Rating:  Summary: Look Closer Review: In my opinion, American Beauty is one of the greatest films ever made. It's got everything...great acting, a terrific plot (some say it's contrived, but I say that's ridiculous), fantastic cinematography, and fabulous symbolisms throughout. Kevin Spacey turns in his best performance yet (in my opinion) as Lester, the "middle aged, can't stand my boring corporate job, there's got to be more to life than this, my wife is a money-grubbing freak" man that will try anything to break free from his monotonous lifestyle. The movie functions around the phrase "Look Closer." In fact a sign with that phrase is posted on Lester's cubicle wall at work. The premise behind this phrase is that from the outside, everyone appears to be normal, but it's not until you see life from a much closer point of view when you find that everyone has their own quirks and idiosyncratic shortcomings that make life out to be very challenging. There are so many memorable quotes from this film. These quotes will stick in your head for days and you will crave a second and even third viewing of this movie. Sam Mendes' big screen directing debut is nothing short of phenomenal and judging by "Road to Perdition", his future work will no doubt be great.
Rating:  Summary: Kevin Spacey has never been better Review: American Beauty is a great movie that shows that suburban life might not be everything its made out to be. Lester Burnham is middle-aged man going through his mid-life crisis. He is stuck in a job that he hates, an obsessive compulsive wife, his daughter hates him, and so many more little things. Then at a high school basketball game when he is supposed to be watching his daughter, Lester sees Angela, a cheerleader, and instantly becomes infatuated with her. This is just one of many things that changes Lester's life around. He begins working out, smoking marijuana, blackmails his boss, buys a fancy sports car, and begins working at a fast food joint. There are also several other storylines about the supporting cast which are also very good. American Beauty is an excellent movie that fully deserved all the awards it won. Great story and impressive cast. Kevin Spacey is great as Lester Burnham, a man going through his midlife crisis. He is fully believable in his role and deserved the Oscar. Annette Benning is equally as good as his wife, Caroline, who is more worried about possessions than just enjoying life. Thora Birch plays Lester's daughter, Jane, who struggles through her teenage years. The very impressive supporting cast includes Mena Suvari, Wes Bentley, Chris Cooper, Peter Gallagher, and Allison Janney. The movie would have been good with just Lester's story, but it is a great movie with all of the excellent supporting characters. The Awards Edition DVD includes director commentary, production notes, theatrical trailer, making of featurette, and widescreen presentation. For a great movie with excellent characters, check out American Beauty!
Rating:  Summary: Nice film, but over-hyped. Review: This was an interesting, but not spectacular film from 1999. Watching it again recently, I noticed how dull it was to watch - particularly the long drawn out scenes with the neighbour's son and Spacey's daughter. Is American Beauty really as good as you may have heard? Unfortunately not. The hype that surrounded this film in 1999 made people go and see it. There was also considerable hype surrounding Anette Bening's performance. Let's just say her performance was okay, nothing spectacular. American Beauty is a good, but over-rated film.
Rating:  Summary: America, Right Under Our Noses Review: "American Beauty" is a truly rare film, in my opinion. But not in the way that most reviewers will tell you. I could certainly mention the awards it has won, its delicate play of satire, etc. But it is rare to me because it is one of the few films I can watch over and over and never tire. The cast is alive in this film, the emotions are real, and it's all in your face. The chemistry that is created on-screen in this film is unparalleled in recent years. It definitely has the feel of a play, where the cast is not separated from each other. It's quite likely that Sam Mendes brought this attribute from his stage experience and introduced it to the film. I can only say that it works marvelously. Kevin Spacey is brilliant and Annette Bening manages to create sympathy for a character to whom I truly did not want to become attached. A dear friend of mine is disturbed by the "perverse" sexual content in the film. I can only say that this film is dealing with that perversity and finding that it is, perhaps, more natural and less perverse than we may think. In the very least, it is an aspect of our lives that is right under our noses whether or not we are aware of it. This film manages to present America, in all of its faults and failures. And yet out of those faults, life as we know it emerges. And life is a wonderful thing, any way you slice it. With great directing, a truly memorable cast, and a stirring soundtrack, "American Beauty" promises to be a film that I will continue to watch many years to come. The DVD translates the film beautifully, and the special features are definitely worth a look.
