Rating:  Summary: I liked it Review: Ok, obviously this movie is going to get trashed by a lot of people, and Britney Spears is going to be stereotyped. One thing I would like to say is this: If Britney Spears was not a singer and was just any other actress, would people rate her performance in "Crossroads" differently? I dunno, it just seems like Britney is getting a lot of criticism when she doesn't deserve it. When I saw the trailer for this movie, I was a little skeptical because the scenes they showed suggested that Britney's acting wasn't going to be very good. But I was surprised when I actually saw the movie. It is a good story, and Britney Spears does a good job. (She really does.) The movie follows the young lives of three girls named Lucy (Spears), Mimi, and Kit, who used to be best friends but have definitely grown apart by the time they reach their high school graduation. They do, however, come back together when they go on a road trip. This movie struck me as a very realistic one; the problems that these three girls have seem to be the type that others may be able to relate to. My advice? Go see this movie and try to enjoy it. Despite what others say, I don't think Britney does a bad job in this film. She did just as well as any other teen actress could. She is not very convincing in her role at first, but it gets a lot better as the movie goes on. It's a good story, good acting, and worth a chance.
Rating:  Summary: Surpassed my expectations Review: Now when I pay ...[money] to see a movie, I view that as an investment in my entertainment. I expect my investment to yield positive dividends. I have a standard of expectations, and quite simply rate movies in 3 separate categories:You deserve your money back You got what you paid for You got more than your [money] worth That being established, I went into this movie with the same standard expectations and the presumption that I would be getting what I paid for (incidentally, I opted for a matinee show just in case). I left the theatre feeling like I wouldn't have objected to paying for an evening show. This movie received malicious criticism long before its theatrical debut, simply because Britney Spears was the star. Had someone with a more established acting resume, such as Katie Holmes, or Natalie Portman been cast as leading lady, the prospective audience would have had an entirely different initial opinion. People were judging the movie before it left post-production. Maybe Britney isn't going to be thanking the Academy any time soon, but she's exploring her creativity and artistic possibilities. Hundreds of hacks make their actorial debut every year, many with far less talent than Britney, yet they aren't subjected to a fraction of the scrutiny Britney has to endure -- simply for being Britney. I give her a lot of credit. As for the movie itself, the story is designed to be entertaining, mildly humorous, and appeal to a mid/late teen demographic. It accomplishes all three of those objectives. It is occasionally trite and predictable but one would be hard pressed to find a teen-aimed movie that's not. It combines scenic beauty (Britney in a hot pink, lacy underwear set), musical enjoyment, a sufficient plot, a few unexpected twists, and ends as a open success -- with plenty of story left after the credits roll.
Rating:  Summary: I'm a bit "Crossed" between this film Review: I like Britney Spears (there I admitted it!). I like her music and I like her for her. So I wanted to see if my first reaction to what kind of film I thought I was going to see would turn out to be what I thought it would be or worst. "Crossroads" plays around with a lot of interesting themes; date rape, teen peer pressure young girls face when it come to their virginity and self-discovery. These are issues other films have dealt with and the results have made some good to great films, but, somewhere "Crossroads" chickens out. Is this Britney Spears' fault? No, for this we must blame writter Shonda Rhimes. The characters are just undeveloped. There are not fully drawn out so that we can care about them so that when tragic events happen our hearts go with them. We can all see that this is a sad film, but, the impact is missing. We can think to ourselves "Awwww, that's so sad." But, we are never put in a position to truly come to care for any of these people. And that's what really breaks this film. NOT Britney Spears... Will everyone be disappointed with this film? No, the target audience will enjoy it I feel. And they should. Will older audiences enjoy it? No. If your already not a fan of her's this film will do nothing to change your mind of her. Chances are older people won't even give the film a chance. Can Britney Spears act? Yeah, I can say that one day when she's put in a better film, she could have some talent. Bottom-line - "Crossroads" was just not fully prepared to make it to the big screen. The pacing of the film is all wrong, it just seems to lag around. And like I said before, the characters were not drawn to life. A missed opportunity.
Rating:  Summary: AN INSTANT BRITNEY HIT Review: Excellent teen movie that will make you an even bigger fan. The musical performances give an added bonus, plus the content is heartwarming and easy to relate to. Don't miss this one!
Rating:  Summary: Watchable for all the wrong reasons Review: I wanted to see Crossroads because I knew that it was going to be abosolutely horrible... and it kinda was. I say kinda because when I think about the movie objectively there were points that they movie was actually picking up steam... but, like every bad movie it faltered and fell flat on its face. I think the editor of this movie must have nearly gone insane trying to find something that he/she could put in the movie, because several times I noticed that a scene would just stop... often right in the middle of a sentence. The editor must have finally just given up and said, "Screw it, I don't care anymore." The only reason I wanted to see this movie was to make fun of it, in the tradition of Mystery Science Theater 3000, and it was way easy to make to do that. It has every cliché that so-called 'road' pictures employ... like having car problems, and not having the money to fix it... the dirty, rundown, motel room... the Karaoke bar where the lead always sings great and gets more than enough money to pay for the car repairs, and finally, the side trip to some far off place that changes the lead's life. Come on, it's the same old thing, over and over again. On a side note, a great 'road' picture is "Five Easy Pieces," which is true because it's about going from nowhere to nowhere. Crossroads will probably be liked by pre-teen girls, the insane, those with no taste at all, and by those who will use it for fodder for ridicule. I know I'll see it again because it was just so fun to make fun of the whole thing. I never laughed so hard, especially when it was supposed to be sad.
