Rating:  Summary: The single best cinematic depiction of war. Review: Yup. it's the best. It's as if you took everything that was great about every movie ever made about WWII and distilled it into a 10 hour epic.It's all here. The training film. The airplane/parachute jumper film. The forest/jungle combat film. The urban warfare film. The concentration camp film. You have your veteran soldiers, your newbies, heroes galore, mangled extremities, merciless firefights, harrowing escapes... ...seriously, it is ALL here. You will grow to love these characters. Except they're not characters. They're real guys. Just like you and me...except they're not. These are the bravest, most noble men our country has ever produced. "Ordinary" guys doing the most extraordinary things. It's inspiring in the way few movies ever could be. There is not one moment in the entire miniseries that feels fake or forced. It has an air of authenticity rarely encountered in this genre. Having the real guys make a few comments before each episode grounds the subsequent hour into reality. It also serves to make it all the more amazing. The acting is superb, right down the line. You will be shocked at how perfect the depiction of the actor portraying "Wild Bill" Guarniere is, when you see the real one in the accompanying documentary. It is a MUST see after you finish the entire set, but wait a day or two to recover. This movie will leave you spent, and the documentary is almost a little too much to handle right afterwards. The cinematography in particular is flat out awesome. The direction, handled by several supremely capable hands, is wonderful without drawing too much attention to itself, and surprisingly consistent throughout the production. The score is haunting. Top to bottom, I don't think I've seen anything better on TV. Or elsewhere. Impressive to an overwhelming extent.
Rating:  Summary: Simply amazing.... Review: A very thorough and complete telling of Charlie Company in the European Theater of World War II. Amazingly shot. Superior character development. Great music. Perfect cinematography. Editing is great. By the end of the last DVD I was just speachless. This would have no doubt won an Oscar had it somehow been a feature film. This is the quintesential WWII film. If you liked Saving Private Ryan, this is an absolute must see. Also good for fans of Schindler's List, The Pianist, Sohpie's Choice. From bootcamp to the fall of Hitler, this DVD set is exquisite. BUY IT NOW.
Rating:  Summary: The Greatest WWII movie and Book ever Written Review: Anybody who hasn't seen the movie, or read the book is missing out on the feeling of being proud of the young men of the United States. The interviews with the men are heartbreaking when talking about there buddies. The most powerful statement of the movie is when a man is asked if he considered himself a hero. He answered that he wasn't, but he served with many. If any reviews blast this as a typical war movie, than they haven't paid attention. There is no happy ending when a unit takes 150% casualties. The series is funny, inspiring and heartbreaking. Never forget this dying breed, keep their memory alive.
Rating:  Summary: !OUTSTANDING! Review: Back in 2002, I was in a store purchasing Saving Private Ryan, I saw a boxed movie called Band of Brothers. I briefly scanned over it and put it back thinking it could neverbe as good as Saving Private Ryan, so I didn't buy it. I watched the special presentation of Band of Brothers on the history channel and realized I was an idiot not to have bought it back then. The movie stands with the standards left from saving private ryan, and was well made. The realisticness an similarities of Saving Private Ryan including the historical flow of events were very accurate to reality of WW2. Also the history channel edited a lot of material out and it was still great, just think of how much better it would be with the unedited version.
Rating:  Summary: At last I understand Review: This phenomenal miniseries was co-produced by Steven Spielberg & Tom Hanks, a pairing that gave us one of the most talked-about battle sequences in history with the opening scenes of the Normandy invasion in "Saving Private Ryan." Well, if you're one of the few who haven't yet seen "BoB," prepare for several scenes that are equally impressive in their intensity and realism. Nothing has made me appreciate the combat soldier like this miniseries. Nothing has ever come close. We can all wag our heads and say, "War is hell," but the remarkable portrayal of these true stories, filmed by a production whose stated goal was to be as accurate as possible in every way, brings it home for me in a way that neither Hollywood, nor the press, nor the tales of returning veterans ever could. But it's not just those laudable results that make it happen. It's the characterizations of such standout individuals as Winters, Garniere, Nixon, Compton, Toye, Spiers, etc., the real heroes (although they shun the word) who eagerly went forth to slay the Nazi dragon and got burned, to varying degrees, in the process. I am grateful that we live in an age when such bravery is given its due, rather than that of 30 years ago when it drew suspicion. We live the war with these characters, from their soul-killing boot camp at the hands of possibly the worst company captain you could imagine (played brilliantly by David Schwimmer---yes, THAT David Schwimmer, clearly nobody's "Friend" here), to the nervous jump under fire over Normandy, to the firefights in the forests and fields of France and Holland, to Hitler's vaunted Eagle's Nest. Our innocence and enthusiasm are shattered and rebuilt just like theirs, and our view of war, even of life itself, is forever altered in the process. Thankfully for the viewer, we are not as deeply haunted as these fine men. Having watched the series a couple of times, the only nitpicks I have are that the primary military advisor on the series was a Vietnam vet who, I am told, wrongly approved two anachronisms: The amount of foul language was much less among WWII veterans than presented here, and the extensive hand signals were not in use by the paratroopers whose story this is. Both would be very familiar to him from 'Nam, a generation later, but don't belong in this WWII arena. Other than that, I have only praise and heartfelt thanks for this terrific 11-hour panorama of man's inhumanity to man and man's mechanisms for coping with same. It'll be a long time before anyone can match "Band of Brothers" in its scope, feel, and impact.
