the world gone insane, is this really what they want in a movie, some stupid, vapid, shallow, genetically enhanced twit lip syncing in her underwear in the opening scene? Overacting when it's her line and staring into space when she's on camera but not doing anything? The fact that even she can't speak her song lyrics out loud without feeling embarressed should let you in on the fact that she's riding a wave of bad judgement, poor self esteem, and sex appeal in it's most vulgar form. And that's just the first twenty minutes!!! And don't get me started on the kareoke scene. "I love rock and roll" is supposed too be a ROCK N' ROLL song. Even if brtney tried too sing it too the original music, her voice is still horrible. Combine her terrible voice and the bubblegum pop beat, and you got what I believe is a savage assassination attempt on the good name of this song. During this scene I was hurting physically. Almost wanted too cry cuz it was so agonizing too watch as three malicious, disgusting, schoolgirls made a mockery of what has been a great tune for over 20 years... I say that the only difference between this scene and a bucket of crap is the bucket. And the crowd Still goes nuts during the preformance. Apparently the beer was really really good. And the plot and drama has all the common sense and dramatic dignity of an archie comic featuring Jughead and Big Ethel. Okay, get this. Britney spears plays a high school over achiever whos considered a nerd, and gets rejected by the one guy in her school who will go out with her. exscuse me, (pfffffffffftttttttt), What sorta paralell dimension does this film take place in? In my high school, a girl with britney spear's looks would have been prom queen, homecoming queen, they would have made titles just too flatter her. And Does she actually expect us too believe that she has a brain? Lemme ask her fans this; Do any of you actualy care if britney spears can explain einsteins theory of relativity? Didn't think so. Very little in this film tries too be realistic or serious. The acting, writing, and direction, are all predictable, Perdantic, shallow, ect ect ect. Not even one of my favorite comedic actors can help this film. Dan ackroyed looks as if he hated playing his role. He must be dying for a paycheque these days, and too all Ms. Spears fans, go check out Ghostbusters 1 and 2 too see what I'm talking about here. Look, If your a fan of Britney Spears, your don't like her for her talent, cuz she aint got none. It's apparent. No one ever talks about her incredible vocals, her deep songwriting ability. Not even her agent will make her look as if she has a lick of talent. In every commercial and picture, she's always showing off her sex appeal. So if you want more of what she's giving, go see it. ... On a final note, I apolagize too her fans for using so many big words in my review. Lemme just put it in terms you can understand... This film [stinks]... Of course That's just my opinion. I could be wrong