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Twin Peaks - Fire Walk with Me

Twin Peaks - Fire Walk with Me

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 3 stars
Review: Twin Peaks has legions of fans, myself included. The TV series was and still is one of the greatest and most original undertakings ever presented. Hidden messages and symbolism pervade this journey into what some have called the most cryptic TV show ever made. The film TP: Fire Walk With Me is a far different story. A supposed prequel, it is in fact also a sequel of sorts that never resolves the real cliffhangers that are still hanging since the show abruptly ended in June of 1991. The first 20 minutes of this film is an interesting attempt to give some backstory to the Theresa Bank murder, but unfortunately goes on way too long, and with supporting characters that got on my nerves after five minutes. Once we get to the town of Twin Peaks, we find that it looks nothing like it did in the TV series, which was one of its greatest virtues. Sadly, some of the best characters from the series are not in this film, such as Audrey Horne, Sherriff Truman, Lucy, and Ben Horne. In addition, some of the supporting characters who do show up are given little more than cameo roles. As for the story, any film that purports itself to be a prequel to a TV series should be understood without having to see the material from which it was spawned. If you did not watch Twin Peaks the series, you will have a diffcult time comprehending what's going on here. Supposedly, the rough cut of this film was close to four hours, which is evident by the editing, which chops off scenes and joins conversations that obviously had already started. Having said all that, I would give an oscar nomination to Sheryl Lee, who's performance in this film as Laura Palmer is a tour-de-force for this actress, who unfortunately, hasn't since gotten a role that comes anywhere close to allowing her to display the talents seen here. Ray Wise as Laura's father Leland is also tremendous in this role, truly scaring the hell out of the viewer. Now we come to the unforgivable sin: What the hell was Lynch thinking when he decided to put David Bowie in this movie? Mr. Bowie is only in the film for 10 minutes but still manages to stink up the set every chance he gets. He simply doesn't belong here. We do get to see Laura go to heaven, but what about Dale Cooper? The most important character in Twin Peaks, his fate is never resolved, and most fans wanted that above all else. Angelo Badalamenti's score is, as usual, one of the stars of this film, and adding Julee Cruise for a song at the roadhouse was another beautiful moment in this film. I only wish that the missing footage would somehow be available, or that the fate of Cooper could someday be resolved. My suggestion?. Let the final chapter of Twin Peaks be concluded on the X-Files, with Scully and Mulder the ones who ultimately find the Black Lodge and Dale Cooper.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: An abstruse and sinister delve into the darkside
Review: This feature prequel to the series begins with a funny scene involving three FBI agents (one played by the director Lynch) and a strange dancing lady who uses some weird sign language. Then it becomes apparent that this film is going to be abstruse. Soon after this the other two FBI agents disappear inexplicably, and then we are intoduced to the central figure Laura Palmer (played well by Sheryl Lee) who we find has a dark side, which includes taking cocaine and prostitution. She is also troubled by visions of a demonic figure.

Some of the other sequences involve a strange little man, a one armed man, and a bizarre brief cameo from David Bowie; that surreal scene being the best one in the film. It is difficult to explain the purpose of these characters, but that is where the film suceeds with its stylish and surreal aberrations; another example being a scene in a bar where we can't hear the characters speak, and the film is slowed down with strobe lighting effects added. It concludes with seemingly a theme of salvation. It is a very stylish and surreal film.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: FIRE!
Review: FIGHT FOR THE DELETED SCENES! In March of 2000, New Line DVD approached David Lynch and asked him if he would be willing to allow the release of some of these deleted scenes to be included with their upcoming Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me DVD. David Lynch gave the thumbs up, but only to add these scenes as a supplement at the end of the disc. Mr. Lynch also personally hand picked the scenes that he wished to be released with this DVD. Now at this time, it has been reported that New Line is currently in negotiations with Ciby 2000 to acquire the rights to add these scenes to their DVD release. However, in November of 1998, Lynch sued Ciby 2000 for breach of contract and won a 6.5 million dollar settlement. At this years Twin Peask Festival, it was revealed that Ciby in fact is asking way too high of a price for these deleted scenes. (Almost as much as it would cost to buy the rights to FWWM TWICE !) This may dissuade New Line from purchasing these scenes. What we are trying to do is let New Line know in massive, MASSIVE numbers how much we would like to have these scenes included on this DVD, and that if they would purchase the rights to these scenes, that we would be willing to pay extra to help defray costs. We are hoping that if we can get enough people to politely write or email New Line and let them know how important the inclusion of these scenes would be, they will do what it takes to bring these deleted scenes to us on their upcoming DVD. At this point, New Line will not confirm whether or not this DVD will include these scenes. They have confirmed, however that the disc will be out in the fourth quarter of 2000. (Hopefully a December 19th planned release date) Although they have yet to make any announcement on their website. Time is Running Out ! This is Probably THE Last Chance That We Will Ever Have to See Anything "New" From the World of Twin Peaks. We are urging you to write to New Line and let them know that you want to see the Deleted Scenes to Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me ! You can email New Line at dvdteam@newline.com

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: When's it coming?
Review: I was preparing to go back to college when I discovered Twin Peaks; I remembered my mom and others being obsessed with the program when it was first on (I was ten and wasn't even allowed to watch). I had some time to kill, and I love David Lynch's work, and so I rented the series pilot. I was so intrigued that I rented the whole series and subsequently "Fire Walk With Me." It was easily some of the more interesting hours of television and film I've ever seen.

David Lynch is a brilliant man, but his projects have been hit-and-miss affairs. He is incredibly ambitious and creative, which has gotten him into trouble when he's taken on too much ("Dune" is the perfect example). On the other hand, Lynch can produce works so vast and intriguing and admirable that they can only be classified as the highest form of art ("Blue Velvet" remains his masterpiece). I'm still amazed with what David Lynch did to television-- the only contemporary series that rivals "Twin Peaks" in narrative and creative brilliance is "The Sopranos." That said, rent the series before you watch this movie.

