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Bowling for Columbine

Bowling for Columbine

List Price: $14.95
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: 10 Stars!
Review: I saw the movie 24 hours ago. It's an eye-opening, witty, fearless piece of work that is LONG overdue. All I have to say is: It's about time somebody stood up and said something about the fear campaign media overdose in America. Michael does a great job at plainly, brilliantly stating the truth about the government, guns, and fear in America.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Same flaws as Stupid White Men
Review: From the moment I read Stupid White Men I knew that Michael Moore was a writer/director who appealed to the demographic which wants to be progressive but cannot stand being unpatriotic (liberals) and at the time I assumed that because of this he would also fail to point out, when talking about America's international relations, U.S. aggressions and foreign interventions. But I was very impressed when I was watching this DVD in a sociology class and there was a video-listing of American interventions played to the tune of Louis Armstrong. Of course there are people who do not even remember seeing this part of the movie, being more focused on the aspects of American life which are depicted that everyone is pretty clear on, but I was very happy that he listed them. I also saw in this movie a side to Marilyn Manson that I would not have thought existed, he seemed to know so much about what was going on in Yugoslavia and was speaking politically when being interviewed by Moore, I knew that he was smart but I did not know that he paid attention to international affairs.

I give this movie three stars for showing and saying things (American interventions and criticizing the bombing of Yugoslavia) which simply do not make it into mainstream America's world-view. But I do not think that I could go up to five stars because the time dedicated to these very important events was minimized. In the case of the interventions he did not even discuss them himself, which would have made a much stronger point. The other star is deducted because he focused more on detailing the obvious rather than giving information on things that a fraction of America's population would have known.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Incredible!!!
Review: This movie will open your eyes. You owe it to yourself to watch this movie. Especially if you live in America. If you love this country enough to try fix the problems of this nation rather than turn your head and pretend they don't exist then watch this movie. And for more shocking revelations, watch the "Awful Truth." This show (aired in the late 90's - out on DVD) is incredibly informative and (like most things Michael Moore does) incredibly funny!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Ignore the review '1 star if i they'd let me' by me
Review: to the review called'1 star if i they'd let me' by me,
in case you didnt realise germany may have a fraction of america's population but the fraction isnt 1/3000. and if its anything to do with your laws of self-defense then thats a legal problem of your own.
Bowling for columbine is a great movie that exposes the truth about the horrors of a country

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: 0 stars if it would let me...
Review: Michael Moore is completely full of crap in this film. Watch closely Charlton Heston's speech in Denver given ten days after the columbine shooting. Moore shows heston speaking, cuts to some other scenes, and then back to Heston. If you pay attention, Heston has two DIFFERENT shirts on during his speech. Moore combined a part of Heston's Denver speech (leaving out large chunks) with one given a year later in Charlotte, NC ("cold dead hands"). Furthermore, the NRA and groups like it are required by law to hold annual meetings. The NRA could not have canceled that meeting even if they wanted to. This, among many other things is why Moore should be ashamed of himself. Moore also gives statistics about the number of people murdered by handguns each year (the US being the highest). He fails to mention that the US has 285 million people living here. Naturally, our homicide rate would be higher. Plus, he uses numbers given out by the CDC which include self-defense shootings, and police shootings, both protected under US law.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Thought provoking
Review: While Moore does asks the question why are Americans so gun crazy, he also looks at some other issues that are just as important. Why is our society so violent and what made the two boys at Columbine do what they did. Regardless of which side you are on, this should be viewed by everyone to try and understand what can be done in our society to decrease assualts and murders. It is a fact that America has many times more violent assualts and gun murders than any of the Western Democracies, in total and per capita. And Mooore asks the question again and again, what make us so violent.

The documentary succeeds in that it makes you think about this question and puts a human face on the victims. It shows you things that you usually don't everyday, what was done to these peoples lives and how they will have to live with it for the rest of their lives.

A truly sobering documentary that will hopefully start a dialogue in this country to try answer some very complex and divisive problems.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I've lost all respect for Dick Clark
Review: After watching this video something I've always suspected and heard whispered over the years came to the light-that is that Dick Clark is one nasty money grubbing guy who fakes and pretends to be Mr.Nice Guy on television. Watch how uncaring and hateful he is when Michael Moore approaches him in the van about a girl earning slave wages at one of his restaurants. I will never think of Dick Clark in the same way again for as long as I live. Thanks Michael for exposing the real Dick Clark and the real Charley Heston.And Canada seems to be heaven compared to the United States-I'm moving there next year.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Documentary?
Review: doc·u·men·ta·ry     P   Pronunciation Key  (dky-mnt-r)
Consisting of, concerning, or based on documents.

Presenting facts objectively without editorializing or inserting fictional matter, as in a book or film.

Entertaining movie. Great wit. But Moore, and those who voted him the Oscar need to go back to the dictionary and see what a documentary truly is. This is Moore's story - not a documentary.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: If only the government had all the guns...
Review: Mr. Moore's depressing documentary shows his extreme anti-gun philosophy while feigning humility. Although the incidents covered are tragic, the root causes of these problems are not exposed. The NRA is ultimately blamed, but the significance of this connection is marginal.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: I heard a lot of comments about this documentary, both positive and negative. Most of the negative, from conservatives turned out of be inaccurate and in some cases, total bunk. I'm not saying this is 100% factually correct. What documentary, or book ever is? Moore deserves credit for standing up and asking the tough questions. Why did Eric Harris is Dylan Kliebold go crazy and kill 12 of their classmates and one teacher? Why does America have a higher murder rate than any developed country in the world? Why does fear and consumption dominate out society? Maybe I'm a little fed up with the lies of the right that I find any intelligent voice on the left refreshing.

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