Rating:  Summary: ART FILM OR TRASH EPIC? Review: Gummo is one of those movies that tries its best to pass itself off as art, but deep down inside it is nothing more than 90 minutes of white trash coping with living in a horrible world. Personally, I love this movie, and if you look at it with the right sense of humor, its extremly funny! Glue sniffing kids kill cats for money! A kid in bunny ears wanders aimlessly and urinates off of overpasses! Blond girls pull electrical tape off of their nipples to make them bigger! Drunk rednecks wrestle chairs! A child eats in filthy bathtub water and works out by lifting utensils! With a retarded prostitute and an african-american gay midget! Basically its John Water's Pink Flamingos, only this isn't supposed to be funny. See it once, just to say that you saw it. One of the strangest films to emerge in years! If you don't feel dirtier after viewing this movie, then I don't want to know how you live!
Rating:  Summary: Way better than "Kids" Review: This film is a series of vignettes of people in pain. They're numbed by their harsh, post-disaster, poverty-stricken surroundings. However, even in such a bleak landscape, there are moments of profound beauty... stunning moments punctuated by extreme violence.Some people dismiss the subjects of the film as "white trash" or shock value. It's noteworthy that most people in this film aren't even actors, and that it hardly follows a script. The people here are (mostly) real; if their presence scares people, it's probably because class is America's dirty little secret. People are offended by the physical and emotional violence of this film. This movie is not easily digested. The characters are not here to make you happy. They present scenarios that are less than perfect. Kind of sounds like life, huh? On a musical note, this film gives new life to Roy Orbison's "Crying" and Madonna's "Like A Prayer", as well as hyper-aggro metal from the likes of Eyehategod and Scandinavian legend Burzum. Also noteworthy are references to 60s outsider folk group the Shaggs, whose song "My Pal Foot-Foot" is name-checked on a missing cat flyer. This movie devastated me for months. It still lingers years later. Probably the best film I've seen in my short life.
Rating:  Summary: Am I Missing Something? Review: I don't get it. I see reviews where people consider this their favorite film or the 'best movie ever made.' It's really sad. I guess people favor meaningless portraits of ugly things rather than quality drama. Harmony Korine is one cynical, condensending, and smug kid. This movie is mean-spirited in every way. Harmony Korine's elitist attitude and pretentions are so very transparent. He looks down on these people. The man will literally do anything to shock. He finds the most disgusting and trashy people, and decides they will be perfect to shock the viewer. He never attempts to get past his characters sick exteriors. He never tries to question or offer insight into their situation. No, he just films disgusting behavior. It's too bad many mistake it as art. Now, I see all of these reviewers saying things like, 'This movie opens our eyes to these types of people,' or, 'these types of things really exist.' Ok, we can acknowledge these types of things exist without having to see it on screen. What was the point, message, or moral to the film? Nothing. It's horrible. I can't believe people are so turned on by sick and disturbing things. I'd like any one of you people who enjoyed the film to tell me it had substantial quality. You can't. One of the worst movies of the decade. It gets two stars for the fact that it's beautifully shot, but other than that, no redeeming quality. Keep away.
Rating:  Summary: 1 star is about 5 too many. Review: This is the worst movie I have seen in my life.
Rating:  Summary: gummo....... Review: ok, i could be waaaay off the mark with my interpretation of this film, but i think the point was to show how messed up this world can be. it also could be about a hatred for white trash rednecks with no real purpose except to kill innocent cats and sell them to get money to have sex with their friend's mentally-retarded sister. this movie is really messed up in my opinion. i personally was pretty shocked, and i still don't know for sure what the point of this movie was. the purpose of this movie may (doubtfully) be trying to glorify the trailer park life, and the hatred of cats for all i know! i would highly recommend not seeing this movie if you are a cat lover (like myself), because there are many sad scenes involving cat killing, and whatnot. although it looks fake, the thought of this behavior made me twitch and my stomach a little queezy. i can't honestly say if i liked this movie or not! i did like the movie kids a lot, and i would probably compare gummo to that. i did like the camera work, and the actors were all very convincing (because most aren't even actors!). the film has almost no plot, but it shows many people living in a small "trailer trash" town that was pretty well destroyed by a tornado. this movie is really tragic, and bizarre! i can't even describe it very well, but it does seem to be a movie to shock you, as kids did. the main things i took away from this film may be totally different from what others did. well, see it for yourself, i didn't find it funny but you may.
