Rating:  Summary: Left Me Wondering Review: ...it does provide a fascinating often dark look at insanity on a more "human" scale. However, the entire movie's pace is shifted so frequently with no real resolve or storyline to it or to the scenes in which tension mounts, instead it jumps to another scene far different to the one which we previously saw, interesting yes, but after two viewings it still left me wondering what is this movie "really" about? Its done well, but utterly confusing as to what exactly the director was trying to get across.
Rating:  Summary: red dwarf fans Review: according to reddwarf.com they will begin releasing the series in November. Plus the movie is in the works
Rating:  Summary: Bad News. Review: All you American Red Dwarf fans will be disappointed to learn that the reason you cant get the series on DVD is not because they havent released it in the US... Its because they havent released it at all. You cannot get it anywhere. I am not sure whether this has something to do with the up-coming movie or not... but I too share your frustration at not being able to buy the series on DVD. If its any consolation I live in Australia and the chance of us getting it in the next century is slim if you havent got it yet! (Thank God for mult-region encoded DVD players!!!!)
Rating:  Summary: The Other Red Dwarf Review: Check out the BBC America site.
Rating:  Summary: sometimes the edge of sanity is where true greatness lies Review: dont believe what some of the other reviewers are saying this is truly one of the best films to deal with the hardships of being in a world that isnt suited for you. it is one of the bleakest yet poignantly executed studies of a man who is on the "edge" that i have ever seen. contrary to what some viewers are saying there is resolve in the end you just have to find it. at times it will make you laugh with its subtle humor and at others you will feel empathy and sadness. it is a perfect blend of comedy and tragedy with an ending that is very sublime but ends the film on a happy note. in short i would recommend this film to anyone who can deal with a film that isnt loaded with special effects and just relys on its ambience and characters to deliver a unique and enthralling cinematic experience. viva la liberati.
Rating:  Summary: Still Red Dwarf Review: Echoing the previous reviewers annoyance,i too was delighted at the prospect of a Red Dwarf DVD,but alas,i was deceived!I somehow doubt this French film has characters such as Rimmer,The Cat,or Lister!Again,this film is called THE RED DWARF,and not Red Dwarf!!Smeg!
Rating:  Summary: Memorable only for its novelty Review: I can't say I liked _The Red Dwarf_. That's not to say I strongly disliked it, either. I simply can't go so far as to say I actually enjoyed the film. To me, there was no plot and no real storytelling. As such, the film is mostly just... well, benign.I can usually only engage with a film when it is telling me an interesting (usually complex) story. _The Red Dwarf_, a novelty concept piece at best, is really only a parable constructed from a single, rather obvious, theme repeated over and over again. Parables generally show less interest in the storytelling and more in the analogy they draw between a particular instance of human behavior and human behaviour at large. The simple narrative surface of this film gives it a mysterious film noir tone, but in the end it's all just mood and does very little to paint a clear picture of the main character, Lucien L'Hotte. _The Red Dwarf_ seems much more intent on teaching spiritual values than telling a good story. By the end of the film I knew of only one aspect of Lucien's personality -- Monsieur L'Hotte was a big man trapped in a little man's body. I would have liked to have known more. In the case of _The Red Dwarf_, the analogy most obviously drawn upon for the progression of the screenplay is the notion explored in _I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings_. That "caged bird" theme resounds throughout _The Red Dwarf_. With L'Hotte, it seems obvious that he feels isolated from freely enjoying the world around him because at work and in love he is made to feel inferior to "normal" people who constantly foist their prejudices upon him. I first saw the "caged bird" motif being played out with L'Hotte at the home of a fat, aging countess (played by the fat, aging Anita Ekberg). L'Hotte meets the countess for the first time outside her home by the pool. The little "bird," excuses himself to go to the bathroom. While inside the countess' home, he takes a frenzied "bird bath" in her huge tub, dries off while gazing at the "prison" of his own encroaching body in the mirror and then goes back out to stand naked before Ekberg. Lovemaking ensues between the two with the countess' cat watching the "little bird" flitting all over her massive petowner. Next, there is a scene where L'Hotte is in a cab and begins whistling a bird song to himself. The driver, a black man, looks into the rearview mirror and the two of them begin chuckling in a shared complicity or understanding of what it is to be "caged" -- L'Hotte in his body, the black man in his. L'Hotte befriends Isis, a young girl who travels with and performs in her "father's" circus. Her mother died years before in a trapeze accident, so her father forbids her to perform on the trapeze even though her dream, after meeting little Mr. L'Hotte, is to do a trapeze act that incorporates his clowning. Images of Isis on the trapeze -- her "perch" -- serve to depict her in her own "cage," unable to fly through the air because of her father's strict edict. And, if you had any questions about that "caged bird" theme, there's another scene toward the end of the film when L'Hotte takes the matter of his little friend, Isis, and his own future into his own hands by laying down the law to Isis' "father." As he finishes threatening the man, he proceeds to release a bunch of the circus' birds from their cages, symbolically freeing himself and the little girl who has shared his experience of being "caged." And so on and so on. Sadly, _The Red Dwarf_ is one-trick pony. And that pony ride gets old fast.
Rating:  Summary: I wanted to like this film. . .but. . .. Review: I had read a review that praised this film, and I wanted to see it. Well, my conclusion after vewing was this: except for a couple of scenes that were visually interesting, the whole film to me was pretentious and ridiculous. When a film fails to do at least one of these things, it's a bad film in my book: 1)make me feel intense feelings 2)bring a message across 3)entertain 4)stimulate intellectually. This film done none of those things for me.
Rating:  Summary: Amazingly Captivating! Review: I rented this movie not knowing what to expect, and ended up being blown away. Not wanting to spoil the film, the basic premise is a "little person" - or dwarf - wanting to be treated as a man and the lengths he will go to that end.In black and white, the film is beautifully photographed, sometimes reminding me of Wim Wenders' Wings of Desire. While viewing the film, I loved and hated the characters at different points, not unlike my reaction to Jane Campion's The Piano. In the end, Red Dwarf captivated me from start to finish, which is rare. Highly recommended for the art house crowd and people not turned off by subtitles.
Rating:  Summary: Dark yet touching Review: I rented this movie purely on the basis that it looked strange and interesting. I was right it was strange and interesting. The film is about a dwarf who works for some sort of law firm. He befriends a little girl who works at a circus and starts having an affair with one of the firm's clients. Many strange things happen and the film becomes very dark and depressing. Despite this the movie is very good and the friendship between the dwarf and the little girl is very touching. The film is sort of like a David Lynch film, but more sentimental. The actor who plays the dwarf also does a very good job, and I liked the ending very much.