Rating:  Summary: It was okay, But EdTV was much beter. Review: If you liked this one, then EDTV should be a logical follow up. I liked the idea of this movie, but I think that Jim Carrey was a poor choice for the main character.
Rating:  Summary: Ingenious Fable Review: I was intrigued by the ingenious premise of this film. The Truman Show represents the ultimate in 'reality' television. Weir manages to pull off a blend of surreal comedy and human drama in a way that a lesser director might not have achieved, managing to keep the two elements in perfect balance without losing the impact of either.The film is a powerful tale that takes the current trend in reality television to the nth extreme, the story of a man whose life IS a TV show (unbeknownst to him). It lampoons the dangerous direction of current television, a journey which only seems to have accelerated since this movie was made. Manipulation, artificiality, the stifling of creativity and imagination, and the scandalous objectifying of human lives are all exposed in this satire. It shows us where the media is going, though its warnings go unheeded.
Rating:  Summary: JUST SHY OF A FIVE Review: I loved this movie even though it was arguably quite sad. Very telling sort of reflection of our society. Jim Carrey was very good as Truman Burbank, a product of the media. He was adopted by a corporation and reared by actors on a "Truman Show" set. While the whole world watched his every move, he was oblivious to the fact that the entire world around him was artificial and the people in his life were acting roles. Once he does become "liberated" the viewer cannot help but feel afraid for him, having been so sheltered all his life. All the actors here are excellent. Laura Linney delivers a great performance as Truman's wife, Ed Harris plays the "all-knowing", artsy director in a beret perfectly, and Jim Carrey is the real surprise. His performance was outstanding, and although many would claim that this was just a subdued version of previous characters he has played, this was not rambunctious, out of control comedy. This was a real story with really thought provoking ideas.
Rating:  Summary: Another hit for Jim Carrey! Review: Carrey empowers the part of Truman Burbank. A man who has an average, happy life... only it's being broadcasted to the corners of the globe by a secret network of hidden cameras.... One day's sequence of events begin to unravel his life and Truman yearns to know the truth of his average life........... R
Rating:  Summary: Boring - read a different opinion. Review: Out of briefly reading other customers reviews I suspect I am radically different in my opinion from the rest. With that in mind, read this carefully and consider whether you ride my wave or not. The truth, it's one of my biggest disappointments from a movie in the last couple of years. I'd waited eagerly to see what everybody were so enthralled with, and 'fell on my face'! More than that - I almost fell asleep! It was so boring you can't imagine. I don't understand what is there to be so chilled about. Maybe, the weirdness of the movie is the thing that made it so appealing, I can't come up with anything else. Those who have seen it and loved it, would never find anything true with what I write, others would accept it cheerfully. I think it's the kind of 'really loved it', or 'really hated it'- the movie generate some kind of an emotional response. It's whether you ride the bullet or not. In regard of the plot itself, I leave it to Jeff Shannon and his fellows. What I would like to say ,is that ,before hand, I'd thought the idea was fantastic - to dramatize a person's life into a fable ,aiming to show us how deeply our lives are dictated by the media without our attention. I came out so short it was 'devastating', so far away from my vision of it... You can spare yourself from the disappointment. If you're in doubt about seeing/hiring/buying this DVD, ask yourself this question: Do I like/enjoy unconventional movies that are, supposedly, hard to understand literally, sometimes speechless and quiet, have a slow pace that's causing me to run my brain on neutral, maybe, in order to come up with something insightful about this life?
Rating:  Summary: Carey's Best,Shows His True Acting Ability Review: "The Truman Show" should take the award for the most original film of the 1990's. Copycats usually come in twos or threes after a good original work such as this. It's obvious why others could be jealous, because they didn't think of it first. But this movie is not just about Truman, it's about everyone's life individually. If you really want to get the most out of this movie, eat it with ice cream, as eating something pleasant with a movie reinforces your memory of it. If you watch carefully the subtle interactions between all of the characters, and what Truman did in his spare time, you'll begin to see that he "was in on it" sooner than first realized. What was Truman doing in the yard when Merryl came home with the Chef's pal (when he was digging in the garden)? Did Truman really believe that Sirius 9 was only a fallen stage light? These are the subtle clues that allowed him to prepare for his break (from "reality") while the producers in the Lunar Room complacency at their pizzas. "All unusal activity has to be reported," said Christof, and that single blunder allow the storyline to unfold as if each one of us was under the scrutiny of an entire television staff, complete with the God-like voice booming from the clouds that announces...I won't spoil it for you if you haven't seen it. Only a fool would not respect Carey's talent here, more than just a comedian trying to establish a character actor niche. "The Truman Show" is something that allows each of us to grow and realize more is happening in our lives than can be seen. Watch it again today!