Rating:  Summary: It made me nervous Review: I should have known when the guy at the ticket counter said, "Are you sure you want to do this?" to my friends and me that we were in over our heads. It was the only movie in town and so we went for a laugh. I have only walked out of one other movie, "Armageddon" but managed to stick with this one, maybe because it was only about 70 minutes long. It is like one huge commercial!! No, seriously. Pepsi, Wet Seal and Brit's record company all got together and tried to think of the best way to exploit Britney and her movie. Whoa, it was weird. Oh well, she is hot, but the movie is utterly embarassing to intelligent humans. I have a feeling the only kids who will enjoy this are the ones who saw "Pearl Harbor" 65 times!!!! BEN AFFLECK IS SOOOOOOOOOO HOT!!! OMIGOD OMIGOD. scary.
Rating:  Summary: Loved It !!!!! Review: I think people will be surprised with actually how good this movie is. Britney really can act quite good( I was surprised at how good she cried). And the story is really good! I was very entertained by it and the love story was really cute. I think every teenager can relate to this movie and enjoy it!
Rating:  Summary: The worst movie I've seen in years. Review: And I'm not exaggerating. First off, understand, I am NOT a cynical person. I swear I wanted so much to like this movie. I am a Britney fan and nothing would please me more than to see she had a great acting side as well, but this movie shows nothing. It has no depth what so ever. The plot putters along like an old Chevy and never advances. It tries to be at least mellow dramatic, but even that seems contrived. It dosen't make up for the rest of the film. The only plus I can think of is the performance by the two supporting female characters, who manage to bring at least some comedy to the picture. They did what they could do with their parts, but even that couldn't save the bad material. The relationship between Britney and the "leading man" is not developed. I know the film isn't suppose to be Shakespeare, but it's not fun, it's boring, and when it tries to be funny or dramatic it just seems like an attempt to save a sinking ship. To sum it up in one line: This is nothing more that a vanity film for Britney. A five-year-old could have made up the story. And believe me, they exploit ever oppertunity to get Ms. Spears to sing. She basically steals every second away from her friends to take center stage. We know your a singer Britney. If she wants to prove herself as an actor she should try something with more substance and not something to just exploit her already established image. It's like Glitter. I can't think of anyone who would like this movie except for people who are in love with Britney and just came to look at her. If you really want to see a pop singer make a successful leap from pop singer to the big screen, check out A Walk to Remeber with Mandy Moore, who gives a far superior performance, in a movie with a story to tell. So if you want to see a good movie, then stay away from this one at all costs. I wish I could give it zero stars.
Rating:  Summary: Britney Spears Movie Crossroads Rocks Review: Crossroads is the best movie of all time I enjoy it all though the movie and the movie has lots of funny scenes and so really great scenes of britney showing her underwear scene and when lucy mom didnt want here that scene was really sad i almost cried through that scene if lucy britney character was my daugther i want her in my life. I cant wait till it comes out on dvd i going to buy it. Number One Britney fan Brian from Oklahoma.
Rating:  Summary: Decent movie, and definitely entertaining... Review: I am not a teen but I like teen movies, though I'm 26. So this is my thoughts on this. I saw this tonight and agree that Ms. Spears's acting ability was well-done on her debut film appearance. Mr. Anson Mount is eye candy and one of the best things about this film. Seeing lots of him helped. The plotline centers on Britney (Lucy) going on a trip cross-country with two childhood friends (Kit and Mimi) whom she has drifted apart from so that she can meet the mother (a cameo from Kim Catrall from "Sex in the City" fame) that deserted her and her father (played by Dan Aykroyd, surprisingly) when she was a toddler and so her friends can go to a recording audition. They leave the morning after their high-school graduation taking a ride with a friend of Mimi's, Ben, played by Anson Mount. This is where the trip begins, and involves some hilarious side-turns including some pretty funny karaoke in New Orleans, one of the best scenes in the movie. This is not a film for kids, although if I were a parent (but I'm not) it would not bother me having my 13 or 14 year old seeing this. There's no nudity or bad language in here, but there are some mature situations that may not be appropriate for the real young set. It's a sweet movie and very entertaining and much is made of showcasing Ms. Spears's singing but the soundtrack featured a WIDE variety of music which actually would be pretty decent to listen to once Amazon bothers to put it on here (I already looked). I enjoyed it and while it is not an Oscar-caliber movie, who is expecting this type of film to be, anyway? People go to the movies to be entertained and I definitely was by that. So sit back with your Coke and popcorn and enjoy...