Rating:  Summary: Is There Such A Thing As "True Horror"?. Review: This is a very enjoyable and entertaining project. As you probably know by now, it contains various scenes from a whole bunch of horror films. All of your favorites are there. Classic baddies like Freddy, Jason, Michael, Chucky, and a slew of others are there for your horiffic pleasure. The negative things about this film is that there are some questionable choices for clips from some of the films. A typical horror fan could've done a better job picking some of the clips. There's also a few films in here that make you wonder why they were included. Does the sight of Corbin Bernsen as the Dentist scare you?. I didn't think so. But, that brings us to a different issue. What really is horror?. Is it just one thing?. Is it supposed to be just one type of horror?. Can it be anything?. Horror is whatever you want it to be. Doesn't mean your gonna be right. Go out and ask a bunch of people what horror is and your likely to get a number of different answers. Is it straight forward bloody, violent, savage type films like "The Last On The House", "I Spit On Your Grave", or others?. Is it suspense horror like "Jaws" or "The Silence Of The Lambs"?. Is it relatively goreless suspensers like "Psycho" or "Halloween"?. Is the "Scream" series horror?. The answer to all above is a resounding "Yes". It's all those things. It's not one thing. Never has. It can be more of a psychological character study, or it can be a maniac sawing people's faces off, using their eyeballs for earrings, and stapling them to trees. There's no right or wrong here. Some diehard gorehounds refuse to acknowledge anything that doesn't feature human bowels falling out or nutcases eating people's innards. They say that's 'proper' horror. Please. That's no more 'proper' horror than saying polka is 'proper' music. Horror is different things to all different people for different reasons. This collection of horror is a testament to all of the different and varying levels of horror that the genre has. There is something here for all types of horror fans. As I get older, I don't care about gore anymore. I could care less about how high the body count is. It just has to be fun. Entertaining. If it's actually good and smart and well done, hey, even better. I care more about the set up. The build up. The suspense. It all serves a purpose to someone. I know some fans are very hard nosed when it comes to what's horror and what's not, and that's fine. They just need to know that there's more to it. There's more going on. It shouldn't necessarily be mocked or dismissed. The most laughable thing is when someone calls themself a "True Horror Fan" and goes on to boast their certain taste and bash others. People, there is no such thing as a "True Horror Fan". Such a person does not exist. Nor does "True Horror". They are only entertaining and satisfying themselves. Just realize that horror is all kinds of things. If you can't, then you really don't know all the things the genre can bring. You are totally missing out!. It's your loss. From "Dracula" to "Halloween" to "Psycho" to "Friday The 13th" to "Scream" to "I Know What You Did Last Summer" to "Texas Chainsaw Massacre", it's all horror. The walls that some buffs/gorehounds put up to seperate certain styles of horror only damages the genre. It hurts it. The horrible segregation they create is like poison. So, in the end, this is a pleasant companion piece. Horror legend Robert Englund provides commentary. Who better?. The guy has the perfect voice for it. Enjoy and have a good time.
Rating:  Summary: Michael Myers shall live & kill for ever! Review: Great movie!!! Surround system is a plus. I really didn't like it at first but after a few times of watching it, I started to actually enjoy it a whole lot more. Besides, Michael Myers is my hero.I want him in my unit.
Rating:  Summary: Weak yet entertaining Review: Although Boogeymen features clips from 17 great horror films, I found the particular clips to be rather weak. I've seen about 2/3 of the films featured and while watching, I could think of scarier scenes, especially from Nightmare On Elm Street. However, I also found the compilation to be entertaining and after viewing it, I wanted to go out and rent the films that were featured, but I never saw. I've only seen the VHS, but hope to soon see the DVD--I'm sure the added commentary will make up for the weak clips. If you haven't seen it, I do recommend it, only if you're ready to see weak clips from great movies. In the meantime, however, flixmix.com, the movie's site, has some neat stuff on there to look at, including horror trivia.
Rating:  Summary: It put me to sleep!! Review: I should have bought this [junk] used and you should too, that's if you can find it for a cheaper price.It was okay, but not worth the price it's selling for...
