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Twin Peaks - Fire Walk with Me

Twin Peaks - Fire Walk with Me

List Price: $19.98
Your Price: $15.98
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Poor
Review: i really didn't like this movie because it jumped from one thing to the next. i couldn't understand it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Fits Very Well With Lynch's Current Mulholland Drive
Review: I never saw the television show of this same name and, therefore, never was able to compare the two. This is a very dark, dream saturated film, much like Lynch's present day "Mulholland Drive." You will discover the dark secrets in this town and one family just as you do in that film, unfolding in non-linear fragments, like a dream, until the reoccurring parts suddenly gel together in your head. He's working with the same big themes as he does in Mulholland Drive, with the added fillip & punch of incest, presented in the most imaginative way possible. This is an absolutely brilliant film and is by no means inferior to "Mulholland Drive." It is always interesting to me that no matter what year or decade Lynch films in, he always manages to find one actor who strongly reminds you of him.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: this presentation of the film is superb
Review: this movie has never looked better or sounded better. what more is there to say?

i do want to comment on the "documentary" that is included.
this is the most ludicrous thing i've ever seen. why it is even on the disc is beyond me. it looks like it was edited by 3rd graders on crack. it provides absolutely no insight into anything.. fire walk with me or otherwise. the only thing it serves to do is make fans of the film look ridiculous, and dress up the "extras" section.

the deleted scenes would have been nice, but there's no use in beating a dead horse.. or in this case.. already decomposed horse. it's the film that is important, and it looks and sounds great. so, if you like twin peaks, you have to own this dvd. there's no reason not to.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Great movie, terrible DVD....can anyone say - take two?
Review: For the first time in my buying DVDs I can finally say I want a new edition! (Usually, I buy a movie and get irritated, no matter what the special features are on the new one, because usually they have acceptable features on the first edition...)

First of all, my rating is for the DVD, the film alone is worth five stars. The movie is excellent (and it is suggested you watch the series first - starting with the pilot episode, of course), the acting surperb. Everything is fine. Laura Palmer meets her doom, setting up the series' "wrapped in plastic" story line center piece. However, there is one problem....

The DVD comes with this "original" documentary. Fine. After all, the documentary on the first season DVD was by far the best documentary I've seen in years - the complete "where are they now" thoughts, very realistic, very soothing....often touching. However, this documentary not only has the same rehash (literally, a lot is the same footage!) but also is edited very poorly. The first season DVD had sophisticated editing - spliced together where it should belong, giving us a montage of interviews - very artful. This time around - it is chopped together so rapidly, the viewer is unable to understand what the phrase the actor just said had to do with the film, or even what the segway, if any was supposed to be.....If it didn't have this documentary the DVD would be acceptable, but why taunt the audience with something that screams, "This is all you're going to get - yes I know it [stinks]; deal with it!" (Another negative point is at a certain part of the movie there is subtitles, which now that it's "remastered" there is no longer a need for them, and sadly so, in my opinion.)

A movie like this deserved so much better. Plain and simple. And that's not even going into the deleted scenes.....which are absent. Okay, maybe David Lynch doesn't want them included, I don't know. But usually they are not inserted into the film, and could at least give the viewer the chance to decide for themselves what should have or shouldn't have been included and the film and perhaps understand why some things were cut. But really, that's fine that the scenes are absent. I understand that. And after all, more importantly, this is a piece of art, and speaking as an artist, if I'm satisfied with my artwork (which I'm assuming David Lynch is), I wouldn't change it for anyone. So I can understand, no matter how much it furiates me. Besides, the deleted scenes are mostly of the cast of the series, most of who are absent in this film.....but the series was about Twin Peaks - the odd things happening there. Laura Palmer was the introduction - the reason to meet the rest of the town. With her alive, this film should really be about her, and the assembly cast would detract.

Now that I think about it, the only good thing, besides the movie, of course, is the trailer. Perhaps one of the most moving trailers ever (next to "Requiem for a Dream").

One last comment though, the DVD does feature chapter stops. No, it doesn't have scene selection - although your remote will come in handy....it's easy, just press the numbers on it!!! And the names of the chapters.....do they really matter in the first place? The chapters have numbers! So, to those people complaining - get over it. (The movie "Cube" didn't even come with a booklet inside, so hey, what's worse...?)

Basically, the movie is great. Enchanting and distrubing all at the same time. Truly a fine piece of art. The problem is the documentary doesn't show it. It's a total insult. Hopefully a new edition will be released (along with the pilot episode [although for now we have the import...] and season two....). Until then, we'll pay out the money if we're fans. After all, everyone wants their cup of "damn fine coffee"....just be warned....this time "there's a fish IN the perculator!"

