Rating:  Summary: What is left to say? Criticism about Criticism + DVD Review Review: Yeah, what? That we have gone so far? It's that democracy? Ok, everyone has different thougts and opinions about historical persons, but why then you don't say honestly 'Shame on you, Besson, it's not my imagination of Joan!'? And the same shame on official critics - you don't like Besson, you don't like reality and etics in entertainment, becauce you can't eat popcorn then during the movie - and you better singing one song - our Joan is better than your Joan (reference to US mini-series, I can't judge that movie, because I haven't seen it yet). So, what is this! Personally I wonder how powerful are official critics in US - it's looks like only very few people nowadays has personal decision to watch or not to watch in america. Ok, so far about culture of criticism (Don't take me wrong, I'm also not so right sometimes, but I'm trying to avoid this). About other arguments for or against... It's seems that movie is plaqued by Besson's antifans out there. In fact, he tried to avoid this. I can rewrite all history how he tried to make this movie more comprehensible for larger group of watchers, you must get this info first. Critics in US actually already knew, that they will ridicule this movie before official release. Why? Because of the same old problems - Besson's conflict with US movie industry. At start, he wanted to be producer of this movie. But call in director (woman, forgot her name) didn't like even 'sweeter' version of Messenger. She came back to US and already prepeared place for stake for this movie. Then Besson desided to make this movie a masterpiece as he wants, not a hybrid of art and sweet entertainment. Okey, okey... who reads it skips on this. You are more interested about my thougts about movie, right? Go on. I will review DVD and in same time one paragraph about idea of movie. First, personally who like this movie, buy DVD version now (I suggest International Extended)! Perfect picture, sound, lot of add-ons, nothing more to add and nothing to take away! Personally I'm very happy, because I see that it's sells rather well. DVD International Extended version includes full version of movie, how I saw it in cinema, widescreen (it's rulles), Anamorphic Video, Subtitles in English (sometimes voices are so silent :)), some trailers for movie and other titles and impressive documental about how they made this miracle. Ups, also Isolated Music Score (You can turn it off). But... where is my opinion about movie? First, I must remeber some guys that no one movie, nor just documental, simply CAN'T BE TRUE AS WE WANT TO UNDERSTAND. These speaks about historical inacuracy is something like fig-leaf for those who simply didn't catch it or simply didn't like Besson's version (that's normal, but then say honesly - don't like it. point). There can't be historical acuracy if we speak about real person who lived about 550 years ago, even so difficult and so 'legenda' as Joan. Besson tried to be honest, but it's seems that to be honest and to show people what they want to see is almost inpossible. That's why there are such stupid things like heorism and legendarism in our society. We can only try to imagine history, but by rules - try to create that feeling of middle ages, those situations, battles, not to simply follow 'historical accuracy'. Second, Besson is still faithful to ideas of humanity. He done it in '5th Element', he done it again in 'Joan or Arc'. Yes, how lot of positive reviewers pointed out, Joan in Besson's version is a Human. Human can look like mad, saint, it can cry, hope, blame, feel hate, despair, everything you can imagine. Sadly, it's seems to me that most of negative reviewers simply waited for another empty, blood and glory epic movie, done by hollywood standarts. In this case, i can join their resume - there is nothing in such way. They don't want human feelings, they want to see Trueman's Show. And in the last, Besson plays a trick with watchers in positive meaning - he make us understand that no one can escape from inner fight, pain, doubts. Mostly I think lot of people didn't like that way how 'weak' is human, when it's suffers from pain, sorrow, what later turns to hate, that there is one, easy step from clear mind to crazyness (something alien and must be wrong, right? - ironical ps)...At final - best movie I have ever seen (by both means - ideological and cinemathographical). Suggested for everyone, even if you think you won't like it. Give it a try! I can give marks: Visual looking & effects - 10 of 10 (there's NO computer effects, trust me, only visual fx) Acting - 9 of 10 (Milla - you are better actress than model! I hope you will shine soon in some other movie also; Hoffman - nothing to say, he has two Oscars :)) Sound & Music - 10 of 10 (One word: Sierra) Idea - judge yourself, I'm giving 11 of 10 :))) It's my heart seeing...what it wants to see... P.S. Don't judge me about my faulty Engish, simply it's because of emotions.
Rating:  Summary: ** The Messenger - What a great movie ** Review: The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc -- a great movie... The acting was done very, very well. I was drawn into the characters. Milla Jovovich, is just so great. She played the role of Joan. I was so into her role. She can play just about anything.
John Malkovich, yet another great actor. He played Charles VII. I always like Malkovich, and he did well in this movie. He didn't play the biggest role, but he sure fit his part.
Then we have Faye Dunanaway, she is good as always. She was the intelligent one in the movie.
Then we have Dustin Hoffman. He played Joan's conscience. He was the one to fit that role. His voice made everything, he's unbelievable.
All together, the cast that made this movie was everything. It couldn't have been done without them. I rate this movie 5-stars because of the acting, and how they perceived this very event. It was done very well, and it got me going.