Rating:  Summary: Pointless & Diguised as Art house cinema Review: You have to truly study film to understand this movie. I have been reading these reviews and this is not arthouse cinema as most put in their reviews it's simply shock value material with no plot at all. Now the people in these reviews who simply bash it just simply don't get it. Harmony Korine did a good job his point was well taken the film was made to shock. Thats exactly what it did it got you to feel something so with that in itself I gave it two stars but other than that it is not arthouse in any sense. The scenes are very fast and supposed to be real people doing meaningless things in a rundown suburban hick town in Ohio after a tornado hit. The cinematography was excellent I'll give it that. People are amazed at this film good or badly but the point is so evident to shock. I don't even think Harmony wrote a script for this just a guideline. You want to see arthouse rent a Warhol or Fellini film 81/2 perhaps then you'll see but if you want to feel sick & shocked see Gummo. Basically a film trying way to hard for shock view value & characters that are desensitized to the standard ways of living the film basically shows what would happen if a society completely lost all morals.
Rating:  Summary: excellent, but too weird for some Review: I loved the film, and I gather that some of the other reviewers like to call what they don't understand "pretentious." This is not supposed to be plot or dialogue driven. It is a sensory experience far beyond your average mall-going couch potato. Your silly reviews matter not, because i will soon claim all your pittifully under-developed souls and force you to watch the speeches of George W. Bush for the rest of eternity.
Rating:  Summary: Zappa's ideals live on as proved by Korine! Review: I am yet another supposed anti-conformist that tried to see something removed from the mediocre mainstream only to land in a pit in Ohio that is even worse. This movie is truly pretentious. Korine has barely any talent in the skill of screenwriting. (I can safely say this even though I don't know the first thing about writing). That whole scene with the dying grandmother has some of the lamest dialog I've ever heard. I actually grasped my head in pain as Korine tried to put some human emotion into this cinematic event synonymous with napalm. Sure, it's got some bizarre images (surprisingly few, actually) and semi-humorous character acting, but what's Korine trying to tell us? That the redneck youth population is sick and cynical...wow...that's a surprise! What a profound statement! (It's almost the same exact theme explored in the barely-superior, "Kids"). For the people that felt "new, heightened emotions", well, obviously, you were watching a different movie. Yeah...I was real moved by the scene of a sexually-confused dwarf arm-wrestling with insane hillbillys...it was like Jesus came down to heal me with that scene. This "film" is like "Happiness" (far better) w/o any kind of redeeming statement. It is purely intended to shock (which it doesn't really do anyway) and by giving it five stars you are decieving yourself and other indie fans...Better indie movies exist for you to gather around...From Bufallo '66 to Celebration to Aguirre to Korine's only good film, Julien Donkey-Boy there are way better movies to stick up for than this horrible, terrible, mindless insanity provided by this movie. Hey...if you want trippy images, watch Brazil or Cremaster! (I graciously granted it one extra star purely for that accordian rabbit in the bathroom)
Rating:  Summary: Absolute unredeemed filth! Review: This is simply put one of the worst movies I have ever seen. In fact, just putting any words on paper about this film gives it more attention than it deserves. Ignore this movie at all costs; if you decide to watch it anyway, don't say you weren't warned. As one reviewer aptly wrote, I would rather watch mold grow. (I would have given it zero stars but Amazon allows you to only go as low as one.)
Rating:  Summary: Gummo Review: I haven't seen this movie and I don't intend to, but I want to warn you never to go near Xenia, Springfield, or Cedarville, Ohio. They have evil energy.