Rating:  Summary: comparison with the original book Review: i think this is an incredible film which really evokes the horrors that happened in Cracow during the war (although i dont know much about the rest of poland etc). I read the book, schindlers ark, before i saw the film and i was honestly surprised at how accurate Spielberg kept the screenplay. The atrocities commited by amon goeth really happened and things that seem miraculous like when 2 of goeth's guns failed to work when he attepted to execute a rabbi are actual events. i think one unnecessary part tho was when oskar broke down completly at the end.in reality, oskar was too dignifyed. However i understand the impact that the scene creates so im just nitpicking really. someone asked in their review below what the little girl in red symbolises. in the book schindler rides up a hill overlooking the ghetto with his mistress. an SS official takes the little girl by the hand and walks her from the street with a line of other jews. the girl looks over her shoulder and sees a boy of 10 brutally murdered, and oskar wonders why the SS man doesnt shield her from the horror. upon reflection, her realizes it is simply because the SS will not permit the girl to live to tell the tale. this event is the turning point for schindler, and it spurs him on to defeat the system.
Rating:  Summary: One All Time Movie-Black and White! Review: I wan to get this movie on DVD, can you please let us know when is going to come out on DVD.Thank You.
Rating:  Summary: WOW! Review: There is one thing that I think Universal Pictures could do for this film and that is to release an awsome DVD transfer to this. I have never sceen a better anti-war flick before out of the bunch. Everyone should watch this. The wideccreen virsion.
Rating:  Summary: Spectacular. Review: I am, and have been extremely interested in world war 2 and the holocaust for quite some time. I was shocked an appalled to hear that over 60% of students that graduate from high school DO NOT even know what the holocaust was! I am 15 and I feel that I am very mature for my age, and I know that I know more about life and how important it is than most of the pop/heavy metal obsessed teens of our society, who consider fine cinema any movie starring josh hartnett or mandi moore. And when reading a book on jews of the holocaust somebody asked me "why jews wore those stars around their arms." having no idea what the star of david was. Continuing with my fascination of the war, I was destined to see schindler's list, a compelling tragic story of hope and tragedy. This heartbreaking story pulled me in from the opening lighting of candles, to the gritty, documentary like black and white shots that we know so well. While watching this you feel like there is a weight strapped to your heart, and that weight keeps continuing to get heavier, and heavier, leaving you sick to your stomach, that people would actually do this to living, breathing human beings. Worse than that, children, babies, babies like yours who didn't know what was going on around them. Think of what it felt like when we were children, getting picked on by bullies on the playground or being lost in the grocery store. You felt terrified, and when you're that small there is nothing you can do, you just stand and wait, your little heart aching for your mother. Now think of being in a cold, muddy concentration camp, your mother and father taken away, a man standing with a rifle, swearing at you, taunting you. As a child you wouldn't know what was going on, and wouldn't know that your short, unlived life, would soon be ending. Steven Spielberg made a masterpiece here, and should be proud.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing.... Review: This is one of the best films ever made. I have never been so engrossed in a film as this one. Liam Neeson play's Oscar Schindler a nazi, and buisiness man. He is happy about the war becouse it make's him money. He is a selfish, greedy man who care's only about money. In the beginning. He enlists the help (slave labor) of Itzhak Stern played by the brilliant Ben Kingsley, to help him get his plant of field kits going for the war. However after Amon Goeth played by Ralph Fiennes shows up and cleans out a jewish housing project Schindler can not stand back, and he becomes a real hero in a time and place where they were in short supply. The acting in this movie is first rate. Neeson,Fiennes,Embeth Davidtz and Kingsley are at there best. Spielberg is at top form. This is a long movie but worth the watch. If at the end when Oskar tell's Stern that he could have gotten more you'r heart does not break it never will. This is a movie about triumph in the mose dire of conditions.
Rating:  Summary: A tragedy that needs to be remembered Review: Yes, the Holocaust happened over 50 years ago. Yes, it is a well-covered topic in literature. However, this is still an important movie, especially for my generation, which has not known any large-scale war. Such excellent works as this remind us of the horrors that can grow from hate, and encourage us not to repeat them. Why is it so abominable that Mr. Spielberg make a film on the holocaust? Is he unqualified simply because he is Jewish? The film is not propaganda, nor exploitative, as the events that are depicted are very thoroughly grounded in reality. They are not sensationalized in typical Hollywood fashion. If Spielberg were only after another blockbuster hit, he would have made the movie much differently (e.g. shorter, more entertaining, with a more likeable protaganist). In fact, this movie is his way of remembering and honoring the victims and heroes of this dark period, through as honest a portrayal as is fit for the big screen. I do not understand the accusations of racism against Germans in this movie. After all, Schindler himself was German, even considered highly by the Nazis in power, before his disapproval of their philosophies developed. In reality, the movie is not racist. Rather, it lays bare the evils which arise from elitism and racism, in this case demonstrated by the Nazis. An intelligent viewer will take this lesson and expand it to apply to all such evil in the world.