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: AI NO BANDA!
Review: I agree with the other viewer. What is probably the best part of the movie has been changed. In the old mix subtitles helped the viewer to understand what people were sayng in the Canadian Bar scene but in this version they are useless. Dialogue is perfectly understandable and the music not so loud.
I Don't believe Lynch personally approved the sound remix since he is the sound designer of all his movies. I think he only supervised or approved the fantastic video transfer.
Maybe I am too perfectionist but...I will always watch this dvd playng the audio track from the old dolby surround Laserdisc (in perfect sync of course) This is the only reason for which I give this DVD 4 stars instead of 5. This movie is great!!!
Waiting for a new fixed edition...
This I thought, This I Wrote

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Nothing but the best Lynch work here!
Review: I have read a lot of people bashing this DVD because it does not have special features. Well the movie in itself is the best special feature of them all. I was happy to get the commentary from the actors that came along with the DVD. That made buying the DVD worth it to me itself! Who cares about the "special features" and deleted scenes that didn't make it to the DVD. This movie is a masterpiece! David Lynch is one of the greatest film directors of our time. He did the final cut on this film. That is what he had envisioned. I am not going to question that. The picture and sound are very good, although I could have done without the widescreen. Twin Peaks will be one of the greatest Movies and T.V. series ever made. Maybe these arrogant T.V. producers should figure this out and start making good stuff like T.P. again.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: We're not gonna talk about Judy
Review: O.K.

I adress the comments of the angry consumer below.

1. "There are no deleted scenes"

Old news. New Line Fine Line Old Line Dumb Line

2. "There are no Lynch intereviews"

Those in the know are aware the Lynch hates to discuss
his work, has never appeared in a traditional interview ,
and has not appeared on any of the Lynch discs released
thus far. In 1991, as the first season drew to a close,
the cast appeared on (I think it was) Donahue(?) Mark
Frost was the authority at this interview. Lynch did not
come. Incidentally, during the show, word came in that
they were picked up for a 2nd season. Frost had to run
to rewrite the season ending to launch it into the (oft
criticized) entirely underrated, brilliant 2nd season.

3. "There are no extras."

Yes there are. There's the crummy documentary.

4. "This DVD doesn't even come with chapter selections"

On the box for the DVD of Lynch's "Staight Story" he
states that he does not believe a film should be split into
chapters. A film is a continuos piece and should be
viewed that way. The FWWM disc has no chapter
titles, but it does have chapters that you can skip to
different parts of the movie with. The "Straight Story" disc
has only one chapter. If you turn off your DVD before the
last half hour of the film, you have to fast forward through
an hour and a half to get to where you left off.

4. "I assume a new DVD will make its way out soon."

Pipe dream.

My only complaint about this disc is the "Lynch-approved" re-mix. This is only in terms of the Canadian Bar scene. In the past the music was so loud you could barely hear what was being said. The subtitles were necessary to understand the words. This is exactly what being in a loud bar with a live band is like; one can barely hear the other people; even when shouting. I miss this great effect. It is one of my favorite sound gags in the history of film.

Oh well. It could be worse. And I would never deny myself this extraordinary, definitive transfer of this great film. And at the end of the day, that's all that matters. It is the film we are buying this disc for. Not the chapter stops. So, SILENCIO.


Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good Film, Bad Special Features
Review: It was nice to be able to see this movie again, and it looks fantastic on DVD. On second viewing, I am very impressed with Sheryl Lee's amazing performance as the doomed Laura Palmer - she nails down every last nuance of her character's tormented psyche. Also noteworthy is the great cinematography and the bold use of color. On the downside, the "documentary" which features interviews with cast members is abominable. The film is choppily edited and fast motion is used in one section, I suppose to create a "cool" and "hip" effect. The real effect is totally nauseating and the inteviews themselves are virtually devoid of content. Those involved in the making of this farce should seek employment elsewhere.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Very different from TV series
Review: Hi,

I fell in love with the TV series when it first came out. I was so sad when an episode ended and could hardly wait to see the next one.

I never saw this movie when it first came out, but decided to purchase it on dvd thinking that it would bring me back to the old TV series that I much enjoyed. Boy, was I ever suprised! this movie is very dark and disturbing...the atmosphere is very very different from the TV series.

I would advise anyone wanting to purchase the dvd to rent it first.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Twin Peaks & David Lynch are Extraordinary
Review: I am not going to sit here and tell you how incredible David Lynch and Twin Peaks are... We all know that - This review has nothing to do with Lynch or Twin Peaks... it has to do with this horrible DVD.

This is my least favorite DVD I own. I own every Lynch DVD to date - not to mention Polanski/Jackson/Clark/Korine blah blah blah.

I will be simple: There are no deleted scenes, there are no Lynch intereviews, there are no extras....except (this is the worst part folks), A half hour documentary including cast members of Twin Peaks. This is the worst, most insulting [stuff] I have ever seen. A first year film student would have received an incomplete on it. It was horribly edited - it made fun of everybody on the cast - it gave you NO information - the actors being interviewed were incredibly uncomfortable - and worst of all it was painfully pompous (pardon the alliteration). I believe that when David Lynch see's this (if he hasn't already), he will be deeply offended - and fight to pull it...

This ... DVD doesn't even come with chapter selection...

I assume a new DVD will make its way out soon - this one is just too embaressing...

Don't buy this unless you wanted to show the movie to someone who just hasn't seen it... Otherwise a waste of money.

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