Rating:  Summary: You people are all crazy :P Review: I have just finished watching through the last DVD in the Kubric Collection and aside from Barry Lyndon found all of the conversions to DVD to be wonderful. I don't see any signs of "bugs flying across the screen" or any kinds of "washed out colors" either... except of course on Barry Lyndon which was already "washed out" in theatres. The digital quality on these DVDs are certainly as good as any other DVD on the shelf and is _definately_ better quality than anything you can pick up off the VHS shelf. Of course I understand many peoples' views on Kubric's decision for The Shining and Full Metal Jacket to be re-mastered in pan & scan, but what I don't understand is how you people can sit here and hail Kubric as being one of your favorite directors and a complete genius and at the same time completely criticize his wishes he made in his final time with us. They are wonderful movies and it would be nice to see them in pan & scan, but the reality is that unless MGM decides one day that they don't respect Kubric's vision anymore and that they are going to do what they jolly well please and make those movies in widescreen, then pan & scan is what you they will make, and pan & scan is what you will get. Just quit your griping and sit back and watch movies from a legend.
Rating:  Summary: Kubrick DVD Box is BOMB Review: Although highly anticipated, the "new" dvd releases in this box set are mediocre and often sub standard. The worst aspects of compressed digitalization are woefully apparent in "Clockwork Orange", "Full Metal Jacket" and "The Shining". Worst of the bunch ,and possibly the worst DVD transfer since "Blade Runner" is "Barry Lyndon". The bit rate for each scene barely moves over 40% for all scenes and there is a lot of motion artifact, digital pixels on faces, shimmering in the purportedly static background, washed out color and marginal sound. Add to that the extremely "cheap" (read - cheap!!) menus and artwork on the discs themselves and you have my vote to return to vhs copies and laser disc on these . The exceptions are "lolita", "2001" and "Strangelove" all of which are from superior transfers. Warners should be ashamed.
Rating:  Summary: The Colossus of Film Review: Stanley Kubrick wasn't prolific. He only has 1 oscar. None of his movies are on the top 30 most grossing movies of all time. No one understands 2001: A Space Odyssey. He couldn't pass off a social commentary without getting a X rating. He was the most unfaithful to any of the Stephen King books turned into movies. He made his actors go through hell making then do 50 to 100 shots straight. All the ideas behind his 'great' movies came from other great novelists. Steven Speilberg has many movies. He has many Oscars. More than 10 of his movies make the top 30 list. Everyone understands his movies. He got them all off without an X rating. He was very faithful to Kubrick's A.I. You never hear his actors complain. And some of his hits were original ideas. But we will cherish and love Stanley Kubrick forever. Steven Spielberg will never compare to the filmmaking quality that Kubrick did. He said it himself. Kubrick has done what no other filmmaker has, with the exception of Alfred Hitchcock, he left a mark on his movies. You don't even have to know what movieyour watching to know it is Kubrick. In A Clockwork Orange, there is a scene where our main character is walking into the woods with two cops. That's all you need. From that you can tell it was Kubrick. That is the goal of every filmmaker. That is why Stanley Kubrick is a great director. This set spans his greatest works. I would buy it over the other set, because it is much cheaper. When it comes to Kubrick, there is no need for remastering. His films will always be classics. And no stats can argue with that.
Rating:  Summary: The movies are great BUT... Review: The films in this collection are, of course, indisputably great, but as far as the quality of the DVD set goes, the collection of Kubrick classics leaves much to be desired. There is the smell of a rush job here and wherever Mr Kubrick is, I'm sure he's quietly angry at what is really just a cheap cash-in on his rightly famous name. Perhaps, as we are being told,there were certain of these titles he didn't want released in their original cinema ratio. Perhaps this is true, but why do I suspect that in about a year's time we'll see this set again with all the films presented in their correct ratios. It might also give some time for the distributors to prepare new masters, for it seems these DVDs have been simply lifted off the same masters as their video brethren.They are all on the muddy side, with the DVD format showing up the imperfections of the original prints - dust, scratches and occasionally unstable images. Mr Kubrick was indeed a perfectionist in his work. I don't think he would have allowed anything as slipshod as is this set to be put out.
