Rating:  Summary: Jojovich stands out in this seen-it-all-before movie. Review: It seems that Luc Besson is capable of reaching deep inside of this Milla Jojovich and bringing out a beautiful monster. Her portrayal of one of the least understood of our most famous icons is intense, and thoughtful - bringing the viewer full circle around the character of Joan of Arc.Unfortunately, Jojovich is the the only relief from what is a long and generously violent flick. There are a number of "spirtual" moments in the film which deal with her supposed communication with God. However, it is apparent that Besson has his predetermined notions as to whether Joan of Arc was indeed divine or disturbed and we are never really given the opportunity to consider the other. Unfortunately for Besson, this is the first movie to involve knights, castles, and battles since Braveheart(Gibson, 1995) which seems to have become the obvious comparison. Even the "revenge" story is not dissimilar enough from the Braveheart "righteous revenge" theme to encourage excitement about The Messenger. Even an "Obi-Wan Kenobi" style performance from Dustin Hoffman does not detract from the fact that by the time you have sat through The Messenger, you will really feel that you have seen it all before.
Rating:  Summary: Joan cast in an unpleasant light... Review: Joan Of Arc has always been a hero of mine. This film was painfully to watch...In fact, I almost stopped watching it very early into the film at the point of a particularly brutal rape scene (which, according to historical records, never happened). But I did finish watching the film, and although I don't agree with this portrayal of The Maid as a almost stark raving-mad lunatic, it does a very good job of presenting a different angle on what drove this brave girl to do what no one else could do. I happen to believe Joan was divinely inspired, not a self-deluded lunatic. I still believe it. But entertaining someone else's ideas and interpritations by watching this movie for a couple hours isn't that hard to do. The photography and costumes are beautiful, and the performances range from good to excellent. I'm glad I bought it, but the TV mini-series "Joan Of Arc" starring Leelee Sobieski was better, and more emotionally moving and satisfying.
Rating:  Summary: Good Hollywood...bad History? Review: Putting together some great actors and directors usually makes for good Hollywood. This movie was no different. While not impressing me like Braveheart did this film still did its job as entertainment. The action scenes kept my friends and I riveted, while the sub-plot did the same. However, this is where my thrill of the film ends. Another review stated something regarding changing the names and not basing it on history...if that was the case this would've been a 5 star film, but, alas it is not. Instead we are given many falsities about the life of a beautiful Saint. After doing reports on the subject in the past I was surprised to see the murder of Catherine at the beginning, because nowhere have I ever read that this took place, and the "facts" degraded from there. While it is really no ones place to judge whether or not Joan was crazy or truly a servant of God, this movie attempts to make it look like, in the end, everyone decided she was crazy. If the story had been done factually then the circumstances surrounding her visions should have been left ambiguous so that people could make their own decisions about her life. But, I guess we are supposed to just see this as Hollywood entertainment that happens to have real names in it. My suggestion is to check out some of the books on Amazon.com about the historicity of Joan of Arc, you'll be surprised when you compare it to what occurs in the movie.
Rating:  Summary: The best picture and sound Review: It was like a revelation. I never saw a better DVD from quality point of view before. I could see very tiny hair in the face of the actors. The 'dream scenes' and the battle scenes are nearly 3D. This is an excellent example of the capabilities of MPEG2 - and I saw many DVDs I was really disappointed (Artefacts, VHS quality etc.). But this one is absolutely excellent. The 5.1 sound experience is astounding and again Luc Besson surprises me completely - after 'The fifth element'. I can also confirm the excellent reviews about the movie - I didn't want to write another about the movie itself. It is fascinating and inspiring plus the excellent picture and sound quality. In my opinion: Five stars +
Rating:  Summary: MARTYRED ACTION ADVENTURE Review: Surely enough money was spent for Luc Besson to make THE MESSENGER that some authenticity could have been injected into dialogue. British and Brooklyn accents on some of the "French" characters was bad enough. But 20th century idioms in the 15th Century? Don't give me any of that "modern theater" baloney. The sets and costumes were from the 15th Century ... the dialogue and accents should have matched too. No? The action and special effects (and costumes) were elaborate and excellent. The acting was not consistent. In some scenes, Milla Jovovich was terrific. In others (usually battle scenes) , Jovovich lost control of her voice and it became screechy. Not dramatic screechy. Out of control screechy. What, they didn't buy enough film for a reshoot. Or is THAT the way Besson wanted it? John Malkovich, Faye Dunaway and Dustin Hoffman are great actors. They handed in great performances with what, I suppose, was neglected directing. Basically, the story line was quite good. In terms of "splendor" and action THE MESSENGER was a feast for the eyes. However, the subliminal sentimentality will have to carry this flick because its direction can't. I wished that I could love it, but I couldn't.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Movie! Review: For all of you who complain that Joan of Arc was portrayed as an insane, manical character, I beg to remind you- she was. There is ground to argue both sides, but I personally believe that she was insane (yes, I am a Christian). We picked this movie up to watch at a friend's house, and I was surprise how much I liked it. I was particularly surprise by how much it changed my mind about Joan of Arc. In the Messenger, Joan is a poor French peasent girl who, after witnessing her sister's murder and rape, holds a hatred for the English which she quenches in battle after she recieves a "vision from God" and becomes His Messenger. She faces hardships and trouble as she tries to win back France from the English, but her faith keeps her going, even when he King takes back the army he gave her. I was particulalry happy with the battle scenes. Not with the blood and death during the battle, but the fact that they did what I believe to be an excellent interperatation of Joan's reaction to the aftermath. I'm not sure how historically accurate this movie is because I never studied Joan of Arc all that carefully, but I found this to be an entertaining, enjoyable movie.
