Rating:  Summary: An Acting Feast! Review: The only movie I can think of with 3 Best Actor Oscar-winners (Lemmon, Pacino and Spacey) and it shows! In addition, you get two fine character actors in Harris and Arkin and a Hollywood star (Baldwin) slumming in a non-featured role. Add to that David Mamet's finest writing and you have a film that is endlessly compelling! This is, IMHO, Lemmon's finest work, and that is saying something! You can truly see in this film why he has earned the title "America's Olivier." The movie also benefits from having someone other than Mamet direct his script. We avoid the monotone line readings that sometimes plague his films (which, however, are an oddly fascinating trademark nonetheless). This is a modern "Death Of A Salesman" and a movie you will find yourself watching again and again for the acting and the writing. Waiting on the DVD!
Rating:  Summary: "Will you go to lunch!" Review: Possibly one of the finest ensemble films ever made! Acting teachers should show this movie scene by scene, it is that brilliant. Mamet's sticatto dialogue is mesmerizing. Al Pacino is alternately smooth, with his slick, salesman's pitch, and menacing with his biting, angry verbal attacks. Jack Lemmon, the master of subtly, is wonderful. But, Kevin Spacey, steals the scenes with his quiet, pensive and, ultimately, cunning performance. (And you can download the wavs @ his website to amuse your co-workers!) You'll watch it over and over! Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: I've seen it a thousand times -- literally! Review: And I am a person who can rarely watch a movie twice. My friends and I can quote exact lines from the movie at the slightest prompting. The dialogue is at once intensely heart wrenching and side splittingly hilarious. Also, this is probably the only major motion picture ever made without a single female character, not even an extra. Imagine that.
Rating:  Summary: AVOID TO BE A SALESMAN AT ALL COSTS ! Review: This seems to be the message of writer Mammet. In doing so, he wrote a marvellous study of human nature in our bloody capitalist modern society. BUt, in doing so with astonishin actors, he pulled the level very high, and the final result is one that everyone who has ever worked to some company will never forget. The audience begins to care for the salesmen, wanting them to suceed and not be fired by the "villain" Alec Baldwin. What a movie, what a movie. Much better than director`s FOley swindle in "SPANISH PRISONER".
Rating:  Summary: ABC. AIDA. Review: Just watched this movie--what a great cast and what amazing acting. Great adaptation from stage to screen. Jack Lemmon, Al Pacino, Ed Harris and Kevin Spacey all come together in this movie about "closers" and "losers" in a competition amongst salesmen in a small real estate office. Makes me really want to see this staged...
Rating:  Summary: "...Third Place is YOU'RE FIRED" Review: Glengarry Glen Ross is not so much a scathing attack on capitalism as it is on human nature. Considering that extremists on any political issue have more in common with each other then anyone else, in the same way Capitalism which as an idealogy is meant to free people from being slaves to Big brother, to introduce natural human emotions such as the desire to succeed in to business,but when taken to an extreme extreme makes slaves out of people to a different big brother, the marketplace. In the film there are only two kind of people in this world, 1-Closers 2-Losers. These are the only standards by which these men are measured and therefore everything and anything is allowed to get into that first category. In the course of this movie characters will lie(they do that so often it seems silly to write it), steal make subtle sexual advances to their clients in order to get them "to sign on the line which is dotted." Every single performance in the movie is brilliant, any of which that on its own in any other movie would garauntee an oscar nomination. Since they are all in one movie, the academy had to chose one, Al Pacino which in my opinion was the wrong choice. Not that he isn't brilliant, but I would choose Jack Lemmon who gives a heartbreaking ultra realistic performance as Shelly "the machine" Levine. In one scene towards the end, and I'm not giving anything away here, he is in a lot of trouble, his friend Ricky Roma(Pacino) doesn't know it and is babbling about how they should team up and work togather. He smiles softly and doesn't tell him about the jam he's in. You'll have to see it. Brilliant stuff. Elsewhere the film is a verbal dance from start to finsh, dialogue that is a pleasure to listen to. This film has got to hold some sort of record in "most four lettered words uttered in a movie" category . Not only is the colorful language frequent but peppered with extremely creative variations. Al Pacino's rain of insults on Kevin Spacey at one point will have you laughing, shivering and embarassed for the poor guy. The only quam I have with this movie is that it ends too soon and kind of abruptly, but honestly when you're complaining about a movie being too short you know you're onto something truely special.
Rating:  Summary: Life of a Salesman Review: When I first saw this film. I winced. I am a commissioned sales person and have been in similar situations many times. I have seen sales people go to pieces and resort to criminal activity when they attempted to save their jobs. I love the movie and am buying the video to keep me on my toes.
Rating:  Summary: Great? Wait a second... Review: My friend and I read many reviews of this movie- rave reviews. We are wondering if we missed something, because it is honestly one of the least interesting movies each of us has seen. Riveting?... Possibly in its ability to lull one to sleep. Even as fans of the movie's actors, we were left extremely unsatiated. If you are older, possibly this is for you. If you are looking for action, this would be your last choice.
Rating:  Summary: very powerful film Review: this film was very well written&directed.the intensity is very powerful.Jack Lemon is solid but it's ALec Baldwin that steals the show here.a solid Cast all around the horn.
Rating:  Summary: DVD is for closers Review: The finest salesman movie of all time (sorry Willy Loman). The scene with Pacino selling the property to the mark in the bar is supreme. ("You know, I'm glad I met you). I watch it over and over. Could Spacey be more of a putz? By the way, it's worth it to see Boiler Room, just to see Ben Affleck do a WEAK impersonation of Baldwin from GGGR. Issue: How could this not be on DVD? Anyone have any info on DVD availability?