Rating:  Summary: VERY SOLID Review: This is a very solid, important and long due work deserving the best aknowledgement. Yes, there are some shortcomings there but they are very minor compairing with the overall result. I liked it considerably and I wish there was more of the same type of films. What I really would like to see is something more international covering Russians, French, English, Polish and even the enemies as Germans, Italians, Turks and the Japanese. I would love to see that. And the Band of Brothers is quite satisfying already. Thank you for keeping the memory of these heroes alive.
Rating:  Summary: Somtimes I don't understand people Review: I myself like to look at the bad reviews for things and this was no exception, and somtimes i just didn't understand. On one review the person states that this was another typical GI Joe movie with a happy ending. And even though the ending was relatively "happy" this is not just another GI Joe war movie this movie is about a Band Of Brother as stated in the title. I also look at the fact that the movie ended on a peaceful sunny day. That doesn't make it a happy ending, many of their friends or even better, BROTHERS had died and that is not HAPPY AT ALL! Enough said though this is the best miniseries ever created and I encourage you to buy it even though it is expensive for it is most definetly worth it.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful, Simply Wonderful Review: I have never felt so close to people I have never meet in my life. Band of Brothers taught me many things, and by the end i felt as though i was involved in this brotherhood they had formed. Band of Brothers follows Easy Company of the 101st Airborne squadron and their journey from basic training to hitlers eagle nest. If ur a fan of WWII see this, if u just like great stories see this.
Rating:  Summary: Props from a medieval historian! Review: world war II history ~ actually, any history post-1745 ~ is traditionally of no interest to me. that is, until i stumbled across the last half of the episode "bastogne" on BBC while living in scotland. i became instantly engrossed in the episode, even though i knew nothing of the characters, plot, or, even, the name of what i was watching. subsequent research determined that i had missed the beginning part of the mini-serieis and would, in fact, miss the final episodes before i figured out what was going on. imagine my thrilled surprise to see the series aired recently on the history channel! i was addicted instantly ~ my life revolved around watching the episodes, telling everyone i knew about them and, frankly, annoying the heck out of my friends by recapping each morning in the office, generally accompanied by tears or anger ~ "they killed blithe!" or "and then toye got hit, and guernere went to get him ... oh, lord, don't get me started on buck compton!" and so on .... finally some wonderful friends bought me this DVD version so i can watch it whenever i want! (true friends!!) i recommend this mini-series to anyone who is interested in history, heroism, or simply stories of friendship and survival. it is brilliantly acted and the changing narration allows the viewer to witness the war through the eyes of officers, privates and medics, and to focus on the company and their relationships as whole, not to mention the soldiers as individuals. the documentary is an excellent way to delve deeper into the series as well as to observe how the war truly affected the men who served, not to mention their children and grandchildren. and props to brit actor damian lewis (lieutenant/captain/major richard lewis) for his american accent ~ took me a few minutes to recognize soames!
Rating:  Summary: Brothers Through War Review: I would like to give a mental salute to all those brave men AND women who died in figting in War World II. The History Channel just gave a presentation of the ten episodes. They were extremely beautiful. As I have written before, it was not about war or "blood, guts, and glory." It was about the relationship of the men (soldiers). Their relationships are what held them together. As repeated throughout the episodes and made famous by a Civil War captain: War is Hell. Easy Company went down the hills and through the valley of the shadow of death. Tom Hanks' episode focusing on Mr. Winters and the one about Bastogne and Easy's Christmas in the forest were my favorites. They made me shed a tear, especially when a character I liked and turned on the show to see was killed or injured. One falls down. And then you realize it's the relationships of the soldiers that keep you watching. When you watch a character you really liked and loved to watch, die or get injured, it hits you in the gut. What if I had lived back then and had to fight. If I had been born at that time period and had to serve, hopefully I would serve with soldiers like these. God Bless Easy Company and all the heroes of World War II.