Rating:  Summary: Very Very Good Movie! Review: I love this movie because I think it is the best. The acting in this movie is very good and the plot of this movie is also very good. I like the HBO first look of Joan of Arc in the speacial features on this DVD. I liked Milla Jovovich in this movie because she did a great job of acting as Joan of Arc. I also liked Dustin Hoffman in this movie. I believe that Luc Besson did a great job of making this movie because I believe he is a great director on all of his movies. I've watched this movie once with my mom, and now I watch it all by myself. I liked the battle scenes in this movie and I sort of liked the trial scenes. This movie is one of Luc Besson's best movie. I think it is the best Joan of Arc movie ever.
Rating:  Summary: Who Was More Schizo: the Protagonist or the Screenwriter Review: I bought this in the vague hope of stumbling on one more underpublicized and underappreciated (in the US) French masterpiece such as Claude Berri's Queen Margot. Not quite! There are certainly aspects of brilliance here both in the cinematography and Mila Jovovich's performance, but there is a tremendous amount of anarchy and occasional apparent aimlessness in the plot. Of course the Joan of Arc story is well known, but many times, the director seemed to let things ramble on without good tie ins. It's a long film, but that shouldn't be a vice. Here it is, because long portions could be cut without harming the overall effect. Better yet, the themes could have been better established and linked and the character development focused better. Apart from the title character, everyone else was pretty much cardboard. What really offended me about The Messenger was the dialogue, which in many places is simply ludicrous. There is plenty of 90's colloquialism and plenty of medieval cliche, but very little authentic sounding conversation reflecting the status relationships between French nobility (and royalty) and peasants. At the same time, there are some cheap, Keystone coppish antics in which the ostensible army leaders bumble like the Three Stooges, while Joan takes some implausible action. In these respects, at least, The Messenger demonstrates that the Hollywood lowest common denominator can be at home on the Continent as well. This sort of triviality really disappoints me, as I think it did a lot to mediocratize another film which should have been very good, Mel Gibson's Patriot. All in all, what is frustrating is that this could also have been a very worthy effort, perhaps memorable, but fails because the whole was far less than the sum of the parts.
Rating:  Summary: Joan, Joan, Joan Review: Impetuous and deranged, Joan leads her countrymen into battle. If you love her, follow her. Milla Jovovich plays a desperate Joan, rarely serene. She's getting messages from beyond, and uses her divine guidance to defeat the invading enemy. And this sequence is pretty fun, though the images of medieval combat are a bit on the gory side. Though Jovovich's performance is fevered and exciting, she can't carry the introspective scenes quite as well. To make things worse, she is surrounded by great actors sleepwalking through minor roles, and her director insists on having showy metaphysical scenes that do very little to illuminate the protagonist's point of view. The finale is a little subdued, as well. Nevertheless, it's a fun film. It's not a bad way to spend 2.5 hours, and sometimes great actors are at their most fun when they're phoning in a part, like Dustin Hoffman as "The Conscience," whatever that is.
Rating:  Summary: Joan of Arc? NOT! Review: Anyone who has any true insight on St. Joan of Arc and the history of Christianity, will give this movie two thumbs DOWN as I have. First, Milla Jovovich was completely wrong for the role. How she portrayed St. Joan shocked me throughout the movie, in a very negative way. Who was this crazed girl pulling out her hair, and rushing with crazed eyes into battle? Very rarely did you see/hear her in prayer. How often did she communicate with the Lord? Did she even know the words, "Blessed Virgin Mary"? No, this was NOT a Saint being portrayed, but that of a lunatic with a blood lust, poisoned with hallucinations and mental problems. The largest surprise I found was the extreme lack of religious ANYTHING in this movie. Where are the crucifixes? The rosaries? The sign of the cross? Statues? Anything remotely ROMAN CATHOLIC? They are not in this movie, that's for sure. Everyone knows (or should know) that St. Joan was a ROMAN CATHOLIC, but you wouldn't know it from this movie. Those who know little to nothing about this Saint will probably enjoy this movie, for the action, carnage, actors, set design, costumes, etc., while others who know and love this Saint will reject it as another follywood fluff film trying to capture the success of the Joan of Arc 1999 made for TV movie directed by Christian Duguay. If you watch THAT movie, you'll see a more religious Joan, depicted by Leelee Sobieski. Granted, both movies have their faults...Take out the few scenes where Milla mentions God's name in vain, a few crosses, requests for confession, etc. (the minimal displays of religious devotion) and you have Full Metal Jacket with a female lead role. Devoid of Catholicism and any real insight to St. Joan of Arc, avoid this movie like the plague.