Rating:  Summary: Better than I expected Review: With the exception of Arquette's painfully bad imitation of a French Canadian accent "The Whole Nine Yards" is a pleasant and sometimes very funny movie. Instead of just reprising his Chandler role from "Friends" as is usual, Matt Perry produces an intensely anxious and tormented character that made me laugh out loud at least twice. The rest of the cast is good for a chuckle and they make up for the unecessarily convoluted plot.
Rating:  Summary: A Quaint, yet decent Black Comedy Review: The genre of black comedy can be very difficult to pull off. It isn't easy to pull off an off-beat film like HAROLD & MAUDE, which is a classic example of the genre. In comparison, THE WHOLE NINE YARDS is far from being a great film, but it provides enough laughs to give one a smile and a fun time. While the movie is somewhat slow at the start, it picks up steam later. Most of that is due to the two leads in Matthew Perry and Bruce Willis. Matthew Perry makes good use of his "Friends" mannerisms as the put-upon Canadian dentist who finds himself living next door to an infamous hit-man. Bruce Willis is solid as the hit-man with a heart, while Natasha Henstridge is lovely to look at as Willis' estranged wife. However, Amanda Peet theatens to steal the show with her funny turn as a hit-man groupie/wannabe. The one bad performance in the film is provided by Rosanna Arquette, who plays Perry's wife with an accent that would make even Pepe Le Pew cringe. THE WHOLE NINE YARDS is not for everybody, but then, neither are black comedies in general. However, this movie does provide enough entertainment to be recommended here.
Rating:  Summary: GREAT FUN Review: This is a hugely enjoyable not so black comedy, with a huge slice of pathos thrown in. Bruce Willis plays "retired" hit man moving in next door to hen pecked but lovable Matthew Perry, whose performance here is sensational. What follows is a fairly predictable but riotous storyline which to and fros between Canada and Chicago, and features some very funny moments from an excellent ensemble cast. Sharp and witty, and just a little over 90 minutes long, this is escapism at it's best. One to watch and enjoy, when they release it at a realistic price that is !
Rating:  Summary: The LuckyDog Newsletter Review: Im sorry, but it totally lost my attention, it took so long to get through the plot and wasted so much time trying to act dramatic that it went DOWN HILL along with jack and jill.The reasons for its R rating: Nudity, Violence, Blood, Strong Sexuality, Crude Humor and Language. Overall THE MOST RETARDED FILM IV EVER SEEN. It lacks in everything including humor, it desperatly searched for laughs with already well known Saturday Night Live Jokes. It ran like a sad group of rejected Mad Tv skits. I can honestly not recommend this horrible film to anyone, but if you insist on seeing it tell everyone under 18 to leave the room, and try keeping an eye on the clock, so you realize how much time your wasting. The plot is that a dentist is down on his luck when a mobster moves in next door, then all heck brakes loose as he struggles to find out whose side to stay on, who to trust, and who to run away from. If you want my advice, RUN AWAY FROM THIS MOVIE. This is AceDog from The LuckyDog Newsletter: Movie Review Have a wonderful time (watching something else).
Rating:  Summary: A great romantic comedy Review: If you want a good giggle, a few laugh out louds and a nice romantic movie, you could do a lot worse than this. Ok the premise may well be a little over the top (dentist is so hated by his wife - because he is worth more dead than alive - that she hires a hit man - sorry hit person - to kill him but he is so nice that nothing happens, but the new next door neighbour is a notorious hitman and wife makes dentist 'shop him' to a mob boss but the hitman is in cahoots and has a beautiful wife who falls in love with the dentist and there is $10m involved, and an undercover cop and a test of true love but it all turns out well), but although lightweight, this is a well played movie. It keeps you guessing as to what is going to happen and the acting is just right. Matthew Perry provides some excellent slapstick and does not come across as a Chandler clone at all. Willis is his charming self - a killer with a heart of gold. I really liked this and although you do not really get much (except some sycophantic interviews) extra on the DVD, it is a real treat (kind of like those Cary Grant movies). Well worth trying out.