Rating:  Summary: Quantitative Evaluation Review: Audio Merits:7/10;Video Merits:9/10;Scenario Merits:3/10;Cinematograhic Merits:5/10;Musical Merits:5/10;Overall Artistic Performance:6/10;DVD Extras:6/10;Recording Total Quality:5/10. Professor's Recommendation:Worst of all Joan of Arc titles. Don't buy it.
Rating:  Summary: Definitely not one for the slow witted. Review: Tragically, I think that what most people didnt like about this movie of Joan, is the human mental effect it showed of Joan.. First though, great performance by Milla Jovovich. I only hope Hollywood gives her more dramatic type roles as i find her acting more moving than any 'hot' actress (like Angelica Jolie) in Hollywood right now. The erratic behaviour of Joan, is similar to one of a young man seeing his first sign of real combat. And I think that twisted side of the plot only enrich the movie. Bottom line, if you are looking for a nice sweet good versus bad movie, then get a mediocure End of Days. But if you like an alternative look at a classic story, The Messenger is the movie for you.. PS. Keep ya eye out for Milla Jovovich.
Rating:  Summary: Too Long! Review: Starts off with great battles, drama, everything you could want! But after a while, you just want it to end. Interesting enough to rent.....only to rent.
Rating:  Summary: Great performance by Milla Jovovich! Review: The bottom line here is that nobody knows what made Joan tick. We can deduce from her actions and her trial that she was a very complicated young woman, but beyond that it's open to interpretation. Was she insane? - What about her predictions? Or possessed? - I for one can't even imagine what that really means. Perhaps she was just very impressionable and instead of monsters under her bed she saw angels? That she was well schooled in current political affairs I think we can rule out. The movie had several inaccuracies the most disturbing of which was the rape scene. It seemed to have been done to rationalize her motives and was completely unnecessary. (Save that for the rape of Boudicca's daughters or something factual, for the scene was effective, if loathsome.) Also, the last half hour of redemption, justification and explanation with her "vision" was utterly uninteresting. That aside, Milla Jovovich was brilliant and convincing. She certainly portrayed a very strong willed, confused and angry girl capable of controlling an army. The fact that she came close to tears at all the bloodshed didn't contradict anything. We can't forget that this was still a child in very unusual circumstances. Without Milla the movie would have been so-so.
Rating:  Summary: Muddled and pretentious Review: Confused, pretentious muddle about Joan of Arc in the same way that John Woo movies are about gun control. Self-indulgent and noisy, with no clear point of view or ultimate reason to exist. Jovovitch is a decent actress but here is rudderless and therefore wasted. Get "The Passion of Joan of Arc" instead.
Rating:  Summary: Joan of Arc becomes action movie star... Review: First of all, I don't remember much of what I learned about Joan of Arc in school. And after seeing this movie I don't feel like I know that much more. Actually some bells are ringing in the back of my head, indicating that some of the elements aren't historically correct. Well, so some liberties have been taken in the storytelling, but I was still entertained, and that is usually the point in seeing a movie by Luc Besson. This version of the story of the famous warrior saint (or was she just crazy?) is definitely the most colourful one ever made. Milla Jovovich generally does a good job playing the part of Joan. Sometimes she's absolutely brilliant, but other times the performance is not that convincing. I take it that this is because of her having to work with Besson right after their divorce. But speculations aside, the movie still turned out pretty great. Generally the acting is quite superb, and the visuals are gorgeous, something which has become a trademark of Besson. But like other postmodernistic directors, he seems to focus more on the packaging than the content. The script never really goes in-depth with the internal struggle of Joan of Arc, and might be more suited for a regular action movie. Still the visuals and the acting make the film worthwhile, but if you want to see a historically accurate version of the legend, steer well clear of this. As it is, this can best be described as "Joan of Arc Light: the film that tastes sweet, but won't make your intellect fatter."
Rating:  Summary: WHAT A MESS Review: There are so many things wrong with this movie, I'm not quite sure where to begin! I guess I could start with historical accuracy. I knew trouble was abrewin' when I found out that John Malkovich was playing the French King Charles, who was actually only 19 years old! Lots of silly, fictitious stuff was added about the various people at court who supposedly convinced Charles to betray Joan. And one of Joan's big motivations was shown to be the rape and murder of her sister, which has no basis in fact. Second major problem: Acting. Joan was played as if she were constantly about to fall down sobbing and have a nervous breakdown. She came across as a total nutcase. There's no way anyone would have followed Joan if she acted the way she was portrayed here. There were also many unintentionally funny parts. I tried hard not to laugh out loud when Dustin Hoffman popped up as Joan's conscience mouthing the most ludicrous dialogue you can imagine. I could go on and on, but instead, I'll recommend that instead of this movie, you should watch the old silent version called The Passion of Joan of Arc. That one will affect you and haunt your memory (in a good way) for a long time.
Rating:  Summary: ACTION AND DUSTIN HOFFMANN !!! Review: This is what is worthwhile watching in this movie. Nothing more. THe battle sequences are amazing; it's funny to see all the British with rotten teeth and the French with white clear and white teeth !! Mila did not a good job, repeat, did not a god job as Joan. She overacted with no purpose at all. Dustin Hofffmann, as her conscience, is fantastic, although in a very small role.