Rating:  Summary: A modern classic Review: What a wonderful motion picture! The Truman Show is a truly memorable movie that straight after viewing, you will want to rewind the tape and watch it all over again. I have watched The Truman Show 3 times now and every time I watch it I spot something different and understand the bits I didn't quite click with before. Even if it was only released in 1998, The Truman Show is going to be a sure-fire classic with the power of longevity. Jim Carrey is stupendous in his best role yet. His character provides comedy Truman starts to crack Jim gives to us what is surely one of the best dramatic male performances of the 1990's. Hooray to the Golden Globes for recognising his performance! Laura Linney is also fabulous in a cheesy, intriguing role as Truman's wife. The Truman Show's script is absolutely brilliant in all manners. It's original, funny, scientific, full of human exploration and totally comfortable with what it's achieving. The direction is focused, the story is endlessly interesting and the plot leads to some of the most daringly amazing situations a human could ever have. A mature movie that mixes all genres together, (think comedy, sci-fi, fantasy, drama, escape...) The Truman Show is the best movie of 1998.
Rating:  Summary: I had to give it at least one star. Review: But it deserves ZERO. This is the all time worst movie I have ever seen. It takes the place of such previous Stnkers as "Accidental Tourist", and "Light of Day". I was mad after seeing this movie it was so bad. I have never been a fan of Carey as a comedian. I went to this movie thinking that maybe he could redeem himself. Not the case. If anything I now have a worse opinion of him than ever. Its like they are trying to cast Carey in a serious role but hinting at humor, although never delivering it. I'm sorry but this movie was not entertaining in the least. I go to the movies to be entertained, not to sit and watch a movie that was intended to be a jerk off exercise for literature grad students. WORST WORST WORST WORST movie I've ever seen. If I could buy the rights to it I would so I could burn it. Terrible.
Rating:  Summary: Profound, and profoundly entertaining Review: Upon its release, "The Truman Show" was greeted with rapturous reviews--some even hailed it as the best of the decade. Hyperbolic, you say? Not at all. Peter Weir's razor-sharp masterpiece, which was inexplicably denied an Oscar nomination for best picture, may be one of the most underrated movies ever to come out of Hollywood. That a film this intelligent and provocative could even emerge from the Hollywood system is in itself a minor miracle. Much has been made of "The Truman Show's" subtext, and its timely implications about voyeurism and mass-media exploitation--all of which are entirely appropriate. What gets lost in the discussion, however, is the fact that on a purely aesthetic level, Weir's film is a mightily impressive achievement. If by sheer luck you don't yet know the film's much-publicized premise, you are probably in the best position to appreciate the consummate skill with which it unravels. The key word here is subtlety. Rather than loudly trumpet what his film is really about (which, unfortunately, is exactly what Paramount did when promoting it), Weir initially frames his subject as an impeccably constructed mosaic, and then proceeds to pull that mosaic apart, piece by tantalizing piece. Along the way, he employs some ingenious visual tricks and downright hilarious sight gags, so that by the time the big revelation arrives, it's not just a shock device--it's the culmination of an hour's worth of brilliantly sustained storytelling. That's only the first pay-off. There are plenty more to come, including a pivotal "back from the dead" scene so beautifully acted, so tightly edited, that it gets my vote for the single most riveting sequence of the year (and that includes the first 30 minutes of "Saving Private Ryan"). It's a testament to Weir's skill that "The Truman Show" is not only one of the richest and most serious-minded films in recent memory, but also one of the funniest. The numerous in-jokes--some of which would be the high points of a formulaic comedy but merely function as throwaways here--are truly priceless, and by extracting every possible ounce of humor from the material, Weir smartly avoids turning his movie into a polemic. Equally impressive is his touch with actors--the criminally underestimated Jim Carrey does the best work of his career as Truman Burbank, while Ed Harris turns in a performance as human as it is chilling. As Truman's wife and best friend, respectively, Laura Linney and Noah Emmerich offer excellent support. If this review sounds a tad evasive, it's only because "The Truman Show" is one film that deserves an untainted viewing. Hollywood entertainment does not get more rewarding than this.
Rating:  Summary: One of the most underated films of all time... Review: I saw this film for the first time after being told not to go and see it by a friend. I was so glad I did becouse it really is one of the best films ever made. Jim Carry's performance is just stunning, it was amazing to see just how good this actor can be when he wants to. The supporting role also were played really really well. But the thing that stood out for me was the soundtrack, this has been done with such great timing and really fits well into the film. If you haven't seen this film you simple must.