Rating:  Summary: Some fun slapstick humor in a slighty flawed script Review: The Whole Nine Yards falls neatly into a recent phenomenon of crime comedies, where the bad guys are bad, and funny at the same time. The movie- goer is prompted to still laugh at the guy who just blew away three other guys from the rival gang. We meet Nicholas "Oz" Oseransky, a nervous dentist, played aptly by Matthew Perry, in a loveless marriage to Sophie, played by Rosanna Arquette. The setting is Montreal, Quebec, where for the sake of the movie apparently, no one speaks French. Wait, there are some lounge singers that sing a song in French. The rest of the characters are all transplanted Americans who get along seamlessly in Montreal without speaking a lick of the native tongue. With one exception, Sophie is French Canadian, but I don't think I've seen that bad of a butcher job since Sam the Butcher on The Brady Bunch. Rosanna Arquette can't act her way out of a paper bag, so by all means, don't ask her to also try to do an ACCENT! Thank God her part is minor, because it was nails on a chalkboard listening to her. The loveless marriage between Oz and Sophie is the catalyst for the rest of the story. Sophie complains constantly about the fact that he's a poor dentist and all their money problems would be solved in an instant if he were dead and she could collect on his life insurance. About that time, Oz sees the moving truck next door, unloading the earthly possessions of one Jimmy "The Tulip" Tudeski, a Chicago contract killer who has moved to Canada to avoid the gang he ratted out in order to serve a lighter prison sentence. That's the easy part, it gets much more confusing before everything is all said and done. Jimmy, played with ease by Bruce Willis, has no intention to sit back and breathe in that fresh Canadian air for the rest of his days. There's a matter of some ten million dollars that he'd like to collect. Only problem is, a couple people have to be dead in order to get it. One is his wife, Cynthia (Natasha Henstridge) and the other is the head of the Gogolak gang, Janni (Kevin Pollack), the very same gang Jimmy ratted out. So, the Gogolak gang wants Jimmy dead, Jimmy wants Janni dead, he also wants his wife dead, and Sophie wants Oz dead. The beauty of it, is all the talk about killing and any actual killing that does happen, is all done in a comedic manner, so its really more of a comic element than anything else. This is obvious when, during a trip to Chicago, Oz attempts to collect a "finder's fee" from the Gogolak gang about his information on the whereabouts of Jimmy "The Tulip". Oz finds himself smitten with Cynthia, and who wouldn't? She's tall, graceful and utterly gorgeous. I wanna look like that. The fact that I've been five feet tall since sixth grade, I'm not going to hold my breath. But, I bet I was better at "Smear the Queer" than Natasha Henstridge. But I digress.... Amidst all the turmoil, and backstabbing in the movie, Oz vows to the lovely Cynthia, "I'm not gonna let anybody kill you," to which she responds, "Under the circumstance, I think that's the most romantic thing I've ever heard." Ahhh, love. See guys? You didn't have to go buy your sweetie something sparkly for her finger for Valentines Day, all you have to do to really get a woman to swoon is promise her you won't let anyone kill her. What could be sweeter? The movie is chock full of hit man stereotypes, which, if you are gonna do a comedy of this nature, you might as well do the stereotypes to the hilt and set aside any attempts at any concrete individuals. Michael Clarke Duncan plays Frankie Figs, and not only was he fabulous in The Green Mile playing a serious, compelling character, he can also stand on his own in a comedic role. Matthew Perry is cast perfectly as the nervous dentist. He's got pratfalls throughout and all the dentist-related scenes are some of the funniest of the film. Imagine some of the things you hate about going to the dentist. Ever had a tooth drilled? Ever had your tooth drilled by a dentist who's hand is shaking from all the tension of being a mob target? They keep throwing in a lot of dentist jokes, which I'm not sure if dentists will appreciate or not. Aside from all the killing, is the primary goal to see who, if anyone, will manage to get the ten million bucks, or "the whole nine yards". See, you knew that phrase had to be in the movie somewhere! The R rating is for violence (obviously), language, nudity and a brief sex scene. So parents, don't send Junior off for this one until you've seen it first. The Whole Nine Yards is quick paced after a somewhat slow beginning. The main plot line is interesting enough with some engaging sub-plots as well as some plot elements that were unnecessary, like all the information about Sophie's father. There are some cute jokes that run throughout, like the fact that in Canada, you will get a hamburger with mayo on it, which makes my tastebuds curl up at the thought of it. And, hey, who says you can't learn any valuable life lessons from a comedy? At one point, Jimmy tries to impress upon Oz, "It's not important how many people I've killed. It's important how I get along with the people who are still alive." The Whole Nine Yards is clever, but also flawed. I enjoyed about five out of the nine yards.
Rating:  Summary: An fine comic mob thriller. Review: The Plot:An miserably married dentist(Matthew Perry), who lives in Montréal, Québec with his french wife(Rosanna Arquette). He learns that his new neighbor is a notorious hit man(Bruce Willis) and he figures that he`s hiding from his former Chicago gang... but quickly gets over his head with the problems, he`s getting into. Director Jonathan Lynn has made good comedies like-Clue, My cousin vinny and Trial & Error. Enough comic plot twist make this small comedy a winner. Grade:B+.
Rating:  Summary: Which way u going? Review: This is a film full of hard to believe situations. Bruce Willis, how long time has been for you since the hit TV Series "Moonlight" as a fabolous comedy actor! His best performance until the "Whole Nine Yards". Matthew Perry, in another above the average role, in another mediocre film as he does in "Fools Rush In". ... . Try to find another comedy, this is a time waste for the average person, or most fitted for the above the average mind.
Rating:  Summary: Bruce Willis and Matthew Perry Go The Whole Nine Yards Review: The movie starts out in Ontario, Canada at a dentist (Matthew Perry)pulling into his driveway to his wife and mother-in-law who seem right away seem like they both just arrived from the pits of hell. This moving has a twisted plot about a hitman (Bruce Willis) moving next door and the trouble that his lodging creates in this hilarious movie. I personally loved this movie, and besides, Bruce Willis is always fun to see in movies. Go out and rent this one if you haven't already bought it!