Rating:  Summary: A psychedelic and believable Joan of Arc Review: I liked this movie very much. It works well on many levels:Visually it is stunning - a virtuoso work. The acting is terrific, not in the sense that it carries you away but in the sense that you enjoy watching the actors. It is a theatrical movie in the best sense of the world. The beauty, passion and fierceness of Joan just emanates out of Jojovich's face and voice. The scheming queen played by Dunaway is a joy to behold, as is, as always, Malcovich playing the prince of uncertain age who will become the future king of France. Dustin Hoffman, having the unique role of Joan's conscience, is splendid. I found the movie very humorous and also very French. Many actors speak with a French accent which I think is a very clever device. You cannot separate the life of a person from the culture in which this life evolved and I found the movie reflected well on some of the special tidbits of the French soul. Now the more difficult question about how close this movie portrays Joan of Arc. I think the important question is not how realistic the story is, but rather how true it is. First of all reality as a person lives it is not reality as realistic movies show it to be. This movie is full of strange surrealistic events seen through Joan's eyes and a long and wonderful section at the end visualizes Joan's thinking: her debating with her own conscience. If you want to understand or communicate your vision about a person, particularly a person as unique as Joan of Arc, you cannot stick to historical testimony alone. Certainly, the director Luc Besson took huge liberties with this movie, showing Joan from the inside, but I think they were well taken. Having Joan act out of a revenge motive and casting doubt on the divine origin of her "voices" may disturb a conservative religious mindset, but is refreshing and believable at least to me. I want to think that Joan herself would recognize herself better in this movie than in other supposedly more historically exacting pictures. Should we ever meet her in the afterlife, in which she undoubtedly believed in, it will be interesting to know how she herself will judge all the stories told about her. Joan of Arc may not have been a saint, but her tragic and short life is as close as reality can get to a miracle. In that sense Besson's "The Messenger" tells her story in a masterful way. This is one of the best films I have seen, and one I have already enjoyed seeing several times. (Except for the horrible and terribly memorable violation scene in the beginning which I jump over every time...)
Rating:  Summary: The worst thing I've seen since "Alien Resurrection"! Review: An unusual movie, but ultimately an embarassing failure. Beautiful cinematography and costuming cannot rescue this false, bloated, at times ridiculous, reprise of the story of Jeanne d'Arc. The problems can be stated precisely: 1) Luc Besson. 2) Milla Jovovich. Besson's Jeanne is a bellowing lunatic and latter day feminist with a wicked right cross. She lounges in bed until midday then furiously berates her commanders for starting the battle without her. Similarly, her knights can be found sleeping late (in full armour!) on the battlefield with the English Army directly to their front. The English in their turn are mercilessly pilloried as a race of brutal proto nazis, well...OK. These are just a few of the film's more besetting problems. Besson's Jeanne comes across as not a maid, but a madwoman worthy of institutionalization, if not the stake. Likewise, Milla Jovovich's Jeanne is an insult to her memory. Alternately screaming, squeaking, pouting and hallucinating... It is difficult to imagine teenage boys following such a girl around a swimming pool, let alone hardened campaigners following her into battle. One finds one's self looking forward to her execution. Jeanne's story deserves much better treatment than she gets in this deplorable film.
Rating:  Summary: A compulsively watchable epic Review: "The Messenger" is a compulsively watchable and notable film, not only for its visual lavishness, but also for its approach: it takes a shop-worn period tale, and delivers it in a much more contemporary and modern pace. Instead of just saying, "This is a movie about a girl named Joan of Arc", it gives us interesting insight on the power of the conscience, psychology, and religion. Milla Jovovich is pretty good as the lead character, always boisterous and impulsive, but at the same time understandable. While the dialogue was a little drab (the audience is always one step ahead--we know what the characters are going to say), and the movie drags a little, it is more than made up for by the sheer epic feeling you feel when the camera takes you in the heat of those battles. The scenes where Joan is in interal conflict are disturbing and wrenching. Mostly, though, it's plain fun and entertainment.