Rating:  Summary: Cinematic Power Review: "Schindler's List" is Steven Spielberg's powerful and emotionally charged adaption of Thomas Keneally's novel, the fact based story of Oskar Schindler, member of the Nazi party and war profiteer who, by an extraordinary act of redemption, saved the lives of more than 1,000 polish Jews during the holocaust. Straightforward and unsentimental, apropriately filmed in black & white without the use of storyboards--the gritty camera work avoids the "slick" look often seen in most Hollywood motion pictures. That is because "Schindler's List" is something different than most Hollywood motion pictures. Despite its 187 minute duration, "Schindler's List" moves along at a brisk pace; Spielberg never spends too much or too little time in any scene. Entire cast is excellent, notably: Liam Neeson is superb as Oskar Shindler; Ben Kingsly is endearing as Schindler's mild mannered accountant, Itzhak Stern; Ralph Feines is all too convincing as the execrable concentration camp commandant, Amon Goeth; Embeth Davidtz begs sympathy as Helen Hirsch, the Jewish servant and object of Goeth's perverse desires. Buyoed by an intelligently written screenplay, Steven Spielberg has once again delivered nothing short of a masterpiece (definitely his personal best in a plethora of triumphs), and perhaps the finest motion picture ever. Often difficult to watch, "Schindler's List" effectively conveys the terror and hopelessness experienced by the more than 6,000,000 innocent victims of Hitler's "Final Solution". At the same time, it offers a message of hope and the power of redemption. Hopefully, this stunning account will educate enough as to avoid repeating one of mandkind's darkest chapters.
Rating:  Summary: Speilberg's Jewel Review: No words can describe now incredible this movie is! The best Speilberg movie i've ever seen. It has sensational performances bye Ralph Fiennes and Liam Neeson. This movie shows how cruel and brave the human spirit can be. Get this movie!!! Some turn their heads and try to forget the holocaust, but this movie proves that we can never forget.
Rating:  Summary: Stunning Oscar-winner that deserves what it receives Review: Having seen "Schindler's List" on PBS a couple of months ago, I was stunned at how Spielburg demonstrated how historically accurate this motion picture is. Filmed in gritty b/w, it is nevertheless the stunning, stark adaptation of how Oskar Schindler (superb job by Liam Neeson) has a change of heart and decides to save 1,000 Jews in ww2 Poland. Fully deserving the Oscars and Oscar nominations it received, of which Liam Neeson rightfully deserved a Best Actor nomination, while the Best Picture and Best Director Oscars went to this outstanding motion picture and to Steven Spielburg. This movie ranks at the top of the must-see Spielburg films, along with E.T. But avoid his latest films, such as A.I. Sure, A.I. has a good cast, but the superficial script and cheap-looking cinematography pales in comparison to this 1993 masterpiece and Spielburg's 1982 triumph, E.T. Rated R for violence, nudity and for language.
Rating:  Summary: A Remarkable, Breathtaking Film... Review: This movie is beyond 5 stars. After seeing this in 1995 i was truley facinated by Speildbergs telling of the life of Oskar Schindler. The way the film is in black and white totally sets the theme and telling of the time period. Being Jewish myself, i had read much about the horror of time. After seeing this film, it gave me a deeper look into what some of my distant relatives in Hungary had to expirience... the ghettos, the camps, the aftermath... The way Speildberg filmed it was just remarkable, it seemed as if it were actually in the time. This true story tells of how a man named Oskar Schindler, a man who saved thousands of Jews from their fate at the death camps, by placing them in his factories, providing a safe haven. But i must warn you...after seeing this film you will never be the same..this film gave me a deeper pride of my religon. And whether if you are Jewish or not, i guarantee that you this film will really make you think...and change the way you look things. This powerfull film has very graphic images and i warn you with caution, but it is worth seeing. This film is a once in a lifetime film, i reccomend it to all those who want to feel more of the great human spirit...and how one mans decision changed the life of thousands.