Rating:  Summary: This movie is a cinematic masterpiece Review: American Beauty is one of the few movies from the nineties that I would consider to be a classic. It is a movie that will be watched 20, 30, 40 years down the road. Not only is it's story of self discovery, freedom, and shucking of stereotyped societal roles amazingly well done by a crew of actors that defies reason, but the cinematography, lighting, and directing are all above reproach. When you think that this is Alan Ball's first cinema script, and that it is Sam Mendes' movie directorial debut, one can only imagine their future. Wes Bentley (Ricky Fitts) is another new comer whose future can only be described as bright. Combine that with the proven acting genius of Kevin Spacey and Annette Bening, and you have an amazing cinematic journey into the dream life of every Tom, Dick, and Harry
Rating:  Summary: Amazing movie Review: Any one who bashes this movie and says you have to have no IQ to enjoy this.....you are the ones with no IQ! This is a great movie and you knpw it, you're just too stupid to understand it thats why you hate it and have given it 1 star! And for other people who have said that the word DARK comedy means it failed...how wrong could you be? Dark comedy means that it is not supposed to be funny and only funny it menas its supposed to be funny and touch on facts not many people dare to go. SO before you throw around phrases like Dark comedy means it failed...um think about what your saying. This is a great movie. Look at McDougal reviews on this moive and other movies he's written on. Even though he's only 15 he is still smarter than most of you adults out there who are trashing this movie for no reason so keep your lame opinions to yourself....
Rating:  Summary: It's really really good! Review: Really. It's good! Quite a good movie. it's full of good qualities that belie (?) the fact that it's quite good. It's goodness is similar to that of a finely cut diamond - in a good way. As it's tiny facets sparkle their goodness along the full spectrum of good and beautiful colors from the good part of the filmaker's palate.. Carefully crafted goodness. Cleverly designed and good-acted. The gist here is that I saw it a while ago and I don't quite have the will to gather my energies to the fore and put forth a real review. But it's still a good movie. You should have a look at it.
Rating:  Summary: great movie Review: This is a great movie. Every actor is awesome. The only disappointment is the ending.
Rating:  Summary: Look closer... Review: Behind every set of eyes there is someone who you only thought you knew. Behind closed doors on tidy suburban streets life takes place in ways less perfect than we wish it really was. Yet... there IS so much beauty in the world - if only we have the eyes to see it. Lester, you DO rule!
Rating:  Summary: Dysfunctional America Review: Wow... this film which I just finished watching, made quit a big impact on me. As one other reviewer had quoted in this list, he expected another typical hollywood run of the mill film, but this is far from that. No this film addresses so many issues, on so many different levels, and so many different important topics. The characters in it are all very engaging, and emotionally involving, that its hard not to get lost in the film. While watching the film, I couldn't help but wonder where exactly I was being led, but as the plot unfolds, you are more than abundantly made aware of what exactly dysfunctional family life in america is all about today. The thing is though, if this film was just about a candid camera type view into a dysfunctional family, as in such a movie as "Ordinary People", it could be dismissed as just another psychological melodrama, but it is much more than that. It is about these very peoples survival skils and how they cope with situation of waking up to the fact that the American Dream did not work out for them. Although Lester is the key character that the drama unfolds around, I personally found the guy next door filming everything (the soldiers son), the one I personally identified with the most. He is the one who shows his films to Jane, to explain to her what true beauty is. At that point, there is a turning point in the film, as Jane who epitomized ugliness and self rejection to me, begins to wake up to her own beauty and self worth. Poor Lester though, he is the hero in the film, the survivor who triumphs, but doesnt live long enough to fully enjoy the beauty he discovered late in life. If none of this makes sense what I am saying here, SEE THE FILM, then will understand what I am talking about. Yep, there is every kind of topic dealt with in this film, from sexuality, to drugs, to failing marriage, on and on. wow, all I can say is.. amazing job Kevin Spacey.. Kudos to you on such great acting.