Rating:  Summary: Get The New Box Set! Review: Of course, Kubrick was a genius and all these films are great, but this set is really lacking, with horrible sound and atrocious picture quality. Happily, WB quickly rectified the mistake by msking "The New Stanley Kubrick Collection." What sounds like a cash cow turns out to be a carefully planned, beautifully remastered set with ample special features that I'm pretty sure would satisfy Kubrick, and I'm completely sure will satisfy any fan. Go order that set. PS: This set is out of print now, and for good reason.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing work! Review: Again Warner Bros. proves that they understand what it is to release quality films on quality DVDs. This is an absolute must have for any fan of the greatest filmmaker ever. First of all they release the movies in snap cases which are way better than the keep cases that strangely enough, everybody seems to like? Keep cases look cheap and the disc holders are difficult to manipulate... Truly badly designed cases. Unfortunately Warners seems to be the only ones who uses snap cases, the others just didn't understand, that's a shame. Anyhow, all the other criticisms this box set is recieving are not justified. The format in which the films are presented is exactly how Kubrick wanted it. So nothing to get all excited here.(Read the intro from Amazon! ) Same thing for the extras, it was all approved by the late filmmaker and there were not many available anyway. And The making of The Shining alone, is worth the price of this set. It is simply memorable to see this rare documentary of the master at work. By the way this special collection was prepared many months before Kubrick died and all work on the box set was already completed as well. Aside from audio commentaries that were planned for Full Metal Jacket, but they were dropped anyway, before he passed. I agree though that a booklet would have been a good addition to the set, but it seems that this belongs to the good old Laser Discs now... Since they are rarely seen in any DVD release these days. As for the transfer, it's true that some artifacts can be seen here and there (mainly on Barry Lyndon), but on a good machine, they are not really distracting. I would recommand this collection to all Kubrick fans, you won't be disapointed. This is without a doubt the best way to experience these masterpieces at home anyway. It's great news that Eyes Wide Shut (non-edited), will be available on DVD, on March 7th and A.I. will officialy be made by Steven Spielberg, based on the treatment by Kubrick!
Rating:  Summary: Great collection! Review: This is the greatest seven-title collection on 8 VHS tapes from the legendary director Stanley Kubrick.
Rating:  Summary: The Disembodied Voice of Stanley Kubrick Does Not Approve Review: These DVDs are the reason I bought a DVD player. Each film in this collection (with the possible exception of Lolita) is a masterpiece. Imagine my disappointment when I discovered the lack of care and effort that went into these DVDs. The transfers are poor and unrestored, the audio is plain old vanilla stereo, a few films are pan-and-scanned, and not a single special feature of note to be found. This could have been a 4-year film school in a box. It isn't anywhere close.
Rating:  Summary: Just as Kubrick wanted it. Review: I hate this box set, but this is how Stanley wanted it. He approved of mono sound and forced Warner Brothers to use it. But since then a new collection has come out. The 2000 collection. Thats why this one is out of print. I'm pretty shure all of the films in the 2000 collection are Dolby Digital 5.1. Thats funny because Kubrick didn't want stereo. I guess WB dosen't give a ... because Kubrick is dead and theres nothing anyone can do about it. I HATE mono sound. It ALWAYS sounds flat and is very annoying. I didn't buy a DVD player for ... sound, yet WB dosen't remaster some their soundtracks in 5.1, like CADDYSHACK. But, the new 2000 collection has 5.1 on every movie (i believe). Don't buy this collection at any costs. Buy the other collection which has the same movies and more in it, you cheap ....
Rating:  Summary: A must have movie masterpiece! Review: The Stanley Kubrick collection does a spectacular job of comprising his best works into one beautiful tome. the DVD playback quality is excellent, and the movies themselves, well, Kubrick was a master at the art, no doubt. More than just movies, his films were each works of art. It's a shame he passed away; there are so few great directors left anymore.