"Fire Walk With Me" was another artistic risk on Lynch's part, and unless you're familiar with the characters and events of the series don't waste your time. But if you're a fan, this movie is a vital part of the canon. It focuses on the weird characters, the mysteries, and the darkness that made "Twin Peaks" oddly fascinating and inspired the cult following it still maintains. Most of all, it focuses on Laura Palmer, the series' most famous character who we never really got to know. She is here-- the all-American girl who is secretly consumed by suffering, the "good" girl all too familiar with evil. And of course there are the spirits and demons-- Bob, the Midget, and the other inhabitants of the Black Lodge, whose presences only fuel the mysteries they created.

I hope David Lynch and the studio realize that there are still people discovering this world, and that his achievement will continue to be admired by those who seek intelligent and provocative entertaiment. When this DVD is released, I hope it is everything these fans have been waiting for. And I hope it answers one or two questions-- at least partially.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: the truth
Review: everything a real fan of twin peaks loves. for those who don't love twin peaks and david lynch you probably wouldn't understand.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: And sometimes her arms bend back!
Review: I highly reccomend watching the series of tapes before watching fire walk with me but I guess it doesn't really matter,fire walk with me basically sums up like 30 hours of David Lynches work into a quick 2 hour movie:( I love Fire walk with me and I actually watched it before the series and thats what got me into the whole series,either way you can't go wrong with Lynch!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: David Lynch is the greatest director of all time.
Review: This movie is great, when I first saw it, I thought it was pretty scary, but when it ended I said, "that is my favorite movie of all time." David Lynch did a great job directing this, I am a big David Lynch fan and I think this is his best movie. The acting is also great, Lee does an amazing job as Laura Palmer. I think it is a good idea to see the series before you see the movie, you may or may not be confused, but the bottom line is, it is a great movie.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Just like my town, only without the industrial waste.
Review: I have never seen the TV series as I was only learning to talk when it came to our screens. I watched the movie after an excellent reveiw in the Encylopedia of Fantasy and I was very impressed. When people say fantasy movie, you expect deriative Tolkien material, but this one breaks the mold. The victims of BOB are not passive pawns, they are real people, they react and resnt BOB and are ultimately powerless. The agonizing collapse of Laura's world is made more poignant by the fact that we get glimpses of the girl Laura might have been and the town she might have inhabited in a better time and place. We see two sides of the love with her father- the affection that is not entirely gone and the pain because of what BOB is doing to them. Laura's act of sacrifice to prevent herself from becoming BOB and her love for her best friend and boyfriend are sad to a heart-wrenching degree. Twin Peaks is a universe in itself-a pretty little town rotting from inside because of its drugs and lies. The confusion of the town and of Laura are reflected in the film itself which confuses first time, but is ultimately a rewarding experience when viewed again. The end is moving with Laura being kept safe from BOB in death, being reunited with her dead baby and inally knowing peace, yet crying at the waste of her life.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A Good Movie
Review: If you have ever looked through the reviews of the TWIN PEAKS TV series on the Amazon site,you'll see my glowing review of what I feel is THE BEST PIECE OF AMERICAN POP CULTURE EVER MADE.

In no way did I expect the MOVIE to be as good, and it wasn't even close, but that doesn't mean it wasn't great LYNCH fare.

I own a copy of the book "THE SECRET DIARY OF LAURA PALMER" from which some of the movie was based, it is VERY,VERY good and a startling insight into the life of Laura Palmer.

The movie is good,not great, but has some very memorable scenes and features a truly amazing and underrated performance from SHERYL LEE as Laura in what had to be a very tough role to play emotionally.

The scenes in the bar, the traffic jam and the diner are very LYNCHIAN and impressive. I also really enjoyed CHRIS ISAAK and KIEFER SUTHERLAND, and the scene with DAVID BOWIE was so PEAKISH and GREAT.

This is definitely not a bad film, it's quite good,especially for Peak's fans, of which there is no bigger one than me anywhere.

If you never saw the series, what the hell are you waiting for? Watch the series first, then the movie and you will like the movie, otherwise most people will be lost.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: nobody does corpse like sheryl lee
Review: i enjoyed sheryl lee's tv portrayal of a dead laura palmer. in the series, the rare trips back to a living laura palmer were pleasant, and her screen time as maddie ferguson was mercifully short. however, a living, starring laura palmer played by sheryl lee conjures up a unique mix of amusement and disgust for those with a moderate disbelief suspension threshold. it's as if we're plunged into the achingly earnest attempt of an aspiring actress to please her coach at a workshop. there are people who think what she did was sublime; i'm not buying it, and i'm about as stalwart a lynch/peaks fan as you'll find.

sheryl lee does normal and lighthearted well. it's when she goes into the intensely sad, desperate, or scared that all i can see is a crowd of people behind the camera egging on a pathetic performance which is only mirrored in real life by those who imitate pathetic film performances. "annnnnd...ACTion!"

anyway, i will buy this on dvd in a heartbeat when it's released, and i will cringe whenever sheryl lee does her extreme schtick. i would buy this dvd just to see lil for the brief time she's on the screen. i would buy it just for chris isaak and kiefer sutherland. i would buy it just for gordon cole (what i wouldn't give for an entire series starring gordon cole and lil).

there are many reasons to see this film, it's just that those reasons are often interrupted by sheryl lee. her supreme career moment was probably just prior to laura's funeral in the series when she continued to play dead like a pro even when albert roserfeld was sent sprawling onto her. what technique.

("r-o-s-e-n, f-i-e-l-d.")

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