Rating:  Summary: where have all the heroes gone? Review: Yeeeech. Very, very disapointing. Boogymen, the killer compiliation. Well yippy. we have the usual suspects (jason, freddy yadada.) but it seems this was a popularity contest for teenage girls.Where is the real horror? Come on..the fisherman? And that stupid leprechaun? i have had the unfortunate experience of seeing all the movies in that series including "Leprechaun in the hood". Hack! Who cares if we have heard of the killers. Put in the best. That means Belial from Basketcase, One of those things from the "deadly spawn". Anything but that bonehead from Texas chainsaw massacre (the most overated horror film ever). Oh well, what did i expect from an era that thinks 'urban legend' and 'I know what you did last summer' are horror films. This dvd is one big shlock list of wuss killers. Its the britney spears of compilations. For a really good compilation of horror, i recommend "terror on tape", a very rare but special tape that i can only hope comes to dvd some year. On that one, when they say "only the good stuff' they mean it. Boogymen was a major letdown. And its only an hour long! tripe!
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Review: This movie was given to me for Christmas. Some of the scenes they picked were a little weak but I loved the trailers at the end & seeing all the different characters. Recommended for any horror fan.
Rating:  Summary: THE VERY BEST OF HORROR Review: I just bought this DVD today and what can I say it was awesome. You get scenes from Hellraiser, A Nightmare On Elm Street, Wishmaster, Texas Chainsaw Masacare, Scream, Leprechaun, Childs Play 2, Candyman, The Ugly, I know What You Did Last Summer, The Guardian, The Dentist, Phantasm, Puppetmaster, Psycho, Jason part 9, Halloween, and a hidden Jack Frost 2 scene! The scenes seem short but when you watch them with the commentary by Robert Englund and the animated trivia they seem to go on for hours. The name the frame game is easy but still very fun, and the menus are easy to use. The color and picture are very clear and so is the sound. The charector bios are pretty long and very deatailed which means it gives a pretty good summary of there origins. To find the hidden Jack Frost two scene go to the special features menu and then to the Flix Mix recomends, and ounce your there push the right arrow button on you (DVD) remote and an icon saying Jack Frost 2 will appear. Ounce this happens hit enter and the hidden scen will play. The only thing I dont like about this film is it doesnt have the trailers of all the movies in it, But I still highly recomend this DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Caveat Emptor Review: Mediocre at best!! In addition to having clips from films no one in the Western Hemisphere has heard of, the choice of chosen clips and editing of same is arguably questionable as far as the 'slasher' genre rules apply. Barely worth the money...
Rating:  Summary: Could have been good Review: First off, before you read this review, realize it is a review of the VHS edition. I don't have a DVD player, therefore, I have never "experienced" the DVD. I'm just reviewing the VHS part.Boogeymen was a good idea. Gather together some of the best clips from classic horror movies and put them all together for the first time. Some of the clips are classic, and the best from their series (Halloween, Hellraiser, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Nightmare on Elm Street) but there are far too many un-scary clips from good series. Most noteably, the clip from Jason Goes To Hell. I'm sorry, but you could pick a better Jason moment than the opening to Jason Goes To Hell (The sleeping bag scene from Pt. 7 would suffice). Plus there are far too many UN-scary moments from UN-scary movies such as Scream, Wishmaster and the godawful antichrist of horror, I Know What You Did Last Summer. There were a few interesting clips from movies I have never seen before -- The Ugly and The Guardian, but overall, this video lacks anything exciting. I found myself very bored with it by the second viewing. The trailers at the end are pointless, and not all of the movies' trailers are even there! I plan on selling this tape and re-buying it when I get a DVD player, because I am sure it is much better. But whoever put this collection together has NO idea what horror/suspense really is.
Rating:  Summary: not at all what I expected but ok. Review: Not very bad, but nothing special about it. Not that many trailers, and the movie scenes are very fast. It is definetly worht a look, but I wouldn't recomend buying it here.