Rating:  Summary: the BEST movie I have ever seen Review: Everyone here either seems to love this movie or hate it. I fall into the former category. Sure, all the history may not be accurate, but Luc Besson wasn't going for a historically correct version, it's been done before and it's available in countless history books. His version of Jeanne is more fictitous than any others and he was aiming for something different. Milla Jovovich and Vincent Cassell (my favorite actress and favorite actor) were both incredibly awesome in this movie and give great performences. Milla played Jeanne just right as no one has ever imagined before (besides, no one knows what she was actually like, anyone who did is now dead). Another thing is the battle scenes. They are superb and give a good example of what the battles might have been like. So if you enjoy movies that move you (not caring if the history is right or not) this movie is for you. I absolutely love it.
Rating:  Summary: Great screenplay. Review: The story itself is absolutely great. The actors are really magnificent. But the content wasn't as accurate as it could have, and should have been. That although wasn't enough to ruin this classic story. This is an epic film for everyone to enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: The Messenger Review: Am I missing something here? I have read much about Jeanne d'Arc, but never have seen any mention of her sister being raped. Was this was inserted into the film in order to add credence and certainly better box-office draw? A little something to spice up the movie and introduce the idea that Jeanne's visions were a result of this trauma and it drove her to vengeful behavior? According to informaton gathered at her trail: "Joan was 'like all the others' in her village until her thirteenth year. "When I was about thirteen, I received revelation from Our Lord by a voice which told me to be good and attend church often and that God would help me." She stated that her 'Voices' were Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint Catherine and Saint Margaret. At first her 'Voices' came to her two or three times a week but as the time for her mission drew near (five years later), they visited her daily telling her to 'Go into France' to raise the siege of Orleans, conduct the Dauphin Charles to Reims for his crowning and to drive the English from the land. " It would be sad if people walk away from the film with the idea that one of the reasons for Jeanne's passion was to avenge her sister. Especially if there is nothing historical to back the claim. Poor Jeanne! Claims of witchcraft, demonic possession, daring to wear men's clothing and now almost 600 years later, getting revenge for an imaginary assault. Do movies take the place of reading books? "This must be true." I can hear people say," I saw the movie".
Rating:  Summary: Just some trivia... Review: My complete review of this film is on my personal page and elsewhere here (I was one of the first to review it). Most of the other reviews carry all the opinions people have of this movie. Here's just some trivia: This is the second time John Malkovich has played a role in a costume drama previously played by Jose Ferrer. Mr. Ferrer played the Dauphin in "Joan of Arc" with Ingrid Bergman, and they both played an older Athos the Musketeer, Malkovich in "The Man in the Iron Mask" and Ferrer in "The 5th Musketeer."
Rating:  Summary: Luc Besson muckin' with interpretation Review: For the most part, this movie surprised me with how well it was done. The costumes and the battle scenes are well thought out and the storyline lends a not-so-subtle ambiguity to Joan's "holy quest". She is left wondering if God really has spoken to her. Did God tell her to drive the English out of France, or was it her desire for attention that drives her crusade? Fans of Luc Besson will like this film for its modern-day approach to a medieval story, and its oft-misunderstood protagonist. With that said, I think that some of the imagery goes way "over the top" for the period piece it is attempting to represent. I was left wishing that Joan's visions were shown with more subtlety and respect for the viewer. Overall, the story is interesting, but its exposition is heavy-handed. The featurette on the DVD explains the incredible amount of detail-oriented research that went into the film - research which is often undermined by blazing, colorful, thoroughly-modern hallucinations. I really wanted a good, cohesive story of Joan-of-Arc. With a little subtlety, this could have been a highly rewarding movie. There are still great themes to be had in this film, but you'll have to get past Besson's flair for exhibitionism if you want to explore them.
Rating:  Summary: Worst movie I've ever seen! Review: If it wasnt for the fact that I knew that Joan was gonna be burnt at the stake I wouldnt have made it through the movie! Well....thats not true, IOnce I start ANY movie, I cant stop watching till its over. Anyways, the acting in this movie was horrible, Joans character was so un-charismatic that I would have a hrad time believing that an Army of women would follow her to the mall, yet alone an army of men following her into battle!
Rating:  Summary: Don't buy! Unless you are a religious fanatics Review: I am a French historian from Canada and I am telling you, the story was more religious non-sense then the real story of Jeanne d'Arc, in the movie the Dolphin future King of France would have to be nuts to believe her! The scenario is bad, monotonous, boring! So unless your name is Pat Robertson and Pat Buchanan or if are a priest. Don't buy that ......